Scougale's Display of New Fall Goods. Ready-to-Wear Skirts We have given particular attention to the selection of our fall lines of skirts and we know from experience that for finish, distinction, and general fit and hang you won't find many custom skirts to equal them. Ladies' Skirts, made of extra heavy freize, colors black and grey, finished •with stitching and fancy cording top and bottom..............$2.75 Ladies' Skirts, made of tine finish frieze, colors black and grey, finished ■with stitching and trimmed with cording, tabs and self-covered but tons........................$3.50 Ladies' Skirts made of line quality cheviot, colors grey and brown, pan elled front and trimmed with tabs of self and buttons. Splendid vali at...........................$5.00 Ladies' Skirts, made of fine quality black cheviot, seven gore, full sweep trimmed with satin strapping aud velvet......................$6.00 Dress Goods. Exclusive patterns and unique designs in all the wanted dress goods for fall wear. Interesting ideas in seasonable materials: Scotch Tweed Suitings in mixed colorings, plain or camel hair finish, exclusive suit lengths at $8 and $9 Fancy Tweed and Frieze for suitings, iii black aud white, navv, Oxford and black, 00c, 75c, $1 and...$1.25 Black Venetian Broad Cloth, very dressy for tailored suits. 60c. 90c. $1.25 and...................$1.50 Fancy Zibeline suitings in stripe ef fects, colors, brown, blue, green and Oxford, the suit.............$6.00 Come to the Fair Colborne's fair promises to be a great success and you should not fail to come and see what is to be seen. The fair is not the only thing that is worth seeing. Our showing of merchandise arranged for this season easily surpasses our former efforts in every way and to-day we offer better stocks, better service and better values than ever before. Come to the fair, visit our store, make it your head.quarters, look tnrough our stock and form your own opinion of the value of our goods. This is the season you are planning the very preparations these items suggest. MILLINERY. Boots and Shoes. WE WE SELL /V1ADB in Canada. We have the sole agency in Colborne for the genuine Sloter Shoe for men and the Empress Shoe for women which are the acknowledged superi to any other Canadian made shoe. The Slater Shoe For men is famous for its correct style, superior finish and perfect fit. Every pair is good-year welted and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Prices $3.50 and $5.00. Otbw makes from $1 up. The Empress Shoe For women is made in the largest factory in Canada devoted entirely to the manufacture of ladies' high class boots and shoes; We have a full range in all prices from $2 to $4. Other makes from $1 up. $1 per bushel for dried apples. Depend upon us for all that you need in trimmed and ready-to-wear hats and we will convince you that your confidence has not been misplaced. Our method of building confidence is by paying strict attention to the needs of the purchaser and giving them values, qualities and styles fully up to the requirements of every careful and economical shopper. For next week we have some special lines of trimmed goods, all fresh and new, made up especially for exhibition visitors. It Will pay you to see them and pay you well. The prices are $2 to $3. German Made Mantles. There's a smartness and stylish look about our new mantles which makes them decidedly popular. Our assortment this year, represents the best values we have ever offered in these goods. Ladies' Coats' made of heavy frieze, color black, Princess May collar, full box back, 40 inches ;iong, lined throughont and well finished...............................$7.00 Ladies' Coats, made of Oxford grey zibeline cloth, box back, 40 inches long, bishop sleeve, and finished with buttons and strapping____$8 Ladies' Coats made of heavy golf cloth, zibeline finish, colors grey and green, 30 inches long, finished with stitching and fancy orua ments........................$10 toadies Coats made of black and white striped gol/ cloth, zibeline finish, with or without collar, finished with strapping and stitching. 30 inehes long..'.................$12 Ladies' Coats ma black beaver, c effect, 40 inches <: out, finished with appiiqued front at Ladies' fur lined t Oxford, made of e and zibeline, le inches, $15 and.. I stole • lirough-nd silk FURS. Our stock of furs: is so large and the' variety so that you will have no difficulty in selecting the desired at prices that are attractive. If you have been waiting, wait any longer, the prices can't go any lower. We you more for your money than you get elsewhere. great joods don't Fair Day Specials. ioo yards fancy striped flannelette, 30 to 32 inches wide, bought by the pound .. J' in mill ends at a spFciaiflf gra? and navy lengths 38 ^ to 42 inches, full sweep. Ladies' ready-to-wear skirts made of medium weight heviot cloth, colors, black, price. Regular 8c, 9c and ioc values. Fair day special price per yd.. . .'........5c 250 yards fancy wrapperettes in stripes and all-over patterns. Regular value ioc and 12^0 per yard, Fair day special price per yd. 6c trimmed top and bottom with fancy cording. Some with waist measure in proportion to length, others with waist measure from 26 to 30 inches, suitable for short stout people. Regular value $3.50. Fair day special price.....$2.95 Black Opossum and Electric Seal Ruffs $1.50 to $5.00. Sable Huffs $8, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25. Caperines $4.50, $5, $6. $8, $10, $12, $15, $20 and $25. Ladies' fin $45. Men's fur Men's Clothing. Summer is over and you need a new suit or overcoat. You will know ours are right at a glance, both :-style ane price. Overcoats made of dark grey cheviot and vicuna, box back, velvet collar, vertical pockets, sleeves finished with cuffs.............................$8 and $10 Overcoats made of dark grey cheviot, fine finish and very dressy...................................$12 Overcoats made of fancy brown and grey cheviot, full box back, velvet collar, well lined throughout----$15 Black cheviot suits, double breasted................$6 Mixed tweed suits, dark baown, single breasted------$8 Black cheviot suits, double breaBted, well lined and finished.......................-...............$(J SCOUGALE BROTHERS, Colborne, Ontario. COLBORNE, OCT. 1st. 1903. I --Mr. N. D. Snetsinger returned from a pleasant visit to Cornwell last week. --Miss Hazel Male, who is located in Rochester, was home for a few days during the past week. --Mrs. Chas. Jex and Mrs. A. C. Gould are visiting in Colborne for a few days.--Cobourg Sentinel Star. --A first class entertainment, under the auspices of the Agricultural Society, is to be held in the temperance Irall on the evening of fair day, Oct. 6. --Mr. Fred Baber. who has been niuibt operator at the G. T. R. station in Cobourg for a number of years, left on Monday for Belleviile, to which station he has been promoted. His successor here is Mr. C. Nunu.--Sentinel Star. --The annual convention of the Bay of Quinte Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society will be .held at Cobourg in the Methodist Church Sunday School hall on October 6, 7 and 8. The meeting of the first two days are open to the public. --Mr. A. W. Hepburn, Manager of the Montreal, Rochester and Quebec Transit Company, begs to announce that commencing September 23rd a triple service will be inaugurated between Brighton and all way ports and Montreal. See Advertisement. ■A proclamation has been issued fixing October 15th as Thanksgiving day. --The Secretary of the Cramahe Agricultural Society will be found in Colborne every Saturday until after the exhibition. --The Ladies Aid of Trinity Church intend giving a hot dinner on the Driving Park Grounds on the second day of the fair October 6th. Ad are invited. --Mr. B. P. Ross of Port Hope, has been appointed a turnkey at the gaol instead of Mr. H. Locke. He will tak e charge of the infirmary departments r the aged. --The steamer North King will make her last trip between Rochester N. Y., and Port Hope and Cobourg on Saturday, October 3rd. The last trip from Rochester N. Y. to Bay of Quinte ports and Kingstone, Saturday October 3rd, From Kingston and Bay of Quinte ports to Rochester N. Y. ou Sunday October 4th. --Colborne Fair days Oct. 5 and 6th, $2.00 photos for $1.25 per dozen. Our Colborne gallery will be open both days. All the new Holiday styles just come to hand and will be for you to see in our gallery, Donaghy Block. Some very pretty artistic styles? this year, come and have a look at them, you can save big money by having youi work done on either one of the fair days Brock & Co. Photographers, --When down to the fair get a good fair watch at a fair price at H. J. Mayliew's Jewellery store who always deals fair. --The crop of wild rice at Rice Lake this season is said to be a very large one and the Indians are reaping an abundant harvest. The price this season is higher than usual. --"The Press" Ottawa, Ontario says: "A very fine representation i*f Othello was given. The most distinguished character was that of "Iago" as represented by Mr. Elmer Buffham. All the craftiness of this complex character was portrayed in a lifelike fashion. Temperance Hall Colborne, Saturday October 3rd. --On Saturday of last week eleven automobiles of the Toronto Automobile Ciub Lad a run to Cobourg. They left Toronto shortly after ten o'clock Saturday morning, and had lunch at Whitby, the first one arriving at Cobourg about 5 o'clock. Several of the automobiles had accidents on the way delaying them for several hours. They returned to Toronto Sunday afternoon. --Mr. Geo. McEwen, who passed his final examination at Queen's Uni versity in April last obtaining his M. A. degree in Mathematics and Physics has gone to the trailing school at Albany, N. Y, Mr. McEwen was engaged as assistant teacher in our high school for three months of last term and gave unqualified satisfaction and his many friends wish him success at Albany. --Mrs. W. E. Mayhew and child of / Port Arthur are spending a few days at the home of Mr. H. J. Mayhew. --$2.00 per dozen photos $1.25 on Monday and Tuesday, Colborne Fair days. Don't miss the chance. Brock &Co. --The ladies of the Colborne Methodist Church will give a Pumpkin Pie Social in the S. S. Hall on Friday evening next Oct. 2nd from 6 to 8. Admission 15 cents. All invited. --On Tuesday last a number of the Directors of the Exhibition met on the Driving Park Grounds and erected the necessary pens and yards tor the cattle, pigs etc, for the fair on October 5th and6th. --Mr. aud Mrs. C. E Race, of Cobourg, and Mr. C. L. Race, of Port Hope spent Sunday with the Misses Card. Mr. and Mrs. Race leave in the near future for Edmonton. Alberta where Mr. Race has accepted a chair iu the new Wesleyian College. --A Sacred concert bj the members of the choir of Saint Mary's Church, Grafton and a lect.tro by the Rev. Father Fitzpatrick of EoDtsmore will be given in that church on Wednesday evening Oct. 7th at 8 o'clock. Admiss-25 cents. --The memberstip of the Cramahe Agricultural Society has already reached tbe 200 mark and ing in. This 5 the largest member- ship in the history of the society. The fair at Colborne on Oct. 5th and 6th promises to be a record breaker. -Wanted--Smart young 1 . to learn the trade. The Cornwell Clothing Co. Apply at once. -Wanted--At once t^o girls to learu dress making apply to Miss Me-Brieu at Scougale Bros. -- You will be made welcome at the Pumpkin Pie Social in the S S. Hall on Friday ovening. Admission 15 cents. Proceeds for church purposes. Scougale Bros. Millinerydisplay and magnificent showing of rich new goods was the leading feature of the openings last Friday and Saturday. So many new aud novel designs were to be seen in fabrics and styles that the coming season promises to introduce some important changes in the matter of colorings. The millinery is btrikingly rich, the key note being exclusiveness. The tables and ledges are filled with exquisite models, no two showing the slightest resemblance to each other, and each design a novelty of itself. The torpedo shape in turbans is most popular, especially carried out in fur. The Gainsborough, also, will again be in strong favor. Browns and blues will be very popular, while a touch of green is seen on nearly everything. In the dress goods zibelines, tweeds, cheviots, and camel's hair in suiting materials are prominent, the camel's hair showing the long tufts A great many rich fur garment were on view, also a magnificent showing of new fall jackets, the most noticable among them being the military models. --In selecting a suitable actress for the part of "Portia" to support Mr. Elmer Buffham in his production of "The Merchant of Venice." Shakespeare's great comedy, Messrs. Fletcher and Stronach hesitated long, and at last after much deliberation decided upon the young and popular leading woman, Miss Annie Lovering. Miss-Lovering is possessed of the pleasing personality, the grace of manner, the classic mould of features, the flexible musical voice, necessary in the por-I tray el of so difficult a character as j Portia. Miss Lovering while young in years has had a vast experience in j stock work as well as tbe lead in the ■'Prisoner of Zerida." and similar attractions. Miss Loveriug's gowns will be something for the ladies to witness as t"hey have all been especially made at much expense for the present production. Her performance of Portia will be oue of the many features in the presentation of "The Merchant of Venice" with the well known star, Mr. Elmer Buffham as 1 Shy lock at the Temperance Hall on j Saturday evening October 3rd. PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE There are people in every town and-village of this country who haye been cured of itching, bleeding and protruding piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Ask your friends about this great preparation, they can tell you of its great soothing, healing and antiseptic powers. More reputable people have endorsed Dr. Chase's Ointment than any preparation you can mention.