THE COLBORNE EXPRESS faiURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921 Page Five Farms For Sale! 150 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 3 miles from Baltih 9 miles from Cobourg. 135 acres workable, balance bush, maple and beecl acres orchard. 4 acres fall wheat, 50 acres fall plot; 45 acres in meadow, 33 acres fresh seeding. Clay i soil. 5 wells. Brick house of 8 rooms, water insid-r, r. cistern. Bank barn 73x36, tie-up 7 horses and 25 cs open yard .Water in stable. Driving house, hog p?u, house. School-. % mile. Church 3 miles. Rural nlttil telephone. . Possession arranged. Price $11,500. Terms prrar 110 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 1J/4 ville. from Vernon- 100 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 7 acres orchard. 6 acres rye, 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow, 25 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Good water, 3 wells and a creek. Frame hous'e of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 120x30, barn No. 2, 50x36, tie-up 9 horses and 10 cattle, open yard. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School and church 1*4 mtles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $7,500.. .Terms arranged. 50 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 1/2 miles from Morganston. All workable. 4 acres orchard. 9 acres fall ploughed, 22 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. Good water, 2 wells and a spring. Frame house of 8 rooms, water Inside, cellar, cistern. Barn 50x34, tie-up 6 horses ard 15 cattle. Steel hog pen, hen house. School and churches V£ mile. Possession arranged. Price $4,200. Terms arranged. 90 ACRES--On the Provincial Highway in Colborne. All workable. 15 acres orchard, 35 acres fall ploughed, 12 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. 1 well and a creek, Frame house of 10 rooms, cellar. Bank barn 50x35, No. 2, 50x20, tie-up 3 horses and 15 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house, ice house. Silo. School and church y2 mile. Possession arranged. Price $12,500.. .Terms arranged. Willoughby Farm Agency Head..Office,.43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE-S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne. HELP WANTED GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Mail-ExpressEaDtaily°Und .. 10.03 A.M. I WANTED -- At once, an experienc- Passenger, Except Sunday 4.83 P.M. j<~'" farmer. Apply to Major Macdon- Passenger, Except Sunday 8.35 P.M. N0- Lakeport.___10-3 Daily...........11.22 P.M. ,-. i-ERF-iNCED FARM HELP 'IT West Bound i ' Married man. Housei, free wood Mail, Daily............3.03 A.M.' und cow kept. Apply to LAKE- Passenger. Except Sunday S.47 A.M.J BOURNE FARMS, Colborne Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 P.M.; n.R. 4 11-3X Mali-Express, Daily .. .. 0.54 P.M. j--------______ _-_ BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion apd 8 cents per line for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one inch %1 per annum. Yearly contra, t -, at uniform rates. IX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE--On Victoria St., Colborne. Apply to Mrs. W. L. Bailey. 12-2 WOODEN CISTERN -- New, large ize, made of 2-inch plank. Apply t Express Printing office. lOtf. FOR SALE--A few imported Single-comb White Leghorn Cockerels. Apply to Major Macdonald, Lakeport. 10-3 DENTAL I ARCHER BROWN, M.D.. L.R.C.P., L'.R.C.S,. Edinburgh, Scotland. OfBee and residence. Division IFOR SALE--The Windsor Hotel property in the village of Colborne. ! Apply to Mrs. A. Sayer, Colborne. 8-4 CHOICE SEED OATS--Free of smut ! and foul weeds. E. A. RUTHER-; FORD, Castleton R. R. 2 Telephone at residence. 11-4 SEED OA'IS FOR SALE--A quarT tity of choice seed oats. (Improved Banner). Free from foul seed. JAS. McGUIRE, R. R. 5 Colborne. |2 BARRED ROCK COCKERELS --- a piece. 1 took 1st prize at at Grafton. Apply HAROLD Kef FIELD. K.C., i Notary Publi" Collier villi;, F TRICK. Mc ARTHUR & Co.--Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Public, Special Examiners in K.B. Special attention to professional agency work. 416 Melntyre Block Winnipeg, Man. FRANK L WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Bar-rieie '.'.jiisitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, ..Toronto. At Oolboine Office on Fridays and Satu'.lays^and Court days. ^ AUCTIONEER J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared to corduct, auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a, specialty. Address: Vernonville ':'■< R. 1, or Phone Grafton Central. "lrl2. No. 1. 9-2x and litter 2 weeks old $50".00. One Reg. Yorkshire Boar $30.00. One Colony to one thousand chicks' only $2o'. S. C. White Leghorn Eggs for hatching, ¥1-00 per thirteen, $3.25 pet-fifty, $6.00 per hundred. Gordoi MacGregor, Colborne, Ont. Maple Syrup has been selling ound the village and vicinity. Prices 75c per quart down to 50c. Miss Ethel Fox came home for few days, but has returned to h brother's, Preston Hill. Messrs. Powell, general merchan are putting in a tank ready to cater to the public requiring gasoline. The new mail-carrier for Route No. 1 starts his duties Friday, April 1st, All fools' day. Miss Mable Wood has gone to stay with her sister, Mrs. L. Solmes, at Smiths Falls, for a few weeks. Mrs. R. Twiddy has been away-visiting relatives and friends for several days. Mr. John Thompson, who has moved in the property west of the Methodist, Church, is getting ready tc. build a barn. The heavy rain of Saturday last and ending on Sabbath has settled muddy roads to some extent and brought the frost out. Those running autos have had some serious times to get through. Mr. E. Hubble and the Pastor, Rev. R. Patterson from here. Mr. R. Hubble and Mr. Peter Kilbank. also Alex Palmer, were attending Orange Grand Lodge meeting at Lindsay, last week. Mr. D. Gibson's sale last week realized good prices. His family will move on the Master's property, this week, which they recently pared.. ving to the bad state of the s the attendance at the C.O.C.F. rtainment was not as large as expected on Tuesday of last week, a splendid concert was realized, HILTON Fred Gartshore left for the West Mr. and Mrs. J. Langdon are the proud parents of a young son. An old resident, Mr. Bert Smith was buried here on Saturday. ■A number of culverts were washed , Belleville. McColl this We are sorry to report Mrs. Geo. Graham is on the sick list. Miss Maud Samous is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Nelson of Col- A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present at the home of Miss Lodema Lacey, when Edville friends met at their' home to bid them good-bye and present them with . a small gift as a token of appreciation. Mrs. M. Drinkwalter read dross, and Mrs. Arthur Quinn - and Mrs. Harry Grant presented her With a beautiful chair and parasol, while Miss Nellie Chatten presented , a beautiful leather purse to Miss Daisy Lacey.__ The robins are here and the wood-chucks are out also. Miss Bessie Henwood, Napanee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Love-Mr. Stanley and family have returned to their village home. Last year Mr. McBride tenanted the farm which Mr. Baxter has bought. Mr. Coxon, who by the way is a layman, not a minister as at first reported, delivered an exceedingly interesting address, taking as his text, 1 Cor. 16:9, "For a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries." Applying these words to India, Mr. Coxon divided his discourse thus, 1 the open doors. 2 the adversaries. The first of these open doors, Mr. Coxon said, was the modern methods of rapid transit which enables the missionary from America to reach India in six or eight weeks as ag-almost as many months when And along with this goes the in-N) facilities of transportation t the Empire itself, where there ow 35,000 miles of well equipped railways and an equal amount iellent macadamized roads, second open door is the willingness of the people to hear the Gospel. There is very little active hostility toward the missionary and e acceptance of Christianity. In 17 the missionaries were obliged to refuse baptism to upwards of thousand people because ow-lack of workers, they were unable to instruct them in the sim-fundamentaJs of the Christian i thot meats the tile- largely a desii the bondage of caste and to education. Still the ment constitutes an effectual ther door is found 3 of the native chu There are four million ( in India and churches ■ed here and there all thi nd. If all foreign missior withdrawn from Ir ,-ould carry forward the i of course more slowl; the l TOMATO GROWERS. SPECIAL PRICE on 10x12 CLASS. Fight Cents. At DONAGHY'S WATCH FOUND. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Wm. Craig, Colborne R. R. 1. 12-4 MOTOR LICENSES Sam D. Dudley, Colborne. has been appointed issuer of the Ontario motor license for East Northumberland, Auto owners can procure their 2tf S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 7Sr23 Notice is hereby given that Edward S.J. Turpin, of the Township of Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland, in the Province of Ontario, returned soldier, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, May Iniz Turpin, of the City of Toronto, forewoman, on the ground of her persistent refusal to procreate and consummate the marriage. Dated at Toronto, March 4th 1921. FRANK L. WEBB, 411 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Solicitor for Applicant. Xotieo is hereby given, pursuant to to Statutes in that behalf, that all i ;:ons having claims against Es-v'c of Marietta Brown, late of the lllage of Colborne, in the County of orthumberland, married woman, de-aei-il. who died on or about the 6th day of June. A.D., 1920, are required to send or deliver to G. E. R. Wilson, one of the executors, of the estate of She deceased, Colborne, Ontario, on or before the 2nd day of April, A.D., 1921 .their names and^addresses and particulars Of their claims, duly verified, and that after said last mention-eel day the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ;•■> '.lie claims of which they then shall have notice. L;ued March 7th ,1921. W. II. BROWN. G. E. R. WILSON, Medical work is another moi effectual door, and still another the industrial and agricultural wor Consecrated Christian mechanics ar farmers are badly needed. It is ni at all necessary for a man to be minister in order to be a missionai in India. A great door also educational come desiring wes saying they do no about Christianity. Often studen education bu" togethe "East is ,famo e twain shall ", is false. They have met not only met but merged. . Coxon then turned to consid-on of the adversaries. First, one of the most formidable is influence of ungodly white men are in India merely to exploit Then there is the ignorance of the masses. Only 8 per cent, of the men and 2 per cent of the women can read. Along with ignorance of course goes superstition. Another foe is materialism, that is the daily struggle for food which never has enough to satisfy hunger for even one day. Then there is the mighty barrier of caste, and the evils of child marriage: also the menace of the Moslem faith which holds sway over 97.000,000 of India's inhabitants. The present political situation is a Numbers of the educated in classes have taken it heads that the British Government has treated the Indians unjustly and no man can prophesy how this movement will end. Just here Mr. Coxon who is an American to testify to the bene-itish rule in India. He declared the government had done by India and that the civil ser-i as a whole were gentlemen who had at heart the welfare of the In pleading for recruits for the mission field Mr. Coxon said t he and Mrs. Coxon are respon-e for 140,000 natives. Mr. Coxon ks under the control of the Am-an Presbyterian Mission Board, is principal of a school and has i supervision of a small hospital a number of workshops, t tbe close of his address Mr. on sang the. Hindustani trans--ou of "Jesus Loves me" to a fam-:■ tune and then a Hindustani in to a native air, which sounded .nge. vet very pleasing to our ccustomed ears. After the BALTIMORE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION iTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tl partnership heretofore subs; between us, the undersigned, caver & Hodgens ', Musical NOTICE TO CREDITORS hereby given, pursuant to ? in that behalf, that all ing claims against Estate hatten, late of the Town-raldimanti, in the County of les C far l or about the 10th day oi l.D.. 1921, are required to iver to Robt. chatten, exe- rted Ball day to vlsi ill. and Mrs. vi>it°d his last week, is Evelyn F. S. Burs sister, Mis Boddv a mt the wee sts of Mrs weliffe whs Hot--(--Cross Buns FOR EASTER HOT DRINKS AND SANDWICHES At All Hours Nyal's Nutritive Hypophosphites When a person feels "blue";--"all tired out"-- "doesn't feel like doing anything"--cannot concentrate his mind on his work--feels weak mentally and physically--doubts his powers--complains of poor appetite and sleeplessness -- suffers from headaches--then his nervous system is run-down and demands .a good up-building tonic. Nervous exhaustion is a modern disease, and pre-eminently an American disease caused by too close attention to business, overwork, worry and cverstudy, etc. Nyal's Nutritive Hypophosphites forms the best nerve and brain food known, and have restored thousands of sufferers to health. Prices--12 oz bottle $1.00.. . 16 oz. bottle $1.25. W. E. GOULD Store Phone 129 DRUGGIST Colborne House 128 W. Colborne Creamery THE Colborne Creamery Co. would like to have all the cream shipers interested in the home factory and the Company are prepared to manufacture butter by the pound and this should give the patrons better results and would also entitle them to a voice in the management of the Fact-ary. The more patrons we have the cheaper we can make the butter up. We are now paying 62 cents for butter fat. Highest prices paid for all kinds of poultry. Phone or write us and our rig will call at your door. Colborne Creamery Co. Phone 107 P. O. Box 214 ill! You Can Save Money on Coal "Diet i, i.tT.T Ef HIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisfies in wood. You would certainly prefer gocid hard oak wood, to hemlock si;>bs at the same price. Lehigh Valley Anthracite costs you no more than yon are asked to pay for the ordinary kind, but Lehigh Valley Coal is harder and lasts longer. There is more heat in a ton. That is why we sell it, and recommend it. Order from us and be satisfied. C. P. R. Telegraph Dominion Express Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-lr2. Residence-66 Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL, SOFT COAL, STOVE COAL, NUT COAL, CONNEL COAL, EGG COAL, SHINGLES, B.C., Red Cedar, Quebec. Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Ma ADDS BRING RESULTS !G RESULTS. EXPRESS ADDS RESULTS. I EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS.)! A Cobourg man was and costs by Masrf-tr;.: . getting lio.uor in unde