With Constipation Come a Host of Ills. To Get Well and Keep Well Regulate the Bowels by Using Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills. You cannot avoid disease if you neglect to regulate the bowels and allow the liver and kidneys to become torpid, sluggish and inactive. Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills are the most valuable family medicine that one can conceive of because they invigorate and regulate the excretory and filtering ergans as no other preparation was ever known to do. Mr. Geo. Benner, Wiarton, Ont. writes : --"I don't like to have my name put in public print, but I feel it a duty to my fellow-men to recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills. For about four years I was troubled with chronic constipation and weakness of the kidneys. My condition was serious when I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-liver Pills, and I verily believe that they have saved my life. I am now well and feel like a new man." More people use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills than any other Canadian medicine. They are popular because they cure when other remedies fall. Ask your neighbor about them. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all dealers or Edmanson Bates & Co.,, Toronto. BUSINESS CARDS. MBDIOAL. Dr- Mallory PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON . Office : Reive Block, Colbornt A. E. Mallory, M.D., CM., L.R.C.P., * F.R.C.S., Ed. J. B. HEWSON, M. D., l. R. C. S., L. R. C. P., EDIXBURG PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Colborne, Ont. Oijfice : In the residence, 3 doors east of Registry Office. Dr. R. F. Denike DENTIST. Office : Over Scougale B Dry Goods Store, Office hours 9-6. LEGAL. Frank L.Webb, B A, LLB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Compauy aud private funds to loar on the most favorable terms at ii pei George Drewry, B.A. K l< ISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. E. C. S. Huycke, LLB. First door east Town Hall, Kinfj St. W., W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. First Door East Registry Office, CouMun. J. W. Gordon, Brighton, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notar Public and Conveyancer. l2P°Money to loan at lowestrates. MISCELLAKTEOD'S. Smith Hinman Issuer of marriage LICENSES, Lot 13, Concession 4, Cramahe, Dundonald P.O. O. S. Moore Office and Residence, Cas G. E. R. Wilson L INS! : Agent, erMoney to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent Offic :-Yeoman's Block. -THE-- Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co. Invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 Dwellings, Churches and Farm Property, Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Aiyea, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. CARNEGIE'S GENEROSITY, APPRKCIAT- Toronto, April 1.--■How to render tl» public the most benefit from the thousands of books in the public libraries is the problem being considered by the Ontario Library Association, whose second annual convention began yesterday afternoon in Castle Memorial Hall, McMaster University. Early in the day an interesting discussion arose over allowing the public access to the book shelves, a privilege Which was favored by most of those who spoke. The President, Mr. James Bain of the Toronto Public Library, presided, and among the delegates present were W. Tytler, Guelph; Mis.- M. L. Nutting, Uxbridge; Rid ird Lees. St. Thomas; W. E. Rand, Clinton: H. A. tavell, Smith's Falls: J. W. Thibo.! au and Thomas Soullard, Chatham; R. J. Blackwell, London; Angus A. Gray, Don; G. W. Keith,Mount Forest; Frank B. Gregory and Henry Robertson, Col-llngwood; Mrs. G. A. Willis, Uxbridge; H. A. Hardy, Secretary. Miss J. W. Macmillau, Lindsay; J. F. McLaughlin, T. W. Banton, Toronto; H. H. Lang-ton, Toronto; Mary T. Butters, Niagara Falls. The President in his annual address, delivered in the evening, referred to the satisfactory growth of libraries in Ontario, and to the increased duties of librarians In the great oi.ward movement. There was cause for congratulation in the number of libraries which had received gifts from Mr. Andrew Carnegie. The following places in Ontario had accepted the conditions and proposed building immediately :-- Colling wood.................$ 10,500 Ottawa ............-....... 100.000 Pembmke .................... 10,000 Stratford.................... 1-2,000 Lindsay ..................... 10.000 Guelph ...................... 20 00) St. Catharines................. 20 00J Cornwall ..................... 7,000 alls Ninth'- 1-Chatham St. Thon: Total ......... The following cities of (i eived gifts :-- Montreal, StfiO.01 nnineg, $75,000 ; Vancouver. $50,' Jolini $50,000 : Halifax, $.'.0,000 : m's. Nfid., $50,000 ; total. $li">.( ' altogether for this country 9,500. Mil. blaxd'S CRITICISM. He Pronounces Canadian Patriotism Ottawa, April 1.--Under the title of "The Patriotism of Pigs/ Rev. S. G. Bland of the Eastern Methodist Church on Sunday lecteured MM Dominion Government and the Opposi tion for their attitude toward- tlu mother country. Mr. Bland's sermon wa< really an appreciation of the late Ceci Rhodes, but th' reverend gentleman de viated from the main branch of his theme in order to give utterance to sonu fire-eating sentiments of local applies tion. Mr. Bland said he wished then was a spark or two of Cecil Rhode- pas sion for the empire in the Canadian Par liament. The Canadian Government hai allowed Canadians to volunteer foi active service, but had not re, aided tin homely proverb about not taking tin cream off a present of milk. Mr. Blanc criticized the Government for its replj to the mother country about the cor ©nation conference when the colonial Premiers will meet to discuss Imperii: matters. Canada's answer was in effect that trade matters would be discussed, but not the question of Imperial defe ce because Canada is well satisfied with the present arrant-mem and this reply must have made Lord Minto blush as he foru-irdcd it Sue sh an answer, in Mr. Bland" opinion, Tnent'of a'"'™' ^'""j*.1" -hirh Ihe rfu^Me^tliwin^f • In- Pop" w'sTtion becauinlierfwa" '11 •eminent, but there was " hc"evc' kman to pay a few cents iu!n"fm' loaf of bread, so that he 'an uU.-u,' r •<"' Canada's\ttRud"Dto ther country Mr. Bland su p';' the w is, "We onl make more money OU! '""of self, Tnd ""could 'not uld get a quid pro quo for e .r in ig 1 ves Britain. The right ii.iesm; mid c - illiz, the t the country, which is in favor of Canada doing a larger work in South Africa and paying for her men and every-t lung they need. More Canadians aro will) • to go to the war, and their conception of the empire is not to g. .. more ing Money. age iofth^ta Chronic Bronchitis Mr. Wm. Que., states Linseed and Turpenti has thout success, tried many remedies for the past six years. Last winter when I had a severe attack and was unable to work I procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and am happy to state that the third bot- "Mr"aw. 'it. Alger, insurance agent, Halifax, N.S., says :--"I used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for a severe attack of bronchitis. Permit me to testify to its splendid curative properties. I got better from the time of taking the first dose. Having a family of young children, my doctors' bills have annually come to a considerable sum. I believe a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup occasionally will aid me in reducing them very materially." 25 cents a bottle, all dealers. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. MR.J. H. RENWICK, Organist of Methodist Church, Port Hope, wiil be in town every Wednesday to start classes in Piano and Organ placing also Voice Culture. Mr. Renwick may be seen at Mrs. Yule's any time from 12 o'clock noon to5.30p.i G. t. r. time table GOING WEST Express, (except Mondays),.. 3.52 a.! Loca...................... 6.46 a.ir Passenger..................12.15 p.n Express.................... 6.00 p,r GOING east. Express....................10.48 a.i Passenger.................. 5.05 p • J. Reives, Licensed Auctioneer. Parties having sales can make ai-rangement with VV. L. Mitchell, Colborne. All sales will receive careful attention. Wm. Alger, Licensed Auctioneer, COLBORNE, ONTARIO. Careful attention will be given to all sales entrusted to me. Terms made known on application. H. Hicks, Licensed Auctioneer. AS RETURNED TO BRIGHTON and is prepared to look after any H business entrusted Moderate. Jas. Blacklock, S. J. TUCKER, UNDERTAKER, COLBORNE For Sale or Exchange. THE Undersigued offers for sale on easys terms six houses in the Village of Colborne, or would exchange same for good farmland. 32tf Frank L. Weish. Desirable Property For Sale. THE Undersigned offers for sale, ' on account of poor health, his hue homestead and grounds, Percy street, Colborne. For particulars address G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne, or J. W. PHILP, Owner. FRESH FISH. THE Undersigued has a full line of fresh and cured fish at his restaurant. Salmon trout and Whitefish re-;eived regularly. Fiuian Haddiesetc. W. H. EDWARDS, Reives Block, Colborne Property For Sale. THE PROPERTY situated in East COLBORNE known as "THE HERMITAGE," for a number of years occupied by the late Rev. J. Hughes, now owned by Miss Edith F. Massie, of Buffalo, N. Y., is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The property comprises eleven acres of land, tmost of which is a bearing orchard, a 'a quantity of small fruit, ornamental trees aud shrubs, etc. There is also on the premises a good frame house, driving barn, hard and soft water,etc. For particulars apply to S. S. Brintneli, & Sox. 32tf Colborne, Ont. Young Pigs for ale. YOUNG THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE PIGS of the Improved i'lionnisTis.hile, Co Ont. Apply to MR. P. H. PHILP, Is Agent foi Pianos & Organs, of the o"st makes 111 Ontario. PIANO TUNING a SPECIALTY A. O. U. W. $500, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000. FAITH LODGE, yo 123, Colborne, in the A. O. U. W. Hali every All Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. £alls day or night promptly attended ourthThursday of eaeli month at 8:00 p.m. & Tisiting brethren are always welcome. F. O. McGLENNON. M. w WM.H. IVES, Kec. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, yo.tr !iver is out of order. Ayer's Fins will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, m?.! e your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 2Sc. A!! druggists. him. Terms H. HICKS, Brighton Pumps. WE MANUFACTURE the wooden handle MODEL and CONE. PUMPS from the BEST MATERIAL at the Old T. Card Factory. Also re pair all kinds of pumps promply Drop a card. J. J. McCOLL, ) ~ • ■ J. P. KELLOGG, ( .PAINTING.. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this method of thanking the public for the liberal patronage extended to him during the past year and begs to announce that he has returned from his trip to the Soo aud is now prepared to give careful attention to all kinds of house painting at the most reasonable rates. John Roberts, Lakeport. Clean Things That Are Clean. You will find it a pleasure to point to the clean things from our establishment, we wash them clean and iron them carefully. No garment soiled in any department. The water we use makes your clothing sweet and attractive. The care we use prevents rough edges and frayed ends. Try us and be convinced. The Port Hope Furniture! mm Mr. Jas. Blacklock, of Grafton, wishes to inform the public that he has recently fitted the second floor of his Shop into a Furniture Show Room and has gone into the Furniture Business more extensively. My Stock will be found complete, including Parlor suites, Bedroom suites, Springs, Mattresses, Lounges, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Dining-Room chairs, Couches, Reed and cobbler Rockers, etc, ingle and Double Beds, etc It will pay you if yoM think of furnishing a room to see this stock and get prices, when you will be a purchaser. Will promptly and cheerfully deliver all Furniture to any part of World. Jas. Blacklock, Grafton ii ii <•<-<-» ii II ii ■tit Milk Cans! milk Cans! There o TKJriff^ which you should are * Illllgo remember. Ofltf* We will keep on hand a large and vMIC complete stock. Best quality. TWA The prices will be as low as good 1 WO» workmanship will allow. A Complete Stock of Stoves, Tinware, etc DIAV^I CC The Best on the mar- tl tl DlUlWLtd ket. Also repairing, tl tl__--____________ H !{ W.L. Mitchell, g •..Without an Equal Our Customers are Continually H Praising the Quality of our tt t 20th Century Furniture || And say cur lines cannot be ♦♦ equaled in the this country. ♦♦ 11 A. E. Donaghy, Colborne jj Lots For Sale. he Steam Laundry. Agents-- Mrs. A. S. Hinds, Colborne Chas. A. Wilson, Castleton, nesting held ft ity Hall vestei e"over 200 prh STILL DOING BUSINESS ! IOHN REIVES is still doll ing business at the Old Stand, Reives Block, Colborne. He is agent for all kind-of " Agricultural Imp? ments." It will pay you to inspect his stock before placing your orders elsewhere. J. REIVES. PLAN bus bee)) prepared of property known as the McGregor adjoining this village, being west be butter factory, aud parties re-ring pasture lots or building sites 1 procure the same ou very favorable ms. Tbe plan aud price of these s may be seen at the Enterprise J.W.ROCK HEY, Warkworth, Ont., Dealer in PiattOS ••• High-Gradei 0T^3nS ••• Stools ... Drapes, Instruction Books, Polish, etc. Any one thinking of getting an Instrument should get our juices and terms before placing their order else- NEW SHOP. WM. CLAREY, BLACKSMITH, . has added a, carriage woodwork department to his business and is prepared to do all kinds of woodwork 011 short notice and at right prices 38m 2 Horsemen and Breeders. The American Trol ting-Bred Stallion, favorably known here as BILLY SPRAGUE, who made a season in the Trenton and Colborne Districts in the Spring of 1900, under the management of A. L. Philp, will again make a season in the above districts this spring under the management of Mr. Cornelius Hubbs. Breeders wishing the services of a first-class stock horse should not fail to see some of his get before breeding their mares. R. Young, V. S., Cornelius Hubus, Prop., Manager. Bowmanvllle, Mart ay, Out. New RepaiR Shop. ; caRd of Thanks. [-HE UNDERSIGNED I his COOPER BUSH arcd to do ALL KINDS OP WOOD REPAIRING nith Shop. I Ph ral, Leaded, Chipped and S.H. Edwards, SoNE' WM. H Contractor Colborne, Ontario, cheap. . IVES, & Builder. March 10th, 1902. 3 of c; :tal. ) tn c*»ada-