®Jtc Enterprise COLBORNE, MARCH, 5th, 1903. -Mr. Jas i left o ast for Winnipeg to locate. --Miss Russell, of Dundi iting at the home of Mr, Barton. --Miss Wrist, of Toroni at the home of her sister Gooderich. -The Rev. C. Parker is Tuesday here tie expects ed to and influi arch United states. -Mrs. George W. Webb went to Toronto last week for a visitof several weeks duration. --Mrs. Anderson recently spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould. --Mrs. Prank L. Webb aud little daughter Jean ieit yesterday for Toronto for a few days. --Mr. A. Scougale is »•; Toronto this week selecting now and fashionable goods for tho spring trade. -- Mr. H. Young of Sarnia was a guest at the home of Mrs. Thomas Peterson for a few days last week. --Miss Jennie Nicholl, of Lakeport, left on Tuesday last for Hridgepori, Conn., where she intends remaining --Beautiful fruit chromos size 18x 22, three inch frame, only $1.00 at Donaghy's. --In another column the Colborne Driving Park Association are offering to lease their grounds for one or more --On Wednesday of last week Mr. B. Wei ton sold a shire colt nineteen months old for$110.00. The colt weighed eleven hundred pounds. --A House of Refuge was opened in the County ot Ontario last week. Every comfort and convenience has been provided for those who seek admittance. for s -Mr. Git r Moi ha to Toronto after two months holidays to take his position on the staff of oporaton in the C. P. R head office. --Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hollenback wish to express their thanks for the kind assistance and sympathy which they received duiing their recent sad bereavement. --Tho bye elections on Thursday last resulted in the election of Hon. E. J. Davis.Liberal in North York by a majority of 463 and Huge Clarke,Con-servative, in Centre Bruce,by a majority of 52. --Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of Friday last the bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church passed off very successfully. The proceeds was over $110.00, --Mr, Harry Dudley left on Wednesday for a visit with friends in Conrtland, N. Y., he was accompanied by his sister-in law, Mrs. W. S. Dudley of that place who has been spending a week with friends in this section. on of the business rNo. 45 R. A. M. ; last the Compan-refreshment room -At the i stern -Tii ogram rendered. The ie of the most enjoyable of the Chapter. , of Tuesday last says that Captain and Mn of Lethbridge, N. W. T., who have been visiting in Colborne, returned to town to day, and will be the guests of Mrs. Geo. Perry, of Bloor street until to-morrow, when they purpose leaving for Ottawa. --Mr. A. Miscampbell, Conservative member of the Legislature for Ste Marie, has been unseated by the election court, for bribery by an agent. As a result the standing of the parties in the House is now: Government 58, Opposition 44, with the vacancies in Sault Ste.Marie and North Renfrew to be filled. --At aCabiuet Council meetingheld on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the Parliament Buildings Toronto, John T. Field was appointed Local Registrar, Clark of the County Court and Registrar of the Surrogate Court for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, in place of Mr. John Fisher, deceased. --Dr. Bryce, of the Provincial Board of Healtli is urging all people of the Province to exercise all care in tho prevention of the spread of scarlet fever. He considers scarlet fever more dangerous than either smallpox or diphtheria. Such being the case it, would be well for our citizens to use every precaution to prevent the fever breaking out here. --The Kingston Daily News of Saturday last contained the following "The Rev. Mr. Stratton of Belleville has a three year old colt which is a half brother of Minnie Keswick and very much resembles the speedy Lindsay mare in color. As Mr. Stratton - Easter Sale and Tea--The Willing Workers Society of the Presbyterian eburch, Colborne will hold a sale of useful and fancy articles on Thursday 2nd of April. The sale will begin at two o'clock. Tea will be served from five to eight o'clock. Admission to tea 15 cents. Keystone Sugar Companj is s of a company incorporated with power to manufacture • sugar beets, Whitby will be the centre of the industry, and capital amounting 50,000 has been provided for. irovisional directors are: James Rutledge, J. H. Long, j. D. Howder, . H. Annes, J. E. Farewell, A. M. oss and L. T. Barclay. Peterboro, Feb. 27.--It is announced that the Canadian Genera) Electrical Company will this year spend half dollars in Peterboro for new buildings and equipment. Plans are almost ready for the erection of additional manufacturing buildings, which will permit of a great expansion of operations, and will call for the em-proyment of a thousand additional hands. •The Enterprise will be sent to address for one year and the Montreal Star during the coming session of the House of Commons to all subscribers paying in advance for the low price of $1.30 for both papers. splendid offer as the Daily Star in addition to the news of the world gives a full report of the pro ceedings in Parliament. Both papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of the year aud during the sions, respectively, for one dollar -A despatch from Bowmanville says that Mr. A. Neads, for the past 46 years agent in that town for the Canadian Express Co., has resigned the office, and Mr. Alex. McDougall, late station agent at Newtonville, has been appointed to succeed him. Last ight about 50 business and profees-mal men waited on Mr. Neads and resented him with a eulogistic address and a purse of a gold. Short speeches were made by Mayor James, John McMurtry, and J.McLellan. Mr. Neads made a suitable reply. With his family Mr. Neads intends moving to Rainy River; where his stepson publishes the Herald. --On Thursday March the 12th, Mr. Wm Slater will sell by Auction on the premises, lots 26 and 27 Con. B. township of Haldimand, the whole of his farm stock implements etc. The li-stock includes six horses, two covi Six yearlings, a Jersey heifer, a brood sow, sixteen pigs and two fat hogs. There is also 200 bushels of oats, 14 tons of timothy hay, 100 cordi hard wood, 10 cords of soft wood and a quantity of limb wood. The usual terms will be given wit months credit. Everything will be sold as Mr. Slater has rented the farm and has no further use for the stock, Sale at one o'clock. H. Hicks Auction- --On Tuesday, March 10th, Mr. J. J. Hinman, lot 10, in the 1st cone ssiod of the township of HaldimaiV will sell the whole of his stock, iniple-ts, hay, etc., including six horses, thirteen cows and several youugcat-?.. There is one registered Jersey iw and two heifers eligible for regis-ation and several high grade Ayr-liires and Dnrhams in the list. There also fifty fowls and a quantity of household furniture, a cabinet organ and a number of blacksmith's and carpenter's tools. The usual terms will be given with eight months credit Sale to begin at one o'clock. Every thing will be sold without reserve ae Mr, Hinman has sold the farm and is removing to Cobourg.--A. R. Nobles, auctioneer. --Orders for all kinds of window shades given prompt attention at Donaghy's. --H. Gale, editor Enterprise, is issuer ot marriage licenses for thecounty of Northumberland. --Pillow sham holders, toilet cases clock shelves, comb cases, spice cabinets at Donaghy's. --The following item, taken from the Perth Courie will be read with interest by the many friends of Miss Jaques in this vicinity: -- A quiet but pretty wedding ceremony took place last Wednesday evening at the home'of the bride's pa rents, Foster St., ily daughter Jaqi lited i holy edlo. We, Astonishing Reductions IN PRICES All Over the Store myth Kelly of Bridge North, near 'eterboro. The bride en toted the drawing-room which was gaily bedeck-l floweis, leaning on tne arm of her father; at eight o'clock to the ains of Mendelssohn's favorite irch,played by Miss Jean Scott, and the presence of relatives and close ends wis united to the man of her choice, by the Rev. W. Timbcrlake. bride was prettily sweet in a gown of white crepe de chine. The bridesmaid was her cousin, Miss May Killip, of Picton while Mr. Noble Kelly supported his brother. Miss Killip was becomingly attired in wedding feast was served, and the mple received the sincere wishes for happy married life The bride is a ell-known and estimable young lady of Perth, and tho attractive array of useful and costly presents spoke very plainly of the esteem in which she is held. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left on the midnight express for their new home amid the general rejoicing, the bride's going away gown being of navy blue- THIS is the time of year we have decided on to ■ clear our shelves and counters of all surplus goods and every article mentioned below is under-priced regardless of cost or value. All the left overs of the best grades of merchandise throughout the store are included in this list There was never a time when you could get such good value for your money--never! Here are a few specials which tell their own story. Choice Groceries, Fresh Meats. For Choice Groceries and Provisions call on jos. e. vassaw, Castleton. His stock is well assorted, new and fresh. His teas are the finest in the world. Oysters in bulk or by the glass. Canned goods, etc. Fresh and cured meats an^_ fish always in stock. Prices Right. 2 Ladies' Astrachan coats regular $30.00 for $20.00. 1 " " " " 22.00 for 15.00 1 " Australian beaver coat " 30,00 for 1 Grey lamb caperine, regular 18.Q0 for 1 Electric seal caperine " 8.00 for 1 Black oppossum caperine, regular 8.00 for Alaska sable ruffs regular - 8.00 for Men's wool socks regular 15c and 20c for Men's pea jackets regular $4.00 for Boy's pea jacket regular 3.50 for Extra large grey robes regular 8.00 and 9.00 for 6.00. Heavy wool lined horse blankets reg. 1.50 for Men's wool-lined, Manitoba overshoes 3 fasteners regular 2.75 for 2.00. 1 case women's rubbers (seconds) special 30c a pair. Women's felt slippers, regular, 30c for - 20c 20.00. 12.00. 5.00. 5.00. 5.00. IOC. 2.50, 2.25, J.E.VASSAW CASTLETON, - ONT. JGRAND TRUNK 3SS£ SPECIAL COLONIST One-way excursion fares from Colborne to Billings, Montana $36.10 Colorado Springs | Denver, Helena, j Butte, Odgen, y 41,10 Salt Lake City, and Pueblo. J Spokane, Wash. - 41.60 Vancouver, Ross-) land, Portland, Y 41.10 Seattle. Los Angeles and San Francisco i M.thodist i ly that he nister it is not like-iconrage his lrorse to tarter clip than the first money i race at Ksngstor HEALTH AND HOPE "He who has health has hope: and he who has hope has everything." Hope flies at the approach of kidney-disease with the dreadful pains which accompany it. With the flesh grad- s Kidney Liver Pills will r< confidence and Ir a dose, 25 cents a box. 46.10 Pioportionately low rates to other points. Tickets on sale daily until April 30th, 1903. For tickets and information apply to G. Merriman, Station Agent. Ladies' short length jackets, suitable for spring wear, made of fine quality beaver, lined with roman satin, silk and satin, Regular $9, $10, $12 and $13. Special, $4.95. Scougale Bros., COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. China Hall Up-to-Date. A great clearing sale of BootslShoes Having bought Mr. Gorman's boot and shoe stock at a rate on the dollar, we offer the entire stock at a sacrifice. The stock is new and up-to-date and if you need any thing in the boot and shoe line it will pay you to buy now. Come and get a Bargain. Mrs A. S. Hinds IColbornel coyie H.. ONTARIO..! Colborne Harness Shop. Has now in stock a fine line of goods suitable for the spring trade. Single And Double Harness manufactured from the' best material that can be procured. Collars and Sweat Pads in great variety. A full line of Whips, Rugs, etc. Special attention is given to all-kinds of REPAIRING. Customers would confer a favor by bringing in their repairs as early as possible. W. BARTON & SON. Colborne, - - Ontario. Buckets sap spouts Complete stock, also SAP PANS Made to order Any Size. C. A. Oufram & Co. Opp. Victoria Park, Coiborne, WALL PAPER We have just received part of our spring wall papers. All the latest and newest designs. See our goods and get our prices before buying. SPECIALS. Heinz pickles in bulk and by the bottle, also catsup, chow chow, pork and beans, etc. Salmon trout, Labrador herring and other fish always on hand. W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO.