THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 51. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. A BANNER. Psalm 60 : 4. We praise Thy name, most gracious For all the teachings of Th \ word Which shape our heart's decisions: That grace we seek in earnest prayer That we Thy message may declare While in Thy sacred name we bear The banner of Home Missions. While heartfelt praise to thee we give For all in this great land who live, Amid such bright conditions, With love sincere and highest aim, We would to all Thy truth proclaim, And forward bear in Thy Great name The banner of Home Missions. Help us in holy love and ■ e To sec what all the prop: - saw In their sublimes! visions: May all who name Thy name possess That zeal which seeks, to help and r And own with manifest The. banner of Home Da'csville, Que. 1904. CODRINGTON. Apply to any Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway for tickets and descriptive pamphlet entitled "A Fifty Million Dollar Problem." Exposition now in hill swing, reduced rates allow stop ever at Chicago, Detroit and intermediate Canadian Stations. We a ; Mr to report Dusenbury is no better. Mrs- <\ Goodfellow has retnrne from visiting her parents in Torontc Mr- '■ Clarke of Deserouto was guest t the borne of Mrs. S. McCol: Mr. Roy Russell has returned horn after spending a couple of months a his grandfather's here Mr. E. Robinson and Misses VVuini Ames and Mary Stuart were recent! guests at the borne of Mr. Claruic Masse v. FRETTING CHILDREN stomach or bowels. Fermen and decomposition of the food t • colic, bloating and diarrhoe; latter is especially dangerous an ten fatal during the hot wi REFORM ASSOCIATION. The Annual Meeting of the Reform Association, of East Northumberland, was held iu Warkworth on Friday last-There was a large attendance, nearly every polling sub division in the riding being well represented. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr A. A. Mulliolland, and after the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by the Secre tary, Mr. F. O. McGleunon, the following officers were elected:-- President- Mr A. A. Mulliolland. Sec-Treas.--Mr. F. 0. McGleunon. Vice Presidents-- Campbellford, D. J. Lynch. Township of Seymour, :•. C. West. Township of Percy, A. Y\ eatherston. Township of Cramahe, C. E. Pobt. ('. ('....rne, R, J.Rutherford liu»i.ton, H. T. Lawson. Township of Brighton, W. H. Russell. Township of Murray, D. L. Jones. Hastings. John Welsh. Resolutions of confidence in the governments of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. G. W. Ross were carried amid rousing cheers. The President then announced that the election of a candidate to contest the lidiug in both the Dominion and Provincial House would be the uext Several names were proposed for the Dominion House but after the first ballot Mr. John H. Douglas, of Percy, was made the unanimous choice "of the ni.,-u.,r and Mr. Geo. Crydcrman, of Cramahe, for the Pro viucial Legislature. Stirring addresses were delivered by Messrs. J. McClenuau, of Peter-boro, E. C. S. Huycke, of Cobourg SCHOOL BOARD. A regular meeting of the Colborne Board of Education was held iu the council room on June 20tli, 1904 Members present. A. E. Mallory, chairman; W. L. Payne, F. O. McGleunon, E. J. Cox, R. SneUinger, N. T. Lowe, A. E. Donaghv, F. L. Webb, | W. H. Smith, H. Gale, and II. L Clu..p- ! in. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed The reports of the High and Public j School Inspectors were read and on ! motion were ordered to be placed on j ;' Moved by H. Gale, Seconded by E, I J. Cox, That the. following accounts be received and orders be drawn on i the Treasurer in favo respec- a pa: J. Redfearn & Co. coal......$ 21 96 j Thos. Brown, towels........ 1 50 j W. C. Griffls, supplies P. S... 2 90 W. A. Douglas, supplies H S 12 95 , $ 39 31 ! --Carried. Moved bv W. L. Payne, Seconded i by H. Gale.'That the application for j High School supplies as per list just read, be referred to the committee on repairs and supplies with power to Mr.ved by F. L. Webb, Seconded hy ! F. 0. McGleunon, That R. D. Keefe j be appointed Associate Examiner for the Entrance Examinations for this j Moved by W L. Payne, Seconded ! by H. Gale, That the Chairman and i WHO CANNOT BE CURED. lecked up by over a third of a century, re.uarkable and uniform ernes, a ■ord such as no other remedy for the j-ses and weaknesses peculiar to tnen ever attained, the proprietors of . Pierce's Favorite Prescription now 1 fully warranted in offering to pay >o in legal money of the United ftes, for any case of Leucorrhea, Fe-,!e Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling Womb which they cannot cure. All _•>• ask is a fair and reasonable trial of ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierce's vori Prescription. I soon realized tl had found the right remedy. It helped m e digestive organs, ;ion, helpinj n plea of 1 tig prt ->.....8hig to by the proper part The resignation of Miss Patterson ; as teacher of the junior department of . the Public School was read. Moved by W. L. Payne, Seconded : by H. Gale, That the resignation of . Miss Patterson be accepted--Carried. Moved bv F. L. Webb, Seconded 1 bv 11. L. Chapin, Thar the application : of Miss Ethel Smith to lilt the :Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 50 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year - - THE - - DILUON Hinge-Stay Farm Fence. It is the BEST because-- It is flexible. It is a square mesh.* It is a perfect HINGE-STAY fence, therefore It is impossible to bend the stays. It is made with stays 6, 9 and 12 inches apart. It is no more expensive than an inferior fence. It is impossible to slip the stays. SEE THE KINKS. It is absolutely right and perfect m every detail. It is manufactured of highest grade galvanized steel wire. It is woven with a series of kinks in the strand wires to provide for expansion and contraction by heat and It is the best, all-round fence ever made in this or any other country. It is as low in price as can be, quality considered. It is used by the best farmers. The DILLION HINGE STAY i- .or, , is a radical departure from all otaei tenet under pressure without bending stays, back to place when pressure is removed. e, but Tinsmlthing and Plumbing. OUTRAN! & CO. Gordon Block, Opp. Victoria Park. CASTLETOlv Elder Prosser is away to conference. Mrs. Alex Inglis lias been visiting -iendsin Brighton. Mrs Wm. Nicols is away to Picton Miss cleanse a id cool the Stomach, and promote sound natural sleep. The tablets ct n be given with safety to a babe. Mrs. J. Mick. Echo Bay, Ont , says: "1 think Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine in the -■ -hould be without 'the n." il druggists oi sent by mail -k a box by writing The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, WICKLOW. Mr. Ja 8. Foster is improving his driving l arn by shingling The nc any friends of Mrs. Win. Bennett *re sorry to learn that she, is in poor health. Miss Grace Pottle of Moosejaw ii visiting her grandparents Mr. ant Mrs. E. D. Card. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Card of tb< North West are visiting at the lit s M t. end Mrs. Chester Mrs C. h Yinter -and Mrs. John Kelley. of Vernonville, have gone on a visit to relatives in Rochester and Knowlesville N. Y. A football game will be played in Wicklow on Thursday evening between WicKlow and Eddy stone. iVicklow plays Baltimore at the Gully hn Friday. Ayers Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't Do you like thick, hoavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor not be pleased? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story.. Sold for 60 years. "1 ha. 6 csed Ayer's Hair Vleor for a long time. It is. ijideed^a wonderful hair^tonic, the samt pj|,^«ig*j2gJd^l^S*^'i'T# . for- Weak Hair Our Sucday School held on June 22nd. Miss Cora Duncan, of Roslin, is vis iting her friend, Mrs. John Wright. Miss Lulu Sadler has gone to Cobourg to learn the dressmaking systeai The Centreton Football club is. to play at Warkworth on Dominion day. The masons are at the brick work of the new church. Messrs. M. Jex & Co., of Cobour Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slade, of Bolton, Ont., after spending a few days with friends here, have returned to their home. A pretty wedding took place at the home of the brides father, Mr. Jas. Birney, when his daughter, Miss Lillie Barney, was united in marriage to Mr. Bert Tuck. The bride received a large number of useful and valuable presents. We wish the newly married couple a long and happy life. SUED BY HIS DOCTOR. "A doctor here lias sued me for $12.50, which I claimed was excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says R. White, of Cochella, Cal. "At the trial he praised his medical skill and medicine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by all druggists. GRAFTON. Mr. Alex Lord was in Toronto last week. Miss £ mily Rogers, Chicago, is iting her parents here. Mrs. Fligg, Ottawa, is visiting her father, Mr, Thos. Roberts. Mrs. (Rev.) Brooks returned last week from a pleasant visit with friends i in Boston. I The Ladies of the Presbyterian | Church purpose holding a lawn social ' on the manse grounds on the evening ' of July 8th. I Rev. Mr. Gordon left last week for Sandusky, Ohio, wheie he will attend a Y. M. C. A. conven ton- Rev. Mr. ; McKay of Stratford will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church ' during his two weeks, absence. A meeting of the West Northumberland Women's Institute was held in the Methodist Sabbath school room on Tuesday afternoon of last week. A number of very interesting and in structive addresses were delivered, and at the close of the meeting re-freshments were served. reJativa .y'oorc wllo 3 been very the Ripe Strawberries. Choice Pineapples, Oranges, Lemons, Banannas, etc., etc----. ( Choice groceries including, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, etc., etc. Canned goods including Meats, Fish, Vegetables and Pickles also Ham Veal, etc., etc. 4 Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs and Farm Produce. Your order will receive prompt P-A * attention. r i ded by H. L. Chapin, That this Board, j ' i consideration of past valuable serj j ices reudered, aud of a general in- j •ease in living expenses and of ages in all occupations, engage Mr. | W. W Southon for one year from the j xpiration of his present term at a ; alary of $600 00 per annum as prin- \ lpal of our Public School fore Moved by W. L. Payne, Seconded j by W. H. Smith. In amendment that we engage Mr. Southou at a salary of | $550.00 from Sep. 1st, 1904 on same terms as former years.--Carried. Moved by F. L. Webb, Seconded by R. Snetsinger, That we engage Mr. R. D. Keefe at a salary of $700.00 per annum on same terms as before. Moved by W. H. Smith, Seconded by W. L. Payne, In amendment that Mr. Keefe be re-engaged on the same conditions as iast year at a salary of $675.00.--Carried. Moved by W. L. Payne, Seconded by H. Gale, That we increase Mr. Bellamy's salary to $1000.00 to date from Sep. 1st. 1904--Carried. Moved by F. L. Webb, Seconded by R. Snetsinger, That in view of the request made by Mr. Bellamy and Mr. Southon, this Board desires to inti mate that it will supplement the efforts of the teachers and scholars by a suitable grant towards providing decorations for buildings and grounds. --Carried. Moved by F. L. Webb, Seconded by R. Snetsinger, That be following be the estimates fo the Colborne Union Board of Education for the year 1904. H. Si Teacber'a salaries----$ 1675 00 P. S. Teacher's salaries____ 1350 00 Secretary Treasurer's salary 40 00 Caretakers salary......... 150 00 Fuel..................... 200 00 Repairs.................. 200 00 Examinations and printing 130 00 $ 3745 00 H. S. Grants......$ 900 00 P, S, Grants...... 130 00 Maintenance...... 75 00 $1105 00 Am't to be collected from Col. and Cram.2640 00 $ 3745 00 And that the Secretary be instruct ed to notify the Councils of the Vill age of Colborne and the Township of Cramahe to levy and collect their respective amounts with their rates for the year 1904--Carried. The Chairman then declared the meeting closed. A. A. GOULD, Sec, Next Sunday the 26th will be re-view Sunday^iMr Peterson of Colborne is expected to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mullett have returned from Prince Edward Co. after a pleasant visit among friends there. Mrs. Coleman, daughter of Mr. a. 0 German returned on Wednesday to Rochester to join her husband there. / Mrs. Win. Coleman has been away nto for the last few weeks attending her daughter-in-law, who as very ill The Messers Pomeroy have put a iw wire fence around their premises which adds much to the beauty of their place. Mr. Harry Richards has been making a great change in the appearance of his residence by painting and beautifying his premises. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bunner and Mr. and Mrs. Mullett attended the Union Sunday school picnic on Tues day of last week at Peterborough Wedding bells rang out loudly on Wednesday of last week when Mr. Wesley Newman ot this, place was united in marrage to Miss Annie Michel). Mrs. Dora Nicol is visiting her father, Mr. John Ghent, and other relatives prior to her departure for Chicago wher she will join her husband. They expect to make their home in that city for the future. Dr. Crichton the specialist still treats with success all cases of gripp and typhoid fever. His grip medicine has a wonderful sale in this and in many other lands, and the Dr. is reaping a rich harvest from its sale Every mail brings him new testimonials of the cures wrought by the medi-We hope the Dr. may get a barrel of money for be is the poor an's friend. The angle of death came suddenly to call away Mr. Joseph Jones on June 15th. His christian example and iufluence was a great blessing to the church as he was an ardent follower of the Master. All through his life he was a zealous Methodist and he will be mnch missed in the pulpit as he has been a local preacher for many years, and always ready to respond when duty called. The whole community mourn the loss of a good man. of usXeveTy^day. Once you become aquainted with the merits of Dr. Chase's Ointment and the ccores of ways in which it is useful in every home, you would not think of being without it, Eczema, salt rheum, scald head, tetter, chaffing, chilblains, burns, scalds and every form of skin irritation soon yield to its extraordinary soothing, healing influence. A. ML- COWLING, Colborne, Ontario. CHINA HALL CROCKERY SALE For The Next 30 Days. Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts, Lamps, Fancy China, and Glassware. The above will be sold at about COST as we must make room for fall goods. Cobourg Bread and Cakes Fresh Every Day. MRS. A. S. HINDS, %£SE« GOLD Saves has done more than anything else to emancipate women from th«, back-breaking burdens of the household. It cleans everything about the house--pots, pans, dishes, clothes and woodwork, time, money and worry. -Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. New York. Boston. Montreal. _