THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1921 Page. Five Farms For Sale! 150 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 3 miles from Balti 9 miles from Cobourg. 135 acres workable, balance bush, maple and bee: acres orchard. 4 acres fall wheat, 50 acres fall plou 45 acres in meadow, 33 acres fresh seeding. Clay soil.' 5 wells. Brick house of 8 rooms, water inside, cistern. Bank- barn 73x36, tie-up 7 horses and 25 c (.pen yard .Water in stable. Driving house, hog p:'m house. School % mile. Church 3 miles. Rural mail telephone. Possession arranged. Price $11,500. Terms arra 110 ACRES--In I Twp., VA from Vernon- 100 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 7 acres orchard 5 acres rye, 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow, 25 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Good water, 3 wells and a creek. Frame house of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 120x30, barn No. 2, 50x36, tie-up 9 horses and 10 cattle, open yard. Driving louse, hog pen, hen house. School arid church 1% miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $7,500.. .Terms arranged. 50 ACRES-- Cramahe Twp., 1J/2 ' ; from Morganston, All workable. 4 acres orchard* 9 acres fall ploughed, 22 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. Good water, 2 wells and a spring. Frame house of 8 rooms, water Jnsiae, cellar, cistern. Barn 50x34, tie-up 6 horses and 15 cattle. Steel hog pen, hen house. School and churches y> mile. Possession arranged. Price $4,200. Terms arranged. 90 ACRES--On the Provincial Highway in Colborne. All workable. 15 acres orchard. 35 acres fall ploughed, 12 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. 1 well and a creek. Frame house of 10 rooms, cellar. Bank barn 50x35, No. 2, 50x20. :ie-up 3 horses and 15 cattle. Driving house, hogpen, hen house, ice house. Silo. School and church y2 mile. Possession arranged. Price $12,500.. .Terms arranged. Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne*. CASTLETON Last Week Our school opened again on Monday. Herbert Pomeroy is still confined to his bed, though reported some Mrs. Wm. Day Jr. celebrated her birthday last Thursday evening ' giving a supper to her Sunday School class mates and Iheir husbands. The grist mill is not running present on account of a break in the dam, but as that is being* repaired grinding will be done again in a few days. ThoSe who attended the entertainment given by our Colborne friends 'were well pleased with the programme and would say, "Come Wm. Newman, also Dr. Bert Newman, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of R. S. Newman, who still suffering from blood poison in his hand. * We are* glad that our Vernonville friends, when debating on what great things men had done for humanity, did not forget to mention Dr. Crichton and his Grippura. It is a •egrettable fact that debates are tot judged by some uninterested, inpredudiced, complete strangers, who would observe strictly the rules of debaters and give a fair COBOURG ice Quinn is returning to Beamsville this week, where she 111 resume her duties. About fifty men ,are now employ -1 at the plant of Langslow, Lim-i ed, and in the course of the next few weeks it is expected that this umber will be increased to 100. Major Harold P. Snelgrove was recently elected a life fellow of the Royal Canadian Institute, England. Major Snelgrove is a Cobourg boy, of the late Major H. J. Snelgrove o, Cobourg. Most of the female help and a number of men also, were laid off eek at the Cobourg Felt Fact-3ver production, coupled with1 lain reason, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY MOTOR LICENSES East Bound \ sams D. Dudley, Colborne, has Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A.m. been appointed issuer of th%Ontario Passenger, Except Sunday 4.33 P.m. : motor license for East Northumber-Passenger, Except Sunday 8.35 P.m. |ian(j. ;\uto owners can procure their Mail, Daily...........11.22 P.M. j licenses now. West Bound -- ---- ------r= Mail. Daily............3.03 A.M. SITUATIONS WANTFD Passenger, Except Sunday 8.47 A.m.: M i UA 11UIN5 WA« 1 fcU Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 p.m. RKTCRNED MAN, age 43, with fam-Mail-Express, Daily . . .. 6.54 P.M. j iiy 0f 5, wishes yearly position i-i!--■ . ---------: -------------I with farmer. Reply to Gulliver, BUSINESS CARDS j 31 Munroe St., Toronto. for reducing the •Word was received hfifg on Wednesday by Mrs. W. H. Hopper notifying her of the death of her eldest brother. Mr. George Pope, at Toronto. He was a former resident of Cobourg being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pope. UNION CORNERS Alex Mcintosh has :' but is slowly recovering. Bull of Burn' t the E Mr. R. DUNDONALD March came in very lamb-like. Mrs. Harry Mutton, who has been sick, is improving. Mr. Cecil Mutton has been ill at his home for several days. Mrs. Clarence Goodrich, who has been ill, is now better. ' Rev. D. R. Clare preached in Brighton on Sunday last. Mr. Ross Wright is able to be aiound again after recent illness. . No school on Monday owing to the illness of our teacher, Miss Lillian Mutton. Mr. Ernest McDonald spent a few jdays last week with his brother, Milton McDonald, C.E., at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald, wh have been living near Colborne, ar moving on Mr. Wm. Samons' farm this week. The "good old days" when loads si tors and evening parties enlivened e winter have passed away and chat over the telephone seems .to st fice. On account of sickness in the neig _ borhood, the congregation at Eden church was small on Sunday mornitii when the Rev. Mr. Tucker, < Brighton, conducted the services. Mrs. H. and A. Mutton have r 'eived the sad news of the death of their cousin, Mrs. Fred Spofford ,of Sidney, which occurred on Monday, February 28th. Deeply regretted. Deep .regret and sincere sympathy is felt by many in this place over the death of Mrs. Moore (Viva Bush) who spent part of her young life with her parents in this neighborhood. WARKWORTH Messrs. Bart Blake and Randolph otter, both of Percy, Tp., have traded farms. Born--In Norham, ,on February 13th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc-Grath, a daughter. Born--In Percy township, on Feb. 6th, 1921, tp Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weatherup, a son. Born--In Brighton township, on February 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merriam, a son. Mrs. Wiggins, Sr., attended the tmeral of her son-in-law, Dr. King f Toronto, on Thursday. Born--In Percy township, on Tues-ay, Feb. 15th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. 'rank Weatherson, a daughter. r>oris Jean.) Born--To Mr and Mrs. George Towns of Cramahe township, on February 13th, 1921, a daughter, (Hilda Bernice). Mr. and Mrs. Harold Insley, of Toronto, were called home last week on account of the death of her sister, Mary B. Dick. Miss E, Maude Owen, after spending a couple of weeks at her home Toi i her duties as r FOR SALE THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is iss ued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance. Transient j UNDERTAKING BUSINESS in Col- othei advertisements 12 cents per 1 first insertion and 8 cents per ! for each additional insert Business cards not exceeding inch $7 per annum. Yearly c tracts at uniform rates. DENTAL IV. G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S Dentist. Office: opposite Hall, Colborne. Street, Colb, for the i'niti PRANK M. FIELD K.C., Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont. VV. L. PAYNE, ltd, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Convey) ancer. Office first, door east ot ! Registry Office, Colborne." s for sale. Apply FUR COAT (Beaver) Bust length %. Apply at Ex-inting Office. LE--The Windsor^ Hotel in the village of Colborne. ) Mrs. A. Sayer, Colborne. t SAi^E--Large sized "Peerless" icubator in good condition; so Brooder. Apply to Jay rown, R.R. No. 1, Colborne. 9-2x HSTERED JERSEYS FOR SALE id coming 2 and one coming 5 ?ars old. Both due to renew in pril. Come and see them at Wm. Ichols, Castleton. v SALE - Maple Syrup Evapor-or, fully equipped; also 150 new uckets. Reasonable price for lick sale. Apply to Chas. Green-. . Vernonville, R.R. No. 1. 9-2x PROPERTY FOR SALE OK HOUSE and Two Lots on f.'cy Street for sale. The prop-•iy of the late J. W. Philp. On ie premises are a good brick, .rn. apples, pears, and plum trees. > Frame barn and lot on William ;reet, near G.T.R. station. W. A. PHILP, | Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Black been visiting his brother and |friends in Buffalo. Gaffield spent a few days m the b i Inglis, the poi cook £ TRICK & McARTHUR, Barrister Solicitors, &c. Special attentie ; Westei and agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block, 'Winnipeg. Manitoba. FRANK L~ WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Sol .-iter, Notary, etc. (Knees, King St. Cotbcrn?, Ont., and 411 Tempi." Building, Toronto At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court flays. _^UCTIONEER_ J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared to conduct auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Vernonville R.R. 1. or Phone Graf ton Central, 31rl2. 3. E. ROBINSON. Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales - a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed Real Estate Broker. Address R.M.D. 5 Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. 1- NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auction-- ecr. Pare bred stock a special' Ileal Es-.ato Broker. Sev and fruil farms- for sale. Box 1S( NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that he partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, as "Weaver & Hodgens", Musical Instill ment Dealers in the Town of Trenton in the County of Hastings, has this day been dissolved by niut- ALL debts owing to the said partnership arc to be paid to William W. Weaver, Elgin Street, Trenton, aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said William W. Weaver, by whom the same will be settled. DATED at Trenton, Ontario, this twenty-second day of February, A.D. 1921. Sam Clark eenly had successful sale, conducted popular auctioneer, S. E. E On the 23rd inst, a de came to the home of Mr. an Thos. Yule, which lived oi CODRINGTON Glad ( ' mumps pat Mrs. Brock Scripture visited herj sister. Mrs. Jack Hennessy. Lots of flu and grippe in our neigh- | borhood but no serious result, as yet. ! Miss Edith Vanblarieomb is spend-1 ing a few days with friends in Col- j Miss Mary Wright has returned af-! ter taking a domestic science course j at the O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and little daughter, Beryl, are recovering form an attack of bronchial pneumonia Mrs. E. Janeway, of Peterboro, has returned home after spending a week as the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. A Hospital. Mr. Wm. Marks, of Percy drew a nake in a pail of water from a ten )Ot well, on Thursday, and killed tie reptile.- It is about two feet >ng, and was apparently thriving in lie cold water. On Saturday, Feb. 19th, 1921, a cputat'.on from Myersburg called t the Norham parsonage and pres-nted their pastor, Rev. F. J. Hor-rood, with an elegant black fur oat, on behalf of the congregate*]! f Meyersburg church. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick are winning the loss of their daughter, lary Bolster Dick, aged 8 years and months. Death took place on Feb. 5th, 1921, after a brief illness. In-jrment was at Warkworth cemef-ry on Thursday, Feb. 17th. The death of Caleb Rav Mallory. aii of Mr. and Mrs. Ray R. Mallory, eeurred at the home in Percy on •riday. February 18th, 1921. after a riet' illness, aged 11 years and 8 Warkworth i rnetery i Sat- CAMPBELLFORD A. fl. Sanderson has rec I eived an invitation to become pas tor of the Camirngton Methodis Church for the next conference yea: and has accepted, subject to the ap proval of the stationing committee Mr. O. M. Benor and Mr. I. A Humphries BREEZE NEIGHBORHOOD We are pleased to have Mr. Hillie Breeze in our midst again. Sorry to report Mr. Tom. Harvie, Sr. is again confined to his bed. Miss Beatrice Vanslyke entertained about 25 of her friends at a skating party on Wednesday night. We c\t< "(1 sympathy to Messrs. Harry Chatten and Samuel Yarrow v-hn each lost a good horse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Samis gave a birthday party for their daughter Hazei cently, ~" referei tached i e to the the Benor plain- eak i -gilts at :ig mill, f-tisfactr We learn that it is the intention of the Roman Catholics of Campbell ford to establish a separate school here!. The news comes with general regret as the relations between the Roman Catholics and Protestants have been most amicable both on the Board of Education and among the people generally. rim OAK HEIGHTS congratulating Gilbert Ireland our sympathy v Mallory on t! Caleb. Ir. and Mrs. B. I INSURANCE Shoe Repairing While wi ed friends, Blake, purpose moving from our midst, we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Potter and Mr. and Mrs. George Potter, who are coming'on the farm, as residents of our local- WOOLER inie Terri.ll,_ o Hardwood Flooring j "BEAVER" BRAND [Hardwood Flooring Laid and Finished For Sale By E. J. TURPIN PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY FOR Hot-(-C ross Buns FOR EASTER HOT DRINKS AND SANDWICHES At AH Hours ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS J. S. HODGENS NYAL'S Celery Nervine A valuable blood and nerve tonic, effective in the treatment of nervous disorders. It tones up the system, improves the appetite, and aids digestion. Per bottle, $1.25. Nerve Tablets per box 50c We are striving to make this store a real convenience to this whole community, and if our service pleases you, tell others, if not, tell us. W. E. GOULD Store Phone 129 DRUGGIST Colborne House 128 W. Colborne Creamery THE Colborne Creamery Co. would like to have all the cream shipers interested in the home factory and the Company are prepared to manufacture butter by the pound and this should give the patrons better results and would also entitle them to a voice in the management of the Fact-ary. The more patrons we have the cheaper we * n make the butter up. We are now paying 62 cents for butter fat. Highest prices paid for all kinds of poultry. Phone or write us and our rig will call at your door, Colborne Creamery Co. Phone 107 P. O. Box 214 ^. You Can Save Money on Coal There is as much difference in coa' as LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies " the ordinary kind, but Lehigh Valley C.lal is harder and lasts longer. There heat in a ton. That is why we ind reeomme.Kl it. Order from us and be satisfied. When in Cobourg Call fit the ALBION HOTEL EDWARD LISTER, Prop. C.P.R. Telegraph • Dominion Express • Money Orders AgenU for C. P. R. Railway and Steamship Ticket* JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-1 r2. Scranton - R P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of repairing of boots and shoes at new shop in the Ireland Block, King Street, Colborne. CHAS. BUGG Hardwood flooring, "B.?.aver Bva^d". fer sale and laid and finished by Mr. H. J. Turpin. See fsdvt Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT : J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor I W. F. Griffis local agents for Teni-j pleton's Rheumatic Capsules, and iKAZ-MAIl for Asthma says these two standard remedies are selling better are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAI.. NUT COAL. STOVE COAL. SOFT COAL. CO.NXEL COAL. EGG COAL i Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man It is understood that the minis t- | The length of the day varies in , ers of the Bay of Quinte Conference j different places. In Loudon the will place a beautiful memorial: iongest day has sixteen hours and a window in Queen street church at j half; at Petrograd nineteen, and tn Lindsay, in memory of the late Rev., Spitssenburgea the longest day lasts C If Own. 'three niantbs and ti half.