Supplement to The Colborne Express, Thursday, March 28th, 1957 CASTLETJN March 26th, 1957 Ducie spent Friday with SHILOH There will (be no service at Shiloh United Church next Sunday as it is a spare. 'Mr. Don Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman and Gail were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. Vanwicklen, Brighton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. '^oTdJ Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Art Home, Toronto, D. J. Arkles. Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Davidson, Toronto, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrington. Mr. Bert Bowen, Peterborough, was home for the weekend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Oran Day on the birth of their first grandchild, daughter horn to Mr. and Mrs. F. Fitzpatrick (nee Lona Day) Port Hope, on Tuesday, 'March 19th, Also to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Day, their first great grandchild. The Public Library is having a Baking Sale on Saturday, April 6th at 3 p.m. The members' co-operation will be appreciated. The Easter Thank-offering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society I meets Thursday, April 4th at 2.30 . p.m. at the home of Mrs, G. Ellis.! Convener, Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Jr.; Roll Call, An Easter Prayer. All ladies are invited to attend. | Mrs. C. Harrington was taken to Belleville General Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jones and Sharon attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellis at Bowmanville on Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Warner spent the weekend with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat, Woodstock. Mrs. Gordon Carr was hostess on Thursday, March 21st to the Women's Association. Mrs. W. G. Covert presided. Mrs. Theo Jones read the Scripture lesson following a hymn and prayer Iby the President. In the absence of the Secretary, MORGANSTON Mrs. C. Harrington, Mrs. G. Pappin- Mr. Wilbert Bradley, Clayton and eau read the minutes. Several items Mable attended the golden wedding of business were discussed, viz: Shall | anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs, Don Richardson and children were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter eFrguson on Friday evening. Mr. George Mutton and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie and baby were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mutton, Colborne. Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John iPurdy, Milton, for several days over the weekend and called on Mr. and Mrs. Don Chapman and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy and family were Sundav guests of Mr. , and Mrs. Jack Purdv. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dale and girls were supper guests. Mrs. Robt. Darke. Brighton and Mr. Harry Darke. London, were home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dunk, Dundonald. Mits Armie Wilce. and Messrs. Bill Hartford. Morlev and Bert Wilce. Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mr. air1 Mrs. Frank Wilce. Farm Forum held a Euohre pjrtv ir Shiloh School on Monday evening. Boyce, Colborne, on March 13. Mrs. Chas. Ross, Codrington, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ross, Jennie and Judy, Toronto, spent Friday with Mr. Alex and Misses Sara and Grace Mc d join the W. A. Presbytery? Recipe books were addressed and drapes for the remainder of the windows at the S.S. rooms. Mrs. Arkles extended an invitation for April with Mrs. Theo Jones as Convener and an Easter I comb. Thought as Roll Call. Mrs. Owen Clarke, Warkworth, i Mrs. R. Haynes was programme j spending a week with her parents convener. Readings were given by j Mr and Mrs. Wallace Turney. Mesdames G. Welton, C. McKague and Mr ancj Mrs. j Davidson were Mrs. Theo Jones, interspersed with guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs hymn singing and a piano solo by j Ross wetherup, Oshawa. Mrs. H. I. Allen. | Mr an(j Mrs. Don Massey were ir All si?npd a card for a sick mem-■ Toronto ,Friday and Saturdav attend-ber. A delicious lunch was served by jng the annual meeting of Co-opera-Mrs. G. Harnden and Mrs. G. Carr. tors insurance Association and were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Glover. Dunbarton. Mr. and Mrs. J<;ck McEarthern. To all Ontario Newspapers: Stirling were ?uest= on Thursday o' We would like to convey the official m*v and Mrs. Wm. Turney. thanks of the Foundation for your Mr and Mrs. Llov^ Massey ocntinued support of the March of daughters. Peterborough, were Sun-Dimes camoaign in your community. day euests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Darlinf. Mrs. C. McMann. Mrs. B. Fitchett d Mrs. H. Fitchett were Wedne=dav of Mr". v HnvcVp Warkworth he entertained the W.I. MARCH OF DIMFS I know you will be interested knowing that the 1957 Campaign has been the most successful in our his-tory. We expect the total to exceed V.RI S4 50.000 when results are all in. -- You will also be interested in konw- om ing that our estimate of the number p(Hl of oersons taking part in the campaign is approximately 100,000. Since the Mothers' March is al over on one night, its' a case of "many hands making light work"--but a rather dramatic story, when you consider that in one evening, the great bulk of out operating funds for the year ar raised. Our thanVs are sinrpre'v rrean! without your active help, we coul rot operate. Yours sincerely, W. Denis Whitaker. President, Ontario Chapte NOTICE! NORTHUMBERLAND LIBERAL Nominating Convention WARKWORTH TOWN HALL Wednesday, April 3rd, 1957 at 8.00 p.m. Guest Speakers: THE RIGHT HONOURABLE C. D. HOWE THE HONOURABLE WILLIAM A. FRASER DR. F. G. ROBERTSON, M.P. Everyone Cordially Invited! Special Invitation to Ladies! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! There's always good listening on CBC Radio CBC RADIO _ fallow every Monday Night starting next week • Realistic dramas in a rural setting • Documentaries outlining the problems and accomplishments of Canada's primary industries. Next Monday: "The Golden Fleece" by James Bannerman, an exciting story of life in a lumber camp. 'OQC TRANS-CANADA NETWORK