T THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1921 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Warkworth Miss Mary Phinn is holiday th her mother in Warkworth. Wm Mary Frost, of Toronto spent > holiday with her mother at Dart- Mail, Daily........................ Passenger, Except Sunday.. Passenger, Except Sunday Mail-Express, Daily............. 3.03 A.M. 8.47 A.M. I ■2.27 P.M. | 6.64 P.M. BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issue every Thursday morning by H. 5 Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annul in advance. Transient advertisement If) cents per line first insertion and cents per line for each additional insei tiou. Busineee cards not exceeding on inch $6 per annum. Yearly c W. G. ROBERTSON, D. D. 8., L. D. S., Dentist. Office over Scougale Bros' dry goods store, Colborne. 5 Clara Ewing, te spent the holiday! home in Warkwo and Mrs. W. J. i Mr. John lur- cher Tor- ptit chased the Mr. and Mrs. W ' Toronto, attended the uncle, Mr. John Segu last t in Florida, son, David :as sold his m, and has ilon home i Clarke, of aeral of their b, on Friday a. c. McGlennon, b.a., m.d., cm., Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborue. Telephone No. 123r2. Residence, King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. ■I. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- LEGAL King St, Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days.___ TRICK & McARTHUR, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Special attention given to v collections, Western titles and agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block,Winnipeg, Manitoba, W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, NotarvPublic, and t omv.yancer. Office first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. FRANK m. FIELD, K. (f, Barrister, -Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont.__ . Inglis, a resident Rainy R'ver for the past twenty-years, is visiting his relatives Dartford and Burnley. At the annual school meeting Warkworth Dr. Armstrong was elected trustee; and the school fees for the continuation school were abolished . Married--At the Methodist parsonage, Warkworth, by Rev'. J. R. Butler, on Dec. 22nd, 1920, Arthur G. Nichojls of Percy to Miss Irene Hie of Haldimand. There passed away on Wednesday of last week, at his late home in Percy township, a much respected and esteemed citizen in the person of Mr. John Seguire. He was in his 71st year. At the Methodist parsonage, Nor-ham, on Tuesday, Dec. 21st, 1920; Miss Annie Young was united in matrimony to Clarence Ibey, both of Seymour Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Ibey will reside in Meyersburg.* The ceremony was conducted by Rev. F. J. Horwood. AUCTIONEER J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared'to conduct auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Vernonville, R. R. 1, or Phone Grafton Central, 31rl2. Grafton Central, 31rl2. S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sale3 a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. 1 .\ni.\VAN MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms, for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phone No. 101. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE GRADE HOLSTEIN BULL, rising 2 years old, from a family of first-class milkers, for sal" or exchange for beef critter. Address BOX 287. '"OLBORNE. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LAND, and valuable grave! pit, situated half mile North of Colborne, for sale. 45-tf G. M. PEEBLES. at Expres FOR SALE Large Book Case, quar-four bevel glass doors, i at bottom. Enquire COBOURG Mr. Geo. Guillet, ex-M.P. for West Northumberland, who has been in the employ of the provincial government at the parliament buildings, was superanuated cn New Year's. On New Year's morning Right Rev. Monsianor Murray, P.A., announced that day he had completed 54 years as priest, he having sung his first mass in St. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, 54 ye.-'t-s ago that day. Of these turned lire. 20c per day extra for sows left. As this hog is kept for his own herd, farmers will now pay cash or take their sows elsewhere. Gordon MacGrsgor. Colborne. .2-4x Page 5 NEWS T3PICSJF WtEK Important Events Which Havs Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Carefully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Premier Drury spoke at Aylmer, Ontario. Canadian Tariff Commission concludes its hearings. Grenville county farmers have organized politically. The Castle-Laggan highway, in the Rockies, is completed. Sir William Peterson, formerly head of McGill, is dead. The shore workers in the iron* industry of Hamburg are on strike. The Aero Club of Toronto will welcome the U. S. navy balloon party. The first of the dairy short courses at the O. A. C, Guolph, has opened. Hamilton Presbytery decided to recommend an indeterminate pastoral Persistence of auto thieving may result in law giving right of search any time. Flay Weese of Belleville was instantly killed at the Canada Cement Co.'s plant. Canada has been invited to enter a team in the international hockey-series at Stockholm. The Granites defeated the Argonauts in an O. H. A. senior game on Tuesday night by 4 to 1. The University of Toronto senior hockey team beat the Quaker City team of Philadelphia by 3 to 2. Nine heats were run before a winner was declared in the 2.18 trot at Dufferin Park, Toronto, on Tuesday. A Toronto coroner's jury returned a verdict of "accidental death" in the of W. G. Adams, killed by his Chan T IS! amp- SATURDAY. Sterling exchange is quoted in New fork at $3.63 y2. The first commercial consignment iy airship reached Toronto on Friday. One man was killed and another injured .it Streets,ville power house. Col. McLeod, M.P. for York-Sudbury, died at his home in Frederic-Ion, N.B. The establishment of a regular air service between Britain and Egypt is being planned. Priests of the Greek church in Montenegro have gone on strike for, higher stipends. The University of Ottawa will appeal to the Ontario Government for Five Western Ontario high school nners, yet to be selected, will run a relay carnival at Baltimore next tnfcnth. le Canadian curlers reached Liverpool en route to Scotland. Their ichedvle of games in that country is announced. Judge Landis went on record yesterday as in favor of baseball players having a voice in the conduct of their ra affairs. • The President of Brazil has signed decree prohibiting exportation for t indefinite period of gold, silver, copper, and other metals. J. D. Ellwood, a prominent Chat-hamite proposes a census of the city's ■kingmen, to protect them against outsiders securing jobs in preference to local, men. Wm. B. Robinson, for 27 years co-principal with- the late J. W. John-t, M.P.P., of Ontario Business College, Belleville, died after one day's John Corrigan of St. Patrick's de ;au Rivage, Lotbiniere, Que., has passed away at the age of 108 years, g ail his faculties to the end, and being in bed only a week. Kitchener beat Granites, 2 to 0; te- | Cleveland downed Argos, 18 to 3: Francisco Villa has taken the field. I university of Toronto defeated Aura the head of a federal force, against Leej 4 to 2> and several intermediate El Charro, one of his former fbl-land junior games were played last Owing to lack of ice the majority of the O. H. A. intermediate and junior games carded for last night were postponed. London butchers and meal il protest against continual s embargo on the iinportat: Canadian cattle. night. MONDAY. ; planned to erect f j have reduced hold-ups in Toronto A third murder in the third £ LOST LOST--On Sunday, Jan. 2nd, 1921, between Colborne and Miss Mc-Ta.vish's corner, Gold Pendant with Ruby Setting. Finder will be rewarded on leaving at Express Printing Office. . 1. Dr. F. P. Lloyd, M. A. KING St. E., COBOURG X Ray and Diseases of Eye Appointment* by Mail or Phone Box 236 *" Phone V Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-claw Meal* and Accomodation Gir* u* a cull when in Calborne J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor Two i ?ek w ecorded in Toronto, en are dead in Toronto of treatment by blood Demobilization of the Armenian army is being carried out by ihe Soviet of Erivan. Lord Reading's appointment as Viceroy of India, has received the The Danish brig Rosenbjun, which left St. John's, Nfld., two months ago, is posted as missing. Brockville water rates have been increased 25 per cent, by the Public Utilities Commission. The Continental Baseball Associa-m is strongly considering the installation of Cuban and negro teams. The University of Toronto junior team won the S. P. A. trophy by beaf.ing De la Salle on Saturday by 4 to 3. Games on Saturday in the National Hockey League resulted as follows: Canadians 5, Ottawa 4; Hamilton 3, Bt. Patrick's 2. Romeo Mingeau, aged 25, of Longue Pointe, near Montreal, Pri 00 ■ 1 pair shoals White Leghi erels left at. $2.00 each. 1 work I horse only $20.00. Gordon Mac-Gregor, Colborne. Out. FARM FOR SALE 5 ACRES situated one tft) miles j north of the Village of Colborne, | good frame buildings, about 91 acres of good bearing orchard, ab-1 out 15 acres of hardwood and mixed timber; well fenced and plenty | of water. Soil rich loam adapted | to any'kind of fa-m product, in good state of cultivation, about 25 i acres of fall grain; some fall | ploughing done, and 45 acres of ' COAL med from over-undersigned has retu:'ied Ihe coal bueiness and will V« (.leased to receive orders for Ei.ur.met delirerv. Lowest possible prices guaranteed. Ira Edwards i has be. i of the I ing expenses. I). Arthur, Colborne. ] STRAYED--On the premises of Mr.! J. R. McBride, Lot 17. Con 6, Haldi- j mand, a Holstein heifer. Owner: can have same by proving property j thursday. Manitoba's two million dollar bond issue sold at 101.11. Sir Donald MacMflsier. the Anglo-Canadian M.P. for Chensey, is ill. Office supply, machine and hardware concerns report revival in business. A boy was badly injured by an automobile on Yonge street, Toronto. John Wickett, a prominent Toronto contractor, dies following operation. Louis Deleary and his son escaped from the Chatham Isolation Hospital. The Canadian Soo team beat* the Michigan Soo by 3 to 1 We:^^__ Automobile insurance conco^TOare , feeling the effects of motor thieves' activities. Further reduction in menu prices in C. N. R. (lining cars and hotels is announced. Mrs. Isabella Adams of Toronto is acquitted on a charge of murdering her husband. The death of Frederick Purdue, aged 94, recalls days of slave-running on high seas. The Allied Premiers will meet at ; ger smashed a glass door lu Parisian January 19 to discuss Ger-; "„, The appeal of Sylvia Panknurst against six months prison sentence has been dismissed. Paul Bower, of Toronto, employed on the Hydro canal at Niagara Paris, was instantly killed. A drastic law has been promulgated in Germany against strikes and lock-outs in lighting establishments. In the first O. H. A. intermediate game of the season at Collingwood the home team beat Barrie by 14 to 1. Mr. Justice Lane of the Superior Court, Montreal, has quashed the certificate declaring that Ste. Rose, Que., voted dry in August 18, 1919. Albert Jackson and Ulysses Gran-dine, farmers, were crushed to death when a beam fell while an old barn was being pulled down in South Dumfries Township, near Paris. FRIDAY. Window washers in Chicago are on strike for higher wages. Stouffville man dies from effects of frostbites of 40 years ago. Thomas Foster, M.P. ~~ York, is to undergo an operation. The Ottawa National Hockey League team beat Hamilton by 5 to 1. John McClelland is elected chairman of the Toronto Board of Educa- Mrs. E. J. Cummings, active in many Toronto societies, dies sud- Forty-nine ocean steamers are laid \ sporting ci up at Rotterdam because of lack Of ! Charles cargoes. j mayor by t Many tons of coal were washed in \ its inaugur helping out many To- : Postm . strei , and bled to death, Robert Tuite, Provincial Highway Overseer of Both well, died as a result of being struck by a train while in an auto at a crossing. ■ A mysterious explosion on the front verandah of the home of a newly-wed Italian couple in Guelph blew to pieces every window. John Hayes, a farm laborer near Bowmanville, a former Barnardo boy, who died following an accident, leaves an estate of $15,000. Iroquois Falls Board of Trade urges the Ontario Government to appoint a commission to direct all public works in that part of Northern Ontario. TUESDAY. The Quebec Legislature opened today. The Hydro Radial Commission has opened its sittings. Sterling was quoted in New York yesterday at $3.72 V2. The Canadian curleTs won two games in Scotland yesterday. A Toronto Street Railway employe dropped dead at his work bench. Evidence of startling character is given at the probe into Inglenook Park Boys' Home. The Ministerial Association adopts resolution favoring establishment of a Canadian Church. v. Students at the University of To-added curling to their Dry Cord* 100 Sear.1 3d for Sa SAVINGS, Thrift, j Independence -- all | these are the out- j i come- of the same impulse j i and attain the same objec- j j tive-- PROSPERITY. The j : Standard .Bank of Canada j can help you to attain it. aa ! THE STANDARD BANK. OF CANADA | COLBORNE BRANCH I ronto horn . The heart attacks froi ex-kaiserin is suffering a: in frequency. Sentences were impose of five to ten years to wave in that city. Sixteen teams will con Sifton Cup in the U. of T. basketball series. Thomas McMurray wa I.L.P. candidate in Wes ■ A Grande Prairie, Al chosen t G. Park of Am- which the burg dropped dead i -Swift Current, Sask., City Hall was gutted by fire, a prisoner, John Henry Andrisch, perishing in his cell. David Auckland, a farmer of Nelson township, near Milton, died exactly a week after his wife, each be- interfaculty j mg '-- <,eA,^ The l of age. r leagues will take steps e of the White possible in fu- nged at Sudbui 100 and 9,000 C. N. R. Bowes Company Limited TORONTO Want Your Cream For which we will pay the highest price. We lead, others follow. That is why we get the business and our patrons are satisfied. We Pay Express. We Furnish Cans. Our Truck will call for cream and deliver empty cans promptly. Established 1808 Reference --Your Local Bank BOWES COMPANY, Limited W. A. SEED, Manager, Phone 74 Colborne Box 209 COBOURG CITY DAIRY ESTABLISHED 1912 MILK PLANT AND CREAMERY Prompt and correct returns for CHURNING CREAM Toronto Prices at least guaranteed. Qualified and Experienced Buttermakers employed. Samples for testing weighed. Express charges paid on shipments. Cans supplied. Local shipments collected by our Motor Trucks. Experienced and obliging drivers employed. References: Eastern Dairy School, Kingston. Your Bank. We invite inspection of four plant and methods of handling cream. COBOURG CITY DAIRY COBOURG Colborne Creamery Co. Will pay the Highest Market Price for CHURNING CREAM We request all our patrons who are not sending cream at present, or who have more cans than they need, to return the cans to the Factory at once, as we wish to call in all cans possible to overhaul them and get them ready for Spring. . . POULTRY Parties delivering Poultry at the Factory will be paid 3c per pound more for it then when we have to call for them. FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling retail at 60c per lb at the Factory. Colborne Creamery Co. Phone 107 P.O.Box 214 "1 Scranton - F. P. Strong ■ Coal Quality and Service are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best." Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL. NOT COAL. STOVE 60AL. SOFT COAL. CONNEL COAL. EGG COAL Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Goal Man SPECIAL PRICES ON VANDERLIN TIRES Guaranteed 5000 to 6000 miles Call and inspect the GRAY-DORT SPECIAL and Standard Repairs of AH Kinds By an Experienced Workman SABINS & SABINS Graf tcm West End Garage