Cramahe Archives Digital Collection

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 26 May 1904, p. 4

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w lit (ti.Uxp'm. COLBORNE. MAY 26tli, 1904. No Change Has Taken Place For Past Ten Days. aps Headquarters e Location Is Kept Fought Vigorously. Tokio, May 23.--It is stated oa good authority that the Japanese have captured Kaiping, and are driving the Russians back in the direction of Yinhow. Kaiping is on the railroad about fifty miles south of Newchwang. PUQUE KILLING RUSSIANS. tiiUt Mi; hop Paris, May 23.--A despatch from Moscow to The Matin says that one of the first horrors resulting from the war in the Orient is a new disease, known as the "green plague," which is spreading among Russian , soldiers who are quartered in Chi-| ttese houses. Undoubtedly the bac-| teria of this disease are always pre-; sent in these houses, but the yellow, Asians are easy victims. The first !l'iils Symptom of the plague is an affec- mJ v ■on of the eyes. Then tho sufferer neck Iks frightful sweats and his body be- pain comes covered with green spots. The year army surgeons ore totally at sea con- Willi 1 the sol- I PAINFUL RHEUMATISM. BLE IS CAUSI ' THROUGH 'I lib jed by the blood. That is a medical every sufferer from this trouble should hear in mind. Liniments and outward applications cannot cure what is rooted in the blood--the dis ease must be cured through the blood. That is the reason rheumatism yields almost like magic to Dr. Williams Pink Pills This new blood conquei the painful poison, sweeps out til aching acid, soothes the nerves, looi ens the muscles and banishes rhet matisni. Mr. Robert Morrison, on of the best known and most esteemed residents of Guelpb, Out,, gives strik- nents made 1 sufferet the •uth of the r fifte< He says:-- ■ gradually anf ular rheumatis hardly tell yoi confln .nth*. had and i think i uost of them it i would get eat many remedi lg benefit. Then PinK Pills and 1 ul to say that through the mi .fiit able of these erning this die; s are dying like-That tho Japanese i face of their success do r of t This w Day. : gather- ing of tho lab Ontario, to discuss the labor movement. Some of the matters coming before the meeting will be the advisability of sending labor representatives to Great Britain to stop the importation of laborers and mechanics into Canada; also that of enlarging the scope of the association so as to embrace the whole province. About fifty delegates will attend Chicago Canadians to Celebrate. Chicago, May 23.--Everything i readiness for the Canadian Veter banquet to be held at the Victoria Hotel, corner Michigan avenue Van Buren street, May 24 (Queen's Birthday evening). The president, Dr. J. A. McGill, and his secretary, Joshua Hill, reported to the meeting of Veterans Saturday night that tho program had been completed and that well-known vocalists will sing popular airs, including "The Soldiers of the Queen," "Tommy Atkins," "The * "Rule Britannie be.delivered by. saf Forever Bogatyr's Fate Uncertain. St. Petersburg, May 23.--Private advices from Vladivostock confirm the report that the cruiser Bogatyr ran on the rocks. Officials claim that they have no intimation regarding the. incident, and it is not known whether or not the ship has yet been hauled off. Shell Killed 25 Japs. Tokio, May 23.--During the reconnaissance of Port Arthur, made by Admiral Togo on Friday of last week, a shell hit the torpedo boat destroyer Akatsuki, killing one officer and .34,.men. Baby Had Eczema And Suffered what no Pen Can Ever Describe Three Doctors Baffled. MRS. Wm. Miller, St. Catharines, Ont., writes :--" My daughter Mary, when six months old, contracted eczema and for three years the disease baffled all treatment. Her case was one of the worst that had ever come under my notice, and she apparently suffered what no pen could ever describe. I had three different doctors attend to her all to no pur- I decided to try Dr. Chase's Ointment and to my surprise she imme-diately began to improve and was completely cur-ed of that long standing disease. That was four years ago when we lived it Cornwall, Ont., and is not a symptom has ihown itself since, the :ure must be permanent. Mr. S. Richardson, „-.. Publb School Teacher and Sunday School Superintendent, writes :--" I am acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and believe that they would not -nake a statement believing it to be in any way misleading or untrue." Dr. Chase's Ointment 60 cents a box. Portrait id signature of Dr. A. W. Chase on every MARY MILLER Q u N O (Initio) Cold and Grip Tablets If the cold is in the has settled on the guaranteed to cold in the throat or ungs use 25c A BOTTLE. Dr.Kays Kofflene. Sold by W. A. DOUGLAS, Druggist. CAN'T GET AWAY. We advertised late iir watches and othe Instead of the abo< mtly, we will stay a things out of the shop. b, more watches and clocks nl look after your interest. u perfect satisfaction i; customers to get all ne in for repair, conse-r skill and power to s bound J DOMINION PARLIAMENT, and Manchuria, lemberod, the Man self-reliant of all i gold 1 the Csar'a the Russiai law, equal in value half the currency--which is 600,000,000 rubles --and that, above this amount, the gold reserve must equal the currency, aollar for dollar, estimate that Russia has enough cash to last six Bionths. And this, calculating the expenses of the war at 400,000,000 rubles monthly. "Russian Soldiers Loyal. St. Petersburg, May 23.--Gen. Kuropatkin on Saturday sent the following telegram to Emperor "To-day, in the presence of all the troops here, forming the chief force of one ol our divisions, a thanksgiving service in honor of St. Nicholas, the miracle-worker, celebrated. "After a te dcum, I thanked the troops in behalf of Your Majesty for their valiant, self-denying services and personally communicated t them the tenor of Your Majesty' despatch of May 20. The troops rc plied with a hearty cheer to the wishes I expressed for Your Majesty's health and long life. ! "The newly-created knights of the military orders and all of the (wounded officers and men of the regiments present were then called out, and tho troops, headed by myself, marched past these brave men." Russians Probably Stayed in Port. London, May 22.--A despatch from St. Petersburg to Reuters Telegram Co. says that the report of a sortie by the P01 provinces 1 despatch, i receipt of Lieut.-Gen. Stoessel's re-jport of the fight at Kinchau. This, together with the fact that Gen. iStoessal commands at Port Arthur, j gives rise to the rumor that the garrison had made a sortie. Ski-ydloft* Arrives. Vladivostock, May 23.--Vice-admiral Skrydloff arrived here at 4.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Positively No Change in SIteation. London, May 23.--The Daily Telegraph this morning prints the following despatch, dated May 19, from its correspondent at the Japanese headquarters, which the despatch does not locate. There has been no change in the position here for the past ten days. Our advanced division is in touch with the enemy near Maotien Pass, where the Lioyang road traverses the defile. The Russian line extends from Haicheng to the west a first time. Mr. Borden was informed that it. was the intention of the Government to refer the Halifax Fisheries award of 1877 to the Supreme Court at the request of the ested. The House and considered the Grand Trunk Pacific bill. Several sections were passed. Ottawa, May 17-- The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Bill occupied the attention of the House in Committee all day. The Opposition did most of the talking and moved several amendments, which were voted down or held over for further consideration. The House rose at 10.43 WHY SNIFFLE AND SNEEZE? Don't suffer any more with a cold in the head, just carry a Catarrliozon lDhaler in your vest pocket, use i now and again and you wont hav colds. Catarrhozone knocks out cold in ten minutes, kills a headachi in five minutes, and hard racking coughs in half an hour. Inhale the pleasant catarrhozone vapor five minutes four times daily and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deafness, Asthma and Catarrh in any part of the system. Catarrhozone is the most direct, modern aud scientific method and is guaranteed to give .satisfaction. Complete two months' treatment costs $1 00, trial size 25c. Druggists or N. ilson & Co., Kingston, Ont. WON THE KINO'S PRIZE. Dym.nt's Sapper Landed the Coveted Guineas in Record T me. Toronto, May 23.--Re cords were broken all along the line at the On- tario Jockey Club's open ng on Sat- ui-day. The attc ndance >vas beyond all previous days , the w ideal, the track the time made in Canada's King's Plate, 2. ond faster than the best on record made by Ferdinand. Sapper took tho lead Hendrie's Nimble Dick ond with Mackenzie's Kirkfield colt War W It appears, says the j BRITISH IN TIGHT PLACE. Danger in British Advance and Retreat Would Raise Yellow Peril. London, May 23.--The Thibetan affair offers fresh illustration of the feebleness of the Chinese Government and the inconvenience and risks to which England is exposed. The British expedition is surrounded with a superior mobile force, and is compelled to remain defensive until it can j be strongly reinforced. Chinese influ-: ence is paralyzed, and apparently the I British must choose between a haz-| ardous advance to Lhassa and an ig-roat to the Indian fron-The moral effect of a retreat is ,f Asiatics' is im'lame,! ""y" ' h'opi Kidney Disease and Rheumatism These terribly painful ailments are thoroughly cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. on the kidneys Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills cure both kidney disease and rheumatism. Mrs. Mollar, Newmarket, Ont., states :-- " I have used Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills for kidney trouble, and would not be without them for a great deal. They have certainly done me a world of good, and I would not of this kind." J. S. JONES, Colborne, Ont. Mfg. and Repairing Jeweller. Going out of Business. TH Mawdsley. t of busine: must dispose of tin able stock of monu etc., at a large red "j-he >rted Shire stallion, Mawds-M stand at his own stables tns $10,00 payable Feb. 1st GEO. A. GUMMER. BROWN & BATTY, BICYCLES! ? Dr. Chas y-Liver Canadii FOUND A CURE FOR INDIGESTION use Chamberlain's Stomach Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better thau any dyspepsia remedy I have tried and I have used many different ledies. I am nearly fifty-one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost anything I want now.--Geo. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by all druggists. of Maotie May 23.--(5 p.m.)--A sup-r--ntal report was received here yesterday, covering the opposition encountered by the Japanese force, which landed at Takushan on May ' 20. The Russians consisted of a : squadron of the independent Trans- Cossacks. Themd opposed with j REXALL * DYES 1 ments were declared lost on these divisions. In view of the fact that there are only a few more points of j the bill to be discussed, which will I all be disposed of on Thursday, Mr. Borden asked Sir Wilfrid for an announcement regarding the budget and was told it would probably be brought down in the week beginning May 30. The House then adjourned till Wednesday next. Will Become Premier. Montreal, Que., May 23.--It is quite understood that Hon. Ho_____ Archambault, attorney-general of the province, will succeed Premier Parent at the close of the session, as the present leader of the Government will accept the chairmanship of the G.T.R. Railwaj' Commission. WEARY BRAIN WORKERS. All fagged out, ideas flow slowly as molasses, snap and energy gone! The buoyancy that nudv. work pi sui , that gone also. A doctor would say you are run down, enervated, neither eating or digesting enough. It's Fer-rozone you need to brace up that fitful appetite and improve assimilation and digestion so that lots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. No tonic rebuilder like Ferr Price 50c. per box, $2.50; at Druggists, ( Kingston, Ont. " My husband »tism and is 11 lis. _ They are Dr. Chase's of old age, one dealers. Port," London, May xs-- iv. A. r.)-3u Richard Jebb, M.P. for Cambridge University (Conservative), speaking at a conference of the Head Master*? j League of the Empire, at Canada 1 House, Lord Strathcona presiding, ' moved a resolution in favor of co- 1 operation in education and the inter- I change of ideas between institutions ! at home and beyond the seas. As \ ties of Empire soma 150 schools were already linked for the purpose : by the League of Empire, and would j bo trained in sentiments and convic- . tions in sympathy, kinship and common loyalty t» the great Empire of which their several homes formed BUGGIE5* If you are interested in bicy< at the Wicklow Bicvcle Worki you will see a complete stock of all the latest models in b will be sold at very rea Remember these are bicycles, made by hon with the best material. A full stock of sundries and repair* on hand First-class repairing of all bicycles, pneumatic wagons, rubber goods, etc. at lowest rates. A few good second-hand bicycles for sale cheap J. G. Wicklow, WAIT, House for Saie. z house of the late. Mrs- tortb side of King Street. >ffered for sale. Apply 1 For Sale. Desirable property of the undersigned, bordering on the Village of Colborne, on Petcy Street, north of the town, containng two acres of land, on which there are a good brick dwellidg liouee, brick barn, good orchard, hard and soft water. Also twenty acres of laml adjoinining--in the village of Colborne--on which there are eight acres of standing timber, hardwood aud pine, the batance denied. For full particulars apyly to a. f. Mcdonald, 45. tf Colborne. Farm For Sale. COMPRISING 100 acres of good clay loam being Lot 25 in the 5th Concession of the township of Cramahe. There; 1- on the premises a good frame house, two barns, one with a stone stable underneath, drive house and machine bed, et .iin.i be thre, 1 of Fo The farm is supplied s and never failing iulars apply TH' 3. BLAND, Colborne P. O. GEO. SANDFRSON, Colborne, Oni Buils For Sale. VO yearling thoroughbred Avr- . shire bulls and one Short Horn, i several joungpigs, thoroughbred Yorkshires. J. H. DOUGLAS, Warkworth. BUGGIES. BUGGIES. Poise 1 for Largest Assortment. Best Terms. Reasonable Prices. Chamber Cclic, Cho] Diarriioia R Never fails and is pleat 3(!y All kinds of repainng will receive prompt and careful attention. J. H. CHAPMAN'S 4%i2£ Colborne, Ont.

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