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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 3 Apr 1902, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EA5T NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XIX.--No. 40. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1902. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year LOVINGLY REMEMBERED. You think of your mother as making Your lives all so joyous and bright: She taught you the reasons for taking That path which leads into light, You found her so good and so willing; To love her you never can cease. You think of your mother as leaving tier loved ones in sorrow behind. Fcfr her you are silently grieving; .•None like her you ever can And. Whore --mints all the glory To Him whom they sec Yon flunk of your mother The robes that, are si Yoii tb-'nk of her always a 'Che joys of the children THE AGONY OF SLEEPLESSNESS. Did you ever pass a single night in wakeful misery tossing and rolling in bed, trying in vain to sleep and longing for morning to come? Can you imagine the torture of spending night after night in this way, each succeeding night growing This the dreadful symptom of Nervous Exhusti and Debility- You can be gradually and thoroughly cured of Sleeplessness by thr upbuilding influence of Dr. Chase' Nerve Food. It cures in nature's wa; by creating new nerve cells and restor ing lost vitality. EAST COLBORNE. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mallory were hen | for a short visit a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Drinkwaltei | spent Good Friday with friends 11: ! sharing o' light. ou think of her zeal unabating-- Her faith and her hope a 1 herh ou think of her joyously waiting For you in the mansions above. To Mr. id Mrs. W. J. Bell, of Bar residents of this place, ; ,nless from s the guest of Miss McKei v for L8h0 md Mis Watson teachings forsake le path which But tread th trod Until the great Saviour shall tak To dwell in the city of God. Coll..- , March 1902. T. Watson WHAT'S THE TROUBLE?--1 Sick Headache? Is it Bilhousness? Is it Sluggish L'ver Is your skin sallow Do you feel more dead than alive Your system needs toning--Your Liver isn't doing it's work--Don't resort to strong drugs--Dr. Agnew's Little Pills 10 cents for 40 doses will work wonders for you. Large vials 25 cents.--85 WOOLEB. Mr. H. Palmer is home for a visit. Mr.George German was in the village last week. Mr. Stewart Anderson is home for Easter holidays. Mr. Fred Fitch is home from Toronto for a few days. Mr. Nan..-, V.Vssw -is dial in- L;.i,.h with old friends again. Miss Jessie Waldron was the gues of Miss Tillie Bell on Friday. Mrs. L. Herrington and Mrs. J. Dinner were in the village on Friday. Miss Gertie Rattan is spending ; few days under the parental roof. Mrs. Gaffleld has been confined to her bed the past week with a seve cold. Mr. Arthur Roberts is spending h Easter holidays under the parental roof. Messrs. George Mitchell and Elgin Wessel were in Toronto a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gould and son Douglas are spending a few days al Canipbellford. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hugh McColl took place on Monday and was largely attended. Mrs. (Dr.) Wade, Mrs Jane Bell and Miss Lillian Clark spent a few day Toronto last week. Reeve Ribhards took a load of village boys to the sugar social at Beathuey last week. All reported 8 The Ladies of the W. M. S. held an Easter service in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. T liberal offering. Miss Alice Wood" a returned missionarj- from S. America, gave a very interesting address on her work. The chief attraction was the singing of the three little children of Mr. W. Masters and their playing on the autoharp. Tired Out " I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well."-- Mrs. N. S. Swin-ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time, why ? Your blood is impure, that's the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve exhaustion. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. Miss Terril f Elected aboul neighborhood for the Bible society. The sugar social in the Baptis Church last Thursday eM'iing was ; decided succe ,s The sugar was ex cellentin quality and the sociability of the people all that could be desired. Mr. S. S. Brintnell presided aud mailt an excellent cba'rman. Appropriate selections of music were rendered by the choir. As Rev. F. B. Stratton w unable to be present, Rev. C. Parker was called upon for an address which was attentively listened to and much enjoved. The total proceeds amounted to $40. WHAT IS LIFE TO YOU? If you are a victim of piles, as one per-n in every four is, you suffer keenly from one of the most torturing ailments known 11 man, and may well wonder if ally worth living. Certain relief and ultimate cure is awaiting you by of Dr. phase's Ointment. It has failed to* cure piles. Painlessly iturally it allays the inflammation, heals the ulcers and thoroughly cures this wretched disease ARE READY NOW. Canadian Crystals, by Rev. T. Wat son, 160 pages, cloth, 75 cents. Senator Kerr, of Col)n*ig, says; -j lltiC'l: i'lv.,[uc.:i**-.:j-- ■ lT ' til'mm* .jj--■»■!■ and em glad they are going to be put in a permanent form." Copies of "Canadian Crystals" may be obtained of Miss Robertson, H. J. Mayhew ot at The Enterprise Office. WICKLOW Miss Mae Card is home for this week from Presque Isle. To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. was born about a week ; Mr. W. Clarke is home days from Toronto the v titer. Miss Nelli week with frii turn on Mond where he i: Sunday School So, added to the C lay, ofEddysro instead of go ger inducemi doubt If You Could LocO ireandseetheco.idii-ii jut cough, if Ilegk-c •! will bring you. you would seek relief a once--and that naturally would be throu;l Shiioh's Consumption Cure».$s?& For Exchange. 00D JERSEY COW AND A WORK HORSE will be given in ichange for a good General Purpose Horse. For particulars apply at the Office, Colborne. A GO CASTLETON- Miss Eva Nichols has gone to Ottawa to visit friends. Miss Myrtle Gerow, of Wolfe Island, is home for Easter. Mr. H. Dingman has rented Mr. E. Eddy's farm near here. John Gaffleld who teaches school at Stockdale is home for Easter. Mr. P. Eddy has rented the Sargent property owned by Miss S. Eddy. Mr. David Richie has rented the farm lately occupied by John Knight. Messrs. Wesley Prout and James Drinkwalter left on Tuesday for Moose Jaw. Mr. Alex Ingles has rented the Score farm and has taken up his residence Miss Maud Wolfraira has gone 10 Cobourg to spend Easter with friends and relatives. Mr. S. Palmateerhas rented the brick dwelling and lands adjoiuingowned by H. P. Gould. Mrs. Bowerman, of Wellington, is a guest, at the home of her brother, Mr. A. W. Huvrke. Mr. B. Allen has rented Mr. A. Inglis house in this place and has taken up his residei ' For Every Mother. It is well known that nearly all infant troubles spring from a disordered stomach. Indigestion in a child will cause at first peevishness and sleeplessness, but other more serious troubles will follow fast, such as colic or cramps, constipation in some cases diarrhoea in others, with fatal results in many cases. The mother who neglects having constantly at hand the means for treating these ills takes an awful risk. Mrs R. L. McMillan, Logoch, Man-, is one mother who is particularly well fitted to give advice on the care of babies. Her standar d medicine for the minor ailments of her little ones is Baby's Own Tablets, and she says:- "They are the best medicine I ever usod for infant ailments. I have given them to my baby for indigestion and stomach trouble and they are prompt and thorough in making a cure. No mother should be a single day without the tablets in the 1 house." of*all ages, aucfwiil euro suVn wiffiw i as constipation, colie, sour -.ton diarrhoea and simple fevers. They invaluable for teething children and will break up colds prevent croup. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. Dissolved in .vater they can be given with perfect safety to a new born babe. Sold all dealers in medicine or sent post paid at 25 cents a box by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. Orchard Institute Meetings. Spring Millinery No one can afford to miss our Easter display. There'll be a gay profusion of richer novelties than ever before. Everyone is cordially invited to come and inspect this exquisite array. I Special Attention tt Is directed to oui New Line of Ready-Made Blouses; we have - - them in all colors and sizes, ranging from the daintiest silks for evening wear to iecoolest muslins and prints for rummer. Call and we will be sure to please you. Crook's Act Notice. Province of Ontario. LICENSE DISTRICT .. OF.. EAST NORTHUMBERLAND. coi.bokne, april 4th. Mr. Vrooin, of Middleton, N Government Fruit Inspector; G. C. ~ on, of Craighurst. President of th Fruit Growers' Association; Major I J. Snelgiove, of Coboursr. brighton, april 5'1'h. Speakers the same as at the Col-REV. IKL R. HICKS" ALMANAC. pages of Toronto, is spending hasted by the ,1, i.k- i.....h...,. \r,. \ bible exceotei!. B hundred thousand v ?nd of Jai th his brothei 'ink who is seriously Mr. Philip Huycke, of Huntsville, is pending the vacation at the home lU father, Mr. Geo. Huycke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coleman, of *orest, are visitiug his mother after <■ of 1 1 yei Messrs. Edwaid and Rous Golem; of Toronto, are spending Easter w their father, Mr. William Coleman. Mr. a. Wolfraim, of Michigan, isln making his relatives and friends a v it after an absence of fourteen years, Messrs. John and Benj. Knight leave this week for the Northwest. They will load a car with horses and settler's Mr. and Mrs. S. Pennock left on Wednesday evening for New York. They will spend a few days with their daughter in Buffalo while enronte. On Saturday, March 29th, at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. R. B.Walt, Mrs. Phillips passed away in the 79th year of her age. The remains were laid at rest, in the Stockdale cemeterv on Monday last. highest t complete and a found in the rst edition of " The bible excepted found in so many American homes. The millions have proven its value and t be without it. The pub'.ish-1 supply this book for a month for the regular price, with the increased postage added. Send 30c. to Word and Works Pub. Co, 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo., and this splendid book will be mailce to you prepaid Miss Culver, Colborna, Ont., THE PALACE SHOE STORE / hereby certify that the total number of Licenses issued and in force in this district for the current license year of igoi-2 is Twenty, bemg Seventeen Tavern Licenses and Three Shop Licenses. P. GALLAGHER, Inspector, / also certify that the total number of applications for Tavern and Shop Licenses for the ensuing license year 1 go2-j in this License District is twenty-three being twenty for Tavern Licenses, three for Shop Licenses. There are three new applications for Tavern Licenses being F. Tunnecliff, at Tre?iton G. T. R. Station, in Township of Murray/ C. L. Curtis, at Carrying Place, in Township of Murray; and James Abar, for beer and wine at Myers-burg, in Township of Seymo?nInfant's Felt Gal. Leather Sole, miliar price 50c...^ ^^Ble* 860, Child's Dongola Button Shoe, regular price $1.00 ?Sale Prico**"- 118, Misses Whole Stock Bal. regular price $1.00.,.*.......Sale Price 803, Misses Box Calf Button, regular price $1.25............Sale Price 1 00 837}, Women's Dongola Bal or Button, regular price $1.50 . .Sale Price 1 25 806}, Women's Warm Lined Dongola bal, regular price $1.50Sale Price 1 15 168, Little Gent's Bal or Button, Pebble, regular price 90c.. .Sale Price 75 722, Boys' Oil Pebble Bal, regular price $1.60..............Sale Price 1 25 * N. Young .Men's Box Calf. (Joodvear Welt Hals, reg $3.50. .Sale Pri.v 2 50 •■ t^t, Men's Split Bunkum, reg price $1.25...................Sale Price 90 Men's Klondyke Hals, regular price $1.75..............Sale Price 1 25 Men's Fine Dongola Bals, regular price $2.75..........Sale Price 2 00 oltir. r ho :volvf libellford Hei We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure-We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aud financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TRL'AX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. IWALD1NG, KINNAN & MARVIN; ! Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. A MEETING Of the License Board will be held at the Village of Warkworth, on the 21st DAY OF APRIL, 1902, instant, at the hour of Ten o'clock A. M., for the consideration of applications. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board. P. GALLAGHER. Inspector. •••••• Candid. • . Shoe Talk . when assortment* 1 OO -•• ?R»1p Pi-inn**. J. A. BRINKMAN, One Door South of Alf. Gunyo's. BRIGHTON. r The~Progressive Furniture Store .... This is a great progressive store and each year finds us with a larger and more improved stock, with newer and thoroughly up-to-date methods of doing business. The fact that we give you good values in our line is because we buy in large quantities. Everything is of the best quality and is sold cheap. We're always trying to better things for our customers. Other stores ma)' attempt to imitate our methods but they cannot do as well for you. We have as neat and attractive a stock as you could wish to see. We bought for Cash in the best markets aud the values are right fn every case. As all our stock is new there is no fear that you will get any old patterns. We think we can pbase you and save you money. Almost every customer has found that goods bought here in past seasons have been in 2dvance of all competitors in variety of selections, beauty of designs and exclusiveness of patterus For the Spring Trade we have made preparations on alarg-scale than ever before. J. B. Chapin & Son, Brighton, Ont.

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