Page Five 300 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp,, 4 Miles from Colborne. 150 acres workable, 20 acres bush, balance, pasture. 6 acres orchard. 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acre's in meadow. 20 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Watered by a p.ek ; and a spring. Frame house of 12 rooms, water i isida, cellar, Cistern. Bank barn 76x34, barn No. 2, 58x3fi barn No. 3, 36x18, tie-up 13 horses and 19 cattle. Driving rase, hog pen, hen house. School iy2 miles. Church ,3 idles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $14,000 Terms arranged 100 ACRES---In Murray Twp., 2 miles from Wooler, 6 miles from Trenton._ 70 acres workable, 5 acres maple and beech bush, balance swamp. 2 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 20 acres in meadow, 15 acres fresh seeding. -Clay loam soil. Brick house of 10 rooms, water inside, cellar, furnace. Bank barn 90x35, tie-up 4 horses and 10 cattle. Water in stables. Hog pen, ice house, milk house. Rural mail and telephone. School I? mile. Church 2 miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,000. Terms arranged 82 ACRES--in Cramahe Twp., 5 miles from Colborne. 70 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 8 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 16 acres in meadow, 12 acres seeding. Clay loam soil. 1 well. Frame house of 9 rooms, cellar. Barn 40x30, No.-2, 70x30, tie-up 5 horses and 16 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School % mile. Church iy2 miles. Rural mail and telephone. mged. s $6,000. Terms arranged Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 4.'! Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne. Don't forget the prayer ser---- the church Friday evening. Mrs. R. S. Waite has returned home from Toronto am! reports Md Waite to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cooper and family of Brighton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Walker. Congratulations to the "Four Square" class, as they are the banner class this month in our Sunday School. DUNDONALD Mrs Samis is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Samon*. Another telephone added to No. 35--Mr. Sharp on the McGillis farm. Little Miss Eileen Dudley of Oof borne spent part of her holidays here with relatives. Miss J. Lobb of Hornby was the guest of Miss Chesterfield the greater part of last week. Mr. Walter Chesterfield was delegate to the Educational Association held in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald spent Monday in Brighton, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bawden. Mrs. Harry McDonald entered 01 her duties as nurse on Tuesday, a thc •home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Purdy, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gairns an loving from Colborne to Mrs. D. U Donald's house. Mr. Gairns wil .rork for Mr. Earnest McDonal.I this Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy and liss Lena McDonald attended a sur-rise party in honor of Mrs. Packard Elsie Mutton) at their new honie ear HUton. A beautiful clock was resented to Mrs. Packard as a irthday gift, and an enjoyable eve-ing was- spent with the young GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY East Bound Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A Passenger, Except Sunday 4.33 P Passenger, Except Sunday 8.35 P Mail, Daily...........11.22 P West Bound Mail, Daily.. '..........3.03N& Passenger, Except Sunday 8.47 A Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 P J'ail-Express, Daily .. .. 6.54 P BUSINESS CARDS I'HE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each ' additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. EGGS FOR HATCHING WHITE WYNDOTTE EGGS f 51-00 per setting of 15 egg; 2 W. A. Seed, C< PLRMOUTH ROCKS--Guelph laying strain. $1 per eggs. J. W. Prater, Colbo DENTAL VvT. G. ROBERTSON. D.D.S., L.D.S. Dentist. Office: opposite the Fir* Hall, Colborne. MEDICAL A. C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM., Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 12Sr2. Residence, King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., .R.C.S., r.Jinburgh, Scotland, p 'fflee and residence, Division I Itreet. Colborne, Ont. Coroner J - •>.. '-'-o<i Counties of North-d Durham. 'GAL \ K.C.. Barrister, Public. Tele-*>g, Ont. trrister, Sol-and Convey-door east of Colborne. xRTHUR & Co.--Bar-Solicitors. Notarie ; Pub-jpecial Examiners in K.B. ial attention to professional icy work. 416 Mclntyre Block mlpeg, Man. N'K L. WEBB, B.A.. LL.B., Barter. Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offi-l, King St., Colborne, Ont., and . Temple Building, Toronto. At Ibcurne Office on Fridays and turelays and Court days._ AUCTIONEER E. ROBINSON, Audi Stock and Ireplemc specialty. Sales con vhere. -Satisfaction teal Estate Broker it.M.I). 5, Colborne. NORMAN MONTGOME ear, Pure bred stocl Real Estate Broker. I .vpared Farm RHODE ISLAND REDS, 75c pei setting. Also Rhubarb roots, 25( each or $2.50 per doz. CM, ANDRUS. 14-' WATCH FOUND. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Wm. Craig, Colborne R. R. 1. 12-4 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED FARM HELP -- Married man. House, free wood, and cow kept. Apply to LAKE-BOURNE FARMS, Colborne FOR SALE--8 YEAR OLD BAY MARE, Sound. HARRY COYLE, Colborne. - 13-1. SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE--On Victoria St., CoTborne. Apply to Mrs. W. L. Bailey. 12-2 SEED POTATOES for sale. Early variety. Lakebourne Farms, Colborne R. R. 4. 14-4x FOR SALE--Sett Double heavy harness, practically new. Spring tocli cultivator, one horse, new. S. D. Scripture, Colborne. CHE, KOI.ET BABY GRAND AUTO-MOBILE--late model, in first-class Major Macdonald, Lakeport. 14. PURE BRED HOLSTEIN COWS, HOLSTEI BULL fit for service, few Grass Cattle, and also som Sheep. Alex. Ednie, Vernonville FOR SALE -- Cuthbert Raspberry Plants. Apply to FINLEY NELSON, Colborne. ___13-2x CHOICE SEED OATS--Free of smut and foul weeds. E. A. RUTHERFORD, Castleton R. R. 2. ' phone at residence. 11-1 ?OR SALE--One sow and litter 2 weeks old $50.00. One Reg. York shire Boar $30.00. One Colony Brooder, oil burning, capacity ui: to one thousand chicks, only $20 S. C. AVnite Leghorn Eggs for hat- UNION CORNERS lis bed with jr. All hop< under Dr. Mr, Millar is renting the farm Mr. Lewi Palmateer is moving from the Lathrop farm to a farm which he purchased near Cobourg. Mr. Floyd Harnden has moved to the Chas. Bradley Farm, near craf- CENTRETON r. Roy Wright has sold his ol and is thinking of getting a cylender. Another new car coming to th village. Rev. Mr. Lovelace has o dered one. Mrs. McKenzie's new house all plastered. She will soon be mo ing into it. Mr. W. Richardson lias given n firming and moved to Cobourg t " n the ferrv. Willis Stewart had a gran sale. Everything sold well. Mr. J Noble was auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. James Honeywell c iGastl Mr. John Nelsc A large gathering of friends of Ray Anderson and family met. in their home last Thursday night to say good-bye on their removal to Bowmanville. They were presented with a chair and an address was read by Mr. Jack Ednie. Mail Contract ij!-: vl.KP l"!.NI;i:i::;, a.l'ltv-.-. .i <<• Ow Post- „,„-:, T . LI,. V.Hi Ut P..rvl- «1 ilt "MsWU until .-ti I I'll'*' . il.-- ' -:l. »K: 1WJI. i,,r ii... ...,i.v.->hi..-.> ..I Hi-. M'.u- -ty'- MalU, on h propose.l com met :<••■ four j« six times MOROANSTON RURAL MAIL ROUTE No.. I from Ihe 1st October, uc.xt, 1'iinti 1 notices <*>m:>i»i«><! f»ni..t inform*Con as to con.'.itioiis of uioiio e.l Coiii t-.ict ,,iav I"-s..,-:, h,„| Mnnk forms of Ten.ier may '- obtain.'.! at flic Post otiices of Morgu>»<on. and at iIn- ..nice ol '.in- l'o-t lillici- inspector. J. CAMPBELL STRANGE. Actinic >'.,-! . itlii-..- Inferior. Post Owns'f.ctoh'a Office. 22-a KiiiRston. March Mth. 1921. Sale by Public Auction of an AIRPLANE THERE will be sold by Public Auction at the Colborne Foundry on Victoria Street in the Village of Colborne on Saturday, the 23rd day oi April, 1921, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, under the Power of Sale contained in a chattel mortgage bearing date the 27th day of December, 1920, a copy of which will produced at the time of sale, One ladian Type Curtiss J. M. 4 Air-no with Ox 5 Curtiss Motor 90 to horse power, No. of machine 259, de at Toronto. Painted White., The i rplai-p ispected at Mr. John Usher has returned from the West. Mr. Frank J. Usher has purchased a DeLaval Milking Machine. Our school room has been recently improved by the addition of, a new slate blackboard. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlay, Mrs. T Finlay and G. Finlay jr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlay, Grafton. Mr. Nelson Usher spent a day in Toronto last week and brought home w Light 4 Overland, purchased from C. Roberts, Grafton. NORHAM Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Bert West, a daughter, Sunday, April 3rd, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leaver spent the week end with friends in Nap-anee. Mrs. G. Reynolds of Cramahe Hill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cryderman. Mr. John Nelson and family have moved on the farm lately occupied by Mr. Marshall Wilson. Mrs. Rusk and son of Port Hope are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Chas. Cryderman. A number of friends met at the home of Mr. ar*d Mrs. Jas. Prosser e eve of their removal to their home, near Castleton, and an enjoyable time was spent. McKenzie, Thurs Glad to sec their pleasant ing through our village. A new arrival at the/home of Mr. nd Mrs. Charlie Merrils. Mrs. John On- of Peterboro ' has Mr. Merrils, the purchaser of the te home of Mr. D. Gibson, has loved on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. V. Maybee, also Mr. and Mrs. F. Crowe were out of town visiting on Sunday last. several resident teachers and students, who have been spending Easter home, have returned to their duties. Some farmers are sowing grain. Others are cultivating in preparation. While many will not be" able to be- n for some days. Mr. Rupert has moved up town in the house vacated by Floyd ' Sharp, ho has moved on the Hudgins iace which he purchased. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson were vi-'ilins "tii-os in town on Sabbath. Mr. Barzilla Johnson's were released from quarantine last week. The Standard Church people held four clay meeting in their Church, ending up on Sunday last, Easter. Bishop R. C. Horner was present. ~r. E. Lockwood, south of town, begun the last week to peddle milk, having established a route through town and into Frankford. The price being 10c per quart. The Cemetery Association held a bee on Friday last and a large num ' turned out to clean up the new ground purchased. Another bee is to be held this week to improve and fence, etc. Bread, Buns Cakes HOT DRINKS AND SANDWICHES At AH Hours ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS J. S. H0DGENS THE COLBORNE BAKERY NyaFs Creophos CONTAINS Hypophosphites, Wild Cherry, Creosote and Extract of Cod Liver Oil - This valuable remedy possesses unusual value in run-down conditions, showing a loss of flesh, and a tendency towards weak lungs ..Creosote is a most valuable antiseptic and in this combination will be found most effective in Chronic Bronchitis, lingering deep-set stubborn coughs., Creophos also fortifies tbe system, enabling weak constitutions to successfully combat the inroads'of disease germs, gives appetite, increases flesh and improves the general condition. Price $1.00 per Bottle W. E. GOULD Store Phone 129 DRUGGIST Colborne House 128 W. CENTRETON Mr. Gordon, Toronto, was an Easter-tide guest at the home of Mr. C. E. Wilton. ' Master R. L. Edwards, Cobourg, spending the Easter vacation with s sister, Mrs. B. Stewart. Mrs. Neal who has been for two months the guest of her niece, Mrs. ' ';, left last Saturday for her Belleview. pathy is expre Colborne Creamery WANTS YOUR CREAM For which we will pay at least Toronto prices Our Aim--To Satisfy Customers and Prompt Attention Our Truck will call for Cream and deliver cans Telephone will give you day or night service FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling wholesale or retail Patronize Home Industry POULTRY WANTED Write or Telephone COLBORNE CREAMERY Co. Phone 107 P.O. Box 301 Colborne 11111 Rice Hoi Jcount of the re iste'r, Mrs. Whivtak Orley Richardson, nt death You Can Save Money on Coal ! LEHIGIf VAifcEY I ANTHRAflTE « j The Coal That Satisfies " CP. R. Telegraph nthraeite costs ed. ERCULES A. ■ICE OF APPLIC is hereby given, pursuant to lies in that behalf, that all laving claims against Es-Jarietta Brown, late of the E Colborne, in the County of >erland, married woman, de~ t the 6th-required FOR DIVORCE G. E. R. , of the e of April, A.D. 11 distribute among the iving regard :li they then w ^l^the togetlser. Dominion Express Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-! r2. Residence-66 IScrantoa - P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service for contracting 1 c, e. m i good Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" 'Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL, SOFT COAL, STOVE COAL, NUT COAL, CONNEL COAL, EGG COAL, SHINGLES, B.C., Red Cedar, Quebec. ewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS, fg Floody has pur of land with houcj | Haldimand Tp., from