JAPS WERE VICTORIOUS Drove Russians Before Them Advance on Chong=Ju. PS MARCHING ON. atch to the London 3ns north of Apparently s has reached i btainod here FORCES RXGAClvD. ASU ALTTES WERE FEV would be compelled to intei cause the danger of such \ influences would grow up as to their security. This, he the secret of the whole posi it, his Excellency Dry of the and allow d only have c BREEDING STOCK IS FREE. A Washit luuith-r! < s at least equal ALE EXPLODED MINE. doded by a whale. bsequently ishore. It bore fton despatch says: versing the decision f general appraisers w a on Tuesday by the Ci cmt court, which permits tho ii portation of horses for breeding purposes to be imported into the United States duty free. This case arises out of an action by H. F. Page, a breeder of British Columbia, who brought, to Puget Sound district, Percheron horses valued at $3,800. The stock was sold at an average price of $394 per animal, and al~-though the customs regulations provide for the free entry into the United States of "any animal specially imported for breeding purposes," Pago was charged 25 per cent, ad valorem on the sale price of the stock. This action of the collector was upheld by the Board of General Appraisers, against which an appeal was made. ATTACK UNITED STATES. A New York despatch soys: St. Petersburg newspapers continue their malevolent attacks on the United States. The Novoe Vremya, in a conspicuously displayed article signed by Souuorine, who headed the recent " r demanding a against Ameri-sd States as an MET DEATH LIKE HEROES Admiral Togo, in his official despatch relating to the attempt of his fleet to "bottle up" the Russian sels in Tort Arthur harbor of ; "Commander Hiroz and Boats' P 1 > who were killed, displayed Sugino was just going down to light the magazine on tho Fukui Maru when the ship was struck by an enemy's torpedo, which killed "Commander Hiroz, after causing his men to take to the boats, and not finding Sugino, searched through the ship three times for him. Finding his ship gradually going down, Commander Hiroz was compelled to give up the search and enter a boat. As he was rowing away under the enemy's hot firo a shell struck him on the head. His head and part of his body were blown away. Of the bravo officer's body, only a piece of flesh remained in the boat. Commander Hiroz was always a model officer, and he leaves a meritorious example, tho memory of which will Thc Emperor has conferred thc Order of Kyte and the Order of the Rising Sun on Commander Hiroz, who was killed during tho Japanese attempt to bottle .up the Russian fleet at Port Arthur Sunday last. A movement has been inaugurated to orect a monument to tho memory of Commander Hiroz. WILL TRY AGAIN. Thc Nagasaki correspondent of the London Express says that the Gov- , ernmcnt is determined to succeed in blocking Port Arthur. It hold: A despatch from Grimsby says :-- The Ontario Pipe Line Company's onthe^fami of John IT.' Parrel, foui and one-half miles from Grimsby Tho vein is between 12 and 14 feet wide. Tho company's men succeeded in capping the flow last night They have now got down to a depth of 2,200 feet. The company holds a 25-year franchise over the roadways in the county, and if make another good strike, and prospects are that they will, they intend to pipe the country and ready soon to supply gas to CAB DRIVER, FOR 56 YEARS. public, and i on evil days headed the poll when he has fallen THE WORLD'S MARKETS Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto, April 5.--Wheat--Th3 market is dull, with demand limited for Ontario grades. No. 2 white and red quoted at 03c low freights. the Cab Brh iation; but v Sprin t 82 t 83^ e MADE IN CANADA"BRAND Often Sold as Being the Product; of Some Other Country. Tho following is the report of A. W. Gri Agent f the De of Agi regarding Canadian food products Canadian food products are oft sold in Great. Britain to the consul the product of Great B: prodi TICKS FROM THE WS ther -the ; ! Of 1 it'll t prices are 6c above those 'he market is steady, with ings and little demand. No. juoted at 30£ to 30$c north . and 81c low freights. No. luotcd at 32c east, and No. that Bond's cab-driv. Bond took out his flr March, 1840, as an on being then 17 years olt ed cab-driving in 184 has been driving a cab of London for fifty-ski during the whole of tha used the St. Clement I e Bond has driven many s men. The great Duke on was a fairly regular "Very liberal he was, Mr. Bond in recounting ;cs recently. The King, of Wales, often patron-5 did tho lato Duke of SANE BUT ARE LOCKED UP Perfectly Rational Persons Are Inmates of Asylums, says "Few people," said the the medical officer of a large private asylum, "have any idea that hundreds of the people confined in mad-houses are every bit as sane as themselves, and yet it is a fact that cannot be disputed. "I do not refer to inmates who arc sanity itself the of quite apart from these there are hundreds who in lunatic asylums and more mad than their 1« self have nfortui No; and sveral cases i have volur 'ed themseb ply out of fear that they' might go mad. They are neurotics, people who are always getting strange fancies into their heads--chiefly the result of laziness--and are haunted by the fear that some day they will lose their reason. I know one such man who has voluntarily made a "lunatic" of himself for over thirty years, without showing the least sign of insanity. RETREAT FOR DRUNKARDS. "Then there are others--and these ases are numerous--whom drink has BOERS DESIRE PEACE. A despatch from Krugersdorp says -General Delarey, the former Boer ammandcr, addressing a congress of farmers on Wednesday, said he regretted the forthcoming representa- the St. Louis Exposition, which, he would be a shameful produc-General Delarey said he wished to bring to the notice of the •Id the fact that the Boers had ndoned all thoughts of vindic-mess toward Great Britain, and t it was now their privilege to Admi; eight old ! KEEP OUT ALIENS. A despatch fro i ready for Tho Dailv Telegraph sa, They for the passin LORD CURZON'S WARNING. A Calcutta despatch says: . In the course of the budget discussion on Wednesday the Viceroy, Lord Curzon of Kedleston, declared it was his express intention to return to India. The Viceroy spoke for an hour and a, half. Referring to thedr responsibilities in Asia, ho said India resembled a fortress, beyond whose walls there existed on one side a glacis of varying breadth and dimensions, which they did not desire to occupy, but which they could not afford to see occupied by a foe. They were quite content that it should remain Ik the hand's of allies and frloads, but it unfriendly influences ss»ould creep up and lodge under ftfi walls, they quit vith kets. The' only thing that can done is for the Canadian shippers brand "Canada" or "Canadian" everything and advertise freely in British trade 'journals. A few ( adian firms have followed this I and to-day their brands are in mand and are known as "Canal Produce," but this position has ( been gained by spendir Cholera is prevalo hogs in Wentworth C Chief of Police Vau ford died suddenly on •eported at Mi G. T. P. , fill be 1 Five Icelandic f bringing back e sing. Final It is a thc British s or tastes yesterday decani t ' • the c fifte -The l 60c ichanged, wftl Buckwheat--Tho ed, with demand good. No. 2 quoted at 51 to 52c middle freights. Flour--Ninety per cent, patents are. unchanged; buyers at $3.60 middle freights in buyers' sacks, for export. Straight rollers of special brands for domestic trade quoted at $4.30 to $4.50 in bbls. Manitoba flours unchanged. No. 1 patents, $5.30; No. 2 patents, $5; and strong bakers', $-4.90 on track, Toronto. Mi 11 reed--Bran is steady at $17 to $17.50, and shorts at $18.50 here. At outside points bran is quoted at $16.50, and shorts at $17.50. Manitoba bran in sacks, $20, and shorts at $21 hero. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--There is a quiet trade, with prices steady at $2 to $2.25 per bbl. for tho best stock. Dried apples--Tho demand ed, and prices are easy at per lb. Evaporated apples, BeanE)--Trade is quiet, an< steady. Prime beans are quoted to $1.60, and hand-picked $1.65 to $1.70. Hops--Th, looks for and if he i ey by having his good product of some other c< very naturally pockets "very slow game" getting: people to change their idc to "play the game" one must ha^ lots of time and spend money freely- this the average Canadian exporter j minion Iron & S1 cannot afford to do--but Canadian furnace at Sydne; goods are gradually, if slowly, gain- ; on Friday becaui tho value of 13,000,000. London lumber dealer predicts 8 n or twenty per cent, increase in price of lumber, o\v ng to th« ulty of getting logs out of th« Scholastique. ; fa-* This of tho Canadian goods. International competition is so keen to capture the British market that there is no room to try "fake games," and I am sorry to say the only way to make some Canadian shippers honest is by Act of Parliament. Great good has already been done by "The Fruit Marks Act." Our dairy products arc landing each season in more perfect condition--this is due to the close inspection kept in Canada over the manufacture of cheese and butter, to ement in the cheese factor- .as IToney"sTho' ] oT-Jc per K\Jfor b $2 for comk fay--Tho marfcet Poultry--The market is steady v imited offerings. ■ lb. have been cured t safer many of them I discharged rest tneir own free will, o others who might go e world, but have be- ley elect to spend the be no doubt that many inmates of asylums are here than outside, and ledge which sends us and keeps them ng my own people a very clever doctor who a .rs ago had a practice bring-. in a large income. Ho was, ', tho victim of a strong por-ipulse to introduce poi and t ; fear at some day he would yield id thus become a murderer grew i strong that he sold his practice id became an inmate here. TO BE NEAR RELATIVES. from those tl ', 1 rs ho..-e, one ago, > confine tho former her i the e THE DAIRY MARKET lutter--Thc ma h the demand good ilities. We quote:--Finest 1-tb la, 17 to 18c; choice large roll; 1 selected dairy tubs, 15 to 16c tlium and low grades, • print > 23c; solid unchanged, with off her engagement and decided to spend the rest of her life i--No thin; th her relative. or; No. "There are also scores of people in J43£c. e criminal asylums who are of per- 63c. 1 ;tly sound mind--in fact, many of Milwj ever been anything else. No. 1 191 to 19Ac. Eggs--Receipts are moder; the demand slow. Sales lots to-day at 22c per dozer Choose--Market quiet prices. Ws quote:--Finest ber's, 11c; lato Fall and so to 104c HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hog offerings modi 25, delivered here. Cured in good demand at unchan We quote:--Bacon, long clc 8ic per lb. in case lots. $1.6.50 to $17; do, short 50. Smoked meats--Hams, UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, N. Y.. April 5.--Flou Irm. Wheat--Spring, No. 1 Nor Dufuth, offered at $1.09$. Cc id creameries, but also largely i the "Government Cool Curing Rooms" for cheese, and the improved "cool" and "cold" storage for food products on the various Steamship lines running from Canada to the ; British ports. CHOICEST DANISH. Irindley also reports as fol-the packing of Can-butter in Danish Kiols. The butter packed in this style is the best quality of "Canadian Creamery" and is put up in this shape by the shippers who receive their in- differ charged a forer GREAT BRITAIN. Lord Curzon has beer, appointed Warden of the Cinque Ports. A Louis XV. stuff-box was sold it London at the record price cf £6,500. ■ the i in i a reduction was made in the Bar England dividend. Twenty thousand people attended meetings in Hyde Park, London, oi Sunday, to protest against tho era " ment of Chinese in the Trans- aal. "Choicest Danisl few Canadian firms in "Kiols" or eggs ir but : i Beef." A few Canac idvertising their goods "Canadian ! and in lied for, comes from as lor taste and the prk a general rule tl buy and sell good! the funny work i; lilcr, and thc r ones who are deceived, and they on't care if the quality is good. Under the "Merchandise Marks ct" (of Great Britain) goods can iter the country with no mark or any mark that will not lead people to where the goods come example, if you put Boston the party concerned would as there is a Boston in England, but. Boston, Mass., or Bosr " , would be safe. "K'ova Scotia" on apples from that Prov ipplcs a ■ classe "Nov; ;old f Irch- Oats- SEVEN YEARS IN QUOD. of Society." A despatch from Hamilton says :-- Eight years in Kingston Penitentiary was the dose Wm. HiUis, the notorious Guelph criminal, who broke out of the jail here last January, and who was recaptured at Flint, Mich., got on Tuesday afternoon from Chief Justice Sir William Ralph Meredith. In passing sentence the judge told HiUis that he believed him to be a permanent enemy to society. rive. ived 2 white, 47c; Barlev--Spot quoted 58 t< lye--No. 1, 81c. ukee, Wis., April 5.--Wheat.-$1.01; No. : sh" or "Selected Danish," may bring the highest price. >rican and Canadian bacon and s are sent from p.ort of landing ;he&market rs "Wiltshire," "Curo-and," "Yorkshire." "Berkshire," my other favorite brand. Of so, if you could prove a case > forged the parties concerned Id be heavily fined, but all th of Charles Dickens' works, 50,000, are being Boston for tho Duke o( J. P. Morgan and Representative Head's resolution pressing sympathy for the KnsSgina voted down almost unanimously by the Iowa House. Thirty-three shoe manufactuVers oi Lynn, Mass., locked out 500 turn workmen on Wednesday and unless ; settlement is effected within a week or ten days 3,000 hands will be idle. A mob of masked men took from the jail at Cleveland, Miss., Fayette Sawyer and Buck Harris, negroes charged with the murder of another negro, and hanged them from the railroad bridge. The body of Dr. John Barr, of Chicago, in a coffin made by himself, was placed in a tomb built by himself, while extracts were read at the funeral from a book written by himself. He was a follower of Ingcr-soll. The U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee favorably reported a bill pro- . vJding the death penalty for persons fore or after the- fact) the President or Vice-President or Ambassadors. Persons attempting such murders may also be sentenced to death. GENERAL. The bubonic plague has broken out It is reported that the Ameer of Afghanistan has been poisoned. The despatch comes from Ashkabad, capital of the Russian Trans-Caspian ter- AN INHUMAN OFFICER. Sentenced foi md thus ) 994c; -No. 2, 62 1 72| t 03c; old ' 73c. Bar-mple, 38 o 51c; Ju- • USEFUL TEARS. Thoy are enjoying tho following story in Germany just now. The hero had just returned from the Arctic regions, and was relating his adventures. "On one occasion," he said, "I was attacked by a Polar bear. I reached for my gun, but found, to my horror, that I had no bullets left. Tears came into my eyes as I thought of the home and loved ones whom I was never to see again." "But how did you esicape?" asked his friend. "My tears froze on my cheeks. They became as hard as steel. I slipped them Into tho rifle and shot the bear through tha ly, 52ic bid™ ° Minneapolis, Minn., April 5.--Wheat -May, 97fc; July, 97fc; Sept., 8S{c; on track, No. 1 hard, 99£c; No. 1 Northern, 98fc; No. 2 Northern, 95Jc. Flour--First patents, $5.15 to $5.25; second do., $3 to $5.10; first cleans, $3.80 to $8.78; second do., $2.65 to $2.75; bran, in bulk, $14.50. Lady of uncertain age, recently married, in answer to congratulations of visiting lady friend: "Thank you, dear. But I still find It very hard to remember my new name." Friend--"Ah, dear, but, of course, you had the old one so long." GREETED AT COPENHAGEN. Welcoi A despatch from Copenhagen says: --King Edward and Queon Alexandra arrived here on Wednesday to attend a family gathering on tho occasion of King Christian's birthday, April 8. They were received at the station by all the members of the royal family and many officials and diplomats. The royal party then drove to the palace, being greeted by great crowds of people lining the least 15,000 i PIGEON FARM, s are farmed by an inh Los Angeles, Cal., who r, i demand of dealers the little, feat urcs every yeai l is described as t world, covers ai THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. This year's issue of tha British Medical Directory contains a total number of names that is really sur> prising. There are considerably more than 6,000 practitioners in London alone, whilst tho total for Great Britain'and Ireland comes to 37,730. The doctors increase at th« rate of about 400. a year; but tea years ago. when the' necessary curriculum was four years instead of five, the average increase was twice this number. But «ven this change hac not materially reduced the overcrowding.