flolbor 55th Year No. 39 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1921 $2.00 a Year in Advance DUNDONALD The School Fair held here on Saturday, Sept. 24th, 1921, proved to he most enjoyable. The day was perfect, no chilling winds, nor blue cold noses, or chattering teeth, but sunshine all day long. Thin dresses and bare heads were much in evidence, although one lady who claimed she was 'just roasting" still clung to her furs. Never before had Mr. Monroe Dudley's meadow presented such a gay and festive ap-pearanec--the big tent with the exhibits; the grocery of Dundonald's storekeeper selling ice cream, peanuts and candies of all kinds tha^ necessary for childish happiness: the man from Campbellford also making many sales; the Ladies' Aid selling refreshments and aprons; the bustling and fluttering of the pretty energetic school teachers arranging the pupils for the grand parade; the triumphant crowing of the rooster; and the entreating whinnering of the colts; all combined to make an animated and inspiring scene. Of thirteen schools in Cramahe, eleven were present with their teachers, all young ladies except one school where a mere man is the teacher. The attendance was large, from the infant in arms to thj aged grandparents. The exhibits though will' C- cellent in quality. The apples most beautiful, then potatoes big, even in the year of little potatoes, the flowers were lovely and the array of canned fruits and cakes most tempting. The many differerf "races were eagerly witnessed by the crowd. The teacher's race, married the three-legged race, other races were greatly enjoyed. The marching, singing. and drills of the different schools were most interesting . and gave evidence of thorough training. The prize winners were> very proud and happy, and one small boy with a glad smile confided to your correspondent the great news that he had won first prize on onions, second on a hammer handle, and another on cake. Wise mothers, teaching their boys to make oak-3. The Rev. D It. Clare, again acted as judge of the sinaiu,g, marching, and other features of the schools. The prize list will no doubt soonbe published. . Mrs. Houghtailing from Bttnlatuwi moved into the Laver house. . Mrs. John Nelson has returnee home, after spending some time ii Mrs. Russell from the West is vis king at the home of her aunts, the Misses Tierney. Quite a number from Plainville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Norman Gummer. EDVILLE , Mrs. Reddick sr. is on the sick list, i Miss Maude Hoare is spending a short time with friends at Oentreton. i Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Morgan spent Sunday with Mrs. George McDonald. ' Miss Jean McCoU of Hilton visited her cousin, Miss Grace Farrow, last Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Radcliffe are the proud and happy parents af new daughter. i You wil! want to come to our 1 niversary and Chicken Pie Suppe Watch for further advertisement. Mr. Adam B. Gould of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, visited at the borne of his sister, Mrs. Ed. Farrow, last week, A pleasant afternoon was spent on Thursday wflen the ladies of the W. et at the home of Mrs. A. A. Murphy for a quilting and a 10c tea. "Rally Day" was observed here on Sunday. The church was nicely decorated and the splendid singing of the fchildren was much appreciated, ports were very favorable, especially that of the adult bible class. Our school attended ' the School Fair on Saturday. (The schools did endidly on parade. Congratulations Miss Cooley on having trained the children here so we'll. The report is, that although Salem school received prize, they deserve special mention. There were a great many fine exhibits. LAKEPORT I'Rally Day" was observed in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Mr Harry Marshall of Montreal, Qua, spent the week end with friends. Miss L. Redfearn and Mr. V. Red-fearn of Toronto attended the Ottawa Exnibition. Quite a number attended the Wien- ■s roast at the Terrace on Tuesday, Sept. 20th. Quite a number from Lakeport attended the School Fair held in Cer.tr m last Thursday. The McGlennon property on Froi Stneet has been purchased by Mr Noble of Montreal. Miss Blanche Coffey of Consecc spent the week end with her parent ""r. and Mrs. T. Coffey. Mrs. Dewey, Miss Dewey. Mr. Gei Dewey, and Mr. W, A. Marks wer isitors in Cobourg last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Redick and little Mis Barbara Redick of Trenton were th guests of Mr. and Mrs.'T, Marks las- SALEM Last week. . Miss Ruby Bellamy is attending H. S. at Brighton. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. W. H. Cochrane is better, recovering;! from an attack of neuritis. ; Silo filling has.been going on, and? not much threshing. Grain is light and: the time spent in the work will be; shorter than some years. At present Mr. Tinson. and his men; are at work cutting down the hill which was a part of Mr. Wni. Peacock's farm. The earth removed goes, to enlarge the road farther east. As the season is early, tomatoes have ripened fast. Large quantities are being drawn to the factory, ancr the work will probably be ended fore the frost appears. On the whole the crop is considered good. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace recent guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon. They are orf their wedding tour to Ottawa. Th$ bride is the daughter of the Rev a. They wil reside ,: Stirling. Rally Day of S.S. to be observed i Sunday night. We hope there will j a good attendance, and a liberal offering made, as the object is sist in starting S. Schools ii /places in new Ontario and in othe^ places where many children are w out schools. It is a worthy cause should have the support of all. . A. Grant is at present moving Mr. H. A. Roney's blacksmith shop in order to widen the public highway. Mr. Grant has just finished putting on a new roof for Mr. Dixon of, the rock-finish style. It is made i$ Hamilton by the Halliday Co., and if taking the place largely of wood shil it is very durable and COMING EVENTS with lie The Ladies' Aid of Trinity Church will hold their annual bazaar and tea in the fire Hall, Colborne, on Thursday, Dec. 1st, 1921. Miss Nellie Yule of Roch is here to spend a few week; father, Mr. C. A. Yule. Old friends were glad to greet Mi E. A. Doolittle of Cobourg, who was I In Colborne on Fair Day. Sharon Methodist Church Anniver- !■'■ Mrs. J. F. Wolfraim has returned sary will be celebrated Oct. 9th, The home, after a visit of several months Rev. E. E. Howard of Brighton at her old home in England. preach at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p,m. Hot t Mrs. Hiaam Purdy, and little daugh- chicken pie dinner will be server, of Rochester, N.Y., spent the week Tuesday, Oct. 11th, from 5 to _ end in Salem with her mother; Mrs Good Programme Admission, adults [50c, children 25c. Mr. Geo. Shields of Toronto was renewing acquaintances at Colborne The Wicklow and Vernonville Wo- and Lakeport on Fair Day. his first men's Institute will meet at the home ^visit in twenty years °f Mrs. Jas- Deviney on Thursday, Mr a r rcmJ„ 'i,„ * " a <■ October 6th, 1921. at 2.30-p.m. The ! Mrs. Patterson of Bobcaygeon and c. Wait. Everyone welcome. Florence daughter. Mrs. W. H. Padginton of e Hall, Secretary. Vancouver, B.C., are visiting her sis^ ' ___'.___- friends herf"*8 Redfearn' and other Do not fail to see Percy Agricul-irienas here. I &l Society.s new 160x72 ft_ cattle Sidney E. Bennett of the Stir-1 barn, (self supporting roof) on Oct. reader, Mrs. Bennett, aud Mr. |6th, when the Hon. Manning Doherty, and Mrs. Palmer, all of Stirling, were Minister of Agriculture, and J. Lockie welcome callers at the office of The I Wilson. Superintendent of Fairs,, are Express while in town for the Fair on | expected to be present and deliver Wednesday. addresses at 2 p.m. Base ball match I. T. Church, has returned home [between Hastings and Colborne at 3 after spending the summer at North | p.m. Horse races and other attractions isiting at the home of his niece, Mrs. Thou. Reynolds, who accompanied him on his return and is visiting the home of her cousn, Mr. D. W. ■Church. HILTON The proceeds of the supper early ?160. Mr. C. Gartshore was ho lie city for the* week end. Mr. and Mrs. Smartt of re visiting at the parsonage Mr. and Mrs. Sprung RUTHERFORD--In Haldimand, on Monday. Sept. 26th, 1921, to Mr. and Bruce A. Rutherford, a son-- MARRIAGES 'HONK--Mrs. Ida C Jas. A. Armstrong, Sec.-Treas.. Wark- ieptember, £ wo monkeys got out of their cage the fair grounds on Wednesday rnoon and gave their attendants nerry chase until dark stopped it. Next day about noon Chief Jam' son spied one of them near his home and put his dog after it. After jumping along several trees the monkey finally dropped to the ground and after the dog gave it several upsets by nosing, the monkey tered by the dog held until Chief got hands on him. Later, 'second monkey was captured in R. Snetsinger's orchard by the of the dog in the sa ired ISSEY--In Colbo Next Division Court Colborne will be held o Oct. 25th. Friday, Oct. day for service. |- MORGANSTON W. Mr. J, Thome is clerking i ■ Lome Darling. I The cool nights make one thi cold weather is drawing near. 'I October 2nd, "Rally Day" 1 'observed here in the Methodst I The Rev. Mr. Tome, the eva lis holding services in the- i i J Church, and ' they are being i I tended. ijoy the fun monkey with his attempt to bite or TION SALES • •Jl.'Mepf" THURSDAY, OCT. 13th, 1921, at 1-2.30 o clock sharp--Horses, 13 first-class dairy cows, a number of young cattle, hogs, machinery, hay, grain, fodder, potatoes, etc., of Mr. Sanford Fenton, Lot 25. Con. 2, Township ol" Haldimand. Usual terms. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer, Colborne R.R. -'No. 3. COLBORNE FAIR A BIG SUCCESS The Colborne Fair, held on Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 1921, was favored: with the best of weather and the largest attendance in the history of the society. The exhibits in all -classes were good, and the amusement features were plentiful. Music was given by three bands--Benson's Midway, the Arlie Marks Co., and, the Cobourg Citizen's Band, theplaying of the latter being favorably commented upon. The base ball game between Hastings and Colborne was a bit disappointing.. Instead of the usual small scores and sharp playing, both teams off in the fielding, and the ran up to 18 to 16 in favor of Colborne. The horse races were good and as usual provided some excitement. They resulted as follows: F-ree-for-All--1, Sunny Jim (H. M. VanAlstine, Port Hope); 2, Hazel H. Jones, Peterboro); 3, K. L. Lambert (Dr. Benson, Belleville. 2.30 Class--1, Ethel C. (Orr, Belleville); 2, Royal George (E. Jones, Peterboro); 3, Todd MacGregor (J. Timlin, Cobourg). Green Race--5 heats were necessary to decide the winer--1, J. Tungate of Grafton; 2, J. Thomas, Colborne; 3, '. M. Knight, Grafton. Running Race--for Farmer's horses --1, Rutherford, Colborne; 2, Gros-jean, Colborne,. The gate receipts amounted to over $1200.00, double any previous year. The crowd was happy and orderly and not an accident occurred to mar the day's enjoyment. Ladies' Coat and Suit Display CornwelFs East Store Friday and Saturday Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st U. F. O. CONVENTION -,------_---T" A meeting of the U. F. O. Political Association of Northumberland County will be held at the Town Hall, Warkworth Tuesday, Oct. 4th, 1921 At 1.30 P.M. For the purpose of Selecting a Candidate for the coming Election of Members for the House of Commons of Canada SEVERAL PROMINENT SPEAKERS are expected F. W. JONEs, Pres. THOS. HOSKIN, Sec. &0*. SOMETIMES it's a question, how to serve various foods in an apoetiz-• ing manner. OUR CUT GLASS clean, brilliant and sparkling, makes any table viand look attractive. i ^om| j" and see how niaiiy useful dishes for sewing salads, fruits, nuts, jellies, olives, almonds, etc., we can snow you. An old resident of Port Hope district passed away on Wednesday. Sept. 21st, 1921. in the person of Mrs. Francis Newton, who died at the home of her daughter-in-taw, Mrs. John Newton, Port Hope. Deceased was aged 95 years, 11 months and 7 days, and she was born in the Township of Darlington, and had lived all her days in the vicinity of Port Hope. She was quite smart physically until a week before her death, : bright mentally until a few hours of her passing which was peaceful and quiet. Four sons and two daughters sur-•ive. They are Jeff and Charles Newton of Chicage, Dr. Albert Newton of * icknow, Alfred Newton and Mrs. hn Usher of Wicklow, anh Mrs. Charles Watson of New Buffalo,'Mich. The funeral servvices were held at e daughter-in-iaw's home, Port ope, on Friday, by the Rev. Mr. Applegath, pastor of the Port Hope Methodist Church, and the burial was. in Bethel Grove Cemetery, where her husband and son John were laid to rest, the former twenty-four years ago and the latter eight years ago. Mrs. Newton had long been a member of the Bethel Grove Methodist Church. .. -,- CHANGE IN POSTAL RATES Letters Rates of postage on mail matter posted in Canada from Oct. 1st, 1921: Canada. United States and Mexico. 3c for first ounce, 2c for each additional ounce. Great Britain and all other places within the Empire, *4c for first ounce, 3c for each additional ounce. Post Cards inada, Great Britain and all other places within the Empire. United States and Mexico, *2c oacii. Canadian Newspapers Canada,, Great Britain and certain other places within the "Empire. United States and Mexico, lc per 4 ounces. Printed Matte- Canada, United States and Mexico, lc per 2 ounces. All other countries 2c per 2 ounces. *War Tax included j ■1 Steading bees appears latest hobby of the thief in of Castieton hived a swarm one day andthe next it was gone. He reported the loss to Chief Jamiesos.who soon got on track of them and with search warrant went to a place near Grafton, secured the bees, arrested aan in whose possession they were found and brought, him to Colborne. vas tried before Magstrates John Miller and G. A.N Gummer. who let him off on suspended sestence owfng the illness of his wife. Thefts are o reported from Baltimore and vicinity, also from 0"i!lia. Braeside school, of which Mr. Frank L. Ma'lory is principal, won first prize in the parade at the annual school fair held at Glasgow Station, Renfrew County, on Sept. 16th, 1921. The Renfrew Mercury in its report says: "Braeside school had sixty well dressed and happy looking children in the parade. Mr. Frank L. Mallory THOSE SUDDEN NOISES Do you start at sudden noises ? Just one or two doses of DR. MILES' NERVINE--51.20 will soothe the irrit-ated and over-strained nerves. Guaranteed Safe and Sure, fold in Coiborne by W. F. GRIFFiS, Druggist The Rexall Store