THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XX.--No. 42. COLBORNE, ONT.,, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year SUBMISSIVE TRUST. Father Divine, Tby love we see In all that cheers oar passing days: And we would yield ourselves to Thee; For wise and good are all Thy ways. Our life on earth is but a span, And frail at best are all our powers; And yet we often work and plan As if unnumbered years were ours. And earnest workers seek to live That they may in life's labors share: Their time and strength they gladly give ■ For those who need their love and Yet none of lasting strength may boast As if exempt from nature's sway; To those who grieve may love divii Impart all comfort and relief: Upon them cause Thy light to shine Till i> s triumph over grief. 'ilnoufh life and death Thou do A purpose kind and good and ju< \\> i-.-v submissive to Thy will iu Thy name alone we trust. ^ Mrs. YY. E. piles can rea'li . first applicatii brought relief cured n EDVILLE. Mr. Burton Brintnell and his mother attended the funeral of Mr. Charles Score at Castleton on Sunday. A very pleasant evening was spent by the young people on Friday evening at a party given by Miss A. Mack- That Edville young man with the new rubber tired buggy, which comes out first "May" is rather taking the | lead this spring. : A great many of the young people | from this placet seem to be going away this spring. Miss Gertrude Murphy for Dam '"' ralo the SMITIII'TELD. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Murphy, of Consecon, spent a few days this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs Vincent i of Dr. Chase's Oin vill be the mwnis 01 bringing other suffererg by making great power of this ointment. , WICKLOW Vhito. who while visiting- h Sr. Th.vs. White of Sidney, 1 up to Trenton and Dr. Farh ed her. Then .she drove to 1 herein Smitlifiehl, where sin s well as can be expected. Mr. D. On sh has m red to Lake- port. Mr. Harris of Gore- ' Landing, wag in our villag , 01 Good Friday. Miss Linti ii 1 f IJoW Springs, spent Easter Sum] ty > 'i our \ illage. Mrs. R B. Holla mI s pent her Easter holidays with fi ) Toronto. . Mr. iilodg. U e old H\ aluable pair of horses to Mi "T ios. Hi ig of Toronto. Mr. and Irs m. r )av«v. Ecnella spent their Ea ■,r«r h ilidaye ,-.r liia father's, Mr. VVi l. Dai ey. Misses Flu lis and M aiv Rail* after spending tin Liskeard. dli *? ritli friends in Mr. Chas. mis. on Saturday, April 1]. s.^Gillespie are very much | SAVE i'HE BABY eigh- was the efficient pastor f. years. Congratulations are tender and Mrs. Woodruff who last day entered into the marrii May their union be rich in si and full of true enjoyment. Nearly every family in thi borhood was represented funeral of the late Mr. Samuel Mo-Glennon on Friday of last week. Mr. McGlennon was always respected as an intelligent ciiizen and an enterprising and successful farmer The yearly picnic of the Sunday Schools have generally been held in his grove; and the genial kindness of himself and of Mrs. McGlennon invariably added much to the enjoyment of those social gatheiings. To Mrs; McGlennon and her son the sincere sym pathy is tendered of the large number who will ever keep the honored name of the departed one in grateful re mem bran ce. I Poorly? -wo years I suffered ter-n dyspepsia, with great n, and was always feeling i then tried Ayer's Sarsa-nd in one v/eek I was a \n."-- John McDonald, hia, Pa. Don't forget that it's 1 yer's" Sarsaparilla ■t will make you strong d hopeful. Don't waste ir time and money by Ing some other kind. ;e the old, tested, tried, nd true Ayer's Sarsapa- •ilia. $1.05 a battle, til dmnWs. These Tnbh'is are a'speedy'relief and prompt cure for constipation, sour stomach, wind colic, diarrhoea,worm", and simple fevers. They break up colds, prevent croup and allay the irritation accompaning the cutting of teeth. Babv's Own Tablets are good for children of all ages from birth upwards, and are guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug. Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail, post paid, at 25 cents a box, by writing direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockviile. Ont. GLEASON'S CORNERS. Mr. H. Marks and family Are on the sick list. Mr. Wi'mot Gleason is at Cobourg this week on Jury. Mrs. J. M. Kellogg was the guest of Mrs. W. J, Gleason on the 17th inst. Miss Jenny Broomfield is spending a few weeks witu friends in Havelock. Mr. L. Broomfield and Miss Cameron Tlu the pro- ceeils amounted to a little over $40. Last Friday the shadow of deep bereavement came to rest upon another home in this vicinity. After several weeks of weakness and prostration Mrs. Truman Crandall passed away to that land where "inhabitants say not I am sick." The utmost that kindness could suggest oi skill could devi health, and her life. P otherwise promised re mortal Michigan where i place. To the Inn sympathy is teudt lengthen the yean of 'idence, however, willed id called her to her Her husband and her the lam try plot in he interment took ral of Mi-as well re] The sot artfelt syi resented from ipathy of Hie t 14th inst. It appears fixing the friction gear bine was in motion and Ik srmitoii his hand which ea Bladder Troubles, ! Kidney Disease i Old people are especially liable to de-| rangements of the kidneys and bladder i and it is therefore not unusual to find i them great admirers of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Mr. John Lalone, Woodworker, Trenton, Ont., states:--"I am seventy years old and have been using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills for some time. I have been troubled a great deal with my kidneys and bladder and at times would go two or three days without passing any I thing. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills ! have proved to be exactly what I needed ; and I owe it to them th^t I am in such good health to-day. They acted promptly on my kidneys and bladder with the most satisfactory results, bringing quick relief and setting these organs in perfect working order." One pill a dose, 25c. a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Insist on getting what you ask for and refuse substitutes. Or. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills A Pretty Custom CURES BACKACHE NERVOUSNESS HEADACHE WEAKNESS, s/ HJ.Mayhew, Jeweler & BIRTH STONE RINGS and to employ them in the making of birthday gifts. The birth stone ring for April is the diamond which according to ancient belief woufd bring good Suck to the wearer. We have a good assortment jus: now to choose from. Diamond rings from AO to 350, Headquarters For Hardware, Tinsnilthlng, & Plumbing We have on hand a full stock of. CIo- ?r Seed, .Common Red5 Mammoth Red, Alsike, Lucerne* Colborne Hardware Store, oui ra mi & 00 Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne. inake a Mktt ; office to school BALTIMORE. Mr. Will Mitchell. Montreal, is visiting friends here for a week. Messrs. J. Jones and C. Samis, Osbawa, were in the Tillage Easter. Mrs J. Egan spent Easter at Belle ville with her daughter, Miss Ethel Miss Josie Kelley is home from Cobourg for a couple of weeks, b«fore leaviug for C' icago. Mr- and Mrs. Walter Jennings visited Mrs. Jennings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelley recently. Mr. Arthur G. Campbell, Grove Mills, went to Perth last Tuesday to be married. The wedding took place the day following the bride being Miss McLean. Baltimore cordially welcomes Mrs. Campbell. Holiday visitors among us were: Miss A. Brown, Brighton, -nest of her sister, Mis. A. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buddy and child, Osbawa, with friends; Miss A. Prat, Gore's Landing with the Misae* Mann; Mr. S. Mallory and son, Master -Victor, with her sister, Mrs. C. Dawson. MISS CULVER'S Spring Millinery Opening. You have no doubt heard of our superb display, do not fail to see it as early as possible. Ladies who desire exclusive ideas always eagerly seek and quickly secure our novelties. When you have revelled in the millinery loveliness to your heart's content have look at the Blouses and white underwear we have in stock. 4,,4.4.4,4,4,4. ..,+ MJSsXrCULVER, Colborne, - - Ontario. DIED. Brady--In Haldimand, on Tuesday. April 21st, 1003 Patrick Brady.aged 80 years. Score--At Castleton, on Friday, April 17th, 1003, Charles W. Score, in the 43 y ■of h 1 Crandall--OnFriday, April 17tb,1903 Lucy Adams, sister of Dr. Adams, and beloved wife of Mr. Truman Crandall of Colborne, aged 48 years. ! Inferred at Belleview cemetery, Michigan. HARNESS! if you have not had a set of Oak Tanned Harness Either single or heavy or light double, try W. Barton & Son for a sett and be convinced there is nothing to surpass it for durability. -The hoi which o President W. BARTON Colborne, & SON, Ontario.