COLBORNE. JULY 9th 1903. THE' POULTRY TRADE. A circular from tho Department of Agriculture urges the farmers to greater activity in the raising of poultry, as offering a profitable and growing market. The chief of the poultry division, Mr E. C. Hare, stabs that numerous letters have been received from produce merchants who desire to learn in what localities chickens can bo bought in great numbers and at reasonable prices From several Canadian cities, and especially from Montreal, produce - linns have asked able for shipping to Great Britian . could be obtained in the greatest numbers. British poulterers and com mission merchants have repeatedly asked for the some information. The letter of a well established produce house in London, England, was received last week. This firm wished to "start an undertaking for the purpose of importing Canadian poultry to Great Britain." It desired information as to the probable success of such a project, the possibility of obtaining poultry in large quantities, and the best districts for the collection of them. Last fall a firm in Cape Colony wished :i poultry trade developed with that Colony. One shipment of Canadian chickens was made to Capo Colony, which arrived in a satisfactory condition and pleased the trade. A Now York firm wrote that it desired to import Canadian chickens and was recommended by the department to a firm in the Maritime Provinces, from which it purchased chickens and was impressed favorably .by thorn. These and similar requests are diffi-. cult of solution even by one in touch with Hie Canadian produce firms and Jacking houses that are buying and marketing chickens. The majority Mrs. Edgar Waite is visit to friends in Picton. Mr Thomas J Stan wood where the school there. We regret to ] Farrow intends on a place he lis been teaching it Mr. Henry Miss Maclt is to be of her pupils „„ examinations, h '.Mr. Irvine Co ful.-i ing passed all but A Great Actor's Great Careei •oiler mills at Bowmanville, Is dead. The Pope observed St. Peter's Day by telebrating Mass in his private chapel. The Rosedale Cricket Club made a score of 425 against the R. M. C. Club in one innings. Mr. Alex. Caven, Collector of Inland Revenue at Stratford, died early this Would Scratch fill the Blood Flowed Choice Groceries, Fresh Meats. The Inland Revenue been authorized to issue tor the Yukon. Henr ssted a London "Outlook." •nged headship tome of the career of John Henry Brod-ribb, now Sir Henry Irving, Knight, LL. D., whose appearance this week on the loards of Drury Lane in Sardou's "Dante" Is the event of the London dramatic sea-ion. But how much between! The eariy itruggles--bordering at times On privation--oi this stage-struck Somerset lad; lis hard but invaluable nine years' apprenticeship in the provinces in the old 'circuit" days before the actor's trade lad become a. profession; his triumph in 'Hunted Down," which attracted the notice of Boucicault and led to his first London engagement; his epoch-making tenure of the Lyceum; his tours in the . niton States--all these are milestones n Sir Henry's career familiar to most playgoers. It was he who in our time tvas able to falsify F. B. Chatlerton's Jictum that "Shakespeare spells bank-•uptey. ' In his own person, by his mag-letio influence, Irving has been to tho /ouriger generation of actors, and actresses, too, a stimuli fing and and confessed" to counterfeiting the acceptance stamp of the Hochelaga Bank. The British- Channel squadron will welcome the United States squadron on the necasion of the latter's visit to Portsmouth in July. Frank Whaley, who recently disappeared from Guelph, is alleged to have swindled a number of merchants by means of forged chocks. The Department of Agriculture has made an arrangement with the Grand Trunk Railway to supply refrigerator cars for the carriage of cheese. Teams trom Canada, Australia, the Unit, ad States, Great Britain, Natal, Prance and Norway have entered for the Palma Trophy match at the N.K.A. meet, Bis- Cliase's Ointment. Mrs. Link, 12 Walker St., Halifax, N.S., states:--"After three years of miserable torture and sleepless nights with terrible eczema, and afier trying over a dozen remedies without obtaining anything but slight temporary relief, I have been perfectly and entirely cured by using Dr. Chase's Ointment. After the third or fourth application of this grand ointment I obtained relief, and a few boxes were sufficient to make a thorough cure. "It is six months since I was freed of this wretched skin disease, and as there has been no return of the trouble I consider the cure a permanent one. I would strongly urge anyone suffering as I did to try this ointment, and shall gladly write to any who wish to refer to me for particulars of my case. I was so bad with eczema that I would scratch the sores in my sleep until the blood would flow." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. For Choice Groceries and Provisions call on jos. e. vassaw, Castleton His stock is well assorted, new and fresh. His teas are the finest in the world. Oysters in bulk or by the glass. Canned goods, etc. Fresh and cured meats and fish always in stock Prices Right. s .of Gar E. the tra Keans, and Macready. Such passages iu lis life as the presidency of a lord chief justice at a banquet in his honor, his Western Justice. Roy Bean, who was known all over the South-West as "The Law West of the -cos," died in Langtry, Tex., the other day. When the Southern Pacifta was being built across the plain- ^» opened a saloon and followed the c He first located near the Pecos, t he gave the nan " built rock walls for a roof, and s ty laborers. : Vinegorone. Here ailed j Nervousness and Indigestion Dizziness, and >lc>£ headache cared, and health ball/ up by Br. Chase's Serve Food. Capt. William Hennebery, 85 Lockman St., Halifax, N.S., states :--"Before I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled a great deal with dizziness, nervousness and sick headache, which seemed to be caused from indigestion. Since using this preparation for a time,all these distressing symptoms have disappeared and I consider that I am entirely cured. I never used any medicine that .seemed to build me up so thoroughly, and to-day I am in better health than I have Prove for a track. poses. The that si, J.E.VASSAW: CASTLETON, Wanted \COAT-MAKER and also a j learn coat making. E.J. COX, Colboi TO HORSEMEN! ie undersigned having leased tho oine Driving Pari grounds are g free box stalls and straw to ■•■.ho wish to train on the The sand roads in this dis-0 unsurpassed for jogging pur-track is being placed in first-idition and will be kept in iape throughout the season. JOHN COYLE J. S. YE0 MANS ne, April 8th, 1903. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. am agent for this great Canadian eumatism cure. I can refer you to JAMES McGLENXON, 3 Colborne, Ont For Service. THE undersigned has a thoroughbred Tam worth for service on his lot3(h Con. 6 Ccmahe. N. LANE. HEADQUARTERS FOR Seeds All kinds of garden and field seeds. Oilcake At $2.00 per hundred. Paints iole agents for Sherwin-Williams and other makes. Oils Pure, boiled, bough when market was lowest. HN>' I war® COULD NOT SLELP. ON ACCOUNT Ol AND PAINS IN HEADAC I T1E SIDE. Many young girls, ceemingly in (be best of health, suddenly grow listless and lose strength The color leaves their cheeks; they become thin, have little or no appetite, and suffer from headaches and other bodily pain. Such was the case of Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. Chas. Cobleigh, Eaton Corner, Que. Speaking of his daughter's illness and subsequent cure, Mr. Cobleigh says:-- "Up to the age ot eleven, Bessie had always enjoyed the best of health and took great pleasure in out-of-door play. Suddenly, however, she seemed "to lose her energy; her appetite failed her; she grew thin and pale, slept badly at night, and complained of distressing headaches in the morn ing. We thought that rest would be beneficial to her, and so kept her from school, but instead of regaining her strength, she grew weaker and weaker. To make matters worse, she began to suffer from pains in the side 3f Miss Terry plavi::,- "oi>i,,n'ia Lo "s Henry Irving'? Ham;, r. Maiguerite '• Sis Mephistopheles, and Madame San 3ene to his Napoleon, it is hard to size the feeling that, this combination end: some of the fragrance bus departed fro |'»' People wont, of course, I ' 1 to re that "t n would see Ellen Terry as well. The professional association of JU. rerry with ".Mr." Irvms dates back, j-leed, further than the Lyceum days, f, these two young people were iliaVir together in "The Taming 0f the Shrew it the oid Queen's Theater under '1 igo, the leading lady in "Robespierre," 'VyceunSiU('0U- W1?0te ,Pccia,.ly for the titnes Lis decreed that she should enact he tragedy-queen; but, as we all know, ler truest successes have been in that 'Pedes of comedy where gentle raillery "id the display of arch perversity and nerry mischief divulge her womanhood. theater-goers of to-day are often un- i-ware that Sir Henry Irving, too, pos- tesses the gift of comedy to a degree vhich--m the former judgment of some --overshadows the tragic and realistic. Warrant for that view is to be found in } These dj ma impersonation of such characters as -i„fB «r Digby Grant in "Two Roses," Jingle, and Su",. Jeremy Diddler. But his career ,™, ' ,1 ,„ . - fixed in what is usually called the "high- | tbe worl(L 1 r^ a Package. All er" branch of his art when he enlisted under Bateman's banner at the Lyceum, where his Burgomaster in "The Bells" took London by storm some thirty years ago, and to whose management he ultimately succeeded. So the offend- ld say they A Hard Cci "I don't see why you treat their chauffeur shabbily, when the pay four hundred dollars a montll wages." "But you forget that the poor, shap has to pay all the fines out ot that."--Brooklyn ".Life,!' REX ALL HH°ouLsDE- DYES hese dyes will dye wool, cotton, sill ixed goods in one bath, latest improved dye ii W. A. DOUGLAS. A ent. At t titled to try Dr Is. After a couph ' ffectof this niedi William's Pink I of weeks, the goo cine was decidetll became more cbee: , iil.iier step quicker her eyes were, blister and she seemed more like her former self We continued giving her the pills for .....'""i longer, until we felt health : she bad t»gth ly recovered hei I honestly be-1 for Dr. William's ' this * !c pjlls Labonchere on Sir Hector MacDonald. Wanted. AMARRIED man for general One handy with horses preferred. Good wages will be paid and steady employment given. Apply to DR. MALLORY Colborne Ont. For Sale or Exchange. easys terms the liv oider mis °T>g et^genuine with the fn] I name 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills f„ I Pale People," on the wrapper amun. every box. Sold by all medic-it. ■ dealers, c,r sent by mail, postpaid, n 50c. per box, or six boxes for $'> vt ov writing direct to the Dr. Willi-,.'., Medicine Company, Broekviile Or- London "Truth." In poetry and the drama tragedy ia supposed to have a bracing and ennobling effect on the emotions. The tragedies of real life ore always painful, frequently sordid, and never anything better. Oedipus himself, off the stage, would only furnish the materials for a coroner's inquest and a sensational line ^^1n%^TSSi^£ of Colborne or would career of Sir Hector MacDonald; and change, same toi good farm land, now that the papers recording the event Prank L. Webb are out of print, there is no purpose to____ be.gained by dwelling on such a eatas- c a D CAD e a I E trophe. It is said that a disinterested FARM FOR SALE. enthusiast has declared his intention of _ spending £10,000 to clear the unhappy -- „„ , , , -. , . , man's-reputation. If money could do it, T ,md<:r8,SIlett ofta-s.his farm ten-one would regard it as money well spent.' fi sale on easy terms. It is sitnat-A man told me the other day that he ed on the Kingston gravel load one had spoken with the general's servant, mile west of Colborue, in the township who would stake his life that fho.e was of Haldimand and being lot one Con. no foundation for the charges. As no A, containing 130 acres more or less, tw,™ f ^£Vth1Jstwo?ldbe There is a good frame house 22x30, own act, how can any such testimony small dwe help ban. x36 affect the verdict? A doctor, taking a 82 wlfch wluS 30x40 all on 8 foot wall different line of defence, told me thaifhe granery 18x24. There is a fine spring ilio;.-! i throw Hi.- suicide and the creek a good site for trout pond also /lunge--, to-." iitet into the k- .le. a-n! treat good running spring water in house, ti:i': - ;"- [>'■■■.-. Vai o gen- : i,imi ilud stable. Four acres of orch- ' : " : '"""•"':>'. f" ';;'■'"n';'-'! or laid which sold for between $250 and ' 11 b ^ ""'J' 300 00. There is also eight acres of . II. ! Co ■1 .>,! I Coxall. I Colborne, National Hotel, ^K'~ 0Er4^DOtJD, Prp™ Main Sb West, Cor. Piymoth Ave. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Wheelmen' MAPLE' LEAF A few wheel? on exhibit ;<>u : & Co.'s liai'ilware store window ^ 10 .pa-liiiiToiiNi kill.!.-eft.i.. to. All work guaranteed. & Co., Ontario. iALL (ATE. Flour and Feed irepared to sell at the lowest prices, s and Shoes left over which we are aaing out below cost. Fresh Groceries of all kinds. Seed Corn for Sale. I*. MRS.-A. S. HINDS, 0^X!: Wicklow, Be jabers, Pat. isn't it noice to be riding alone in a McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you ? body meet a body coming through the rye, If a body kiss a body need a body cry ? Not if it is in a IVlcLaughiin Buggy. J. H. CHAPMAN 9 Agent. Dealer in high grade buggies at low prices. COLBORNE.