Cramahe Archives Digital Collection

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 24 Feb 1921, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 24, 1921 Page Five DUNDONALD ecil Mutton, of Trentc Farms For Sale! niles from Baltim pi.- 150 ACRES---In Haldimand T\ 9 miles from Cobourg. 135 acres workable, balance bush, maple ai acres orchard. 4 acres fall wheat, 50 acres fi 45 acres in meadow, 33 acres fresh seeding, soil. 5 wells. Brick house of 8 rooms, water inside. . ellar cistern. Bank barn 73x36, tie-up 7 horses and 25 -attle, open yard .Water in stable. Driving house, hog p«n, hen house. School % mile. Church 3 miles. Rural mail and telephone, Possession arranged, Price $11,500. terms arranged: 110 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., V/$ miles from Vernon- 100 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 7 acres orchard. 5 acres rye, 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres In meadow, 25 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Good water, 3 wells and a creek. Frame house' of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 120x30, barn No. 2, 50x36, tie-up 9 horses and 10 cattle, open yard. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School and church. 1% miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $7,600.. .Terms arranged. 50 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., V/z miles from Morganston. All workable? 4 acres orchard, ft acres fall ploughed, 22 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. Good water, 2 wells and a spring. Frame house of 8 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Barn 50x34, tie-up 6 horses and 15 cattle. Steel hog pen, hen house. School and churches % mile. Mr. . P. D al days, t ha week. been sick for w much bet- Oladys Pa J. Pay H. , of Toi formerly of Walter Tay- A large numbe section attended ing services. Mr. and Mrs ughter, Eile\ relatives here. re-open-: Dudley and M mged. e $4,200. 90 ACRES--On the Provincial Highx All workable. »15 acres orchard. 12 acres in meadow. Clay loam so Frame house of 10 rooms 50x20, tie-up 3 horses anc pen, hen house, ice hous< arranged. in Colborne. teres fall ploughed, well a#l a creek, i 50x35, ttle. Driving house i $12,500.. .Terms arr Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office*, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne. Cobourg, to Mi lor, of Toronto. 'he death occurred at the home jof her daughter, Mrs. T. D. Archi-|bald, Toronto, on Thursday of last daughte™EUeen,TS of, "?arf, GTe<?rRi?? DumbIe' relatives here widow of the late John Henry Dum- Mrs. MarkBloomfield and baby ^ o£ Cobourg, in her 87th year, daughter have returned home .after Deceased w.ns born in Bath, Eng. a delightful ten days' visit in Ottawa. land> an« come to Canada in 1865- Mr. and Mrs, R. Goodrich spent .°" Tuesday Capt. George L. Hurt, last week visiting at the homes of K,?amil,tou; was engaged Mesrs. s, and W. Goodrich,, near | Castleton. j Miss'Mabel Dudley had a very joyable visit at the home of Mi Mrs. Alfred Inglis, Colborne,. tor a few days last week. Many,; friends in this neighborhood wore greatly pi.•;, .-:•< 0n hearing of Unsafe arrival of a fine daughter at the home, of Mr. and, Mrs. N.. Harren (Helen Goodrichrf" .Mr. Cecil Muton ,the energetic, and, expert agent for the Ford car, is now established in the town of Trenton, continuing the business, under most favorable conditions. . Tin people in this section were greatly shocked and. grieved on hear,.j""e .or ,s ing of the very sudden death of Mr. : ,Alo,1,n al F. Nelson, a former highly estear.:r,i b°»rS; >" resident of this place, who passed | owne,cl bj away at his home in Wooler, Fr-'i. 21. I member toittee of the town council as band-saster for Cobourg' ctizens band.' He' is a former bandmaster of the Royal Marine Band, leaving them just before the war. At the outbreak of war he signed up as a private with the Royal Sussex Regiment, serving with them throughout the war. He is a solo cornet is t arid violinist, and on his first appearance showed he was an excellent muscsan and leader. In 1856 Cobourg had a population of 6,500, say 2,000 more than it has to-day, and among other factories, a woolen mill turning out a thous-, and yards of cloth daily. Tiu» town was headquarters for Weller's daily (Chi- min- EDDVILLE Glad to report Lome McDonald has improved since his recent illness. Miss Muriel Barnes is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Reddick, for a few days. Mr. Ed. Waite. of Belleville, is visiting his brother, Mr. Reuben Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoare recently visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sharpy of Shiloh. ■Mr. Clarence Reddick has been iaid up for a few days with a sprained o Hamilton, and a large carriage factory the father of the present ber for the Riding. Mr. Char-Vltinson, M.P., all the coaches repaired. The town was built argely on its lake traffic, and coming of the Grand Trunk sTay rudely dispelled •hicli ■ ; planned dace. The HULL'S CORNERS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY East Bound Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A.M. Pas.seneer, Except Sunday 4.33 P.M. I asscnger, Except Sunday 8.35 P.M. Mail, Daily...........H-22 P.M. West Bound nday A.M. I A.M. _BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by Subscription $2.00 MOTOR LICENSES Sam D. Dudley, Colborne, has been appointed issuer of the Ontario motor license for East Northumberland. Auto owners can procure their licenses now. SITUATIONS WANTED RETURNED MAN, age 43, with family of 5 wishes yearly position with farmer. Reply to Gulliver, We luied i rry i Ce iends Wedne Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson have I the c r. turned home from making a short 'this ! visit with friends in Rawdon. i Mr. Many from here attended the ser- spend vices at Shiloh on Sunday, and the en- at Ve tertainment;on Monday night. All! Th< report a splendid evening of enter- \ ar<> b tainment: |eveni On Friday evening a Young People's \ Srh.w hatter Mr. Rf( OAK HEIGHTS visited friends per ivertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly con-, tracts at uniform rates. ~Wntal 7 East--Pho 123 i the Fire iphone No. Clng Street U £orne rforV!saie. ^ JSINESS in Col-.pply to G. M. LADIES' FUR COAT (Beaver) Bust 38 inch, length %. Apply -at Ex-jpre-* Printing Offlee. ROR ~6ALE--The Wiudsfor Hotel •.property, in tlie village ( f Colborne. -Apoly i) Mrs. A. Sayer. Colborne. 8-4 PROPERTY FOR SALE ABOUT 4 acres in good frame hems*. Good'1 Vater!* Fo ply to J. B. H East Colborne, good barn, near-ut wall, about 60 other fruit trees, rural mail route. • particulars ap-irnden, Colliurne. Ont. 6-ltf ]' ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P L.R.C.S,, Edinburgh, Scotland Office and residence, Divisio Street, Colborne, Ont. Corone for the United Counties- of Norti umberland and Durham. Block, FRANK Wii Manitoba. L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., I rister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. ( ces, King St.. Colborne, Ont., i 411 Temple Building, Toronto. Colborne Office on Fridays t Saturdays and Court days. auctioneer__ I. D. EDNIE. Auctioneer, is prepa to conduct auction sales. Fa Stock and Implement sales a st ialty. Address: Vernonville R.R. or Phone Grafton Central, 31rl 3. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted ainy-where. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 BRICK HOUSE and Two Lots Perc. Street for sale. The pr erty of the late J.'W. Philp. I. Executors. >U3E AND GROUNDS for sale, lituated on North side King Street, :o!bome. The said property con-iisir. of 1 acre of land, good frame iiiBSO with cellar, living spring. •herry and quince trees, grapes, hubarb. For particulars apply ) G. E. R. Wilson, Insurance nd Real Estate Agent, Colborne. found__ ! PROMISSORY NOTE, payable ui in (i | Standard Bank, Grafton, found il Owner may have the same upo: lJ J proving ownership and paying os peases. At Express Prtntln, iffice, Colborne. 5-3 Mr. and Mrs. J in Cobourg last 1 Mr. C. Roddy, the Burnley mant, is severely afflicted witl DRESS-MAKING ndersigned Jwl sight. W. Thu-suni. neighborhood iast Sabbath."1" Mrs. W. A. McQuoid returrfl her home here on Saturday last, i much pleased with her visit in Belle- ville. Our esteemed East Colborne' Fancy and Plain Dresses. Hav-served three months at North's last year, will be able to give first-class work. • Miss Maybelie Turney. . Mr. Mr. Abijah Spafford. of Orland, it staying with his daughter. Mrs. O. Sayles, and will remain during, his grandson's illness. Hardwood Flooring "BEAVER" BRAND Hardwood Flooring Laid and Finished For Sale By E. J. TURPIN ted ] warkworth Maude Owen, of Toronto; vis-r! parents in Warkworth last Mr. Peter Macdonald, of St. Catharines, visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Carlaw, last week. Mr. John H. Diamond has sold thirty acres of south end of his farm to Mr. Murney McCann. Mrs. C. A. Wolfraim and sons, of Castleton. are spending a few days at the parental home here. Mr. John Rogers, of Percy, has purchased the Arthur Partridge farm, adjoining Banta Mill. Mr. John Mallory will occupy the dwelling af- When in Cobourg 1 Call at the ALBION HOTEL Good Meala and Service EDWARD LISTER, Prop. Apr Wa •th I.O.D.E. have l Warkworth to Percy used for memorial iiorial building will >ercy township this he <-m ii: . w wicklow .'. H. Knight has tailed. had i Fa NORMAN MONTGi F.HY. slion- Shoe Repairing Mr. Roy Cameron spent M' days in Newcastle recently. Mrs. Cloyne and sen visited her irother. Mr. W. Turpin, last week. Miss Muriel Winter, Cobourg, spent l couple of days with her cousin, Mrs. J. G. Wait. nt visitors in Toronto were ■ Mr. and Mrs. John Usher, Mr. Nei-! ion Usher. Mr. J. G. Wait, Mr. and) Mrs. Frank Usher. The Tea meeting held in the Mefh-! Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-class Meals and Aceimodatio.i 'rive us a cail when in Colborne j | J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor | Notice to Creditors | ; IN the matter of the Estate of John W. Philp, late of thc; Village of.1 Coiborne, in the County of North-1 umberland, Gentleman, deceased. J NOTICE 5s hereby given pursuant to: section 56 of the Trustees Act, | R.S.O. 1914, Chap. 121, that, alii creditors and others having claims! ev demands against the Est LAXAG0LD A Laxative cure for LaGrippe, Coughs, Colds, Headache and Neuralgia. How did I catch that Cold? Simple enough. Probably got overheated or sat in a draft the cold air closed up the pores of the skin suddenly and locked up a lot of waste products of the blood in your body. Then your cold begins. Nyal's Laxacold acts on the mucous mem-brances, checks the catarrh, re-opens the pores of the skin> stimulates the secretions--in short cures your cold in a day and a night. Try it once--then the next time you'll be sure to remember how quickly Nyal's Laxa-cold cured vou. Price 25c a box. W. E. GOULD Phone 129 DRUGGIST Colborne. Colborne Creamery THE Colborne Creamery Co. woud like to have all the cream shippers interested in the home factory and the Company are prepared to manufacture butter by the pound and this should give the patrons better results and would also entitle them to (a voice in the management of the Factory. The more patrons we have the cheaper we can make the butter up. We are now paying 62cts for butter fat. Highest price for all kinds of poultry. Phone or write us and our rig will call at your door. Colborne Creamery Co. Phone 107 P.O.Box 214 Bowes Company Limited toronto Want Your Cream For wriich we will pay the highest price. We lead, others follow. That is why we get the business and our patrons are satisfied. We Pay Express. We Furnish Cans. Out Truck will call for cream and deliver empty eitns promptly. Established 1898 Reference -Your Local Bank BOWES COMPANY, Limited • W. A. SEED, Manager, Phone 74 Coiborne Box 209 You Can Save Money on Coai [EH IGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies There is as much difference n. coi! as m wood. Yr/u would certainly prefer good hard oak wood, to hemlock llabs at the same price. Lehigh Valley Anthracite costs you no more than vou are asked to pav for the ordinary kind, but Lehigh Valley Coal is harder and lasts louder There heat in a ton. That is why -ii i nd r Older from nd be satisfied. about the The undersigned is pre- h pared to do all kinds of re- I1 pairing of boots and shoes j at his new shop in the i Ireland Block, King Street, I! Colborne. j CHAS. BUGGl 3 died on or of December. | mo, at the said village of Col- j , are required on or before thei lay of February, A.D. 1921, fo by post prepaid or to deliver to .Philp, R.R. No. 2, Colborne, f the Executors of the last Will 'estament of the said deceased, j sses and descriptions, the full ulars in writing of their claims, j C.P.R. Telegraph - DominiunExpress - Money Orders Agents for CP. R. Railway and Steamship Ticket* JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones Office-lr2. Residence-«6 .- if ar Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal I Quality and Service | are two good reasons for contracting foi Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL. SOFT COAL. SHINGLES NTT COAL. CONXi:I. COAL. B.C. Kin Ci:n\u : Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man 'j publish assessment roll for lf»jl j woods or leave your ca*np-£re, tand advertise for aeeeeoOV, position U-:ur« it Is dead out Care wKh >jto be pern«ia*!H if services »re|ii5 wood* thwM hs a- On* rrtr.t! -<<!>t-*my. 'with all Oaatfbths.

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