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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 8 Oct 1903, p. 5

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BUSINESS CARDS. MEDICAL. Dr. Mallory PHYSICIAN 1 AND SCRGEON % officb : Reive Biock, Colborne A. E. Mallory, M.D., CM., l.R.C.p., * f.r.c3., Ed. , - T. B. HEWSON, M. D., l. B. C. S., l. R. C. P., EDINBURG. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Colborne, Ont. Oefice and residence, in the premises formerly occupied by the late Dr. Thorburn. J H PURDY, DDS, LDS, DENTIST, COBOURG. W. G, ROBERTSON, D. D, $., L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, SCOUGALE BLOCK. Castleton every Thursday. Frank L.Webb, BA, LLB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Company aud private funds to loan 011 the most favorable terms at 4| per W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. H. F. HUNTER, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC, ETC. BRANCH OFFICE, COLBORNE. First door West Division Court Office Ground Floor, Yeomen's Block. Attending every Saturdav afternoon and Monday until 4 o'clock, p, m, HEAD OFFICE, BOWMANVILLE. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1-2 Per cent George Drewry, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. E. C. S. HUYCK, K C. •OverGowans- Furniture store, King btreet. Cobourg. MISCBLLANBOTJS. Smith Hinman O. S. Moore LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR EAS Northumberland. TERMS moderate. Office and Residence, Castleton. G. E. R. Wilson ENERAL insurance1 AND REAL QENE --THE- Liverpool London & Globe Insurance Co. invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Alyca, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist HONOR GRADUATE ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLKGB. ■OFFICF.-Reside.nce, Percy st. Colborne All Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. Calls day or night promptly attended OENERAL INSURANCE and Real Estate. Money toLoan. .CASTLETON, - - ONTARIO H. Hicks, Licensed Auctioneer, HAS returned to Colborne and it-prepared to look after .my business entrusted to hioi. Terms modi-i-,ate. H. HICKS, C< i borne J. Reives, Licensed Auctioneer. Colborne, Out. POLICY AS DEFINED. Empire Fisoal Scheme Outlined at Glasgow. THE COLONIES ARE WILLING. A.E.Donaghy Has just received a carload of the above tables and is selling same at cost, only $8.00 MR. P. D. PHILP, Pianos & Qrgans S. J. rUCKER, undertaker,colborne, farmers ! Do not forget to call on M.J. DOYLE for all kinds of Farm Implements, Wagons, Carriages and Buggies of every description and other articles used upon the farm. Money to loan at the lowest possible rate. Also agent for real estate, both farm and village property also first-class hotel property in East Northumberland for sale at a bargain. By placing your order with M. J. Doyle at his office you save the expense that other firms incur by sending travel er§ to your home. M.J.DOYLE, Colborne, - Ont. CANADA LIFE Assurance Company Mr. Chamberlain Believes They Will 1 •pond to British Advances--A Tax Ol Wheat Included ln the Program of Preference - The Trend of Colonial Relations With tho Glasgow, Oct. 7.--Whatever may be the opinion held regarding the great question which Mr. Chamberlain has raised, or the probable issue of his campaign, it is generally admitted that he has opened it in a masterly manner. For nearly two hours last night he had a vast and enthusiastic audience absorbed. As though inspired by tho knowledge that the practical collapse and breakup of the Unionist party left him in sole possession of the field, he spoke with more than his customary energy and persuasiveness. It was an inspiring scene within St. Andrew's Hall, where he delivered his speech. Every corner of tho auditorium was packed with a" crowd cheering, singing and waving handkerchiefs as Mr. Chamfberlain went to tho platform. A distinguished company of peers and members of the •e present. He D tne close with a great The points of his ting remarkable atten-eulogy of Mr. Balfour; tion of the coming le greater in its conse-the Boer war; his de- Mr. Chamberlain stated his plan of fiscal reform briefly as follows: Ho proposed to put a low duty, not exceeding 2 shillings (48 conts) a quarter on foreign corn, but none on corn from the British possessions. He proposed no tax on maize, partly because it formed the food of Some of the very poorest among the population, and partly because it was raw material as feeding stuff. Ho proposed a corresponding tax on flour, and he would give special preference to tho miller with the object of re-establishing one of our ancient industries and of preventing la rush from the country to tho town, and also of placing corn, offal and feeding stuffs more cheaply within the possession of the farmer. A small tax of about 5 per cent, on foreign meat and dairy products "Would be imposed, excising bacon, ■which was the food of "so many of the poorest population. Lastly, he proposed to «iv.. .• o •' etantial preference to the coloniej^oii Wines and fruits. Concluding Words. Mr. Chamberlain concluded: "I I warn you, I urge you, I implore you ! to do nothing that will tend towards thP disintegration of 1he Em-j pire. not to refuse to sacrifice futile superstition and inept prejudice, and ! thereby to lose the result of centur-I ies of noble effort and patriotic en-! deavor." Given Koyal Send-Off. [ Birmingham, Oct. 7. -- Joseph Chamberlain set out from here yesterday morning on his fiscal campaign, amid every demonstration of i good-will from his fellow-townsmen. | Hundreds gathered at the railroad ! station and alternately sang "For I He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and shouted "Good old Joey" and "The country's with you." Vain appeals were made for a speech, hut the only expressed opinion that could be ex-Secretary The Enterprise lost remarkable proposi r made by a Canadian pub- . doli ^-PAPisia foe oris dollar By special t i.ity of largely In r paper and The mmmx weekly herald AriEreajt dollar weekly, for ONE DOLLAR per 1(^&Sfc&i*be made by no other paper, a- we h. for this district. REMEMBER THIS FACT--Every subscril vance for our paper will receive The Montrea Without extra co-t. The exnense to ur is so aeviation from this rule--the money must be p; ages must be paid. of gratulations'on the appointmei his son, Austen, as Chancellor of the Kvcb-fjuer, when Mr. Chamberlain admitted that there were a "lot of iHiicidt ies before the party," but he thought they would "get through with them all right." Mrs. Chamber-lied her husband king i i begai Glasgow yesterday. COUNCIL TO ADVISE GOVERNMENTS. Suggested by British M.P.. to Promote Imperial Union. London, Oct. 7.--C.A.P.)--Alfred Emrnott, M.P., addressing his constituents at Oldham, said: "The Canadians have told us they do not wish us to pay more for food in order to buy it from the colonies if it je against the interests of Britain. The Western farmers of Canada are free traders. As it is obviously to the interests of the manufacturers of Canada not to give up the protection they have, and there is not a sufficient increase of trade to bo got from the colonies to pay for tho sacrifices we should have to make, the only ; way to arrive at closer connection with the colonies is through an -Imperial council to advise the governments of the various colonies what is best to be done to promote closer Imperial union." Capital and funds over $25,600,000 I Surplus profit account over $1,800,000 j Annual income over $3,700,000: Assurance in force over ! $89,000,000 j Canada's leading and oldest company j great remissions. He proposea to take off three-quarters of the duty on tea, half they duty on sugar, with corresponding reductions upon cocoa and coffee. The net result of these impositions and remissions wovi,ld be that the town artisan's food would according elaborate calculation, pence half penny (five • week than It did at that of the agricultur-laborer would cost him two pence (four cents) less, but if, as he believed, a great part of the tax on food would be paid by the foreigner, there would be a reduction in the cost of food, both for the artisan and the agricultural laborer. The loss to the Exchequer, he es- eents) less present, A. 0. U. W. $5C0, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000. FAITH LODGE, NO 123,Colborne.Ont.,meets in the A. O. a. W. Hah every second „nd ourtli Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. p*f 7isttiug brethren are always welcome WM H. IVES. Kkc. as. Redfearn & Son Are prepared to fill orders on short notice for all grades of Scranton Coal also People's Coal. Sheds and office at G. T. R. station. Telephone connection. Jas. Redfearn & Son. d01 " Gnaraii cod Accumulated Contract and Secured Dividend Policies" only issued bv this company and pronounced the most up-to-date and unique contracts for life or market. John Morrow, Agent, - - Colborne. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. 1111 agent for this great Canadian miiitism cure. I can refer vou to v people ill this section and also james MoGLEXXOX, 39-DecG3 (Vborne, On National Hotel, next to new national theatre. EENNIS DOUD, PrPP. Main St. West, Cor. Plymotla Ave. ROCHESTER, N. Y. said he believed ■ already enioved, re their tariffs in lion with those Alexandria. Water Lily. Niagara. Triple Service. Say of Quinte and South Bay Ports to Montreal. Commencing Wednesday, Sept. 23. Str. Alexandria: Water Lily. Niagara. Ill* | Montreal,Rochester & Quebec Transit Co. img I John Morrow, ork- ! Ageut] Colborne, Our. i A. VV. Hepburn, I As a Newspaper. ? THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD < was established! in 1s08, and -is the i second oldest Canadian j aper. In its < oM age it^has rcnewoo its youth, ami A3 a Home Paper. THE MONTRt.-AL WEEKLY HERALD 1 ■ ' - ii' ■ i i a i ; :j r for The Home. •< In the fire :>!aee, nothing is permitted 1 ' ' ' "ne! b» rend with J f ency of "readers' f»*w' rl s C wishes* toPk"c;) "abreast 'the "times" \ limns of irrelevant matter. C-V.'f'.i! <-on-< densation mark? The If.-roi 1*; tm.'inf.nt of every line ot news. Do not confuse it .-■ -ial 'reference to' j • ' ' :■• ' wo.nlhcn1- "Madge ■ ' < 1 ' lUM j the women of the j Ci i • ■ ,: 'tic-h'!pestUFash1ones* S full the local new? "Weekly Herald ; i great markets. f!< • the "other.' They . .*i SUBSCRIPTS ready paid in adva paper sives you in ssip. The Montreal orld, reports of the is the complement of' ir subscription is al- i 'kly Herald at once,) -anced a year. & THE ENTERPRISE, ! Iborne, Ontari 3a P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a \vell assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc. at the lowest possible price >. Also agent for the MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE and the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENGLAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest possible rate; "Let the BOLD OUST twins do your work," Are you a slave to housework ? h GOLD DUST has done more than anything else to emancipate women from I back-breaking burdens of the household. It cleans evWjthi about the house--pots, pans, dishes, clothes and woodwork. Sal time, money and worry. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicaeo. New York, Boston. Montreal. CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AN 0 HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including JUNKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt 3 id careful attention. R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton.

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