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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 14 Apr 1921, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1921 Page Fire Farms For Sale! 300 ACR i Colborne. 150 acres workable, 20 acres bush, balance pasture. 6 a orchard. 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Watered by a c and a spring. Frame house of 12 rooms, water ins cellar, cistern. Bank barn 76x34, barn No. 2, 58x3? No. 3, 36x18, tie-up 13 horses and 19 cattle. Drivir. ■ ' hog pen, hen house. School 1% miles. Church 3 ,i Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $14,000 Terms arrant 100 ACRES--In Murray Twp. from Trenton. ; workable, 5 acres i i i i e • i Wooler, in meadow, 1 house of 10 r 00x35, tte-tff Hog pen, ice School y2 mi 5 acres maple and beech bush, balance i hard 10 acrt fa! pi i • b "1 20 acres j * < 1 ( ling Clay loam soil. Brick ;, water inside, cellar, furnace. Bank barn rses and 10 cattle. Water in stables. ;e, milk house. Rural mail and telephone. Church 2 miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,000. Terms arranged 82 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 5 miles from Colborne. 70 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 8 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 16 acres in meadow,-12 acres seeding. Clay loam soil. 1 well. Frame house of 9 rooms, cellar. Barn 40x30, No. 2, 70x30, tie-up 5 horses and 16 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School % mile. Church 1% miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $3,000. Terms arranged Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY East Bound Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 4.33 P.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 8.35 P.M. Mail, Daily...........11.22 P.M. West Bound Mail, Daily.. ,.........3.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 8.47 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 P.M. Mail-Express, Daily .. .. 6.54 P.M. _BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. DENTAL iv\ G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S., L.D.S., Dentist. Omce: opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. EGGS FOR HATCHING PLRMOUTH ROCKS--Guelph heavy laying strain. $1 per setting of 13 eggs. J. W. Prater, Colborne. 14-4x RHODE ISLAND REDS, 75c per setting. Also Rhubarb roots, 25c each or $2.50 per doz. CM. ANDRUS. 14-4 WATCH FOUND. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Wm. Craig, Colborne R. R. 1. 12-4 SEED POTATOES for sale.. Early variety. Lakebourne Farms, Colborne R. R. 4. 14-4x WOODEN CISTERN -- New, large ize, made of 2-inch plank. Apply it Express Printing office. lOtf. MEDICAL \. c. McGlennon, b.a., m.d., CM., Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 12Ir2. Residence. King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. '"OR SALE--Sett Double heavy harness, practically new. Spring tooth cultivator, one horse, new. S. D. Scripture, Colborne. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND AUTO MOBILE--late ; model, in first-class condition, with new cord tires. Major Macdonald, Lakeport. 14. 1 ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., • Edinburgh, Scotland Office and residence, Division Street, 'Colborne, Ont. Coroner for trfe United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. FOR SAKE -- Cuthbert Raspberry Plants. Apply to FINLEY NELSON, Colborne. 13-2x CHOICE SEED OATS -Free of smut and foul weeds. E. A. RUTHERFORD, Castleton R. R. 2. Telephone at residence. 11-4 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Tele-phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont. w. L. PAYNE, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. FOR SALE--One sow and litter 2 | weeks old $50.00. One Reg. York-' shire Boar $30,00. One Colony Brooder, oil burning, capacity up to one thousand chicks, only $20. S. C. White Leghorn Eggs for hatching, $1.00 per thirteen, $3.25 per fifty, $6.00 per hundred. Gordon MacGregcr, Colborne, Ont. 12tf ASTRAY TRICK, McARTHUR & Co.--Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Special Examiners in K.B. Special attention to professional agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block Winnipeg, Man. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days AUCTIONEER J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared to conduct auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Vernonville R.R. 1, or Phone Grafton Central, 31rl2. TURKEYS ASTRAY--Came on the premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con. 6, Cramahe Township, a npmber of turkeys. Owner may have same on proving ownership and paying expenses. J. K. WILCE, Colborne, R. R. No. 2. ' 14-4 WARNING NOTICE is hereby given that anyone dumping refuse of any kind on the' base line or any other highway in the Township of Cramahe will be prosecuted according to S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and. Implement Sales a pocialtj il ' u< i . 1 Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 NORMAN MONTGOMERY, -Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box 180. Brighton. Phone No. 101. INSURANCE SEALED TENDERS, addressed the undersigned and marked "Tei for Sprinkling, etc", will be recei up to Saturday, April 23rd, 1921, the street sprinkling in Colborne the season of 1921 as directed by Council at a weekly flat rate for sprinkling and drawing gravel other work as required. The lowest or any-stender not essanlv accepted. H. S. KEYES. Village Colborne, April 11th. 1920. Clert DUNDONALD Let no man or woman say, "Too busy to vote". Mrs. C. Hinman of Brighton spent last week with friends heio. Mrs. Gordon Dunnett spent Monday n Trenton, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton. Mrs. Frank Chapman has been called to attend her daughter, Mrs. Earnest Turney near Brighton, who is very ill. Mr. Arthur Dunnett of Brighton accompanied by his cousin, J Gartshore of Hilton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Dunnett. « The friends in this lieighb vrhood were greatly interested to hear of the safe arrival of another son born to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Jones (Maud Tuck) April 4th, 1921. Mr. Archie Chapman has purchased the farm of Mr. F. McCallum and will take possession in the fall. A meeting was held in Eden church on Tuesday ' evening, when plans were perfected for the coming vote on the 13th, Rev. D. R. Clare and Rev. R. Richards present. EDDYSTONE Don't forget voting day the 18th. Mrs. Andrew Harnden is quite Mr. E. Turk visited his brother, Mr. C. Turk. We are glad to hear Mrs. Jas. Harnden is improving a little. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turk and family have been suffering from LaGrippe. Miss Bremner has returned after .ending her holidays at her home. Mr. Wilson has returned after lending his holidays with his par- Miss Susia Harnden is spending few weeks at her home, Mr. J. Harnden. r. and Mrs. B. Baker spent Sun-witU her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Hudson. Ploughing is the order of the day. Mr. Dave Harnden spent Sunday ith friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrg. J. Lock. Miss Mable Joice has returned to Toronto after spending her holidays at her home, Mr. J. Joice. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have moved to Castleton. Mr. and Mrs, Taylor have moved to the farm occupied by Mr. Collins. We welcome them in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. V. Harnden, who have spent the winter with his parents, have gone to Midland for a ■Short time. Then they intend going with his sister, Mrs. Mcintosh, and work in the mill out there for he summer. NORHAM Rev. Mr. Horwood spent a couple of days in Toronto. We understand we are going to have a new store here. Mr. George Palmateer and family spent Sunday in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Leaver spent the weekend in Belleville. Mr. Walter Campbell, from Toronto is visiting friends here. e understand Mr. Percy Win-dover and mother are going to move . town. A goodly number from here attended the mass meeting at Wark- orth on Sunday night.' Mr. Harold Gummer and sister, Mrs. Newton of Trenton, spent - the eek end at the parental home. We are sorry to report that Mr orman Gummer had the misfortune ) hurt his arm pretty badly, caused by cranking a car. WICKLOW Mrs. J. Anderson of Colborne is visiting friends here. Miss Annie Cox of Port Hope visiting her friend Mrs. Stanley Etcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Finlay spent the week end with her parents "t Campbellford. Mr. Gordon Knapp of Castleton, ho has recently returned from the West, has again engaged for the ason with Mr. Henry Knight. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wait spent Friday and Saturday in Toronto and ■eturned home with a new Maxwell Miss I. J. Radcliffe who has been itudying music in Montreal is visiting her aunts, Mrs. J. W. Nobles and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, before returning to her home in Regina. "le many friends of Mr. Charles Roberts of Grafton, formerly of this place, regret to hear he is suffering a bad attack of neuralgia. All hope he will soon be able to smile again. STOCKDALE | Mr. James Thomas is assisting at John Preston's this spring. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hubble and fam-[ily were out of town visiting over ! Sunday last. I Another party and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Orr, Friday evening last. Mr. E. Walt has had the west wing of his barn re-shingled. Mr. E. Hubbell doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wait, also Mrs. Inkster and little girl, visited at Mrs. Wall's daughters at Bonar Law, -c.bbath last. Mr. and Mrs. Flindall and daughters of English Settlement, Murray, Mrs. Whit The Francis Ma■■ Hardwood Flooring j "3.EAVER" RRAiViD^^. Hardwood Flooring Laid and! Finished For Sale By E. J. TURPIN sister, on Sabbath la„.. The campaign is on for the vote BXt Monday and the temperance orkers are planning to get all variable voters to the polls. Severe frost early this week will unind us that winter is not all over. Another bee at the new cemetery round placed posts around it, ready ion for the wire. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wannamaker, iso Mr. and Mrs. Twiddy, were | down to Belleville ou Friday last : to hear Mr. Johnson (Pussy-in interest of the Referendum ss Gladys Osterhout, who teach-'reston Hill school, was ill last : but is on duty this week; also L. Knapp of Tabernacle, who ics west of Peterboro, was unto go back after Easter, went Mail Contract MOUdANSTON KVUAL MAIL 1 Sale by Public Auction of an AIRPLANE THERE will be sold by Public Audit at the Colborne Foundry on ictoria Street in the Village of •Ibcrne on Saturday, the 23rd day April, 1921, at 2 o'clock in the ternooh, under the Power of Sale mtained in a chattel mortgage a ring date the 27th day of Dec-nber, 1920, a copy of which will ■ produced at the time of sale, One Canadian Type Curtiss J.M. 4 Airplane with Ox 5 Curtiss Motor 80 to 100 h< WARKWORTH Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Leach, of Fenella, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. H. Beswetherick. Mr. W. R. Losie, who spent the winter with his daughter and son at Toronto, returned to the village last Mr. George Helson has purchased from Mr. Bonney, of Peterboro, his 25 acres of wood farm in Percy Town-Miss Donovan, of Tamworth, has been engaged to teach the junior room in the public school, in place of Miss M. Young, resigned. Mr. Hay den Denike, of Amherst-burg, at one time a druggist at Warkworth, brother of Mr. H. B. Denike. of Percy, died suddenly of apoplexy at his home on March 23th, 1921. Married--At the Methodist par-n,'!.' Warkworth, on Wednesday, March 30th, 1921, by Rev. J. R. Butler. Gordon Harold Ireland, of hip, to Miss Marv Cuffo of i lie demands c growth of the ■ Warkworth GOOD RED BLOOD ous health and keen mental faculties, Eliminate waste matter accumulated during the winter by taking NYAL BLOOD PURIFIER It combines some of the best known blood remedies with good old-fashioned Sulphur in. a ready assimilable Clears the Skin Eliminates. Pimples Relieves Spring Fever Price $1.00 per Bottle W. E. GOULD Colborne Creamery WANTS YOUR CREAM For which we will pay at least Toronto prices Our Aim--To Satisfy Customers and Prompt Attention Our Truck will call for Cream and deliver cans Telephone will give you day or night service FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling wholesale or retail Patronize Home Industry POULTRY WANTED Write or Telephone COLBORNE CREAMERY Co. Phone 107 P.O. Box 301 Colborne Bread, Buns Cakes HOT DRINKS AND SANDWICHES At All Hours ICE CREAM AND SOFT DRINKS J. S. HODGENS THE COLBORNE BAKERY >!:.:.. 'Mil"Hii Izyz Money on Con made at Toron ural finish. • Airplane c; :ation to the There will be i ainted WI ^ This, wi i already ish ample f ADDS BRING RESULTS. Bio; Colborne, Notice is hereby given that Edward .J. Turpin, of the Township of Cram-1 he, in the County cf Northumberland, j i the Province of Ontario, returned j Oldier, will apply to the Parliam Test-you MOTOR LICENSES Sam D^ Dudley, Colborne, hs >r,... -neir.teil issuer of the Ontari motor 'license for East Nerthumbe land. Auto owners can procure the: TOMATO GROWERS SPECIAL PRICE on 10x12 GLASS Ei-l.t Cent's At DONAGHY'S t the of Div i from Your Seed Grain TTO obtain maximum yields you need to sow' 1 ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Consult our local Manager THE STANDARD BANK , OF CANADA :5s TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Colborne Branch: #- - C. A. Bryans, Manager. LEHIGH V C. P. R. Telegraph Dominion Express Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-lr2. Residence-66 Scranton-F, P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal ^ "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supplv, PEA COAL, SOFT COAL, STOVE COAL, NUT COAL. CONNEL COAL, EGG COAL, SHINGLES, B.C., Red Cedar, Quebec. Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man j Mr. Floody has pui i acres of land with houfc-j i Haldimand Tp., from

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