THE ENTERPRISE OP EA5T NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XX.--No. 35. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY* MARCH 5, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of yea AN EIGHTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY When spring's labourious work is done And rest draws near our hearts to When summer days their course have And autumn fruits are gathered iu, On farest visions then we gaze Through Indian Summer's golden haze. And thus through all its course below / Your useful life thus far has been There came the spring and summer's glow Artd then the autumn days serene: Ana now at length to you is sen! The Indian Simmer's glad content. On thie-your birthday we are met To-manifest out love sincere; We know your hopes on Him are set Whose goodness crowns each pass-Like sunbeam? on ihe ocean vast So shines His love through all the past. This day von live in thought again With all the friends whom yon have known Who now are free from care and pain And who are safe before the throne; They to their great reward have gone But you are here at eighty-one. You have yourself to us endeared By aims which still your thoughts And for all hearts which you have cheered By words of faith andjhope and joy we render to out Lord above The tribute of most grateful love. m May you enjoy that perfect peace Which is nnto the righteous given, And may life's sweetest joy* increase Until you reach your home in heaven • No language can that bliss declare Which by His grace awaits you there Colborne Ont, 1903. T. Watson. WICKLOW Miss Maud Card spent several days last week with friends in Colborne. Interesting letters aud photo are to hand from Mr. W. Clarence who lived here for several years and who is now living at Almonte. Mr. and Mrs. Robison and family expect to return into this neighborhood to take possession of the farm which they recently purchased, and which is at present occupied by Mr. Chas. Foster. The Port Hope Guide gives a very interesting account of a pleasant affair which took place on Thursday evening of last week when a large number of citizens of that town met at the Methodist parsotfirtje to say farewell to Rev. P. K. Dayfoot aud wife who are moving to Orillia. An appreciative address was read by Rev E. Daniel, Episcopolion; A very happy speech was delivered by by Rev. A. G. Sinclair. Presbyterian, and then iu behalf of the citizens Rev. E. B. Lauce-ly Methodist, presented Mr. Dayfoot PROMPT PAYMENT OF MACCA-BEE CLAIMS. It is always satisfactory to learn of the prompt payment of claims by societies, whose members fall by the way.' Especially is this the case when the person who has been called to his reward was a member or' one of our own noble fraternal orders. The members of Park Tent No. 44, Knights of the Maccabees, of Colborne, pride themselves on the fact that no jnst claims against their order are ever needlessly delayed, but that all claims are paid in Canadian currency and at par. On Wednesday last a cheque for one thousand dollar; was received from the Supreme Tent of the Knights of the Maccabees in payment of the certificate held by the late A. W. Dudley, who was a member of that order. The necessary claim was sent the 25th of Febru-payable ary aud the cheq the Bank of Toronto arrived 4th inst., just one week after the the TAKE A MOTOR: - WORD. Ir. G. A. Williai ■elock a busines lis. Murills of '. at Mr. A. Bimti Thousands of mothers in all parts of Canada, have written to .-ny that Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine they have ever used for the little ills that afflict all children. It is impossible to publish all these letters, for they would more than fill a news paper, but the following extracts are a fair sample of what all mothers say about this n edicine: Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, Tobermory Ont. --"The tablets are a blessing to both mother and child." Mrs. Jooj Dobbie, St. Andrews East, Que.,--"I consider it my duty to recommend Baby's Own Tablets to i,i my friend* w ho have children." - A. Burns. Minitonas, Man.-- 1 have found Baby's Own Tablets do all you claim for .'. .i." Mrs. F. J. Como, New Brandon, N. B. -- -TheTablets are just the thing for children; they make them well ■,;.- can war. Many of the North West and some to Mr. Wm. Latta has be . preparations for the in; Ml.i'.ii wood on the grouud. It is thought from the present indications that the price of cheese will be high at the beginning of the season. We noticed in the items recently sent in from Salem to the Express, that the correspondent made reference to the new mode of raising money for the church. We judge by his remarks that he does not approve of the plan and he says if it succeeds he will inform the public. Now we think it is too long to keep them In suspense, as it is not to be adopted un;il the coining year. We will give tho public at once the gist of it. The Board of the circuit recommended that a committee be appointed for each appointment and that they be asked to wait on both members snd nonmembers, askiug them if they would be willing to pay a certain amount laid upon them to defray the expenses of the ciicuil. There is nothing compulsory in the matter. There was no "nit" dug. It was simply to ask for co-operation with the Board. Probably the correspondent was not present at the meeting or ' been looking through the wrong gl; We fail to see how- the passage Scripture referred to applies to the Circuit Board. Mrs. A. W. Higgins, North River, N. S.--"I cannot praise the Tablets too much. They are the best medi-;ine for children I have ever used," You can take the words of these mothers with every confidence, and you have a positive guarantee that the Tablets contain ub opiate or harmful drug. No other medicine gives a similar guarantee. Sold by druggists or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EAST COLBORNE. ■etui') eek. 5 fol i few days as visiting Arthur Poll; last w. friends and relatii McMurtry West was visiting uncle Mr. Wm. Qu Master Everett Wolfraim, both of home on Sunday last. Mr. 0. A._Wi'lsc >obo light i his ston . pla, much to the beauty of tl Miss Muliett of Napanee Denike of Noiham were gues home of Mr. John L Muliett 1 Mrs. John L. Muliett has Thomasbuig to visit her pai ■ther relatives aud friends in I Miss Eva Wolfraim has home after spending the wil uncle Mr. II. Moores in VERNONVILI The weather prophets are pro phesying an early spring. Indications at present are that they are about right. A load of our youug people drove to Grafton on Thursday night last and e of Mr. Collins #f s beiug the fourth ca|e t the Dr. has so skit- Mrs. A. T. Waikei .___i property of the Gully Cheese Factory patrons. Mr. Grant Finley completed the work of tearing it down last week. The Young Peoples' Mission Band held a very interesting and instructive meeting on Tuesday evening last with liThe pioneer of modern mission" as subject. The next meeting will take the form of a contest on the subject, 'The best method of raising money for ' is," four have, been appointed Eczema's Itch 8s Torture Mrs. Ann McDonald, Kingsville, Ont., writes:--" For about three years I was a dreadful sufferer from'eczema. At times the patches of raw, flaming flesh would extend from my waist to my neck and from the knees to the ankles. The intense itching almost drove me crazy and though I tried all the local physicians, they could not even relieve the suffering. The flesh would crack open, and I don't believe anyone ever suffered more than I did. " I was told of Dr. Chase's Ointment but did not believe that it could help me. After the fifth application of this preparation, I began to feel the benefit of its soothing, healing effects, and now attribute a cure to the uersistent use of this wonderful remedy. * It is truly worth its weight in gold and I never tire of recommending it to other sufferers." Besides being a thorough cure for eczema and salt rheum. Dr. Chase's Ointment comes useful in a hundred ways in every home for every form of skin irritation and eruption, chapped skin and chilblains. 6o cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Dr. Chase's Ointment Mr. Harnden who has beeu visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past week or two has returned to his home Au other little daughter came on Saturday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Chapin. Their many friends are glad to know that mother and babe are both doing well. A bright little daughter has beeu welcomed int.> the home of Mr. and bring to her and her parents rich and everlasting gladness. Early ou Saturday morning the silent messenger came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holleuback and took Ruth away to that land where "inhabitants say not I am sick," ' As a bright and winsome child of nearly four years, and as the youngest member of a large family she was loved and prized by a very large number of people who grieve to think how much she will be missed. The funeral took place on Sunday and was yery largely attended. The interment was made in the beautiful cemetary at Lakeport. Sincere sympathy is extended to all the sorrowing ones BORN. Dudley--Iu Haldimand on Thuisday Feb. 26th the wife of Mr Jas. Dud-ley of a sou. Nelson--On Thursday Feb. 26th, the wife of Mr. S. Nelsou of a daughter DIED. Hoixenback--In Colborne, Feb. 28th Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. and ° Mrs. Wm. llolleiiback,in the fourth year of her age. MacGregok--At Rostbern Sask., Feb. 26th, Charles Greely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. MacGregor, aged 2 months and thirteen days. drs. Charles Hodges irs. U. A. Biintiiell Mr. Irvine Coop-r who had the misfortune of cutting his leg to the bone just above the ankle with an axe a short time ago is getting better. Moving seems to be the order of the day, the following changes noticed in our mid-t are Mr. James Wilkin of Dundonald who has moved in the house lately occupied bv Mr. Wm. Kenney, aud Mr. Demore'st of Svdney our new cheesemaker is moving iu the factory now beiug vacated by Mr. Hodgens, who after settling his family in Colborne. intends taking a trip to Manitoba and the North West. Coughs "Mywifehadadeep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her completely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that relieve little coughs, all | coughs, except deep ones! | The medicine that has | been curing the worst of | deep coughs for sixty e years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. DO YOUR Spectacles or Eye Glasses FIT YOU PROPERLY? We have made a special study of Fitting Spectacles. No charge made for test * fg your eyes. We only advise the use of g.asses when necessary Call end have your eyes examined We have all the necessary appli ices and We Guarantee Satisfaction. H.J, MAYHEYi, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. - Colborne. P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a well assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc. at the lowest possible price J. MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE and the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENG LAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest current rates MOUNT PLEASANT Mr. H- Dimond of Norham was the guest of J. D. McGregor. The machine agents are on their Two of oul voui.g indie., were co lectins last week for the bible society. Mr. Henry Warner of Oak Heights passed through this section recently. Miss May Garland of Cobourg has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. Samis. Mr. and Mrs Hay of Campbellford were visiting his sister Mrs. George Kelly recently. Mr. Clarance Massey of Morganston is moving into this section. We welcome you Clarance. Mr. John Staples of Willowside neer Grafton was the guest of Mr. R. McKague recently. A number took in the oyster supper at Cramahe Hill and report a good time aud a crowded house. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mallory of Baltimore spent a very pleasant day with their friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. R. Newman has returned homo from a very pleasant weeks visit with her parents and brothers at Millbrook. CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS ! is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including ' BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton. BALTIMORE. Mr. Jos. Boddy, Oshawa, was in the village last week. Mrs. U. Moffatt, Plainville, attended church here last Sunday. Miss Mabel Ralls was in Centreton on Sunday, visiting her parents. Mr.. P. J. Hunter, Smith Falls, is visiting his brother, Rev. R. F. Huuter. John Jones and Chas. Saramis have gone to Oshawa to work in the tannery where Jos. Boddy is employed. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Crews, Trenton, were at the parsonage over the week end, g*uest* of his sister, Mrs. G. Nickle. An entertainment under the auspices of the W. F. M. Society of the Presbyterian church here, will be given on Friday evening, March 6, the program of which will include certain features never before presented to a Baltimore audience.--World. This is the season of the year to use Cattle spice WE SELL Herbageum TRY IT Coxall & Co. Colborne^ - - Ontaroi,