THE ENTERPRISE OF EA5T NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XlX.-No. 41. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year THEN AND NOW. Long did we in the dark remain Oppressed by doubt and fear and pain And could no helper find: We did not know the way of peace And could not from transgression cease Nor change the carnal mind. To us the path seemed steep and long And oft our best made plans went wrong And led us to despair: While other hearts were gay and giad, We often felt depressed and sad And full of anxious care. Brought dowi into the very dust, We could not in that Saviour trnst Who lit crates the slave: So heavv was the burden then, And distant se emed our fellow men: For noi e could help nor save. But He who knew our doubts and feai In kindness w iped away those tears Which did our eyes bedim. We heard the message from above, And tyiiseions of our Saviour's love We leai net! to ti ust in Him. Nov.- while no real good we h«-k We oft with g ateful hearts lo..k bac ., Upouo ir earlier days "Past mercies 1 tost strong hope iuspirt He freely give s what we require And ill s.-urlives with praise. n doubt remain, We know that lie will come again Who saves us by His grace. All evil TTc .vill then destroy And fill "in souls with peace aud joy And we shall see His face. Colborne, March 1902. T. Watson, EAST COLBORNE. Mr. Roy Workman has moved into the cottage opposite the school house. Mrs. Winn has sold her house to Mr Irish who with his family will shortly move into it. Mr. L. Eddy and family have moved to the Coulson house after living in this neighborhood for several years, reral of the juveniles from this theii ighborhoo.1 i this xper. iek h atten ding TOWNSHIP PRINTING. As a result of the discussions which have taken place at the Municipal Nominations in the township of Cram-ahe in reference to the items of expenditure it has become a well known fact that the township printing was costing very much more than it v worth. In view of the above fact, the February meeting of the Conn d by C. Turney, seconded !U'}"S by R. B. Ryckman and . It has a pleasant phere nil present had a able tiin i. Letters and ostrich plum reived last week from Mnj ,vn who at, the time of enjoying good health and I " " at home in South Afi n WOOLER. WHAT CAUSES PAIN Most pains and aches come from cess of uric acid poisons in the blood, due to deranged kidneys rheumatism, backache, lumbago, pains in the sides and limbs accompanied bv bladder and urinary troubles, are warnings too serious and paiuful to be neglected. Dr Chase'; Kidney-Liver Pills act directly and specifically on the Kidneys, make them active vigorous and thoroughly, cure these aiiments One 25 cent box 0/ thne great --Ii medicine wrU -in you -V*Hd of, good _____ VERNON VILLE. Fine weather and lots of work the topic of the day here. Mr. J. T Robson was a guest of Mr. J. Blackstock on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs D. McAllister took tea at Mr. A, T. Wait's on Saturday last. The many friendds of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earl sympathise with them the loss of their little one by dypthi after an illness of ouly a few hours. CRAMAHE HILL. (Received to !ate for last week.) The bride and groom passed through our section on Sunday last. A few from here attended the wood bee at Mr. Turner's on Frid..y after-Miss Ames, of Codrington, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Clarence Rev. Mr. Banner delivered an interesting sermon on prohibition on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore attended the wedding at Colborne on Wed nesday of last week. Several of our young people attended a party at the home of Mr. Frank Davidson on Friday evening last and report an enjoyable time. Mr. J II. Minaker, of Morganston, spent Sunday ou the Hill Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith spent 11 days at Hilton last week. Mr. A. F.Scott made a business trip to Toronto last week. Miss May Waldron was the guest of Mrs. Coombe last week, Mrs. (Dr.) Wade, Mrs. Bell and Miss Clark returned from Toronto on Tues- Mr. H. Gale, Editor of the Colborne Entkkpkisk wasiu the village on Fri day last. Miss Maggie McColI, of Campbell-ford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Gould. Mr. F. McKee, of Stirling, was guest at the home of W. M. Rwttan on Sunday. >Mr. Bi:i%Aui'fp-w1i.-»yi»nUi:eu ^pending a week in Toronto returned home on Saturday. Quite a nnmben from here attend ed the funeral of Mrs E. Fitch .a Stockdale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Whitney left on Friday for Toronto where Mr. Wintry has secnred,a situation. " Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell who weiv seriously injured in a runaway ac cident at Trenton are improving slow ly- The League and the Choii of the Methodist Church gave a sugar social on Monday eveniug of last week. Lots of sugar and an enjoyable time. mousl; , that tendei alloi tried u (.Dice of friends i so glib!; of the redu ;e of the lowest, vork should be , Liberal paper, this sked foi e with this request by the Col In epa If our Tory 0 are talking MEDICAL SCIENCE ADVANCES is not more than half a century that physicians considered a surgical operation with its risk, expense and pain the only cure for piles To-day it is t out of date doctors only that think of such treatment It is cruel aud extravagant to op erate for a disease which is more certainly eured by the applicat-of Ur. Chase's Ointment You may be skeptical but for proof vou are referred to tens of thouands of cases that have been cured by this famous prep- ED VILLE. glad I , Mrs. W. hat lie radley and ^ Mr. B. Laeey still continues on th sick list. Mr. Edward Farrow has been ill fo Niss Maude Ives and Miss Gerti Murphy arc visiting friends in Belleville. Mr Thos. Murphy neai Campbellford c holiday at home. Mr.'and Mrs. Fred Far ville, were visiting old fr tice as well as tht the ratepayers of Cramahe would give them greater credit for sincerity and at the same time would feel that their money was not being spent to advance natty interests. The action of the Councils of the township of Cramahe and the village of Colborne is in striking contrast with that of other municipalities where the Liberals have a majority in the Council. In these municipalities the work is let to the lowest tender no matter how the printer marks his ballot. China - Hall ro-DA UP-TO-DATE. WICKLOW Mrs. Fritz, of Carthage, is visiting at the home of Her brother, Mr. J. Brown. Mrs. Coxall was here a few days ago. on a visit to her friend, Mrs. Sheariu. Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams have moved back to their farm here which they left about a year ago. Mr. M. Taylor has purchased the house recently vacated by Mr. Lorenzo Wait and has moved into it. Mm l.o ' Ty br3lWu^ home of Mr. J J. Hiutuan Mr. Herbert Peters had the .nisfo' tene to cut his foot somewhat seri ly on Saturday. It is hoped that accident may not long disable him. The Baptist Sunday School will re open on Sunday the 27th April when it is expected that all members ant: adherents will be present. University men will not feel them selves very much flattered when they read that tile establishing of an asylum has made up for the loss which In connection with our beautiful line of Wall Papers, we have small choice lot of papers left ov that we are selling at last year's pri which is, as you know, about a third less than this year's price. The trust has made it impossible to prodt paper at the price we gave you 1: year. It will pay you to see these. IW Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Mrs. A, S. Hinds Corner Store .. Colborne^ ONTARIO..P University. -ustained by the r val of BRIGHTON. Mr. F. C. Marfhall has been 011 the sick list for the past few days. a Nesbitt and James Stanley Friday last for England. We join in wishing them a safe journey. uccessful meeting id' the Ontario Fruit Growers Association was held hereon Saturday last. A local bianch as formed and officers appointed. John Pratt the proprietor of the antral Hotel sold out on Monday last i Jamef McAvoy of Port Hope, who to take possession in a few days. The spring delivery of Frost & Wood rni implements was quite display, lie fanners after receiving their goods tooK dinner at the Proctor House ciety gave a con-evening last that b app ut the Eastci ids 1 the if thePreshy-mbers of the Council Weak? doctors said my blood turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Saisaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again." Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can taitesior purifying and enriching the blood. Don't doubt it, put your 1 whole trust in it, throw 1 away everything else. 1 $1.00 a bottle. All drugsfstB._i Mr. f Iii Amos Murphy went to i •k to attend the fnner- !1 Murphy litis is adding to the evidence by enlarg will ! Not ild to lili the the 9th and yard. Tonkin, of Sidui nday April T3th at2.3( is on the 16th. Our granolithic walks which were to e a "monument until the frost is out" live come through the winter all right nd Stapleron's road which "only ceded shingMng" has settled < Mr. Hodgius has a new incubator in operation which has just brought out a batch of chickens. It is quite a curiosity here. Mr. and Mrs A Sherwiu, of Fenella, were visiting at the homes of Mr. I Bland and Mr. C. S Hinman last week. Mrs. P. Wright accompanied j them home. Mr. Russel set out an ornamental hedge iu front <»f his house a few years I ago which dissapointed him so much that he pulled them all up with* team a few days ago. ! Mr. Robinson, of Sharon, had a se ions attack from a vicious cow whic ran again t him, knocked him dow [ is the best t ad v Crook's Act Notice.- Province of Ontario LICENSE DISTRICT ..OF.. EAST NORTHUMBERLAND. INSPEC TOR'S OFFICE. Warkworth, April ist, 1902. / hereby certify that the total number of Licenses issued and in force in this district for the current license year of igoi-2 is Twenty, being Seventeen Tavern Licenses and Three Shop Licenses. P. GALLAGHER, Inspector. / also certify that the lolalnum-ber of applications for Tavern and Shop Licenses for the ensuing license year 1902-3 iu this License Dtstrict is twenty-three being twenty for Tavern Licenses, three for Shop Licenses. There arc three new applications for Tavern Licenses be-F. Tunnecliff, at Trenton T. R. Station, in Tozvnship of Murray; C. L. Curtis, at Carrying Plact, in Township of Murray; and James Abar, for beer aud wine at Myers-buxg, in Township of Seymour, A MEETING .. Of the License Board will be held at the Village of Warkworth, on the Culver's Spring Millinery. About quality ! The ii highest quality in head-gear requisites is none too good for our customers. We have got a display of beautifully trimmed and untrimmed novelties ready for this week, that will please the most fastidious woman in town. Our millinery includes the latest in style and material, and excels anything shown by us before, We invite every lar'y to call. Miss Culver j Colborne, Ont., HE PALACE SHOE STORE We Have a Shoe For Ladies & Misses That is :i npir approach t(^ tion. It is the newest pr< >f, Perfec and Skill; it is graceful, stylish, durable and comfortable; we haye the exclusive, sale here, and we want to exhibit it to every lady in the * community. Manufactured by J. and T. Bell. Rubber Footwear for Health. 21st DAY OF APRIL, pin his We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure- We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially J902, instant, at the hour of able to cany out any obligations Ten o'clock A. M., for the made by their firm. ' consideration of applications. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Drug- . rr ... gists, Toledo, 0. -I All parties interested will WALDlNG,' kinnan & MARVIN:: please take notice and govern , themseh es accordingly. By o-directiy upon the blood I order of the Board. P. GALLAGHER, Inspector. Cure is take When it rains the only thing to do is to prepare yourself for wet weather. We sell the best Waterproof Footwear, Storm Rubbers, Toe Rubbers, Arctics, Rubber Boots--the ounce of prevention of all the ills that follow damp feet. Canadian Granby and Maltese Cross Brands. J. A. BRINKMAN, One Door South of All. Gunyo's. BRIGHTON. r The Progressive Furniture Store This is a great progressive store and each year finds us with a larger and more improved stock, with newer and thoroughly up-to-date methods of doing business. The fact that we give you good values in our line is because we buy in large quantities. Everything is of the best quality and is sold cheap. We're always trying to better things for our customers. Other stores may attempt to imitate our methods but they cannot do as well for you. We have as neat and attractive a stock as you could wish to see. We bought for Cash in the best markets aud the values are right fn every case. As all our stock is new there is no fear that you will get any old patterns. We think we can pbase you and save you money. Almost every customer has found that goods bought here in past seasons have been in 2dvance of all competitors in variety of selections, beauty of designs and exclusiveness of patterus For the Spring Trade we have made preparations on a larg-scale than ever before. J. B. Chapin & Son, Brighton, Ont. MR. JAY CHAPIN of Brighton is a licensed auctioneer for Northumberland county. _