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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 26 Feb 1903, p. 6

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Grand Trunk Passengers Have Miraculous Escape. The west-bound Grand Trunk express, due at Whitby Junction last Thursday morning at 7.15, is lying In an inextricable tangle in a field about 300 yards east of the station and fully 30^ feet below the level of the track. There is epread rail, Judging froi ance of the Is more probable, ( The train was corr. gine, a baggage car, two vestibuled day cars of the latest model, three Pullman sleepers. In all there were about 150 passengers board, and as a result of the dent forty-four persons were or less seriously hurt. About ty others were considerably shaken top, and the remainder escaped free. The most peculiar thing al It all is the very light list of POSITION OF THE WRECK, Just before reaching the Whitby Junction station the track takes some doubt as to the accident; some say a others a broken axle, i the general appear-ick the latter theory able incident of the the gentleman who was a passenger in the day car that slid down the bank without overturning. He had ng up all night, was very tired, and shortly before the dent had fallen asleep. He did not awaken until after the car had slid down the embankment and a stop. Only half awake, he stepped out on the platform, and, seeing the crowd, said, "Why have we stopped? What's the matter?" The ill-fated train was in charge of Conductor Chas. Stuart and Engineer Ireland, both "of York. I tha the i put. upon the cars by rounding the curve at Such high rate of speed caused the breakage of an axle on day coach No. 2,-018, the third from the engine. Hie car immediately jumped the track, and slid down tho embankment, and as the coupling held, all the other cars were forced to follow suit.Even the engine and tender were pulled off the trade, but, fortunately for the train crew, the engine coupling the baggage car parted before tender and locomotive were dragged wn the bank. The sudden relei of the baggage c low the day cars bounded about finally settling a ly a hundred fei upside down, ai to matchwood, could be in the miracle, and it i the injuries of Geo baggageman, 2 of the day c rntfoVp? msed it so rapidly that it ike a rubber ball, , a distance of ful-t from the track, d literallv crushed That ao wonder that ) Lappage, th very severe. Tbe i the field, showed in its general outline the conformation of the capital letters "IS," the "I" representing the track, the upper part of tho "S" showing the position of the Pullmans, and the lower pa*- the position of the day cars and baggage car. joaches. No. The Pullman t side up, bul t 40 degrees. The "Dickens" was lying on its side while the other Pull; down. All the cars were oil their trucks, and the heavy wheels were pcattered in every direction. Pieces of iron eight inches thick were snapped in two, and the platforms, stops, and couplers on all the coaches were badly used up, but, strange to sav. the damage to the coach-bodies was only trifling. All the cars must be wonderfully well constructed 1 have sustained such a shock with : little effect. Even the windows wc but little damaged, not more than dozen being broken on the who THE ACCIDENT. Station Agent Eoven was telegraph office, from which a good 7 could be obtained of the track both east and west, and was watching the approaching train when the disaster occurred. Ho immediately telephoned to Whitby for medical attendance, and in less than half an hour live physicians and a corps of willing helpers were at the scene of the wreck. The passengers on the dcy cars, who wore not much hurt, assisted in the work of rescue, and the wounded, as soon as they were taken from the shattered cars, were removed to the Junction Hotel where Landlord Dan Holmes provided comfortable accommodation foi all. About ten o'clock auxiliary trains arrived from Belleville anc Toronto, each having on board e large corps of doctors; by the tim< of their arrival, however, the Whitby doctors had attended to the of the injured. LIKE DICE IN A BOX. Mr. John Fallen, one of the of Whitby's citizens to reach scene of the wreck, said that what surprised him was the quietnes». He and his companions at first thought that a great many of the passengers had been killed, and could scarcely believe anything to the contrary. "They must have been thrown around like dice in a box," said Mr. Fallen, "and how they escaped so well I don't know." One reason perhaps that so few of the passengers were injured was the fact that, despite the shock, all the seats in the cars remained fast. In other railway wrecks the seats have invariably broken from their places, and have been piled in one end of the car, crushing the passengers in a horrible manner. But the bolts held, and as a result there are no fatalities to record. The baggage car comparatively light fit for nothing but EIGHT PUPILS KILLED. A Newark, N.J., despatch says Running at almost full speed, a train on the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, crashed ink trolley car loaded with pupils their way to the High school Thursday morning. Nine children wore hilled. At least fifteen wei jured, some so badly that it is ed they will die. The accident curred at the Clifton Avenue < ing, being noted as a dang spot. The trolley Toronto, Feb. 24.--Wheat--The market is quiet and featureless. No. ~ white and red quoted at 71c middle freights. No. 2 spring nominal 71c on Midland, and No. 2 se at 68c on Midland. Manitoba wheat steady; No. 1 hard, 88c all rail, grinding in transit; No. 1 Northern, 864c all rail, grinding in transit. No. 1 hard, 874c North Bay; No. 1 Northern, 86c North Bay. Oats--Trade quiet, with prices changed-. No. 2 white quoted at 31 to 314c middle freights and No. : c - ] city, many transferred .from other full was the car that the form was crowded with boys. The pilot of the engine struck the front platform and swung the car aro -J and it toppled over. By the fori Ihe collision the pupils were cipitated under the wheels of tin gine. The motorman's skull fractured. It is thought he will The scene of the accident resembled a shambles. Dead and injured children lay everywhere. Arms, legs, ant other parts of the bodies of the victims were scattered in every direction, and the snow for a great distance around was dyed with blood One mutilated body was carried twe blocks on the pilot of the engine. BRITAIN'S NEW FORCE. The Home Fleet to Be Thoroughly Reorganized. A London despatch says :--The Admiralty announced a tion of the Home fleet, oiierative in May. The important, as the r creates practically a new sea-going force for the British navy. Hitherto tho only seagoing force in British and neighboring seas have been the Channel Squadron, which, however is seldom in homo waters, it cruisinj as far as Gibraltar. The Horn Squadron formed in 1902, was i combination of port guardships am coaotgnard ships, under the admiral superintendent who was mostly occupied with shore duties. The new home fleet will have a separate admiral, who will be senior to the commander of the Channel Squadron, whom Lord Ber-esford will succeed in April. The Home Squadron, when Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson hoists his. pennant will consist of ten battleships cruisers, and a number of smaller vessels. Most of these are obsolete but they will be gradually replaced by new vessels that are now being completed or in course of construction. The Home Squadron will frequently cruise in the North Sea arrangement the foreshadowing which has excited some lively c ism in Germany. Barley---Trade is quiet, with No. 3 extra quoted at 464 c middle freight, and No. 3 at 43c middle freight. Rye--The market is steady at 50 to 51c outside for No. 2. Buckwheat--The market is dull, with No. 2 nominal at 47c outside. Peas--Market dull at 71 to 72c high freights. Flour--Ninety per cent, patents unchanged at $2.67 middle freights, in buyers' sacks for export. Straight rollers of special brands for domestic trade quoted at §3.25 to $3.40 b'bls. Manitoba flour steady; No. 1 patents, $4.35 to $4.40, and seeo ' $4.10. Strong bakers', $3.90 to a^.^g included, Toronto, had on board ^ufeed--liran, $16 here, froin all Parts. shortSi $18 At outside points bran is quoted at $16, and shorts at $17.50. Manitoba bran, in sacks, $19, and shorts $21 here. which 1 f the c firewood, tirely gor The sides One where. spread out, and split in all directions, and the top on which the car rests is punctured with innumerable holes, the wood being broken up into millions of pieces no larger than toothpicks. It is the most complete picture of destruction and ruin that could be imagined. HUMOR OF THE ACCIDENT. Although a railway accident Is a grim thing to joke about, a laugh- NEEDED IN TRARSVALL. Chance Sell Implement An Ottawa despatch says :--Agent Jardine sends to the Trade Department a list of agricultural machinery and accessories required by the Transvial Land Department. He says :--"I should be glad if your department would advise your principal manufacturers and get them to forward me quotations for these articles landed at coast ports in South Africa, and. also forward me their priced catalogues. The Land Department will also require large consignments of seeds of all descriptions, and I should be glad to receive quotations for same, and be kept posted as to fluctuations in prices, seeders, hay scythes, wagons, drays, carriages harness, tradesmen's outfits, rakes, grinders, hoes, axes, grindstones, wire fences and gates, steam and hand plows, traction engines, threshers, cultivators, mowing machines, harvesters, windmills and pumps. SIX DAYS WITHOUT FOOD. Prospectors Encounter Terrible Hardships. A Victoria, B.C., despatch says :-- A story of shipwreck was brought from the Vancouver Island coast by the steamer Queen City on Wednesday. Two prospectors, Pete Anderson and C. A. Ferguson, were wrecked in a sloop off Cape Cook, and losing all their food, they tried to get to the nearest Indian village, 60 miles away. They built a raft to cross Nespartez Inlet, but a storm arising, the raft was broken and the two men were washed ashore on logs, after suffering great hardships. Then they walked 60 miles along the beach, and had no food for six days, until reaching an abandoned Indian hut, they found a small supply which kept them alive until they reached an Indian village, Ononklish Inlet, 60 miles from where their vessel was lost. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans--Trade is inactive. Median: $1.65 to $1.75 per bush, and hand-picked, $1.90 to $2. Dried apples--Market quiet, with prices unchanged at 4 to 4Jc per lb, and evaporated at 6 to 64c. Honey--Tho market is quiet, with prices unchanged. Strained sells 8Jc per lb, and comb, $1.25 $1.50. Hay, baled--The market is quiet, with prices unchanged. Choice timothy, $10 to $10.25 on track, and mixed at $8 to $8.50. Straw--The market is quiet, with car lots on track quoted at $5.50 to $6 a ton. Maple syrup--Five-gallon cans, per gallon: one-gallon cans, $1.10 and half-gallon, 60c. Onions--The market is dull at per bush for Canadian. Poultry--The market continues firm. We quote :--Fresh killed dry-picked turkeys, 15 to 16c; geese, 9 to 11c per lb; ducks, 85c to $1.25; chickens (young), 85c to $1; old hens, 50 to 60c per pair; frozen and held stock, 2 to 3c per lb less than tbe above quotatiofcs. Potatoes--Market firrru. Cars on track, $1 to $1.05, and small lots, $1.15 to $1.25 per-bag. V, HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are steady, with car lots of Western selling at $7.40 to S7.45, and Northern at $7.50 to §7.65. Cured meats steady, with demand fair. We quote bacon, clear, 10 j > 10£c, in t > $22; : lots Fork short cut, $22.50 to $23. Smoked hams, 13 to 134c; rolls, 111 to 12c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 14 to 144c; breakfast bacon, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 24.--Grain--No. j Manitoba hard wheat, 744c; No. 1 Northern, 724c, in store, Fort Wil liam; peas, 72c high freights; No. 2 oats, in store here, 37* to 374c high freights; rye, 494c east; buckwheat, 50c east. Flour--Manitoba patents, $4.40 to $4.50; seconds, $4.10 to $4.20; Ontario straight rollers, 53.50 to $3.65; in bags, $1.70 to $1.75 ; patents, $3.70 to $4.10. Rolled --Millers' prices, $2 bags, and $4".15 per bbl. Feed--Manitoba bran $18 to $20; shorts, $21 to $22, bags included; Ontario bran, in bulk, "to $18.50; shorts, in bulk, $20 $21. Provisions--Heavy Cana-short cut pork, $24 to $25 ; short cut back, $23.50 to $24; light short cut, $23 to $24; compound refined lard, 84 to 9c; pure Canadian lard, 11c; finest lard. 12 to 124c ; hams, 124 to 134c; bacon, 14 to dressed hogs, $8.25; fresh killed abattoir hogs, $8.50 to $9 per 100 Eggs--New laid, 20 to 21c ; selected, 16c. Honey--White clover, in sections, 12 to- 13c per section ; in 10-lb tins, 8 to 8|c; fn bulk, 74 to 8c; dark, 4c lower. Cheese--Ontario, 13 to lSgc; Townships, 13c. Butter--Townships creamery, 214c ; nds, 184c; Western rolls, 174 to 18c; rolls, 164 to 174c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Milwaukee, Feb. 24.--Wheat--Easier fo. 1 Northern, 80c; No. 2 North-rn, 784 to 79c; May, 774c. Rye-Steady; No. 1, 51 to 52c. Barley-Steady ; No. 2 64c; sample, 46 to 58c. Corn--May, 45Jc. Duluth, Feb. 21.--Wheat--Cash, No. hard, 774c; No. 1 Northern, 764c; O. 2 Northern, 744c: May, 784c; July, 76|c. Oats--May. 35c. St. Louis, Feb. 24--Closed--Wheat --Cash, 71fc; May, 734c; July, 714c. Buffalo, Feb. 24.--Flour--Steady. Wheat--Nothing done. Corn--Firm ; No. 2 yellow, 514c; No. 2 corn, 501 to 51c. Oats--Strong; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 2 mixed, 404c. Barley-Spot, 59 to 63c; to arrive, 54 to "3c. Rye--No. 1 In store, 59c asked. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 24.-- Wheat--May, 764c ; July, 76f to 764c; on track. No. 1 hard, 77|c ; 1 Northern, 76$ to 764c ; No. 2 Northern, 75* to 75Jc. Flour-First patents, $3.85 to $4 ; second patents, $3.85 to 63.95; first clears, $2.55; second clears, $2.10 to $2.20. Bran--In bulk, $11.80 to $15J35i Toronto, Feb. 24.--There was a light run of live stock to-day at the Western Cattle Market, and nearly erything offered was sold, for exporters and butchers' cattle were maintained at previous quotations. The quality of the former product brought forward ently satisfactory, and some buyers were a little more disposed to pay better prices than before owing to the receipt of a wire from Chicago reporting a better market there for exporters, with an advance per cwt. There was, howc space at present at the disposal of shippers, some of who] sequence not inclined i great extent, being unwilling to hold stock on their hands for any length of time. There was a scarcity good butchers', and also of stockers and feeders, which continued wanted. Many buy^-s are not doing any business at present. Sheep lambs were in good demand, prices advanced a few points in : pathy with the firmer tone of markets in England. Hogs continued steady and unchanbed, with a light supply. The following Is the range of quotations ' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Choice..................... $4.40 54 75 Medium................... 4.0O 35 Light*........ „........... 4.00 0 Bulls...................... 3.7S 3 85 Butchers'-- Choice............ 4.00 A 35 Medium......... „...... 3.40 00 Heifers.......__.......... . 3.90 0 00 Bulls...... _....... „. .. 3.00 S 50 2.50 3 40 Feeders......_ .......... 3.75 00 Stotek^Ts......._ ....... . 3.50 3 90 Canners......... 2.00 2 50 Sheep- Lambs ... 4.50 5 50 3.50 4 25 . 2.50 Calves, each............... . 2.00 10 00 Calves, per 100 lbs 4.50 6 00 Hogs- . 4.50 0 00 Stags...................... 2.00 0 00 Selects, 160 to 2,00 5.80 0 00 Thick fats.........__ 5.60 0 00 Lights.........--...... 5.60 0 00 NEW BUILDINGS AT OTTAWA An Ottawa despatch says :--The Minister of Public Works has got plans prepared for a new departmental building. The new building. If it is decided to build, will connect with the present Langevin block on Wellington street, and extend tc O'Connor street. It will be one building throughout, taking the sam< style of architecture and the sam« material as the present block. Metcalfe street will be closed up, and right opposite tho main entrance tc the Parliament Buildings, Sparks street will be reached by an arch through tho new building. Of the features of the new building, bronze figures surmount it, and are symbolical of the different regiments sent to South Africa. Next below and immediately over the arch figure represents confederation. The groups to the right and left of the arch are symbolical of agriculture, commerce, mining and manufactures. Tho figures in tho niches between the columns might be two of Canada's greatest men. The cost of the building would be about two millions. This does not include the price of property from Metcalfe to O'Connor COLONY OF SETTLERS. A London despatch says :--Already 1,850 of Rev. Mr. Barr's colony of settlers for Canada have been booked to sail by the steamship Manitoba, sailing March 25. One thousand will sail on the Lake Simcoe on March 21. There are four 1 dred young women and children the party. One wealthy lady takes with her fifteen young men, whom she has set £1,500 to start them in farming. MURDER TO GET BODIES. A New York despatch says resistant District Attorney Krotal said on Wednesday that the insurance fraud case now under investigation in this city promises to develop into one of the miost startling In the criminal history of the city. "1 should not be surprised," he said, "if it were proved that the conspirators even went so far as to murder in cold blood to get bodies for the purpose of collecting on JAMAICA HAS MONEY. A Kingston Ja, despatch says: The Legislature has authorized the Government to pay $125,000 annually towards a subsidy for establishing new fast, direct steamship servi between Canada and Jamaica, is expected that the Colonial Secretary, Sidney Oliver, will go to Ottawa shortly for the purpose of making definite arrangements. TO CARRY LIVE STOCK. A London despatch says :--It rumored that Messrs. Lamport and Halt, of Liverpool, are about to inaugurate a direct line of steamers for the conve3>ance of live stock between Canadian ports and Manchester, A London despatch says :--Before the Royal Statistical Society Mr. J. A, Baines read a paper dealing with the census of the pointed out the singub between Canada and Australia in respect to the distribution of tho people. In Ontario and Quebec seventy-one per cent, of the population were classed as rural. In Australia the tendency was urban, the people concentrating in the cities. The city of Melbourne contained 41 per cent, of the population in tho colony of Victoria. Sydney contained 36 per cent, of the population of New South Wales, and Adelaide 45 pe cent, of South Australia. Canadi and Australia cover 55 per cent, c the territory of the empire, but fur nish less than two and one-half per cent, of the populat: MAY ABANDON SERVICE. South Africa Delayed Many Weeks. An Ottawa despatch says :--Vessels of the direct line from Canada have been detained for weeks South African ports before getting a chance to discharge tKeir cargoes, one instance the delay was se weeks. The Canadian Government has therefore represented to the perial authorities the loss that suited from such detentions, asked that as they carry the n to and from Canada, wharf acc modation be given them as sooi possible. If this request is complied with the service may have to be abandoned, tionary force after a sharp fight. LEMON CROP DESTROYED. A Los Angeles, Cal., despatch says :--The cold wave which swept over Southern California during the past week, bringing snow and frost, is broken. In certain localities the entire lemon crop was killed, and in nearly all sections of California there was more or less danage. It is conservatively estimated that the loss will be between ten and twenty per cent, of the entire crop. THE GRIP IN NEW YORK. A despatch from New York says: By reason of the changeable weather of the last few weeks the grip has become prevalent until it is assuming the proportions of a serious epidemic. All the hospital! Vin- cent's one side of the ins given over to the treatment of those in a dangerous condition. Sip far the disease has not shown itself in the virulent type with which the years 1889, 1890 and 1891 were marked, and because of this it is believed it will not become so widespread. Dr. Guilfoyle, registrar of the Health Department, said that there had been a steady increase in the death rate from the disease in the three weeks just ended, more than four times the number dying during the week ending Feb. 14 than for two weeks previous. Pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia and acute bronchitis also made a heavy increase, and from the first named disease there were 155, 210 and 190 deaths respectively in the three weeks just closed. "Every one who feels the first symptoms of influenza --and they are unmistakable--should consult a physician," said Dr. Guilfoyle. CRUSHED TO DEATH. A despatch from Toronto says: Joseph O'Neil, a carter employed by the Elias Rogers Company, was crushed to death between a loaded coal wagon and a stone wall at, Toronto University on Wednesday afternoon. O'Neil, who had been sent up to help James Golden unload the coal, went down into the bin through the window and came out again without Golden's knowledge. Golden suddenly backed up the horses, and O'Neil had not time to get out of the way. The wagon struck him on the chest and crushed him so severely that he died within half an hour. He was able to crawl from beneath the wagon and upon doing so, exclaimed, "Jim, I'm done for." With Golden's assistance he managed to walk inside the building, where medical aid was summoned, but it was at once seen tha* the man was injured beyond recovery. O'Neil was about 30 years of age. He boarded at 220 Ontario street, and had been in the employ of the Rogers Company for about 14 years. HOT WAVE IN AUSTRALIA. A despatch from Ottawa says :-- Mr. J. S. Larke, Trade Commissioner to Australia, reporting to the Department of Trade and Commerce on January 16th, says that - - the and undone the good which had been accomplished by recent rains, burning up vegetation in the pastural districts. SMALLPOX IN NOVA SCOTIA. Special A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says'. Smallpox is so prevalent in the town of Thornburn, Pictou, that it has been quarantined, and no communication is allowed between it and New Glasgow. Provisions are sent in by a special supply train. NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All; Over the Globe. CANADA. Princeton thinks it ought to have Renewed activity is reported from tie "Soo. ' New Hamburg wants an armory for her militia. Last yeE.r 8,738 pupils attended Hamilton public schools. The estimates for the Hamilton Public Scnools have been struck at $164,000. The Fa-mers" Co-operative Harvesting Machine Company has been incorporated. Montreal labor unions are active and general demands for increased pay are probable. Nova Scotia farmers have passed a resolution in favor of an agricultural college. Stratford is preparing to erect an isolation hospital in case smallpox should reach the city. The new Dominion Government fisheries cruiser Kestrel was successfully launched at Vancouver. Mr. C. M. Hays says the report that the G.T.R. might abandon its Pacific scheme Is ridiculous. The Maritime Foundry Association decided to raise, the price of stoves, ranges and furnaces 5 per cent. British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals dealt with 497 cases last year. A saving of $1,440 in tho salaries of the civic officials at Rossland, B. C, has been effected by a recent Paul Gray, a fortune-teller of St. John, arrested for swindling a man out of $450, cut his throat in hi« cell and died. The number of cases dealt with by Victoria, B. C, police last year was 1,180, a decrease of 84 below the former year. Excellent peaches have been raised in the Kootenay, B. C, district, according to Mr. Thomas Cunningham, inspector of fruit pests. Hamilton Board of Education will ask the Hon. Kichard Harcourt for a grant to enable manual training being taught in the Collegiate Bisti- A bill fc."- increasing the pay of soldiers ir. tho permanent force, as well as i..:utinmen, is likely to be introduced at Ottawa during the coming session. Chatham has decided to establish art school classes in tho new library and will also accept an additional $3,000 from Carnegie for the building of the same. The building trades in London may demand increased wages on May l.j Painters want 25 cents an hour and an eight-hour day; and bricklayers desire an advance of 74 cents,, mak-n ing 45 cents an hour. GREAT BRITAIN. The Imperial Tobacco Company's first annual report shows a profit of £1,000,000. The Natitmal Council of the Y. M. 0. A. in England is planning to bring the young men of towns and villages under the domain of sound principles. Lord Methuen, in his evidence before the Committee on Conduct of the War, said he fought the battle of Magersfontein under ordars to relieve Kimberley and retreat to Orange Biver. Sir Oliver Lodge, principal of the University of Birmingham, says wireless telegraphy is destined to exercise a profound influence on the intellectual and spiritual capabilities of mankind, tending to bridge the way between the visible and invisible worlds. UNITED STATES. Burglars ransacked Grace Episcopal Church at ing jewelled $10,000. The foot and mouth disease has reappeared among the herds of cattle in Vermont and Massachusetts States. In convention at Richmond, Va., the National Association of Master House Painters and Decorators decided to hold their next annual meeting in Toronto. Six hours before committing suicide by drinking laudanum, Charles H. Wattle of Springfield, Mass., telegraphed his sister in his wife's name announcing his death. Apprehension is felt at Washington that there will be another rebellion in the Philippines unless some legislation is speedily enacted to alleviate the conditions now existing there. When at death's door Mrs. Napoleon Dube, of Bristol, Conn., who has been ill with* blood poisoning, has been cured by the use of formalin, the recently discovered remedy for the disease. A man at Brooklyn, N. Y., has Invented a motor vehicle, a "pneu-moslito," designed especially for traveling over ice and snow, and its inventor thinks it is the machine that will be first to carry men to the North Pole. The Pittsburg Railways Company, operating the traction lines in Pittsburg, Pa., has voluntarily advanced the wages of 3,000 motormen and conductors one cent an hour. Some of the men get 24 cents an hour. The 29th annual report of the New York Board of City Magistrates of the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx shows that the volume of arrests last year exceeded that ol 1901 by 9,876, making the total number of prisoners 105,431 -- 84,-177 males and 21,254 females. GENERAL. The Macedonian situation is causing anxiety in Great Britain. An Australian syndicate has offered General De Wet $1,250 weekly fo» * lecturing tour in Australia. The town of Kano, in the distrief of that name, in northern Nigeria, was occupied by the British expedJ

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