She (&nkvpi&. COLBORNE. JAN. 28th, 1904. EVERYDAY AILMENTS. ERNESTGASHELCAUGKs Murderer of Rufus Holt Will Be Hanged on Tuesday. Hilea From Culgarv at Any Time Calgary, Alhercd, .Tan, 25.--Erne Cashel, the condemned murdere who made such a daring escape fro police barracks guard room here, wi captured yesterday afternoon by tl Mouri--' - ■ ■ oulv be df in a f then ■dim estion, perhaps 1 hendachb ,,]■ ;l feeling of ousness. These^yniptonis are often fo'lowed by a complete ikdown of the health. In such s there is no medicine which will g back 'wealth and strength as •- ms' Pink Pills. iry Polic ..ortheast of Calgary, the guardroom and on Tuesday. Cashel a chase for forty-five ing that time has not the time he"1 was'^in" g'-oat trouble. Cashel was gauie to the last, and did not give up without a struggle. Constable Biggs found his man concealed in one corner of the cellar of Pitman's house. He held a light to the corner, whereupon Cashel fired a revolver, the bullet rrrazing the constable's head. Another shot also failed, and Biggs retired from the cellar, as he was unarmed. Procur- the cellar, but was met on the dai_ sta^s by Cashel, and further shots exchanged, onlv one taking effect, as It lddged in Cashel's heel. The murderer retreated to the cellar corner and the police retired outside, when it was decided to burn the building. Cashel called out he would kill himself and merely wanted to have a letter for his mother. He fired several shots, but the police would stand no binning and warned him out cf the building. Cashel finally emerged with his hands in the air, and was soon placed under arrest, and is now lodged in his old cell at the police barracks. He said he had complete knowledge of everything that was happening, and did not want to leave the country until his brother was released. ' Cashel murdered Kufus Holt. His escape from the jail at Calgary, Dec. 10, the day before he was to have been executed, was a most daring •scapade. With two revolvers smug-bled in to him by his brother, or by the girl with wvom he was in love, he held up the three officers while still handcuffed. The men were driven into the cell in which the ced to throw to him the key to the manacles. He had been permitted to leave his eell for exercise. A reprieve had just been refused, but before the date of the execution the hanging had been postponed until Jan. 26. Without this postponement, Cashel would have been dead in law, after the date of his proposed execution, and could not have been further molested if captured. present good health and increased vitality to this medicine, These pills make new, rich red bjood,iiiid restore shattered nerves. This is the whole secret of the wonderful success of Dr. Williams Pink Pilis. Here is a bit of strong proof. Mrs. W. J. Clarke, sr., Boston, Ont., save,--"I suffered a gieat deal from a liver trouble and pains about the heart all adding to my misery. A thorough use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills cured rae and now at the age of fifty two aches and pains have left me and I am enjoying the best of health." This is the. verdict of all who give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a trial. But you must get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around the box. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-ville. Out, and the pills will be ! A FRIENDLY INTERVIEW. ,F I Col. 7cunghusb .n<l Offered Fnorablt y ! Chumbl, British India, Jan. 25.-- le Col. Younghusband, the Commander ii- of the British expedition to Thibet, ic I had a friendly interview with a gen-n eral from Lhassa and a number of 0 i Lamas, who came out to meet the ,f ! British mission. The general offered e | favorable terms for Col. Younghus-_ j band to retire, and on his refusal, : indicated that the British advance a j w«uld be opposed. London, Jan. 25.--The Foreign Office has received news of the" i-.aS-sacre of a British expedition under the auspices of the East Africa syndicate by Tuhkhana tribesmen in the neighborhood of Rudolf Lake, East Africa. Several white men were murdered, but no details of the occurrence has been received. i paid at SO ;«•.- for $2.50. cuts : BELOVED LITTLE ADMIRAL. Qaten Alexandra's Tribute en Wreath For Sir Henry Keppel. London, Jan. 23.--The remains of Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet, who died on .Tan. 17, were r'emoved from London and interred at Winkfield, Berkshire, yesterday afternoon with full naval honors, a detachment of five hundred bluejackets and marines forming the escort and firing party. The only floral tribute on the Admiral's; coffin was a wreath from Queen Alexandra, with a card and an autograph inscription, reading: "In loving memory of my beloved little 'Admiral; the best and bravest of men. From Alexandra. Rest in King Edward, Queen Alexandra Emperor William and the Prince of Jtfales all sent special lives, and the Lords of the Adr ty and a large contingent of officers in full uniform attended Women have Kidney Disease And make ttar mistake of attributing the resulting backache to otSter causes. Many women have kidney disease and do not know it. They confuse the symptoms with those of ailments of a feminine nature. Backache, loss of flesh, dry, harsh skin, de-relling of the feet and legs, of the muscles, weariness ire symptoms r kidney disease, and call for prompt treatment inorder to prevr SAVED WIFE AT EXPENSE OF LIFE. Old Tereute Resident Killed By a Trolley Toronto, Jan 25.--With just, sufficient time to throw his aged wife out q| harm's way. Appolas Churchill ■tumbled and fell and met almost ii slant death under the wheels of Street car on Saturday evening. Tl fatality occurred on Mi Gaul stre mi Baldwin, about 10 o'clock. M Churchill was on his way home a eompauied by his wife! S¥« •;. \m ceeded to cross the street, rip! ne9 ing a car coming in an opposite ell ection. He shoved Mrs. Churchi back to safety, but was unable 1 retrace his own steps in time ai was knocked down, his skull fractured, jaw broken and face badly cut bruised. Buried Un.ier Aval,ache. Slocan City, B.C., Jan. 25.--Joe Doeron, a miner, started on Tuesday on skis to visit his brother at a neighboring mine. He did not arrive, and a searching party has discovered traces leaving no doubt he perished under a huge snow slide, quarter of a mile wide, at a point Between the two mines. London, Jan. 25.--Mrs. Mary W. Ball, an old lady, residing at 490 Elizabeth street, was found at her home yesterdav afternoon huddled up beside the fife frozen stiff Her onlv daughter, Mrs. Richards, resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. suit of the tornado Friday six of whom are white. The number of injured is estimated at 65, of whom about a dozen are expected to die. The storm also struck a settlement near Sumter mines in the southern part of this 'county, killing four negroe§, injuring several others and damaging much mining property. THE SAYINGS BANK OF HEALTH. Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to nourish and invigorate the body. If 5 our blood is thin aud watery use Fer-rozone. It supplies the necessary elements such as phosphorus and iron, und quickly restores lost strength and spirits Ferrozone is an unequalled restorative for the tired, the sick, and the run down: it stimulates appetite, aids digestion, soothes the nerves, and makes the system too healthy for disease to exist. Get it to day from any druggist for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50 By mail from N. C. Poison 6 Co, Kingston, Ont. iuffered great deal with pains in le small of the back caused by kidneytrouble. .Whenever I stooped I could scarcely rise again the pains were so great. The disease bee. me so Mrs. Wilkins severe that it affected my feneral health, and I was becoming vei y much run down. Since using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, I can say that my trouble has entirely disappeared. I can speak in the highest terms of this medicine from the way it acted in my case." To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the iamous receipt book author, are on every box of hit remedies. BLUNDERBUSS WENT OFF. Archibald Mum. la In » Critical ditlon From Shot Wounds. London, Jan. 22.--Archibald J ro, a well known farmer of 1 minister Township, rr thrilling experience ( ternoon. Mr. Munro old blunderbuss to th He had the weapon i when the powder and been in it for the p; exploded. Mr. Munro force of the explosio Doctors Nicholls ai summoned and extrac grains of shot from his breast. tie is in a critical condition. Barrie, Jan. 23.--James McPher-son died Thursday night from the injuries received near Phelpstone on man of a G.T.Ii. snow plow, which had been lifted from the rails by the hard packed snow, uiid wafi under it, helping to replace it -f^^he track. It is said that the air talked out. of the brake, and let the engine move a couple of feet. McPherson was caught under the plow wheels, both thighs being crushed. F- was the hospital, and one leg let with a most in Tuesday af-was loading an it a white heat shot which had ist two decades received the full n in the chest. :tcd over thirty HELD FOR HALF A MILLION. ■••▼y Jadement AaaiB»t A. K. Wallace, Atlas Loan Manner. Toronto, Jan. 22--A. E. Wallace, former manager of the Atlas, Loan, was yesterday declared li.abie for unpaid balances on stock held by him, amounting to over $480,000. The National Trust Company, liquidators of the Atlas, sought the judgment. Mr. Wallace entered no defence. He said the stock had been bought for Ames and Company but certain details were not complete when the failure occurred. J. S. Squance, formerly of St. Thomas, Was placed as a contributor to the extent of §1,300, and others were held "ver. S. J. TUCKER, UNDERTAKER,COLBORNE Opposite Presbyterian Church Open Day and Night Jas. Biacklock, UNDERTAKER GRAFTON. A Full Line of Caskets^ Coffins, et , Stock. Kmbalm- G T R TIME TABLE GOIllG WEST Express, (except Mondays) ,. . 3.52 a.n Loca...................... 6.34 a. rn Passenger...................12.06 p.n Express....................6.04 p.n GOlnG EAST. Express....................10.48 a.n Fassenger.................. 5.07 p.» .............. 8.14 P.n Miss Helen M. Rutherford, A. T. C. M. (Pupil of Dr. Edward Fisher.) Honor Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination, Box 126, Colborne Ont. Agricun The undersigned is agent fcTI all kinds of agricultural . implements and BINDER TWINE The stock was purchased from the best factories in Canada and can be seen in the Reeves Block, Colborne. If you require agri-ct Hural implements of any kind 1 pay you to see this rock. G. Br WALKER, ColDorne, Ont. It's Prownie Cerrtera Time Card of Thanks In returning thanks to our customers for past favors we would intimate that we are now ready to fill orders for Builders' supplies at the Builders' Emporium. Estimates furnished and contracts taken. Those intending to build will do well to place their orders sarly and thus avoid the rush. Ornamental, Leaded, Chipped and Plate Glass on hand and to order-- ome small plates very cheap. IrVM. H. IVES. Contractor & Builder. Hotel for Sale. THE Windsor Hotel in the Village of Colborne is offtred for sale on reasonable terms. The hotel is doing a good business. For particulars apply to GEO. BROOM FIELD, ll-t.c Co!boin« FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers.his farm for sale on easy terms. It is situat ed on the Kingston gravel load one mile west of Colborue, in the township of Haldimand and being lot one Con. A, containing 130 acres more or less. There, is a good frame house 22x30. wing 20x22, wood shed 18x30 also small dwellnoj; for hired help, barn x36 82 with wing 30x40 all on 8 foot wall granery lSx24. There is a fine, spring creek a good site for trout pond also good running spring water in house, barn and stable. Four acres of orchard which sold for between $250 and I 300.00. There is also eight, acres of ] woods. For terms apply to A Course in Advertising One Dollar. IMPRESSIONS, a monthly journal of business making ideas and which, during the year, gives a thorough treatment of the different phases I of advertising, will be sent to ' any address in Canada or the United States foi One Dollar. Send ten cents for a sample copy, It will be worth a dollar to you- IMPRESSIONS No better tun for boys and, §t Catharines, Ontario. girls than picture taking, j _ instructive too. Jas. Redfearn & Son Are prepared to fill orders on short notice for all grades of Scranton Coal. Sheds and office at G. T. R. station. Telephone connection. WoAcDouglas Jas.Redfearn & Son. No. 1, Brownie Camera pictures 2£x2£, for $1. No. 2, Brownie, pictures 2jx 3i for $2. China Hall, the Up-To-Date Store Cured Meats, Fish and Oysters. A Pea nieak breakfast bacon, rolled sausage, pure leaf lard, choice day aud Saturday, oysters anil nsl for fresh eggs. , sugar cured hems, fresh bologna lard, fresh pork sausage Fri- Coupons given for cash. MRS. A. S. HINDS, Colborne- Ontario . For Service. ATHOROUGHBRED, large improv-ed Chester White, will be kept for service on the premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, Concession 1, Haldi- 2L12t JAS. FOSTER. Paint and Wood Shop. THE undersigned has opened a repair shop in the stand on Percy street, Colborne, formerly occupied by the late Peter Harris, and is prepared to do ail kinds of wood work and carriage painting. D. H.' WILLIAMS. REXALL hh°oulsde DYES These dyes will dye wool, cotton, silK jute or mixed goods iu one bath. They are the latest and most improved dye in the world. Try a package All colors. W. A. Douglas, Agent, Colborne. W.J, Newman, Agent, Castleton. Live Chickens Wanted. LIVE chickens wanted at Doyle's store, Colborne. Delivery every Thursday morning. Birds to be starv-d 24 hours befoi- delivery. For Sale. THE Undersigned offers for sale ou easys terms six houses in the Village of Colborne, or would exchange same for good farm land. Large Stock and Grain Farm on easy terms. For further particulars apply to FRANK L. WEBB, Barrister, Colborne, Ont. life. idow and Logs Wanted. THE undersigned will pav $2.50 pei standard for good maple ar liirch ......~ cut 14ft. 2in' long, also highest •for shingle bolts delivered at his H. BROW N, Mrs, K. a Crowle, DAWING AND PA INT1NG. Still, Life,^ Drawin^fiom the Antique. and Oil Painting. Class opened Sept. 12th. ii-tf A. O. U. W. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM $5C0, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000. FAITH LODGE, NO 123, Colborne nil., meets in the A. O. U. W. Hall every second ou.-tli Thursday of each month sit *:« pan. l~& Visiting brethren are alwayt> weli-onu-RUPERT CLARK, M. W. CASTLETON HARN A full line of all kinds of UQHT is carried in slock, also all kin ' BLANKETS, BELLS, Repairing will R, CO LEVI Pigs For Sale. boars, froi ..... old for sale. Fit for .Service, particulars apply to J. H. DOUGLAS, 15-tf Warkw A FEW SN CASH O Carving sets at cost. Balance of silverware Tinware and hardware -$1 00!7 . 1 00 Fl . 21j N. Coxall & Colborne, Co., Ontario^ CUTTERS! CUTTERS! CUTTER 5 Largest Assortment. Best Terms. McLaughlin Manufac Jo H. CHAPMAN'S Reasonable Prices. Colborne, Ont.