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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 22 Oct 1903, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EA5T NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 16. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year AS A LEAF. Tsiah 64:6. We view with interest deep auc'. keen The summer leaf of living green, And as it fades this truth is seen "We all do fade as a leaf." With thoughtful gaze, or passing glance Hade plain in nature's vast expanse, This truth we read as days advance We all do fade as a leaf. In fields and forests everywhere. By night and day, in earth and air, All signs this solemn truth declare We all do fade as a leaf. And from the leaf once green and sweet Which now lies withered at onr feet We hear a voice this truth repeat We all do fade as a leaf. We who in all contentment dwell, We who are young and strong and well We who in life's best gifts excell We all do fade as a leaf. In those who are Divinely led The falling laaf inspires no dread Though of this life it may be said We all do fade as a leaf. JFor all who do the Lord obey There is a home in realms of day Where happy inmates never say We all do fade as a leaf. For there the trees are always green: And there no signs of life are seen. To reach that land of joy serene We all must die as a leaf. A BLESSING TO CHILDREN. "From the fulness of my own experience," writes Mrs. Samuel Hamilton, of Rawdon, Que., "I can say tnat Baby's Own Tablets are an indispen-sible medicine in every home where there are infants and young children. They speediy relieve and cure all the common ailments incident to childhood. In fact I think the Tablets are a blessing to children." It is such sincere, honest words as these that has made Baby's Own Tab lets the most popular medicine with mothers all over the land. The Tad-lets can be given to all children from the tiniest, weakest baby to the well grown child, and where they are used you find only healthy, happ'y children in the home. You can get the Tablets from any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent by mail at 25c a box by •writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockyille, Ont. UNION CORNERS. Miss Carry Lathrop spent Sunday at'her grandfather's Mr. W. Quinn Miss Mabel Phillis spent Sunday with her friend Mrs. Wm. Cox of Castleton. On Oct 6th a little boy visitor arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Black. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clary of Colborne spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. H. Giln.urry. Miss A Carson of Roseneath and Mr. E. Jewel! spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. T. Inglis. Mr. Joe Pegnam and Mr. John Leonard hns returned home after spending a couple of mouths in barta District. While picking apples Mr. Orliff Mallory had the misfortune off falli outof an apple tree and cracking collar bone. We are glad to i Orliff around again. Mr. Isbin Ghent and Miss Bessie Perry of this place were unitei marriage on Sept. 30th, by Rev. Bunuer. We wish them every su( in their married life. BRIGHTON. Mr. A. E. Webb of Toronto was in town on Saturday. Mrs. Bate has sold her place here and is removing to Torento. Mr. J. H. Morrow is enlarging and grately improving his offices and ware house. Apple buyers are complaining of the scarcity of barrels and many are being brought in from the west. Mr. C. B. Kemp has moved the post office into the Standard Bank block and Mr. Edwards is moving his jewelery store into the eld post office block. Mr. F. £. Marshall has accepted a a position a* traveller for the Stems & Co. in the Maratine provinces and has entered upon his new duties. He was very popular in Brighton and before he left was presented with a fnr cap and gauntlets by some of his most intimate friends. A VERY GOOD RULE. It is well known that tbe majority of human ills arise from constipation of the bowels and on this account many people make it a rule to see that the bowels move once every day. If you are subject to constipation you can be cured by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, These Pills not only make the bowels active, but by their action on the liver ensure a regular flow of bile, nature's own cothar-tic and so remove the cause of Berious disease. CASTLETON. Mr. Ruben Walt is still oonfined to his home. R. A. Hart is erecting a new cottage on Pine street. Our village has quieted down since the worlds fair at Colborne but the question now is who stole the apples. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Thurlow attended the anniversary held here on Sunday and Monday the 11th and 12th inst. Miss Mattie Gaffteld was united in marrage to Mr. M. Drinkwalter on Wednesday of last week. May their lion be a happy and prosperous one. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McClung of Winnipeg Man. are here for a few days renewing old acquaintances. It is 23 years since he ministered to the spiritual wants of the people here. WOMANS INSTITUTE. A meeting of the Northumberland Womana Institute will be held in the committee room. Town Hall on Saturday October 24th at 2 o'clock p ra, at which Mrs W. Winter of WJcklow will give a paper on "Cooking Meats" which will be followed by discussion. Mrs. J. J. Hinman will also read a paper on "The woman behind the broom." All interested are cordially invited to attend.--Mrs. J. Davidson, Secretary. LINLITHGOW. Mr. Alex Rutherford spent Monday l Campbellford. Apple pickers have again visited ur neighborhood. \Ajjers Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years.^ .he um. time, proving a iplendid dreulnir." DR. J. W. TATDH. Madill, Ind. T. -for- Weak Hair Mr. Robert Bland drove through neighborhood on Monday. Mr. John Rutherford's fine new residence is almost completed. Miss Bertha Deviney of Vernonville made several calls here on Tuesday. Miss Viole: Dudley has been enjoying a pleasant holiday at Pickering. Mr. Dean McGregor is engaged in the apple bnsiness with Mr. Jas. Coyle. Mr. George Robson and Miss Alice were recently guests at Mr. P- Haig's. Mrs. Robert Bland and Mrs. James Couolly visited at Mr.A. Rutherford's recently. Our bricklayer has completed the work at which he has been very busy for the past week. Mr. J. D.Dudley had the misfortune j to lose a large number of fine turkeys ! which were supposed to have been | killed by a fox. i Our enterprising apple exporter Mr. Jas. Rutherford who is operating at Centreton is doing a large business as usual this fall. Mr. Douglas Rutherford spent Sunday here and accompanied by Mr. Waller McGregor gave Lakeport triends a call before ret'trning to Osh-awa. What might have been a very serious accident recently occurred on Elen Gown hill as Mr. Peter Haig was going to the field one of the horses became unmanagable and he became entangled in the harness, a severe shaking up was the result but we art glad to learn that under the skilfull treatment of Dr. Mallory he is now on a fair way to recovery. EDVILLE. Mr. Wm. Caldwell ,who is in Mani- | toba is expected home in a short time. | Mr. and Mrs. Demorest were visit- j ing over Sunday at the home of his j mother near Trenton. The returning of the whey at this j factory has got to be a great, though | not a very desirable business. Many of the young people from this neighborhood attended the dedication of the new Methodist church at Wooler ! on Sunday last. Master Samuel Kelly who had the ' misfortune of breaking two of his ribs by falling from a tree a short time ago is progressing favorably. We are sorry to learn that Miss L. Potter of Bowmanville who is visiting her aunt Mrs. George Herriugton here is not enjoying the best of health. Miss Fieldhouee of Nepawa Man. is visiting her cousin Miss Gertrude Murphy, who has returned recently from the sanitarium at Danville where she has been nurse-in-training. The Rev. Mr. Shier of Norham preached a missionary sermon here on Sunday last to a fair sized congregation The subscriptions and collections at this appointment ammounted to $18.00. Many of the children in this neighborhood have been under the doctor's care for a short time past. Master Claude Ives,'little Helen Farrow, and the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Demorest, but they are getting better now. Mr. Marcus Drinkwalter of this place was married on Wednesday last to Miss Mattie Gaffield at the home of the bride's father, in the presence of the members of their families. Mr. and Mrs. Drinkwalter who will live in the house now being vacated by Mr. James Drinkwalter, are wished by the people of this vicinity a bon voyage through life. NOT AFRAID TO ENDORSE IT. People have learned to have such confidence in Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure for every form of piles that they do not hesitate to endorse it at every opportunity. As a result Dr. Chase's Ointment is probably recommended by more persons than any preparation on the market to-day. There is no guesswork about its effects--relief is prompt andL ^Ige utain. _ v--- -- MOUNT PLEASANT. Mr. and Mrs. J. Herrington of Col-berne were- visiting Mrs. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. R. Knight and baby Mildred « ere guests at R. McKague's recentl y. Mr. W. Spenc er and Miss Brown of Un ion Corners were visiting the Misses McKagne Mr. H. McKa gne who has been in Manitoba and the North West has return ed home. Fall work is going on very rapidly apple picking, potato digging and oth er genera work is the order. A number of the young people attend ed tbe anniversary services at Oak Heights on Sunday evening. Mr. W. Th omas one of Campbell-ford senterprising^merchants and Mrs. Thomassr. were the guests of Mr. W. Johnson on Thanksgiving day. It would be rather unpleasant to get into the ditch with a tired horse these dark nights. So friend leave your order for two lamps to be put on your rig and be prepared for dark and dreary November. The Ladies' Circle and the Mission Band met in the Baptist church Saturday afternoon when the mite boxes were opened the sum of fifteen dollars was counted. After the meeting refreshments were served in th vestry. Next Sunday is Children Day. Nervous Headache and Rheumatism and Kldney-JLlver Fills. These two great remedies of Dr. Chase are ■•ed together with great success by many persons. While the Kidney-Liver Pills awaken the action of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, nd regulate the bowels, the Nerve Food forms mew rich blood, creates new nerve force and builds up the system. Mrs. C. Battison, 373 Murray St., Ottawa, JUST IN TIME. A motorman in Chicago ran his car onto the approach of an Open bridge but ■topped it with the fender actually overhanging the gulf below. He wouldn't want to repeat the experiment because the chances are that he'd never again have the same good fortune. Once in a while some one Who has traveled to the very edge of tbe danger line of stomach disease stops just In time to save his health. But the majority of people go across the line, and •light symptoms of indigestion grow to disease of the stomach, involving the other organs of digestion and nutrition. Indigestion and other forms of stomach "trouble" are perfectly and per-manently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It strength-ens the who* ' feet digestio $3,000 FORFEIT will be paid by the World'* Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if they cannot Show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testimonial below, and also of tbe writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they •re constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. f «I have been suBerfns; for about eight years," writes Mrs. H. Fierce, of Millspnags, Ky. "»*» had several doctors totfeit me--some for female weakness and others for stomach tjreuMe. bat received no relief. When i wrote yon Ur fdrice '"e^Mlle*' »r?rtf|& at y«u claim for *Jep-in in my grave if I Bad 1 Adviser is sent receipt of sumps to pay e*pehs customs and mailing only. Send 31 one-eent stamps fbt the book in paper covert, ot so stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address SClL V. Pierce, Bttftalo, N. V. NORHAM AND VICINITY. weathet 1 fast Signs of eolde approaching. Mr. Manuel Langford continues to s indisposed. Mr Harry Chapin, one of Colborne's popular apple buyers is doing a wonderful business in this vicinity. In all probability Mr. Wm. Pollock i* receiving returns from the finest ^^^es^young orchard in Cramahe. WP|P!?fr - ,v...cT. «is ' nearly all Ben ©avis is a picture to look at just now and is sold to Mr. J. McDonald for the fancy sum of $585.00. We regret to chronicle the death of one of our oldest and most respected citizens in the person of Mr. Chester Palmateer, who departed from this life on Sunday 17th inst. at the age of 84 years Mr. Palmateer had been afflicted with a cancer on his chin for some time and about two weeks ago submitted himself to a surgical operation conducted by Dr. Willoughby of Colborne. The operation was very successful bnt after a few days a complication of uiseasesset in to which be finally succumbed. The fnneral which took place at the Christian Chureh was wildy attended Hotel for Sale. THE Windsor Hotel in the Village of Colborne is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The hotel is doing a good business. For particulai apply to GEO. BROOM FIELD, 11-tf Colborni It's Brownie Cemere Time O 111. "For some time I was a sufferer headache and rheumatism. I had the rheumatic pains for -T'/yTs about three years. Sev-5jS{ ff^eial weeks ago I began V/ i)/J the use of Dr. Chase's Mrs. Battison Nerve Food and Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and have found that these medicines worked together most satisfactorily in my case. I have taken altogether several boxes of the Nerve Food and am now entirely cured of my old trouble. I know of othets who have used these prepara-and been cured, and I can therefore of Dr. A W. No better tun for boys and girls than picture taking, instructive too, No. 1, Brownie Camera pic tures 2^X2\, for 1. No. 2, Brownie, pictures 2^x 3h for 2. New Goods at Our Jewelery Store Comprising Diamonds WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and. a Complete Una ot The (sonata* "MRogersBros." Spoons, Porks, Bte. ene^tnTbeefamde! H. J. MAYHEW, 3Er^t Colborne. Ont. It will be to your best interest to trade at-this store. TINSMITHING in all its branches. Leave your order for Moving Stoves .New and Secondhand stoves always in stock. Colborne Hardware Store OUTRAN! & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne, W.A.Dougfas A. BEATTY & SON Have purchased the business carried on by Mr. Cheffins at a rate on the dollar and intends running the entire stock off at once. Everything is being marked at cost price and many articles will be sold below that figure. This great reduction sale will commence on Saturday morning and will continue until the eutire stock is cleared out. Remember that Saturday will be . BARGAIN DAY. Coleman's bread kept in stock. A. Beatty & Son. Male Block, Colborne, - Ontario.

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