olboruf THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THfRSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921 $2.00 a Year in Advance CRAMAHE COUNCIL 11.30 Mr. McCracken, Reeve, In the The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were read as fol- From Mr. H. Gale, enclosing tender for the Township printing. From the Ontario Good Roads Association, asking the Council's cooperation and membership. . From the Dominion Railway Board, approving of the agreement between the Bell Telephone "Co., and the Cramahe .Municipal Telephone System, as to interchange of From the Ontario Safety League, requesting co-operation and a donation. Moved by Messrs. Cryderman and Clarke, That this Council meet on Friday, March 11th, at 1.30 p.m., at or near Argyle Rutherford's and at or near Mr. Addison Stimers' .✓3.30 p.m., on the same day, for purpose of disposing of timber the road, subject to a reserved---Carried. Moved by Messrs. Cryderman and Clarke, That the Auditors report be adopted, and the Clerk and Treasurer prepare the necssary copies and dispose of the same.--Carried. Mr. Clarke gave notice that at the next regular meeting of th s Council he would introduce a t ■ law for the appointing of Township Officers. After some deliberation, the tender of Mr. H. Gale for Township printing for one hundred dollars for the year 1921 was by motion cepted: Moved by Clarke. Seconded Mr. Cryderman, That ordi on the Treasurer for th HALDIMAND COUNCIL Grafton, Feb. 24th, >unts: .mm Richard Terry, work R.B. W. A. Moore, supplies, charity for Cox........... A. Cracknell, teacher's sal- knnie Baker, te S.S. 16 .. .. R. Chatterson, W. A. Madill, 1 Town Hall, Council met this day. Members present--F. J. Slade, Peter Haig, Archie McKenzie. F. J. Slade, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read ana onfirmed. Communications from Public Ar hives of Canada, informing the Council that in accordance with the distribution of war trophies approved by the Government, Haldimand Township has been ailoted 2 German Machine Guns, No. 2096 and 2896, 4 ammunition boxes, with the understanding that they be taken proper ire of.--Filed. A petition signed by Mr. Hoskin _.id 40 other ratepayers requesting the Council to build a bridge on the concei j Md line at the Gully. Moved by Mr. Haig .seconded zy Mr. Mc Kenzie, "That the Petition be received and placed on file ,and that a committee of all the members of council meet at the Gully on the 28th day of April. ---Carrid. Moved by Mr. Haig .seconded by Mr. McKenzie, "That the Clerk be instructed to write Mrs". Thomas Shields, requesting permission to burn some underbrush on her property that now obstructs the view at the C.P.R. crossing between lots 10 and 11, Con. B."--Carried. Moved bv Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr, Haig, that the time for the return of the collector's roll be extended until the next regular meeting. -- Carried. On motion orders were drawn on the treasurer in favor of the following persons: Harold Spear, work on road .. $ 3 J Oscar Cox, sheep killed by dogs 12.00 Harry Lawless, coal........37.4!" be drawn 'Harry Fenton, gravelling.....44.00 he following i Roy Finlay, gravelling......25 Municipal World, supplies .. .. 52 brush Percy Prentice, gravelling.. .. 2 .. ..$ 25.00 George Prentice,, bal. for gravel- vel pit 6.00 ling..................% gravel 1 Samuel Coffey, salary as school ..... 3.00 attendance officer, 1920, .. . 20.00 ..... 1.20 J. Blacklock, express, phone, plank postage.............. 7.62 ..... 11.22 Albert Ament, work on road 118.00 W. Roberts, repairs to J;ow hall..........'....... 38.30 E. C. Vance, for dog tag's ronto with Mrs. Riordari. Miss Mabel E. Marks, n training in Cobourg Hospital, e week end with her aunt, Snetsinger. Renfrew Mercury: Dewey, president of cil of Women, is at Niagara, tending a meeting of which busi for the annua ional Council .CHi f if the executi* end with her nil be preparffl Chisholm and ing of the N#- Capt. A. G e. week-end in T ENGAGEMENTS Mrs.A. P. Haig, Cobourg, the engagement of her youngest dauj^ ter, Helen Margaret, to Mr. Charjl Rutherford, Colborne, Ont. The n" i to take place very quietly March. In Brighton on Feb. §2, Mrs. R. I. Cooper, I a MARRIAGES BIRTHS VAN NESS--EARLE-- At Colborae, l Monday, February 28th, 1S#1, Vera Maude, daughter of Mr. and A rs. Sidney Earle, and Clarence Van N< 3s, all of Colborne. DEATHS NELSON -- In Wooler on Mom Feb. 21, 1921, Francis Nelson ,ag< years, 7 months, 18 days. TERRILL -- In Township of Br|gh- n, on Friday, Feb. 18. 1921, James Terrill, age 72 years. HIGGlNS-*fn Township of Mui on Friday, Feb. IS, 1921, Frederic] Higgins, age 44 years, 6 months, MOORE-- In Colborne, on Su.ni Feb. 27th,*l921, Viva Bush, beM wife of Harry F, Moore, aged years and 4 months. Intel Castleton Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM SHERWIN -- In sa ory of Ethel Joic F. H. Sherwin, rest, March 3rd, P. G. Cotton B. H. pplies Charles Sargent, work on Frank Etcher, work on n Laben Hudson, work on John A. McAuley, work c 12.93 j 60.00 " Fold her, O Father, ui imue anut«m let her henceforth be £~ 5,oo , A mesgenger oi' love bctweerr*"!^- Our human hearts and Thee." , 400.00 Mable John Thompsi Brighton Mui collections........... Percy Mun. Tel. System, collections........... 85.00 Ontario Good Roads Association.............. 5.00 Council then adjourned to meet on Thursday, the 24th, day of March next. A. E. Jones, Clerk. George Parker, gravel...... 3 Wilfred Tucker, brushing road 8.«u W. A. Macklin, pine plank .. .150.00 L. Thompson, work on bridge . 8.70 G. M." Creighton, gravel .. .. 2.70 --Carried On motion, the Council adjourned to meet at Centreton on Thursday, the 31st day of March, 1921, at 10 o'clock a.m. -- Carried. CORN c of Canada, held in Toronto last >rt Hope Times: Miss Olive iddystone, spent the week friends, Miss Gertrude nd Miss Annie Cox. Willoughby spent the . __. Toronto with his wife, and young daughter, Helen Louise. Helen is recovering nicely from ecent operation .' t Hope Times: Mrs. J. H. Menzies, late of Montreal, who is on y to join her husband in Cal-5 spending a few days with ter, Mrs. George R. Hindes. Culver has succeeded in securing Miss Agg, formerly of Fraser's, Picton, where she has been employed head trimmer, and will soon be opening up with the new spring mil- A message was received Monday by Mr. Frank Griffis that his brother, Elmer, of Regina, Sask., was serious-froni complications following an operation for appendicitis. Elmer's many old friends here wish for his speedy recovery. "Ir. C. L. Cryderman, Chairman Cramahe Telephone , System, was Toronto last week attending a conference held in the Ontario Rail-Board Offices composed of delegates from the Bell Telephone Co., and representatives from local systems for the purpose of' discussing Uhe proposed schedule of toll, rates which may shortly come into feet in Ontario. Port Hope Guide: Mrs. J. Mulholland, Port Hope, met with very unfortunate accident Thursday. Mrs. Mulholland was visiting at her brother's. Mr. R. F. Beatty, Elizab-ethville. and in the afternoon was over to call on some neighbors. In crossing the road, Mrs. Mulholland slipped on the ice and fell to the ground very heavily. Both bones in the right leg just above the ankle were broken a Mrs. Mulholland will be confined the house for some time. The new Principal of the Lake-port Public School, F. D. Allington, M.A., began work on Feb. 28th. Allington holds permanent provincial, professional certificates, is an Honour Graduate of Toronto University (B.A.), holds a Specter-it's Certificate in a Department of High School Work, has the Degree of M. A. from Toronto University, and holds a Public School Inspector's Certificate, obtained under the latest stringent, requirements. He has also the same certificates for the Province of Saskatchewan,' where he was Classical and English Master of a Collegiate Institute. He has been Principal of such schools as North Bay and Barrie. He also has been Principal of High, Normal and Continuation schools. He comes highly recommended. Buy ir Templeton's Capsules P. Griffis' drug store. )r Rheumatism, etc.,' RAZ- , Asthma. Relief guaran- METHOD1ST CHURCH NOTES WANTED -- Seventy-five adults in attendance at the Bible Class on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Scripture to memorize, Psalm 23. Bring Bibles and join in the discussions of subject, "Jesus Among Frineds." -- Matt. 26:13. Next Sabbath morning the pastor wil continue the series of studies ii the Book of Hebrews; subject "Christ, Our High Priest." In the evening, a Service o Praise will be held. Good old Hymns sung to the tunes we all know. Special music by the choir.- Bring your friends and join in heartful worship. Everybody welcome. KELSH--ANDRUS A very pretty wedding " at the ~" DEATH OF MRS HARRY MOORE A large circle of friends and acquaintances were deeply saddened by the announcement of Mrs. Harry Moore's death, which occurred on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 27th, 1921, at her home in Colborne. She had been ill for three weeks, starting with influ-:a, followed by bronchial pneumon-and then typhoid fever. She was arerly known as Viva Bush, being h-'daujPiiter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B'.ifhr.pf^asJleton. She was in her . 24th yeaSr, arid was married two years' ago ttf Mr,. Moore, who with their hvhy brfy, 11-months old, and his two older children ,are left to mourn the " loss of a devoted and kind wife and mother. The deepest sympathy of the community is felt for Mr. Moore in his sad bereavement, being the second" in about three years, for her bereaved parents and three brothers as \fell.; The funeral was largely attended on . Tuesday afternoon, the services Ijeing conducted by Rev. R. A. Whattam'.. The interment taking place at the Castleton cemetery. of the brides parents, Mr .and Mrs. Anson Andrus, Glenalda, Feb. 23rd, 1921, in the presence of about thirty of the near relatives of the contracting parties, when their second daughter, Addie Mary, married to Mr. Wm. Kelsh, an oi Glenalda, by the Rev. H. Fraior. The bride, who was attired in grey georgette and taffata silk, was attended by Miss Lola Wilson of Coe Hill, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Ross Kelsh. THE LATE MRS. POOL~£ Campbellford Herald: There passed away in Seymour, on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, Jane Wilson, wife of Mr. Joseph Poole,, in her 81st year. ■•• , The late Mrs. P.oole was born in 1840 in Armagh, Ireland, and came to Canada with her parents when a child two years old. 'They first came to Kingston, but; later settled in Prince Edward County, From there the family moved to Hilton and in 1865 deceased married Joseph Poole, of Brighton. They moved to the farm near Myersburg a year after their marriage where they» since resided. The husband, two sons, Nelson on the homestead and George of Warkworth, 'and one- daughter, Mrs. J. A. Ivey of town, -survive. The funeral "was held on Thursday afternoon service being conducted by Rev. F. J. Horwood, of Nor-a. The remains were laid to rest ■Mount Pleasant cemetery. Sunday comes March by parents, brother J. E. ALYEA In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. E. J. Sabin. Jesus, Thou Prince of life; Thy chosen cannot die; Like Thee, they conquer in the strife, To reign with Thee on high. One year has passed, our hearts still As times go by, we miss her more, Her gentle smiley her loving face, No one on earth ^can take her place, Sleep on, dear one, and take thy They miss you most who loved you --Son and daughter. On Tuesday, March 8th, 1921, at 12:30 o'clock sharp, Mr. Alexander "Bryee, "The Hill." Colborne, will sell by public auction, his entire herd of \ ten. pure-bred registered Holstein cows, young Holstein bull, two purebred Clydesdale mares, three purebred Tamworth sows, hay, grain, and farm implements. No reserve as the farm is rented. Usual terms with 8 months' credit. J. R. BATTISBY, Auctioneer. The Express is always glad to get local and personal items, but we would remind our contributors that as a guarante of the genuineness of any item put in the letter box or mailed to us, it should be signed by the person sending it in. The young people of Cramahe township have been granted the use of the hall at Castleton to hold dances, despite; the protests of 'ho tried to .night result mblic hall for ia,L welfare delegation show the evlis that from the use < such purposes. Gel^ld R. Holnbeck, of Cobourg, has been appointed to act in Kingston and Frontenac county for the Ontario police force, with headquarters in Kingston, He served with the 4th Field Battery, Business Malnutrition May Sound Odd; but your business isn't properly nourished if it isn't properly advertised. Put "pep", which in Canada means health and vigor, into your business by advertising--telling about it in your newspaper. The box social given in Salem Schoolhouse last Friday evening by Little Lake L. O. L. pased off succes Cully, all present having a pleasa time. The proceds amounted to ov $118.00. Vhe Chocolates-with dm^hndarfUl Centers! YOU'LL have to bite into one of these chocolates to learn just what that means. Flavor doesn't shqw on the surface. In the meantime, stop at our candy counter and get some to take home. Packed in a strikingly handsome orange-and-gold box. The National Opera Company The National Opera Company of TEN GREAT ARTISTS Will appear in the Victoria Opera House - Colborne Wednesday* Evening, March 9 Under the auspices of Colborne Public Library This Company is composed of the finest Grand Opera Quintette now touring Canada MISS TERNBERG'S Wonderful Classic Dancers -and- PEARL O'NEIL, the most gifted of Canadian Entertainers The show is most gorgeously costumed, the feature act of "The Mikado" and "The Gypsy Maid" This attraction comes positively guaranteed and it has played in all the leading theatres and in Massey Hall, Toronto. It will be given here in its entirety. Plan at Griffis' Drug Store. Seats, 80c, including war tax. City theatres charged double this amount. Order early seating capacity is limited. NORWOOD PRINCIPAL DEAD The news of the death of Mr. Fred Adams, Principal of Norwood Public School, was received with re and deep regret by the teaching fraternity throughout this •district. - The late Mr. Adams was for many years principal of Warkworth school and was one of the most suc-ul teachers In the province. He had been in Norwood only since the beginning of this year. Death Llted from pneumonia after a few days illness. He was a member of the Methodist church and of the Masonic order A wife and son rvlves. Rev. Charles Adams, ot Myrtle, late of Havelock, is a broth-r of deceased. The funeral took place at Nor- sow by w. F. GRIFFIS THE REXALL STORE -- CO JEWELRY FOR MEN should be characterized by quality, utility and distinctive design. That's why ours is so popular. WELL-DRESSED MEN appreciate the rich quality, the unique and original settings and designs, the good taste and air of refinement our jewelry for men imparts. Come in and let us show you our stock. H. J. MAYHEW JEWELLER and OPTICIAN, COLBORNE __COMING EVENTS____ CASTLETON W. I. The Castleton W. I. are serving Supper in the basement of the Town Hall, on the evening of March e 9th, 1921. Everyone made wel-me. Come and enjoy a social W1CKLOW-VERNONVILLE W. !. The Wicklow and Vernonville Wonjen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John Usher, Wicklow, Thursday, March 3rd, 1921, at 2.30 p.m. sharp. Rev. J, Daley is expected to peak on the work of tho Children's Shelter, Port Hope. Subjects for discussion: "Living a Life is more than making a Living", by Mrs. J. G. Finlay. "Kitchen Ways and Wrinkles", by Mrs. Usher. Programme committee. Mrs. S. Etcher and Miss F. Hall. Lunch will be served and every-le interested is cordially invited . to attend. Florence E, Hall, Sec. AUCTION SALES Thursday, March 10th, at 1 o'clock --Live slock, hay, grain, implements, of Mr. Justin Lapp, at his premises, Lot 26, Con. A, Haldimand Township. Usual terms. S. E. Robin- .Friday, March 4th, 1921, at 1.30 p.m.--About 40 single cords of Mixed Wood, cut in stovewood length, on the premises of J. F. Nelson, (formerly owned by J. W. * Cornelius) 2 miles South of Castleton. J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 23rd, 1921, at 1 p.m. sharp--Farm stock, implements, hay Krain, etc., of the late George Carr under instructions from Mary Carr, the Administratrix, the Lot 15, Crqr Co i. Tuesday, March 8th, 1921, at 12.30 o'clock sharp-- Important dispersion sale of pure „ bred Holstein cows, pure bred Clydesdale mares and stallion with quality, hogs, hay, grain, and implements, of Mr. Alex Bryce, on his premises, Lot 30, Con. 2, "The Hill", Colborne. Usual terms. J. R Battisby, i Tailor-made Suits at Fenton