©he (BmtfXM COLBORNE, APRIL 10, 1902. --Miss Freda Stratton returned fron Lindsay on Tuesday last. --Mrs. A.J. Gould was a guest a the residence of Mr. A. A. Gould. ,--Mr. Arthur Kenney, of Campbell-ford is a guest of Colborne friends. --Mr. J. Stevenson, of Trenton, was a guest of Colborne friends last week. --Miss Maude Clarke has returned from a visit with friends in Peterboro'. --Mr. Geo. Armstrong, of Campbell-ford, was in town for a few days last week. --Capt. Rogers, of Grafton, is taking a course at Stanley Barracks, Toronto. --Miss Kathleen Patterson, of Port Hope is a guest of Miss Flore Clarke. --Miss B. Flindell, of Trenton a guest at the residence of Mr. G Merri I) this eek. --Miss Annie Young, of Toronto, spent the Easter vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Young. Mr. G. F. Turney, of Trenton, spew a few days last week with his friends and relatives in East Colborne. . --Miss Pearl Rutley, of Toronto, was in town for a few days as the guest of her cousin, Miss Alice Cornwell. --Mr. W. T. Hollis, of Atwood, was in town last week for a few days, Mr. Hollis was on his way to Hay Bay where he is engaged for the coming season. --Every one interested in Cricket are requested to meet in the Brunswick Parlor on Friday evening next when the Club will be reorganized for the coming season. --Mr. G. B. Bachelor has returned from Halifax where he was engaged in the apple business during the past sea-eon. George was delighted with his trip and was well pleased with the treatment he received while there. --The many friends of Mr. Alex. Pink will regret to learn that his death occurred at his home in Castleton on "Wednesday afternoon The deceased , had been in poor health for some time --Frost & Wood. Binders and mowers for sale cheap. Cheer & Don-aghy, Brighton. Highest cash price paid for eggs at A. E. Donaghy's Furniture store. The fancy fair last week at Brant-ford for the Soldiers' Memorial Fund realized about $2,000. --Just arrived. McLaughlin's buggies. Best on earth at Reduced prices. Cheer & Donaghy. Box 64, Brighton. Mr. Robt. Beith, M.P., has been chosen to purchase 2,000 horses for the next contingent to go to South Af- The Third Special Service Battal-Royal Canadians at Halifax, nearly one thousand strong has volunteered for service in Africa. --Mr. W. J. McCullough, of Toronto, Tuner for the Mason & Risch Co. will beiu town next week, Enquire or leave word at the Brunswick House. --Another shipment of eight hundred and fifty horses has left St. John, N.B., for South Africa by horse traits port Mouchette. of the Imperial ser- past and his death was uot altogether unexpected. --A Birthday Social will be given by by the ladies of the Methodist Church in the S. S. Auditorium or Friday evening April 18th. Refreshments will be served aud a good program rendered. All are invited to come and join in the birthday festivities. --Mr. Harry Cameron who returned to South Africa with the second Canadian contingent arrived in Colborne on Tuesday morning. Mr. Cameron was injured by his horse stumbling and falling on him and had an attack of enteric fever. He expects to return again as soon as his health will permit. Dr. Chrichton, of Castleton, has called our attention to an article which appeared in the April number of the Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery saying that there was no doctor in Castleton aud that one was much needed. The Dr. wishes to state that he is still in Castleton and likely main o for s (New f Hats -The first party of lady school teachers for the concentration camps in South Africa will sale from Hal i fa: on the Lake Ontario on April 14. <lii remaining score on April 18th. Gasper Kruger, eldest son of for mer President Kruger, and 24 other relatives of Mr. Kruger are among those who have recently taken oath of allegiance to Great Britain, --A letter from Trooper Spencer, of Windsor, who is in South Africa, says that the rifle of Trooper Milroy Davidson of Woodstock, who died of the enteric fever, brought $55 at the sale of his kit. The money realized was sent to his mother. In another column Mr. Jas. Coyle announces that he has opened a flour and feed store in the Coyle Block near the Methodist Church. A full line of the different grades of flour and meal will be earned also a full stock of shorts and all kinds of chop etc --The April number of the Ladies Magazine is to hand and this month marks a decided change. The magazine appears in a different and mou fconvenient form with eight extra pa-The edition throughout is a very pri it stock is full of -Spring A band--boxy fresh-vades this department :sall c * High hats and low hats, broad % hats and narrow hats, stiff hats A and soft hats--every shape and J style of hat that's correet is here. A There is a great deal of habit in * the matter of hats, as in other % things. Some mer, have the A habit of paying $3.00 for their £ hats. This is manifestly a bad IS habit, when you can buy as good ^ a hat here for I $2.00or$2.50 % KF'Come here with your hat A notions. A I Scougale Bros. || interesting one, daintly illustrated, aDd beside the well filled regular departments there are some bright, catchy stories and several newsy sketches of the topics of the day. The Hugh C. MacLean Co. Ltinited, of Toronto, are the publishers of this up-to date monthly and the result of their efforts as shown in the Ladies Maga; well worth the subscription price $1.00 a year or 10 cents a copy. -Messrs. A. A. Deivd, G. E. Sn iih, and G E. Sleeper, of Boston, and John Carson, of Kingston, who are inter-estedin the construction of an electric railway from Toronto to Kingston were in town on Thursday last. They drove from Kingston to Toronto. These gentlemen represent about six or eight .millions capital, which is behind the scheme, and as they are well pleased with the possibilities of the road, will commence work as soon as All the available water along the line, for which Trent-l Iroquois offer splendid advantages, will be made use of for the generation of electric power. It is hoped to have portions of the road in ation by next February. On Saturday evening last the Cal-lian Concert Co. made their first appearance before a Colbor Sir Chas., Lady, and Miss Tupper have sailed from Halifax for Liverpool. --Red and Alsac Clover and Timothy seed for sale at W. S. Newman's Castleton. -For Sale. A number of hot-bed windows. Apply at residence of Mrs. W. W. Knapp, Colborne. --H.Gale, Ed. Enterprise, is gov- j ernment issuer of marriage licenses ! for the county of Northumberland. \ --The newest shirt-waists, known ■ as the "Gibson," are characterized by | broad plaits at the shoulders, generally extending over the sleeves, thereby accentuating the broad-shouldered effect which is so fashionable in other garments. The May Delineator fully describes the making of these waists, and the accompanying illustrations, depicting the various steps in their construction, will be invaluable to the amateur dressmaker. Embroidery of various kinds has been much in vo- 1 gue recently for embellishing silk and wool gowns and has greatly enhanced their beauty and their value The new decoration known as faggot-ting, is treated in a special article in this number, and the illustrations show many variations of this stitch and their application. --A portion of the Second Canadiau Mounted Rifles,which arrived in South Africa early in the present year, had their first engagement on the 31st tilt. The battle took place near the scene of Lord Methuen's surrender, and the roll of Canadiau Trilled and wounded shows that the conflict was one of the most desperate of the whole war. All told, the Canadians alone suffered a loss of eleven non-commissioned officers and men killed, and four officers and forty-two non-commissioned officers and men wounded--or 57 all told. The British force present sustained a loss of 117, making the aggregate losses of the Canadians and British for-174. Although this was the first engagement for the members of this contingent they displayed the greatest bravery and one party of Canadians fought until all were killed or wounded, and the last man, although mortally wounded, emptied two bandoliers of cartridges at the enemy and then broke his rifle » 5B» Dress Goods I Spring If you count quality and value in the selection of your Spring Dresses, we ought to get your tiade. The assortment and styles are here, and you can leave your order for the making, feeling perfectly satisfied that every detail will have proper attention. .. Wash Goods for Spring It is easy to make claims, easy to sling together a string of adjectives, or even copy some one else"s talk, but anyone who does it should have the goods and values to back it up, We make a simple plain statement only, and ask you to verify it by looking at the goods. t5P The best values, newest designs and largest variety of decidedly pretty things in Wash Fabrics are to be found in this store, Come and test us. The New Empress Shoe for Women Are now in. They are five years ahead of former productions. WTe do not hesitate to say tt.ey are now the most desirable women's shoes made in this country. Sold only at Scougale Bros., Colborne, - Ontario. House and Lot for Sale. THE Undersigued offers for sale a a comfortable frame house situated Elgin street in the village of Col-rne. There is also on the premises a good barn and an orchard of thirty trees, good well etc. The premises are in good repair and will be sold on reasonable terms. For particalars apply to Mrs. Joei. Brintnell. Colborne, Ont. --Mr. E. J. Cox has received direct from the wholesale houses a number of remnants suitab: «. Ar boys pants which will be sold very cheap. The patterns are all new and the goods first class. Sale of Land by Tender. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Undersigned to noon on the 30th April, ICK}2, for the purchase of the lands of the late Thomas Greer, being part of lot 28, 111 the 1st Concession of the Township of Cramahe, partly situated within the Village of Colborne; 120 acres more or less; all cleared except 10 or 12 acres of wood; new buildings; good orchard; water for The highest or any tender not neces-rily accepted. For further particulars and couditions of sale apply to the undersigned Dated at Colborne this 8th day of April, A. D. 1902. • A. E. K. Greer, 4I3w executor, lie hal program wlr'eh oughly appreobi the Scotch elem well filled and the as put on was ihor-id particularly so by it of the community which was well represented, charming singer of the "auld Scotch sange," than Miss Ella Walker has yet appeared in Canada. Miss Walker has a clear and flexible soprano of extended range and her exquisite rendering of "Auld Robin Gray" proved her to be an artist in full sympathy with Scottish sentiment. The repeated encores to which Miss Walker responded showed the appreciation of her efforts. Mr. Alfred D. Sturrock has a splendid baritone voice aud a very-pleasing and characteristic delivery as made him an established Mr. Cathcart Wallace has created for himself an enviable reputation as a violinst aud by his delightful playing on Saturday night showed that he possessed a full knowledge >f the Pi mcesof his ins .-Major Angus M. Ft W. BARTON & SON, Harness Makers, Colborne, Wish to inform the public that they have their New Spring Stock of Harness and Saddlery Goods and respectfully solicit an inspection of the same from parties needing ! iCST* Harness supplies for the Spring Work. I THE COLBORNE HARDWARE STORE! If You Want ces t^ gotid value for your money in paints, here is the place to get them and now is the time to get them. T> f < . Elephant brand--in quart rUre prepared paintS tins, Imperial measure, too, at 35c a quart, and guaranteed. We lead in MV' J £ f'VT Haw au<l Boiled Linseed. Cod, XVindS OT Vjll Seal and Castor Oil in bulk. Also Peerless Machine Oil, the best and most stringy oil on the market to-day. Sewing Machine Oil. American and Canadian Coal Oil prices Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, ware* etc. A full and complete stock in the above lines. TJ 1 _ We are Sole Agents for Herbageum--the rlerbageUm Best Cattle Spice. G. A. Outram & Co. Successors to Fitzgerald & Co. Colborne, Ontario. Had you thought of it ? from 0 Snappy Reductions This Week Yon can sav Groceries, 6 Bars Comfort Soap..... 4 lbs........... Rasins ... 25 " Fancy Chini Boots & Shoes* ery cheap. Stock large and well assorted. Men's Fine Boots, worth $2.00 (\(\ per pair at^J I • vr VJ TERMS- :i;',;;"::i.25 Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs. . . . -Cash or its equivalent. . SMITH. feZ: 75 ♦ Have you considered where you ure going to get the paper for those rooms you have decided to beautify ? Bet-settle that question now by coming to us and selecting and varied stock of designs. money by purchasing from us. 30 lbs. Best Quality*! f|A Light Brown Sugar $ I • UU 24 lbs. Best Quality ] fkf\ -- Granulated Sugar.. I.UU OC 4 Plugs Bobs.......... <\ c Tobacco............ZiO 6 lbs. of.............. <* Figs...............D Barrett's Lily White Flour, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Breakfast Foods and everything in groceries at lowest prices f $5.00 Toilet Sets <fc *» *y £ L.rockerv* for- ........^ o. / o 7 $15.00 Dinner Sets || /for.............. 11.50 it TheVeryThing | The Right Remedy at The Right Price. . . . That's our business. Don't attempt to be your own doctor, but don't run the risk of suffering or endanger your health bv being without ine simple remedies that help so much. A bottle of Gould's Liver Pillsjs^-geofj.-thing to have in the houser They cure, liver ills and the price is within the reach of all. 40 pills for 15 cents. Manufactured ^ J GOULD, Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist. COBOURG. Sold in Colborne by W. A. Douglas.