55th Year COLBORNE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1921 $2.00 a Year in Advance CRAMAHE COUNCIL ings. By order of the Reeve, a special meeting of the Council was called for the purpose of passing estimates, and a by-law covering the same, to secure to the Township the grant available under the Highway Act. The meeting was called to order at C.30 p.m. Members all present. The necessary notices and resolutions were disposed of giving author-i th* by-la* ttli m for the Township roads under the Highway sari' 'readings, signed, sealed, and numbered 750. The meeting then adjourned. A. E. Jones, Clerk. Cramahe Council Proceedings Castleton, Dec. 31st., 1920. Council called to order. Mr. Quinn, Reeve, in the chair. The members were all present. The minutes ot last regular meeting and the special session of Dec. 27th were read and approved. A communication was read, from W. L. Payne, asking for certain information in regard to cattle running at large on public highways in the Township. It was laid over. Also one from the Provincial Secretary, enclosing the approved bill of the account of Mr. Henry Glover. And several others enclosing accounts against the Township. A resolution was introduced by Messrs. Clarke and Cryderman, appointing Albert Hawken as overseer on Spring Street, Castleton, and Richard Newman Sr., as overseer on Percy Sreet, Castlteon, to keep the sidewalks cleared of snow during this winter.--Carried. The Reeve was authorized to sign the Treasurer as follows: gravelling R.B.51 $222.00 valuator. 3.00 ^Griffis BIG FIRE IN BRIGHTON There was a big fire in Brighton village, Wednesday morning, starting about 4.30 in the Central Hotel block. There was a strong West wind at first, which changed to the North East. This saved the business blocks on the East 'end but carried the fire West. Everything was burned from the Donaghy block (J. H. Frise store) to the Lockwood block, which was partly burned. The places destroyed were: W B. Robini M. E. Mel W. Mont COMING EVENTS . D. y drug store, the Bar.-k of Commerce, Marshall's barber shop, the Hydro-Electric shop and S. D. Ross' office over the pool room, besides all the rooms - upstairs. Most of the buildings were owned by Sam Nesbitt. The total loss is estimated at $100,000.00. The fire was under trol at 9 a.m., with the help i fire BIG BILL FOR PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY FOR YEAR 1919 That the provincial government does not intend to pay-the entire cost of maintenance and construction of the provincial highway is evident by account received for the seventy-miles of road in Northumberland and Durham the account for these unties' share having been received for 1919. The account is for something in the neighborhood of $60,000, and the account will come up for dis-ion at the January session of the counties council, when it will be deci-whether the counties will pay ' to assess only the municipalities rtiich the highway. faces. The annual Christmas Tree and reat for the Trinity Church Sunday ;hool was held on Thursday evening, Dec. 30th, 1920, when a happy >ent by all present. A Progressive Euchre will be held; under the auspices of the Colborne Soldiers' Memorial Fund in the G.W.V.A.#Hall, Colborne, on Thurs-H day evening, Jan. 20th, 1921, at 81 o'clock. Admission 50c. Every^ body invited. .ed Farm Womeri The Sir John Colbo I.O.D.E., will hold a their rooms, Monday, Ja at 3 p.m. Nomination PERSONAL Mrs. B. to friends bellford. •, Mrs. Geo. several months, rn home, Percy members & m beting. >!-i.ed c 1921, v Andrev 10.30 a Faul's, H. Hess was re-electes astir-g:; bv 2 majority over . Frwlds, in a lively con )ld Colborne boy, Mr. A. in was re-elected Cour. Etev. D. W. Snidi m next Sabbath, January iUu •ill take the services in St|i M.r- Cordon Preshvterian Clinrf h «£l White '**;;:' m ntr i,» X^S saii'suction wherever ,ent, that I^esbyterLrT Thurch Lakefhe recently filled an order•for ten port, Ont., in the afternoon at threfScockerels for a Quebec poultryman BAPTIST CHURCH RALLY On Jan 23rd anW 24th Dr. Brown formerly of India, new McMaster University, Toronto, wi preach in the Colborne Bapti: Church on Sunday, Jan. 23rd. Monday evening, dinner will be ved in the basement from 5 'clock, after which Dr. Brown give the principal address. Tickets,] dinner and lecture, 50c. Childn 35c. All are invited. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual meeting of Colborne i Haldimand Agricultural Society, j be held in the Council Rooms, ( borne, on Thursday, Jan. 20th, IS 'clock, to receive reports year 1920, election of officer's for y zeTin lead-Canada and Nrhbse stock 1 first and three second pr ing egg laying contests in :the United States. The tea held by the ladies of Colborne at the home of Mrs. F. M. Brintnell on Tuesday last was a great success. The proceeds, from tbe tea and donations, amounted to [ |135.35. This sum goes to the |:Chinese Famine Fund. The play, "Aunt Susan from Pep-^3r's Corners," given in the opera shouse, Colborne, last Friday evening, fy the Ladies' Aid of Brighton Meth-Church, was enjoyed by a good audience. The parts were all Colborne--Reeve, John R. Hancock. Brighton Village--H. B. Phillips. Hastings--Reeve, Dr. Hess. Millbrook--Reeve, W. T. Wood. Newcastle--Reeve:, G.Rtckardi. Bowmanville--Reeve, Thos. Hol-gate; Deputy Reeve, E. C. Rehder. " ""ford--Reeve., Chas. A-Davidson; Deputy Reeve, Nelson Cobourg--Reeve, W. J. Corbett; Deputy Reeve, O. F. Allison. Port Hope--Reeve, G. A. Smith Deputy Reeve H. Holdaway. . Hamilton Township--Reeve, A. E Eagleson; Deputy Reeve, John A fowman. ' ' Haldimand Township--Reeve, F. J. Slade; Deputy Reeve, Jas. Walsh. Cartwright Township--W. A. Var Camp. Brighton Township--Reeve, S. Mc Coll; Deputy Reeve, H. Bedal. Darlington Township -- Reeve Thos. Baker; Deputy Reeve, W. R. ' South Monaghau--Ree COLBORNE COUNCIL The first statutory meeting of the New Council elected for the year 1921 in Colborne was, held on Monday, Jan. 10th. Dr. John R. Hancock, Reeve; Rupert J. Clarke, Donald C. Matthews, Dr. W. G. Roberston, and Robert Snetsinger, Councillors, severally subscribed'to the Declaration of office. On-calling the meeting to order, )r. Hancock spoke briefly, expres-ing his gratitude to the electors for honouring him with the position of Reel C. Turney, gravel R. I refund S.I John Collins, 75 yds grave Mrs. J. F. Nelson, rent G.T.R. shed .......... Robt. McGregor, drawing 1 John Thompson, care !•; i H. Colton, drawing pi a R. B. 7............... Henry Glover, bal on audit: J. E. Wolfraim, postage t stationery ............ H. Gale, bal on printing . C. A. Wilson, re acct. c audit in full ........... Council then adjourned. A. E. Joi The second annual convention of the U.F.O. Clubs of Northumberland County, was held at Warkworth, with delegates from almost all parts of the county in attendance notwithstanding the bad state of the roads. The following officers were elected: County Director--Geo. Huff, Brigh- President--Bertram Hoskin, o? Co- Vice-Pres.--Geo. H. Riley, R. R. ' Trenton. Secretary Treasurer--S. J. Cox, of Colborne. An organization to be known as the Northumberland County Political Association will look after the interests of the U.F.O. candidate at the next Federal election. INTERESTING CASE An interesting case will be heard before Judge Huycke at Division Court here on Thursday, Jan. 6th when Reeve Wm. Mathison, of town, is suing the Municipality of Belmont & Methuen for the sum of $58.00, which he claims is due him for the action of the township in allowing his Jands to be sold for taxes at the county land sale in November, 1919. Mr. Mathison claims that he holds a receipt for' the taxes in question, and that the lands should never have been put up for sale. Major A. E. Hopper, M.C., been recommended as commanding officer of the 4th Artillery Brigade which will have its headquarters a Cobourg, with the rank of Lt.-Col The Brigade is made up of the 14th Field Battery of Peterboro, to which is attached the 2nd Heavy Battery of Cobourg. Capt. D. H. Burn has been re< mended to the command of the 2nd Heavy Battery. Murray--Reeve, N. Hart. Deputy Ree F. Elliott. Councillors W. ^Tweedle, J. Downs, Che Wickens. . of novel pal 18, necklaces, th'*",... in the jowelety line,' may store. . The latest in Wrist Watches for ladies and gentlemen. All models and sizes. We give you a cordial invitation jto come in and see what we have to offer, for we feel sure there will be something that will just suit you. H. J. M AY HEW Jeweller Watchmaker Optician Colborne MIL,!. KR--NESBITT--At Brighton, int., on Thursday. Dec. 30th, 1920, e Mav. vomigest daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Samuel G. M. Nesbitt, 3 Albert Sherman Miller, B.A.Sc. TURNEY-- McCOLL-- On Wed-lesdav, Dec. 15th, 1920, at St. Ifieorges Church, by Rev. 'c'. A. G. e, Cynthia McColl, daughter of nd Mrs. Alex McColl of Apsley, fto Clifford Lloyd Turney, son of Mr. 5. Chas. T. Turney, Colborne. OR^O.N-- At Cobourg, on tec. 3Ist., 1520, William n, dearly beioved husband of Fannie Henderson. BOUND--In Cramahe Township, i Sunday, Jan. 9th, 1921, Alice iJomerville, wife of Henry Bound, aged 38 years, 9 months, 16 days. Interment at Castleton Cemetery. Percy Township--Reeve, Cubbin; Deputy Reeve, Geo. Poole. Alnwick--Reeve, ■■ James Thos. Webb. Cavan--Reeve, Harold Baptie; Deputy Reeve, J. L. McCamus. Clarke Township--Reeve, F. W. Bowman; Deputy Reeve, Franklin Allin. Cramahe--Reeve, John McCrackin: Deputy Reeve, S. A. Clarke. Hope Township--Reeve, M. Wlson Deputy Reeve, R. F. Beatty. Murrav Township--Reeve, N. irtt; Deputy Reeve, F. Elliott, Manvers Township-^Reeve, W. J. McMaster; Deputy Reeve, L. H. Staples. REEVE ED QUINN DEFEATED A good deal of regret has been expressed over the defeat of Reeve Edmund Quinn of Cramahe Tp., who was a prominent member of Counties Road Commission and did a great deal of good work.^ It was confidently expected by many Council thajjflr. Quinn would be the next man to be chosen- for Warden from Northumberland County,--Cob- of $7000. ourg' World. I Tlle Pa-V llors four good business men, erienced in municipal life, and with tfieir co-operation the of the village would tre handled during the year to the satisfaction of the ratepayers and citizens gener-illy. Dr. Robertson, in behalf of the Councillors replied, assuring the Reeve of their hearty co-operation in the routine business and in every-Wil-|thing furthering the advancement of llage or its citizens, and felt that any differences of opinion that matters coming before them would be reasoned out intelli-Mc-1 gently and settled with due respect individual opinions of the members. The rule governing the reading and passing of By-Laws was suspended for the session. By-Laws were passed appointing the following officers: / Clerk--H. S. Keyes ........$100.00 Treasurer--H. S. Keyes ____ 30.00 Tax Collector--Wm. Usher.. 45.00 Assessor--W. J. Jamieson .contract Auditor--E. M. Broomfield ,. 12.50 Auditor--John T. Gordon ... 12.50 BOARD OF HEALTH Reeve--Dr. John R. Hancock. Ratepayer--Chas. T. Head Medical Officer--J. Archer Brown, M.D., Salary. $40 and expenses to annual convention. ^_ HIGH SCHOOL TRUSTEES A. E. Donaghy for years 1921-2-3. Sam D. Dudley for years 1921-2.. The latter for unexpired term of Mr. S. Nelson, resigned. A By-Law was passed authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow loney £s required for corporation purposes during the year, to the limit It Can't Leak, Because It's Made in One Piece AKANTLEEK is built like a bottle--all in one piece. Most hot-water bottles are n sections, then cemented together. When cement dries and cracks, the bottle leaks. Every Kantleek Hot-Water Bdg is moulded of pure soft rubber--one continuous piece. No parts, patches, cement. Even ■ stopper socket is moulded In. And guaranteed for a full 1 years' service--or leek free. Don't wait until your old bag leaks. Get a Kantleek. Your old. one may break open tonight* sow by w. F. GRIFFIS THE REXALL 6IORE - COLBORNE Annual meeting of Colborne Agricultural Society, Thursday January 20th, 1921. See notice. VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE COLBORNE ONE NIGHT ONLY f -j £.1 SATURDAY Jail, lOtil Jule and J. J. Allen Present The Thunderbolt of Dramatic Farce TEN THOUSAND FEET OF NEW FILM ADDED ATTRACTION--Charlie Chaplin at the Rink WILL BE SHOWN HERE WITH SPECIAL MUSIC Prices 3Cc and S5c, war tax include I. Doors Open at 7.30 -- Starting at 8.15 Coma Early to Avoid the Rush mt of the following authorized. Garage, gasoline, etc.$ 3 ighan, 16 hrs mem A. Seed, D.R.O. etc..... 11.00 iVT-Cnapiurn.R.T).' etc. . . 14.00 Bell Telephone, exchange ---- 5.60 Council adjourned until Friday rening, Jan. 14th, for general bulsi- CONCERT AT SHARON The concert given last Friday rening, Jan. 7th, 1921, under the auspices of the Young Men's and and Young Women's Organized Bible 3 of Sharon S. School, for the Chinese Famine fund, was a decided ess. The program, which consisted of recitations, dialogues, drills, solos, and other music, was carried out without a flaw. e quartette rendered by Rev. Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker and Mr. E. M. Hinman was enjoyed by all present. Miss Purdy ind Miss Harnden of Castleton assisted in the program. Proceeds $23.50. . AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from The Soldiers' Settlement Board, Toronto, to sell by-auction on Tuesday, Jan. 18th, 1921, the live stoek, implements, poultry, ., on the premises occupied by H. Getty, South East of Colborne. Terms Cash. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS Colborne, Jan., 11th, 1921. r. Editor,-- I take this opportunity to thank the electors of the Colborne School Section for the honor they have conferred on me in electing me to posit-the School Board. My nomas almost as great a surprise _____is to the electors at large. To a large part of the community I still a comparative stranger and the support quently much more generous than I ever anticipated. This can only be accounted for, by assuming that tbe leading electors of the town have given to my support a goodly share of their influence as well as their support at the poles. WhUe I feel very grateful indeed for the very general support I received I must acknowledge the honor conferred on me, in the almost unanimous support I received in the East Ward. I shall prize, highly, the confidence of my neighbours, who knowing me, have dealt so generously in this respect. In return for this support and confidence, as one who is very deeply concerned in the welfare of the school I will try to give my very best thought as well as my time to further the interest of the school without the least partiality to creed or faction. Again I thank you. Sincerely yours, D. R. CLARK