Page Four COBOURG Mr. M. Mulhall and family, GrafJ tdh, moved to their new residence] on University Ave., the first of week. We welcome them to Cob-J ourg. Right Rev. Mo'nsignor Murray cele-| brated High Mass last »unday the first time since his illness. Thei date was his 78th birthday, sighor Murray has spent ' 42 years] here in charge of■ St. Michael's Par-j ish. Very many friends in Cobourg andl Hamilton Tp., learned with sincere I regret on Tuesday, of the death of! Mrs. Davidson, wife of Mr. James f Davidson, Camborne. Mrs. David-1 son was a daughter of the late Wat--] ter Riddell. Our newest industry, Bastian Bros. ] Ltd., of Rochester, have quite large order for a prominent line of i their goods and have started mi faeturing. Mr. Edward Bickle, of Mr. George Bickle and formerly of this town, is in charge of branch of the business here, which | we hope will have continued ever increasing prosperity.--Cobourg I World. DENTACLOR TOOTH PASTE K WHITENS % | \ CLEANSES \-. |: A PRESERVES RELIEVES PYORRHEA WARNING NOTICE is hereby given that one dumping refuse of any kind c the base line or any other hlgh-l way in the Township of Crai prosecuted according kl.By Hardwood Flooring "BEAVER" BRAND Hardwood Flooring Laid and. I Finished For Sale By E. J. TURPIN When in Cobourg Gail at the albion hotel Good Meals and Service EDWARD LISTER, Prop. Brunswick House I Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-dass Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when in Oolborne J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor COAL HAVING returned from overseas, the undersigned has resumed Ihe coal business aid will be pleased to rooeive orders for Summer delivery. Lowest possible prices guaranteed. Ira Edwards Shoe Repairing The undersigned is prepared to domll kinds of repairing of boots and shoes at his new shop in the Ireland Block, King Street, Colborne. CHAS. BUGG No. 9 HALDIMA Pass 600 . . 852 Hon ..707 Hon -ATTENTION FRUIT GROWERS I have established a Local Distribut Warehouse at Cobourg, and I am t pared to make shipments of the follow BERRY BOXES 5-LB. TIN-TOP FRUIT BOXES SHIPPING CRATES EGG CRATES APPLE BOXES APPLE CRATES SHERMAN COOPER COBOURG, ONT. PHONES 256 and 514 Sixty years of leadership--of giving good value, heaping satfc-fi and real service! That's why the Gilscn name virus :-•>•• ••.•;<• confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud i this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE OR WRITE FOR PRICES P. O. BOX 836 Bootleggers and Whiskey Smugglers are Disgracing Canada On April 18 Abolish Importation by voting YES Since January 1, 1920, thousands and thousands of gallons of Whiskey, Gin, Brandy and High Wines have been shipped into Ontario: . Express shipments alone for a long period averaged four to six cars per day, and have run as high as eight! Four car loads a day means at least 19,200 quarts daily, or over 5,000,000 quarts per year. And yet the people of Ontario voted to make prohibition thc permanent law! This imported "Booze" is the stuff which enables the "Bootlegger" to carry on his illegal trade, and allows "Rum Runners" and "Whiskey Smugglers" to disgrace Canada. Officers of the law are set at defiance. Read what thc Chairman of the Board of License Commissioners says himself. , Importation Makes Law Enforcement Difficult "After an experience in the administration of the Ontario Temperance Act covering the period from its first coming into force in September, 1916, I am in a position to state that importation is seriously hampering its effectiveness. The War Measures Act was repealed in January 1920, and the Dominion Orders-in-Council under the Act were rescinded. Heavy shipments of liquor into the province began at once. The number of cases of breach of the Ontario Temperance Act have increased in even greater proportion."--From a Statement by the Chairman of Board of License Commis-s for Ont • HYLOSVLO THE GILSON SPREADE! TE-and vote "YES" Mark your ballot as above with an X opposite the Yes, and nothing more. tario Referendum Committee ,3,