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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 22 Oct 1903, p. 8

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COLBORNE, OCT. 22nd. 1903. --Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Foik spent *; Thanksgiving _with their Colborn< I friends. I --Mr. H. J. Mayhew lias the finest I lot of Japanese China in town. display in his window. --Mr. F. B. MacArthur of Montreal spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mrs. B. J. Gaffield. --Mr. F. L. Webb returned from Belleville, Monday where he had charge of the Crown work at the Assizes. --The young people ot the Presby-teriau church of Lakeport intend giving a social on the 11th of November. Admission 15 cents. --Mis. H. J. Mayhew and children returned on Tuesday last from a pleasant visit at tbe home of Mr. Mayhew's parents in Renfrew. --The engagement is announced of Miss Lillian Eva Payne, daughter of Mr. W. L. Payne, "Maplehurst," to Mr. W. Lacey Amy, of the MacLean Publishing Company, Toronto. --Dr. R. B. Masten of Toronto spent a very pleasant afternoon on Monday with his nephew and n and Mrs. Geo. Farrell with the prom-ice to return again in the near future. --A good idea to awaken early these dark mornings is to get a good alarm clock. We have a large assortment, prices $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 each, every clock guaranteed a good timepiece.--H. J. Mayhew, jeweller and graduate opticira. --Mr. H. Roblin is opening a tin-smithing shop in the Burleigh block. Ho will also carry a full line of all kinds of heating and cooking stoves, pipes, etc. Special attention will be given to all kinds of tin work, pairing and moving of stoves. Parties requiring anything in his line are respectfully requested to call and inspect his stock. The store will be open for business on Saturday morn ing. --The home of Mr. and Mis. W. D Patterson, Toronto street, was. on Wednesday afternoon, October 14th, at 3 o'clock, the scene of a very pretty wedding, when their daughter. Miss Nellie, was united in marriage Joseph Hopkins, Oshawa's popular and progressive baker and confectioner. The ceremony, performed by Eev Mr. Taylor, was held in the parlor which was beautifully decorated with variegated and brilliant colored maple leaves and red berries and -which was darkened and lighted with electric lights for the occasion. The unJ^maid was Miss Pearl Weese, of Albany, cousin of the bride, while Mr. E. Hopkins, of Toronto, brother of the groom, was best man. As the strains of the wedding march, which was played by Miss J. Clark, were heard, the bride, beautifully attired in grey crepe de chene, trimmed with chiffon and silk applique, and carrying & lovely bott^ttCV(>f IPses and carnations, was Ushered into the room and given away by her father. The knot was tied under an arch of the decorations already mentioned. The bridesmaid who was neatly gowned in grey, daintly trimmed with chiffon and silk applique, also carried a handsome bouquet. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful fur lined coat, to tbe bridesmaid a handsome gold crescent set with pearls and to the groomsman a pair of gold cuff links. The ceremony over and the customary congratulations and best wishes offered, the party of thirty-rive guest: eat down fco a sumptuous weddiug supper. The supper being ended, thi bridal party, accompanies by a host of friends, proceeded to the station from which, amid showers of happy couple departed on the evening train for a trip to Toronto and Hamilton prior to taking up their residenci in Oshawa. The bride's going away gown was of blue broad cloth piped with grey and a becoming blue hat match. The numerous useful ai ornamental presents of which t bride was the recipient gave evidence of the esteem with which she is held, --There has been four changes among the business concerns of th place within the past few days viz. Mr. G. W. Davis has purchased the business carried on by Mr. Ireland Messrs Beatty & Son of Frankford, tl at of Mr. Cheffins, Mr. H. Roblin a tinshop and stove business in the Burleigh Block and Mr. W. Riley has opened a butcher shop in the vacant store in Standard Bank block. See their announcements in anotner -H. Gale, editor Entekprise, is is-ot marriage licenses for thecounty of Northumberland. Wanted--Smart young man to learn the trade. Tbe Cornwell Clothing Co. Apply at once. --W. Barton & Son, harness makers offer for sale a set of second hand, farm harness, with britchins, nearly new. The Willing Workers Society of the Presbyterian Church Colborne will hold a Chicken Pie Supper in the Temperance Hall on Holloween, 31st inst. Supper served from 5 to 8. lission 25 cents. -Hockey--There will be a meeting he Brunswick House Parlor on Friday evening this week, to complete arrangements|for a skating rink for the coming winter, also to reorganize a hockey ciub. All interested are respectfully requested to be present. Meeting called at 8 o'clock. --During last week Rev. T. Watson pent a couple of days in Glengarry tniidthe scenes so beautifully described by Ralf, Conner. He had the plensuie also of spending part of dug with the minister who has charge of the congregation worshiping where the great revival took place. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Samuel L. Purdy of Castleton when his daughter. Miss Annie Laura, was united in marriage to Dr. John P. Mather of Belleville. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. P. M. Duncan in the presence of the mediate relatives of the bride. The happy couple took the eyening train at Colborne for the west. The bride well known in this vicinity and greatly beloved by all. The groom ia a successful and honored physician of the city of Belleville. We join in congratulations and best wishes for their continued prosperity and hap- RINGING IN THE EARS. This is an unfailing sign of catarrh, and if not checked will ulimately rel suit in deafness. The simplest remedy Catarrhozone, which if inhaled a few times daily, prevents the catarrhal condition from spreading. Catarrhozone quickly stops the ringing in the ears, head noises, gives permanent re- f to catarrhal deafness. For catarrh any part of the system, bronchitis, asthma, lung or throat troubles, Catarrhozone is a specific, and is guaranteed to permanently cure or your money back. Large size, $1.00; trial i, 25c. Druggists or Poison & Co., Kingstone, Ont. Hamilton's Pills cure Consumption THE WINTER FASHIONS. The prophecy that velvet and velveteen would be high in f'<vor this season has been fulfilled. A gown, a blouse or a wrapper of velvet achieves a distinction in attire not possible to attain in any other material. Fancy effects in velvet and velveteens are used for tbe chic shirt-waist costume. The new zibelines, which are a fovorite material for the elaborate dress gown, i beautiful than ever, and their softness and pliability adapts them rlmirably t6 the flowing lines of the ew modes. Rich satin-faced cloths ill not easily lose prestige, and this season they are shown in the lovely fuchsia hues that are so fashonable. Straw color, buff and pale pink are among the delicate tints for which much favor is shown. One of the fancies of the Beason. is open-work embroidery, in either English or Madeira fashion, over a soft, contrasting color. Fringes are more popular than ever and narrow Tom Thumb fring dyed to match the dress material is very stylisb,but of all trimmings braids are most in demand and they possess innumerable attractive feature. The seperate blouse is more popalar than ever, and tbe unlimited shirtwaist mode of fine faced cloth bids fair to be a popular garment. Sloping shoulders are a disn'netive feature of the new modes.--Ki Delineator for November. MARRIED. Mather--Purdy--At the residence of tne bride's father, on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, by Rev. P. M. ~ of Colborne, Mr. John I Mather M. D., of Belleville to Miss Annie Laura Purdy, daughter of Samuel L. Purdy Esq. of Castleton. BORN. Sables--At 5820 Ash Street, Norwood Cincinati, Ohio, on Oct. 14th 1903, the wife of Mr. E. H. Sarles, a a daughter. Mrs. Sarles is a daughter of Mr. E. B. Hintuan of lialdi- NERVOUS AND SLEEPLESS. There is just one cure and that if plenty of food for the blood and nerves which is best supplied in Ferrozone. than which no blood builder, nerve tonic or strength producer is better: Foriozone promotes healthy digestion which results in improved nutrition. The blood grows rich and red, furnishes stability to the- entire system, an ' the store of nerve force and energ increases daily. A rebuilding of tli constitution, new spirits, health and strength, all come from the Ferrozone. This marvelous is sold by diuggists for 50c a box, six boxes for $2.50. By mail from Poison & Co., Kingston. Ont. Ready For Fall! Good new goods and right prices mark our clothing stock just now. The best that any one can offer and you can be certain of the fit and fashion being correct. We can help you in your selection of a suit or overcoat this I fall and likely save you some money as well. You can try on every style that's shown and buy the one that suits you best. The following offerings will be found exceptionally good: Men's Clothing. Overcoats made of navy blue beaver cloth, well lined and finished with velvet collar...................................................5 00 Overcoats, made of dark grey cheviot and vicuna, box back, velvet collar, vertical pockets, sleeves finished with cuffs $8 and...............10 00 Overcoats made of dark grey cheviot, fine finish and very dressy......12 00 Overcoats made of fancy brown and grey cheviot, full box back, v-ilvet collar, well lined throughout....................................15 00 Black cheviot suits, doulbe breasted.................................6 00 Mixed tweed suits, dark brown single breasted.......................8 00 Black cheviot suits, double breasten, well lined and finished...........9 00 Men's raglau overcoats made of grey striped tweed, velvet collar, vertical pockets, sleeves finished with cuffs, lined with good quaiity Roman satin a very stylish coat at...........................................9 00 Men's raglan overcoats made Of dark grey vicuna, heavy weight and fine soft finish. The style is the very latest and it is well lined and finished throughout, A special coat to sell at the price...................10 00 Boys' Clothing. Boy's suits, 8 to 10 year size, made of brown striped tweed, trimmed with braid and velvet collar, very dressy..............................5.00" Boy's suits, 6 to 9 year sizes, made of blue striped cheviot, self strapped and coat finished with belt...........................................5 00> Boy's suits, 6 to 12 year sizes, made of brown and grey tweed, self strapped well lined and finished.........................................3 00- Boy's suits 10 to 12 year sizes, made of bine striped cheviot, very dresay and well lined and finished.....................................4 50 Boy's suits, 10 to 12 year sizes, wade or fancy mixed tweed, medium weight and suitable for all seasons......................................5 00" Boy's suits, 12 tc 15 year sizes, nu>de of serges and tweeds, colors blue, brown and grey. Splendid values, $3.50 to......................5 00 Young man's suits, 15 to 18 year sizes, made of grey striped t treed, medium medium weight and very serviceable.............................5 00 Young men's suits, 15 to 18 year sizes, made of stripen cheviots and fancy-tweeds. Fxcellent values, $5. $6, $7 and.........................8 00» Underwear Time Is Here. Fall weights and winter weights are here. You get full value for your money; no fancy price just because wool and cotton are some higher. In all these lines mentioned we have shirts and drawers to match. Men's cotton underwear, plain ahd ribbed, extra heavy weight * the Men's all wool plain closely woven underwear, also heavy wool-fleece lined garments, splendid values at.....................................50c Men's Scotch wool underwear, guaranteed pure, plain weave and heavy winter weight..................................................65c Men's all wool ribbed underwear, extra heavy weights, guaranteed unshrinkable. Splendid values at 75c, 95c and...........................1 00 Men's hea\y wool-fleece lined underwear, very fine and closely woven. A warm garment at................................................75c Men's fall weight, natural wool underwear, made in full size and well finished.......................................................1 00- A full range of hoys' underclothing in heavy winter weight. Wool fleeced and fine quality and finish. All prices, according to size of garments, 25c to...................................................50c SCOUGALE BROS., Xol borne, - Ontario. CHANGE IN BUSINESS! The undersigned announces that he has purchased the business recently carried on by A. E. Ireland and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage, A new supply of groceries and provisions has been placed in stock also a nice line of Trunks and Valices. We are replenishing the stock of boots and shoes, rubbers, etc., and will also carry a line of ready-made clothing. Our prices are right, Call and see our stock whether you purchase or not. C. W. DAVIS, Colborne, - - Ontario. SMITHFIELD isses Efiie and Emma Lee spent Sunday at Wooler. Apple picking is the order of the day when barrels are plentiful. Mrs. Neely of Selby ia the t,uest of her dster Mrs. Wm. Drewry sr. Miss Sara Tweedle is visiting friends and relatives at Colborne. Mr. H. Head spent Sunday at Con-secon the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Clark. Mrs. A. Stimers and daughter spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tweedle. Mrs. A. Gould of Colborne spent Saturday the guest of Mr. and M Wm. Tweedle. Quite a number from here attended the dedication dinner at Wooler on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Harry Groff and Miss Kemp of Trenton spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bonter. Miss Annie Carlisle baa returned home after spending a few days at Campbellford and Stirling. Miss Luella Mills who has been the guest of her uncle for a few days has returned home to Hoards Station. Mrs. H. Sprentnall, after spending a few days with her mother Mrs. Howell returned to her home in Brighton. Miss Mae Hanna who is attending school at Picton, spent Thanksgiving at home with Mr. atd Mrs. Herbert Miliar. Mr. Norman Harrington had his rig badly damaged by his horse running away last week. Mr. Herrington escaped witn no serious injuries. Miss Dolly Greer and little Besso; Cross returned to their home Toronto after gpending a few days the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. M. M. Drewry. Our Special Values! For the week starting October 5th we are going to offer special values in Crockery and Glasswear. To make room for Xmas. goods we will give a big discount for cash. Call and see, no trouble to show goods. Miss Clara Mills and Mr. Charlie Sharp of Hoards Station, Miss Beatrice Whitby and brother of Trenton spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. Miss Edna Drewry and two friends Misses Young and Breeton of Albert College and Miss Helen Drewry ofj Albany after spending Thanksgiving under the paaental roof have returned to school, in Belleville. A very pleasant evening was spent atthe liome of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Breck-enndge on Fridav the 9th inst when | a large number of their friends met I to join with them in celebrating tl : twenty fifth anniversary of their wee ding day. At the conclusion of the I supper which was served from daintily arrayed tables, an interesting program of addresses, music etc was presented, Mr. J. F. Ireland opened the proceeding by congratulating the happy couple on the auspicious event which had called them together, and was followed by Messrs Gnnter of Wooler Frank Lauder of Prince Edward, Wm. Tweedle, W. G. Drewry. Jas. S. Gibson, Phillip Pearse and County Councillor T. H. Tweedle. A pleasing feature of the evening was an address from Mr. Breckenridge's father, who although iu the 93rd year of his age is still hale and heaity and is probably the oldest man in this section of the county. A number of pleasing musical selections were given by Mrs. John F. Ireland. Mr. Breckenridge thanked the friends for the kind words which had been spoken and the tokens of friendship which Mrs. Bruckenridge and lie had received. The guests repaired to their homes at a late hour having thoroughly enjoyed tha evening and expressed the hope that their host and hostess might be spared to celebrate their golden wedding. W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. HARNESS! Horsemen's Supplies and Blankets. W. Barton & Son, Harness makees, Colborne, wish to inform the public that they have the largest and best assortment of horse blankets and saddlery goods ever shown in Colborne, and would respectfull} in\ite all to inspect their stock. Parties who wish to have any description of harness made up to their special order can do so by calling and leaving their order. We guarantee to make them up on the premises. The best workmanship and stock used in our own make of harness. W. Barton & Son, Colborne, Ontario.

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