T THE ENTE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XIX.--No. 39. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1902 AN EASTER HYMN. Eterual Father, Lord Most High, We praise Thy name this day; For Thou didst unto us draw nigli And give Thine only son to die To take our sins away. In wondrous love Me broke the captive's chaii Earth's night of deep dispair The cloudless sunshine conies For Jesus lives again. The Reeve Welcomed Home. PINE WOODS. Mrs. Wall P ! on the sick spent Sunday The ransom price is full His people now are fr The olive leaf shall neve The K.O. T. M. Band "Welcome | Mr. Frank Cowie wai Mr. and Mrs. R. Coyle at the G. j his friend. Mr. Prank C T. R. Station. Ilast | Mrs. Sid Palmateer o mi I 1. the folk eight m the y Hill e Mrs. Will Rot g of her Mr.- Hei And ov fo Fathe ill thorns enreath His b teful Voices ra .nf risen Lord fl theK. 0. T. M. Baud detc o meet them at the station and I hi - their presence and words of I >, that they rejoiced at the re- j Hid uable nd Mrs. Thoma Hill spent Sun Mr. Will Wolfrai VVOOLER. i Pri mil after driving thr ;treets, stopped at tl ead where the Ladies EAST 50UN1- she i j her 1-. A. E. Mallory, on If of tlie Ladies' Aid Society of -luircli, assured Mr. and Mrs. Coyle e high esteem in which they and r family were held by the society, I of whom Mrs. Coyle was the honored irl; y McDonald has moved President, as well as by the community i.( iv home where it is hoped at large aud proposed their good spend many happy years. j health, coupling with the s visiting friends her Mr. and Mrs. Dave Tea >n Friday evening Marc! Mr. and Mrs. Lou Thor b Richards took a r pa i Krida; Miss Alice Wood r Mr. W. H. Jackson who has been very ill for some weeks is now improving and hopes are entertained of his complete recovery Iu connection with the sugar social in the Baptist church this (Thursday) evening Rev. F. B. Strattou is to deliver one of his most interesting lect- Mr. James H. Bellamy has so far recovered from the effects of his broken leg as to be able to leave his room in which so many weary weeks were spent. ..... A much appreciated note came to and last week from Mrs C. H. Spur-ou together with acopy of the mag-:ine of which she has been the editoi feince the death of her husband. k your best unless you feel well,strong 1 vigorous, with pure, rich blood and steady nerves. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food nakes good looks because it makes health restores the healthful glow to the complexion, rounds out the form and and gives elasticity to everv motion of the body. WJCKLOW Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Wait are mov-irng to their new home near Eddy-stone. Mr. E. B. Hinman met with quite a heavy loss last week in the. death of a valuable jersey cow. Mr. John Nobles has sold out ids business in Grafton and will hence- J forth devote his attention to Good roads and dry fields 11 welcome and looked upon as line of agriculture. Quite a numbe ■s of Mr. W. L. Payne, whorepre sented the building committee of the church and new S. S. Hall; Mr. G. M. Peebles, on behalf of the Village Council; Mr. W. Bellamy, on behalf of the S. S. School and Epwoith League; and Dr. Willoughby on behalf of the citi-zens,all of whom in responding referred to the success which had alw tended Mr. Coyle's efforts and to his liberal support of everything that contributed to the best interest, of the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Coyle thanked the friends for the very hearty reception which they had received and assured them of their gladness at returning home and of the pleasure it gave them to be again with the friends with whom they had spent so many happy-years. Mr. Coyle took thanking the ci honor they ' " the y so uiiui^ nappy,years. ok opportunity of itiv^F generally for the I iWj. j him in re elect- lorhood v day where they dress on Prohibit Mr. Walter CI i Vein villi- , kindness would liever be forgottei and that his highesS aim would be t e their best interest- in every pos UNION CORNERS. Many have commenced their spring ork by starting the plow. Trustee meeting one night last week-ponder what is going to be done now. The roads in this vicinity are becoming good. In many places they are finite dry and the dust blowing. Wood bees are all the rage at present many thinking it to be the best •Inch to supply the stove for the We are much Mcintosh, Mrs. . also all the othei the sick list are < at time of writin .leased that Mr. A. from South Ame interesting lecture on .Saturday eve in the Friends Church. The funeral of Mr. Mark Hunt tot place on Monday of this Methodist Church. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Coombe. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wessel entertained a few of their friends on Wednesday evening of last week. A pleasing feature of the evening was the christening of their little daughter, Wanda Irene, by Rev. Mr. Coombe. Another Happy Mother. s How Hkr Baijv Teething time is the critical age in a child's life. Any slight disorder in the stomach or bowels at that time greatly increases the peevishness the little one >v«L mav havef«* A Tailor's Triumph The best tailors are very properly proud of the dress suits they make. It's right they should be so. We are proud of ours--proud of all our clothes. We will point you to more men of taste who wear our clothes than others. Its because they are the best clothes. Made at The CORNWELL High-Grade Customs Clothing Emporium, Easter Millinery. No one can afford to miss our Easter display. There'll be a gay profusion of richer novelties than ever before. Our parlors will be open and our receptions will be continued through the balance of this week. Special Attention Is directed to out New Line of Ready-Made Blouses; we have them in all colors and sizes, ranging from the daintiest silks for evening wear to thee olest muslins and prints for sun icr. Call and we will be sure to please you. the little one >v«L mav have/s :.nd y.....fV---» ;vV-~* It .'rip.-.*,,,* to take too great care of youi' baby'; health during this period, and no bet ter remedy than Baby's Own Tablets is known for the minor ailments of childhood. Among the mothers win have proved the worth of this niedi cine is Mrs. R. McMaster, of Cooks town, Out. Her little baby gii] \yai suffering from the combined trials of indigestion, constipation,and teething and the mother's strength was ly taxed by the continuous c child needed. A box of Baby's Own Tablets, however made such an im provement that Mrs. McMaster i's now enthusiastic in their praise. "It gives great pleasure to testify to the value of Baby's Own Tablets," she writes "My baby of eight mont is was much troubled with constipation and indigestion and was very restless at night. I procured a box of Baby's Own Tab id the results were so satisfact DUNDONALD. Baptist Ch week and c<i -. Dusen bury has Clayton Dudley ory that I uive not used any ( tlier medicine s nee. My baby girl is now legular am healthy and getting her teeth seen, a great dea 1 better. These Ta ilets help to little ones \ hen teething." / Coughed "I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We know it's the greatest cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every drop. ffglVmost'e a'coK pas,.,, by're.: sale I • Dudley i) the farm to Montana in Marks will ren year. He has shop to Mr. Bh quest (I i Mr. H. Purdy had j realizing some +1600. the building and store here and rented the latter to Clare is expected, will p the same while lie I at the old ho-.e. j H. Marks who sold his store etc. is and from thence f health. Mrs. the farm for a ^nted his blacksmith infield, a former jour neyman. W e are very sorry to lose Mr. Marks and hope his health will so recover as to enable him to resume business in the old stand ere long. An interesting Temperance meeting was held in the Church here last week when an able report of the Alliance Convention held in Toronto was given by B. M. Brisbin, B. A , after which several pointed speeches were made touching the "Ross r.iquor Act," all condemning the conditions attached thereto. A deputation was appointed Dr. Willoughby and ascer-ews on the question of Prohibition, n Tablets a produce regulate the sto worms indigestion and They break up colds, ] and allay the irritation ; the cntting of teeth, ivater they can be givei ute safety to the yonngt Sold by druggists at 2 ir sent post paid on receipt >v addressing the Dr. Willia cine Co. Brockville. Out, Salamon, the Stuartburii, (Man.) wife murderer has been found guilty. We offer One Hundred Dollars re-ivard for an v case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure-We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WADDING, RINNAN & MARVIN; Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Cat;.iih Cure is taken inter- Cloth and lr takes more . cloth to make g than just )od clothes. CORNWELL High-Grade Customs Clothing Emporium. Miss Culver, Colborn@s >nl., THE PALACE SHOE STORE •••••• Candid. • . Shoe Talk . . Sale Price $ 15 .Sale Price fi~> .Sale Price 10*' .Sale Price 75 Sale Price 1 00 Sale Price 1 25 ni-e broken anil prices prices. Every shoe is \ aim- and you'll a 1 from them. If your size of money by lmying now Infant's Felt Moccasins, regular price 25c................ Infant's Dongola Button Shoe, regular price 50c.......... 118, Misses Whole Stock Bal. regular price $1.00.......... 803, Misses Box Calf Button, regular price $1.25.......... 837£, Women's Dongola Bal or Button, regular price $1.50 806|, Women's Warm Lined Dongola bal, regular price $1.50 Sale Price 1 15 1G8, Little Gent's Bal or Button, Pebble, regular price 90c... Sale Price 75 T22, Boys' Oil Pebble Bal, regular price $1.60..............Sale Price 1 25 '68, Young Men's Box Calf, Goodyear Welt Bals, reg $3.50..Sale Price 2 50 37, Men's Split Bunkum, reg price $1.25...................Sale Price 90 25, Men's Klondyke Bals, regular price $1.75..............Sale Price 1 25 "60, Men's Fine Dongola Bals, legular price $2.75..........Sale Price 2.00 We know that we serve oureelve: Quality of i J. A. BR I INK MAN, One Door South of Alf. Gunyo's. BRIGHTON. nally. rupo the lood CORNWELL High-Grade Customs Clothing Emporium. Coyle's New Block. ^"letColborne. r The Progressive Furniture Store .... This is a great progressive store and each year finds us with a larger and more improved stock, with newer and thoroughly up-to-date methods of doing business. The fact that we give you good values in our line is because we buy in large quantities. Everything is of the best quality and is sold cheap. We're always trying to better things for our customers. Other stores may attempt to imitate our methods but they cannot do as well for you. We have as neat and attractive a stock as you could wish to see. We bought for Cash in the best markets aud the values are right fn every case. As all our stock is new there is no fear that you will get any old patterns. We think we can pbase you and save you money. Almost every customer has found that goods bought here in past seasons have been in 2dvance of all competitors in variety of selections, beauty of designs and exclusiveness of patterus For the Spring Trade we have made preparations on a larg-scale than ever before. J. B. Chapin & Son, Brighton, Ont. MR. JAY CHAPIN of Briglitoi er for Northumberland county. % licensed auction- « k