THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1921 Page Five GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY East Bound Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A.M. Passengei. Except Sunday 4.33 P.M. Passenger. Except Sunday 8.35 P.M. Mail, Daily...........11.22 P.M. West Bound Mail, Daily.......... .. 3.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 8.47 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 P.M. Mail-Express, Daily .. .. 6.54 P.M. BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum, in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one irich $7 per. annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. W. G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S., L.D.S., Dentist. Office: opposite the Fire Hall. Colborne. MEDICAL A. C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM., Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephoue No. 123r2. Residence', King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. I ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. LEGAL FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. TRICK, McARTHUR & Co.--Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- --11c, Special Examiners in K.B. Special attention to professional agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block Winnipeg, Man. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days. AUCTIONEER J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared to conduct auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Colborne, Out. Phone 64 J. S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted any-: where. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. L NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estalo Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box ISO, Brighton. Phone No. 101. INSURANCE R. WILSON, general Insurance ■ amd Real Estate Agent. Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ont. \ LUV1LLC Mrs. Florence Hinman in Edvflle. Mrs. R. S. Waite has 'ering with blood poison Master Howard .he misfortune to been suf-her hand. Drinkwalter had in a nail into his Alls Gri Fane Belleville, spent the Osca Mr. and Mrs. Carmen visited Mrs: G. A. McDonald on Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Muriel McDonald on her success at the recent Entrance Exam;. Harvest will soon be completed in our vicinity, which is about the earliest ever known around here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bowen of Pollcville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow and Mrs. Alexander of Brighton, vised friends in Edville last we -Mrs. R. G. Walker met with n painful accident on Saturday last. While carrying a kettle of boiling water her ankle turned ove tin: water to splash over he Apple Barrels For Sale 80c Colborne, Ont. SUTHERLAND INNES CO. CHATHAM, ONT TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED, for S.S. No. 10, Cramahe Township, Northumberland County, holding a second-class certificate. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating salary expected. to G. F. Purdy, Sec, Colborne R.R. 1. Ont. 28-4 FOR SALE FORD TON TRUCK FOR SALE-Good as new. C. SOUTHON & SONS, Lakeport. FRAME HOUSE, 18x24, with kitchen attached, about 12x12. Apply to N. Gaffield, Castleton P.O. 22-4tx VOOD FOR SALE--Quantity of dry l.ine stove wood at $2.25 per cord delivered. Percy Inglis, Colborne. R.R. 2. Phone Castleton Central 21 r 22. 29-tf. 10 S.C. White Leghorn Hens, one year old. Oldham strain, $2.00 each. Fertile hatching eggs $6.00 per hundred. One pair shoals $25.00. Goidon MacGrcgor, Colborne. FOR SALE--One Mare, general purpose; One Grader Yorkshire Sow for farrow in two weeks; One Col ony Poultry House; Four White Ieghcfn Cocks and 40 Yearling Tlens. Gordon MacGregor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of George Milton Peebles, late of the Village of Colborne. in the County of Northumberland, Electrician, deceased, who -died on or about the Fourteenth day of April, A.D. 1921, in the said Village of Colborne, in the said County, are required on or before the Fifth day of August, A.D. 1921, to send byjpost prepaid or to deliver to G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne, Ontario, Attorney for the undersigned Executor of the said Estate and effects of the late George Milton Peebles, their christian names and surnames and description and a statement of their respective claims and particulars thereof, verified on oath, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. AND NOTICE Is hereby further given that after the said Fifth day of August. A.D. 1921, the Executor will proceed to distribute the said Estate of the said George Milton Peebles among the parties entitled thereto, hi.Ving regard to the claims of which the said Executor has then notice and shall not be liable for the assets of the said George Milton Peebles or any part thereof so distributed to any poison or persons of whose claim he has not notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Colborne this 25th day of .June. A.D. 1921. . ' . -' G. R. KEYS, Executor of the Estate of..the late George Milton Peebles. 26-5 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given tha:t all! persons indebted to the late George Milton Peebles are required to pay , the.amount of the indebtedness to G \ E. R. Wilson, Attorney for the Executor, Colborne, Ont., or to C. C. I-hilp. Clerk for the said Executor, Colborne, Ont., on or before the Fifth day of August. 1921". Dated at Colborne, this 25th day of June, A.D. 1921. G. R. KEYS, "' Executor of the Estate of the late George Milton Peebles. 26-5 BOUSE FOR SALE--On the East fide of Elgin Street, formerlv occupied by Mr. Janes St*nto:«. All nodern convjntences, including Lath room. Large garden. Some >:ood fruit. Apply to G. E. R. Wdson, Insurance and Real Estatu A?ent, Colborne. ROUSE FOR SALE--to close an estate--The house on North side of Simmons Street, Village of Colborne, recently occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Pe-ters. For terms and particulars apply to G. E. R. Wilson, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 24-4 DUNDONALD The Misses Cooper of Toronto were recent guests of Miss II. Chesterfield. Mrs. Kelly of Brldgenortli has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunnett. Mr. Roy Chapman, who has been suffering with rheumatism, is improving the last few days. Mrs. George Goodrich and small daughter, Madeline, of Cobourg are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity.. Mr. and Mrs. M. »aques and Mr and Mrs. S. Kelly of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr. Mrs. W. L. Dunnett. Congratulations to Miss Ruth McDonald, who was successful in passing the entrance examination. Ruth was a pupil of Miss Lillian Mutton. Mrs. King and daughter of Port Hope, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald, returned home on Monday, accompanied by the Misses J*lia and Beatrice McDonald, who after a visit in Port Hope will go on to Uxbridge and spend part ot their holidays with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunnett, Miss Helen Dunnett, Mrs. J. P. Dunnett and Miss W. Hinman motored to Mountain View, Prince Ed., Co., on Friday last, spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. II. Parliament; returning in the evening, except Mrs. W. L. Dunnett, who remained for a week's visit with her sister. WARKWORTH Mr. P. S. Ewing and family are pending a week at Tercy Boom. Mrs. A. M. Smale and son, Gerald, re visiting friends at Tamworth.. Mrs. Harry Would, of Toronto, is ■Isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ames McVety. Bom--In Percy tewnsliip, on Sun day, July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Corev Zufelt, a daughter. Miss Fleta Zufelt ana Mr. nnd Mrs. Mangold have returned to Rochester, after visiting the home of Mr. H. Zufelt. Dr. H. Darling or Edmohtoiij Alberta, is visiting, his aunt, Mrs. 3. Darling, and his cousin Mr. W. H. Barringer. Mr. and Mrs. John Helson, of Toronto, are visiting their daughter Mrs. f. W. Bowen, and other r»el atives and friends in this vicinity. Rev. J. A. Black. B.A.. of Horn-i,.c« Mills, Mrs. Black and children .„'.. visiting his father, Mr. S. Black, and other relatives in Warkworth and vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Irvine Warner and and Mrs. Albert Palmateer mot-■d from Rochester and spent the ;t week at the home of Mr. Chas. nsic-klin and other friends. Mi--- Beatrice Boyce of Escanaba, and Mr. J.'f. Boyce B.A., « ylaarv. are visiting at his pars', Mi\- and Mrs. Boyce, Dart-fovd. and his brother C. J. Boyce, ■kvorth. mong the names of the successlml candidates from Q ^""^ Education we notice the n:ir.-.-- or X.u., H. I. Thompson, B.A., of Warkworth, who Is now qualified^ as an *l"'\V"" Elmer Oliver of Percy was uih-ing through Campbellford on Saturday evening, a horse and buggy came unexpectedly on the street in front' of him. causing a collision in whhii the- horse had a leg broken in fbree places.' No other serious BALTIMORE When over the phone last Frid; evening came the startling tidings of the sudden death of Mr. Howard Bull, second son of Mr. George Bull, Mill Valley; the message brought to many hearts outside the family circle, k feeling of sorrow and a sense of personal loss, for Howard was a geneial favorite and especially esteemed among the young people of his own age. Stricken with that dread disease, spinal meningitis, on Tuesday cf Inst week lie was taken to Cobourg Hospital on Thursday wheie In spite of evevry effort that medical ski!' could pur u;rth, he pas-following afternoon at the early i s of l Bull is survived four sisters and five brothers, • to whom the heartfelt sympathy of the entire neighborhood is extended in this hour of bitter sorrow over the first break in the family. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, interment being in Centreton cemetery. Rev. C. C. Washington, pastor of the deceased, conducted service in the home and at tho grave. At the house he gave an earnest and helpful dlssourse from 1 Sam. 20:3, last clause of the verse. Mr. Bull was pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles (baseball) and that team attended the funeral in a body as did also the Harwood and Roseneath teams. Tho pall-bearers chosen from the Orioles were Messrs. Fred Ball, Russell Stewart, Robert Melville, Harold Mann, Harold Staples and Harold Boddy. Among the profusion of floral tributes were a wreath from Baltimore baseball team, another from Roseneath and sprays from Harwood and Coidsprings. . W. H. Mann returned home eek accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Cecil Mann, Toronto. Mann is still suffering from paralysis of the right arm as a result of wounds received in the late ar, but is otherwise in fair health id his old friends here are greatly pleased to see him and to" know that he has recovered thus well. Margaret Brown, Boston, Mass., is renewing old friendship... is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rob-irt Baptist, Sr. nts, Mr. t Wilst FARM FOR SALE--143 acres, known as the Cowey farm, Lakeport. About 90 acres under cultivation, balance pasture. 9 acres apple orchard. First-class buildings. Never failing stream of water and a rood well. Possession arranged. Easy Terms. Apply to D. C. Matthews, Colborne. 28-4. FOR SALE--Dwelling house and barn situated on South East corner of Victoria and Simmons streets in Village of Colborne. On this property is a large garden containing about iy2 acres. For particulars apply to G. E. R. Wilson, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 26-4. is. Stewart ; Winnifred, are guests ■ge Wilson's. rs. Melzar Nobles and i daughter of Hamilton are vis Jr.-,. J. W. Nobles'. IMiss Minnie Harwood of ■•ho has been visiting Mrs. v,, has returned home. Mr. ant1 Mrs. Johr Usher •■ .nd Mr. and Mrs- John B. I ,'obourg spent last week on rip to Ardoc. Mr. and Mrs. John Wait ■aiiicd by the Rev. Air. Lovel COBOURG Mr. Wilfrid Ruse and family, Chic-o are visiting his father, Mr. John C. Ruse. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bannister, Chicago, visited his sister, Mrs. A. L. .Tex, this week. Master Lindley Matthews has been visitii.;;. Master Bert Rixon at Trenton for the past two weeks. Mrs. Alex Douglas and daughter, Jean, are spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Skid more. essrs. Ben Ewing and Geo. W. lwell were the delegates from iiirg to the Masonic Grand Lodge Last week Cobourg,Matting Comparer advertised for women and girls u, assist in their industry. The response was-so good that, by the first Of this week all vacancies were filled. Congratulations are in order to Miss Harston, Camborne, who has siteoes.-fully passed her Norma! School examinations. .Miss Harston will teach the Coidsprings school the coining term. At a special meeting of the Public School Board Miss Zella Usher was reengaged at a salary of $825 and .Miss Hugh of Port Hope was engaged to lilt tho remaining vacancy at a <.alarj of $900. Mrs. Minaker and Mrs. R->ss left Oil Monday for St. Lambert, Quehee, fthere Mrs. Wm. Beattie," New York, has a cottage. Mr. Beattie is there this week, and Miss L. Minaker. New York. Is also at St. Lambert. FARM--100 acres, Lot 4, Con. 6, Township of Haldimand, 2 miles West of Castleton. Fair buildings. All kinds of fruits, including apples, cherries, plums, berries, and other small fruits. All kinds of timber in good quantities. 2 constantly running water springs. About 1M> miles from school, and 2 miles from church. Ploughing possession any time. For terms apply to Austin Arkles, on the premises, or address Castleton P. O. 27-4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Statutes In that behalf, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Peters, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of June, A.D., 1921, ARE REQUIRED to send or deliver to G. E. R. Wilson, Attorney for the Administrator of the estate of the deceased, Colborne, Ontario on or before the 13th day of August, A.D., 1921, their names and addresses and particulars of their claims, duly verified and that after said last mentioned date the Administrator will distribute the assets of the estate among (he parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which ho then shall have received notice. Dated July 7th, 1921. WALTER PETERS, Administrator. EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS. ; th •lie CENTRETON Congratulations to our girls and oys who were successful at the En-rance Exams Fiye from our school .rote and all passed, viz: Martha 'Lining, Mabel Gaffield, Charles Vihon, Alden Mebb ana Archie Jddv. This is a splendid showing nd speaks well for their teacher, llss Mitchell, to whose excellent ■ork reference was made last week, lies Mitchell showed her readiness n oblige by kindly supplying as or-anisi at St. John's for several Sundays and the members of that con-gioration showed 'their appreciation of her kindness by dropping- into the post office to her address, a '.■mail parcel containing a lovely centrepiece and accompanied by an add;ess. Miss Mitchell expressed her surprise and pleasure through the same medium. ASTRAY STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned, Castleton, a 3-year old Avrsrire Cow, red and white, head was tied down "with rope to foot. Information leading to its recovery thankfully received. Syrus Trvon, Castleton. i.j 28. a the premi.-es of - Ye* the S'l RAYED B- undersigned. a Black Yelling '"all. Information Ieadi ooverv thankfully recei . Scott, Colborne R.R. CAMPBELLFORD Kei Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rankin, of Brighton, visited friends in Campbellford on Sunday. Misses Norma and Helen Garrett, of Toronto, are holidaying with the Misses Irwin at Bradley Bay. Miss Evelyn Reynolds, of Morgan-ston. is spending a few weeks visiting fiiends and relatives in town. Mr. J. P. Hume, B.A., principal of Goderich Collegiate Institute, is in this vicinity visiting relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Vosper are spending a few days at home before leaving for the Vosper camp at Oak The 40th Regt. Band of Campbellford are thinking of competing at the Amateur Band Contest at the, Toronto Fall Fair, Sept. 1st. Mr. J. A. Murray. Cheese instructor for this district went to Montreal on Tuesday, en business in connection with his official position. Mr. Henry B. Rowed, of Waseca, Sask., had a Shorthorn cow which gave birth to three fine white heifer calves. They are all alive and growing. Messrs. C. II. Harris. Dr. O. C. Watson. W. Stephens. J. N. Stone and .Jas. H. Caskey in Ottawa attending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mr. Clement Russell has purchased the- Mr. George Martin's 200 acre farm on the English Line. We understand the price was In the nei-glil'orhood of $12,600. SPECIAL PRICES ON HAY CARS, Slings and Track. If-you are want ing an outfit, come at. once, Only limited number left. D.W.CKnrch, , Agent. Ireland Block, Colborne. MORGANSTON Mrs. Lome Darling is visiting friends at Cobourg. ,. , : Miss Card of Toronto recently visited her friend, Miss Steinburg. 'Mr. Lome Hardinge has returned home, after spending some time in Hr. State. A doom was east over this vicinity when we heard of the death of Mr. Clarence Chappell, by drowning near GBnpbellford. We extend our deep-erf sympathy to the parents. There will be a reopening service held at the Christian Church.on Sunday, the 31st of July, at eleven o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Butcher of Brighton will take charge of the servicer. A thank-offering will be talten. PICNIC TIME Good Supply of Picnic Eats always on hand , This is the place to get your PAPRUS PLATE, DRINKING CUPS, AND PAPER NAPKINS. Order Your Berry Boxes Early. Right Prices. Prompt Service. F. E. MELLOW - Colborne EAST COLBORNE STORE We have what you want in QUART AND PINT SEALERS ZINC AND RUBBER RINGS GRANITE PRESERVING KETTLES At Right Prices W. A. MOORE Terms:--Cash or Produce Phone 101) NYAL'S EAS' EM RESTS TIRED FEET Soothing -- Cooling -- Antiseptic Makes Walking Easy TRY IT f Price 25c Bathing Caps Dainty Designs and Colors. .Prices to suit all purses, ranging from 35c to $1.00. Welch's Grape Juice Tart, sweet and tempting for all occasions apd for family use. 50c and 85c. Rose's Pure Lime Juide . Delicious- wholesome and refreshing beverage diluted with plain water-with or without the addition of sugar Gould's Drug Store Farms For Sale! 300 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 4 Miles from Colborne. 150 acres workable, 20 acres bush, balance pasture. 6 acres orchard. 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow, 20 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Watered by a creek and a spring. Frame house of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 76x34, barn No. 2, 58x30, barn No. 3, 36x18, tie-up 13 horses and 19 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School lVz miles. Church 3 miles. . Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $14,000 Terms arranged 100 ACRES--In Murray Twp., 2 miles from Wooler, 6 miles from Trenton. 70 acres workable, 5 acres maple and beech bufch, balance swamp. 2 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 20 acres in meadow, 15 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Brick house of 10 rooms, water inside, cellar, furnace. Bank barn 90x35, tie-up 4 horses and 10 cattle. Water in stables. Hdfe pen, ice house, milk house. Rural mall and telephone. School % mile. Church 2 miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,000. Terms arranged 82 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 5 miles from Colborne. 70 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 8 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 16 acres in meadow, 12 acres seeding. Clay loam soil. 1 well. Frame house of 9 rooms, cellar. Barn 40x30, No. 2, 70x30, tie-up 5 horses and 16 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School % mile. Church iy2 miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $6,000. Terms arranged Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 43 Victoria S*.', Toronto, Ont. REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne Colborne Creamery WANTS YOUR CREAM For Which we will pay at least Toronto prices Our Aim--To Satisfy Customers and Prompt Attention Our Truck will call for Cream and deliver cans Telephone will give you day or night service FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling wholesale or retail Patronize Home Industry POULTRY WANTED Write or Telephone COLBORNE CREAMERY Co. Phone 107 P.O. Box 301 Colborne