olborn THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1957 $2.00 a year in advance--$3.00 to U.S.A. CELEBRATE FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ] L. Chapman, Edville, \ a largely attended "At Home" on Saturday afternoon and evening, June 29th, 1957. This happy affair was in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Walter Chapman and Miss j Edith Chatten were married June 29th, 1907, at the parsonage by the | Rev. W. A. Bunner. Mr. Chapman i the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Chapman. Mrs. Chapman is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. | Richard Chatten. Their attendants j were the bride's sister, now Mrs. Roy i Benedict of Union Neighbourhood as | bridesmaid, the groom's man, Archie Chapman, the groom's brother I Dundonald. Their ■fifty years of mar- | ried life have all been lived i Edville community. They have one daughter Marjorie | (Mrs. Elwood Rouse), Union Neighbourhood, two sons, Donald of Burn- j hamtihorpe; Dean, of Edville. There | are six grandchildren. The rooms were attractively decor- I ated with baskets of seasonal flowers ] and potted plants. Among the many j SSSS^iS^SS^S^rSS Slfl* ANTIQUE CAR TOUR, LONDON TO BRIGHTON their grandchildren. During the after- June 26 -- Mr. Charles Wood, pro- Hearing completion- of a 240-mile, noon and evening a very large num- prietor of the Queen's Hotel, Col- three day event patterned after the be of relatives, friends and neigh- borne, posed with Harry Edney, driv- similar tour carried out annually in bours called to offer their congratu- er of 1918 Ford truck, and Ray Bell Britain. This was the first event of rations. These came from Toronto, I and his father, Mr. Free Bell, co-driv- its kind in Canada. It was conducted Bowmanville, Oshawa, Port Hope, j era of a 1920 Ford, as the London to by the Antique Car Club, Ontario Campbellford, Brighton, Niagara Falls j Brighton antique car tour passed Division, with the cooperation of N.Y., Belleville, Cobourg, Grafton, through Colborne. British American Oil. Castleton, Colborne, and surrounding The tour of vintage vehicles was Forty-four antique cars were communities. B. A. Oil Co. Photo tered. Upon reaching Brighton, the eastern terminus of the tour, they went on to Trenton where the cars were bedded down for the night the RCAF station for safe-keping. The gasoline for this tour was si. plied by the British American Oil Company. MORGANSTON UNITED CHURCH W. A. OBSERVES (From a prettily arranged and appointed tea table, centred with a three-tier Golden Wedding Anniversary Wedding cake, gold coloured candles, cut flowers and gold tinted GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY streamers, dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Keith Stimers catered. The Golden Anniversary of the Mrs. Elwood Rouse received the Morganston W.A. was held Thursday guests. In the afternoon Mrs. Arnold , afternoon, June 20th in the United Joice, Campbellford, and Mrs. Ernest Church which was beautifully decor-Turney, Bowmanville, presided at the i ated for the occasion with roses, peo-tea table. They are sisters of Mr. i nies and orange blossoms. Chapman. Two sisters-in-law, Mrs. j Invitations were sent to all ex-Roy Chapman and Mrs. Frank Chap- j members and neighbouring associa-man, both of Dundonald, presided j tions: Warkworth, Norham, Castle-during the evening. Miss Janet Rouse | ton, Centretonv Mt. Pleasant and and Miss Linda Chapman, grandaugh- i Codrington. Almost one hundred and lers, served. They vrere assisted, by '■ fifty responded. Mrs. Donald Chapman and Mrs. Dean ] guests were received by Mrs Chapman, daughters-in-law. |a George and Mrs. E. Redden. Mrs! In recognition of this important E Harren and Mrs. Jack Carr were milestone in their lives, Mr. and ughers for the oceaslon and Mrs. w. Mrs. Chapman received many con-;Turney hiad oharge of tne registra. gratulatory messages and good wish- ; tion book es for continued future happiness to- j Presid.ent, Mrs. H. George, pre- gther, by cards, letters, telegrams. e meeting with r™TfP, rmp p"the theme song and creed. Goodfellow, M.P .P., Minister of Agri- T _ „ • „,,.,,,_„ culture. They were also recipients of' Rev' °T1&f Z , ,g many lovely gifts. Among these, the ^S^f Td^^UP6 leSS°n members of their immediate family p presented them with gold wrist watch- ■ »• • J^t s 2-7 and 10-i table. Accompanying one gift was , P™nOUn£,e ' . ... ^ iNext order of business was elec- this poem written by Rev. T. Watson : i Mrs. R. Robson gave the address ■tion of officers with ,Mr H Wale aCl. j of welcome. Four of the members, : ing as chairman Your Golden Wedding j three of whom are over ninety years j Mrs N Fjtchett to remain as p^. While the sun s soft rays are falling young, were asked to stand. They ! ident for the coming with Mrs - were Mrs. John Morgan, the only : Don Ducie as lgt vic€.president. Mrs. charter member, Mrs. Fred Hardy, ] ollfford Rusk resigned as secretary, who has been a member for 47 con- : Moved by Mrs. D. Dingwall and sec-secuttve years, Mrs. Geo. Marsh and I onded ^ Mrs j B McKague that Mrs. W. D. Campbell, both members j Mrs iHenry Kemp act as secretary for for many years, j the coming year. Motion carried. Mrs. Harold Carr presented each ; Moved lby Mrs j B McKague and with a lovely corsage for their faith- ; lSeconded by Mrs. Grills that Mrs. D. tful and Willing service in the society. i Dingwall and Mrs. H. Ducie remain Mrs. Fred Hardy delighted all with in office.--'Carried. Mrs. S. Peebles violin selection, accompanied hy: volunteered to remain as Link and CRAMAHE BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE The annual business meeting of the Cramahe Baptist Mission Circle was held at the church on June 27th at' 8 p.m. President Mrs. Fitchett opened the meeting with a few words on "God's Care for Everyone". First and last verses of hymn 490 were sung, following which Mrs. J. B. McKague led in prayer. Mrs. Israel Smith read scripture verses 1-9 of Psalm 34. Minutes were read and approved and the roll called by Secretary Mrs. Clifford Rusk. Mrs. Don Ducie invited the Circle to meet at her home for July meeting, this being the annual girls' meeting. The reports were then given by the secretary, Mrs. Rusk; Treasurer, Mrs. Dingwall, and lunch treasurer, Mrs. H. Ducie. Mrs. S. Peebles reported on the Dink and Visitor. Mrs. Moran Grills continued her report from May of the convention at Hamilton, which she attended. She •ed questions and gave ^lightening talk. Mrs. Fitchett l behalf of the And the shadows longer grow Thoughts and feeling are recalling Scenes of fifty years ago;. For He who now directs your way Then smiled upon your wedding day. In love's sacred bonds united, Walking in the fear of God, With His precious gifts delighted, Leaning on His mighty rod, The one who is your strength and stay MRS. W. B. MacKAY At the Brighton Rest Home, Thursday morning, June 27th, 1957, Mrs. W. B. MacKay entered into rest in her 71st year. She had been in failing health since 1949. She was born, Z alelMichell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michell, at Claremont, Ontario. She attended school in Toronto. On October 18th, 1915, she was married to Captain W. B. MacKay in Toronto. Following her marriage she had resided in Vancouver, B.C. After her husba.jd's death she returned to Toronto. About two years ago she came to live with her brother, Mr. Frank Michell, East Colborne. She was a member of the United Church. She was predeceased by her husband and one sister, and is survived by one brother, Mr. Frank Michell, Colborne. Mrs. MacKay rested at the home of her brother, where a funeral service was held Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. W. Taylor. Saturday morning, the cortege left for the Necropolis, Toronto, where a short service was held in the Chapel. Cremation followed. Relatives and friends were in attendance from Markham, Whitevale, Pickering, Toronto, Belleville, Milli-ken and Brighton. COLBORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS, 1957 Has kept you since your wedding day. Miss Myrtle Hardy at the piano. Visitor agent. Mr. Wale closed the CARDS OF THANKS MICHELL--Ruby and Frank Michell would like to thank their neighbours and friends for their kindness during the sickness and death of a , loving sister, Mrs. W. B. MacKay; Golden Weding Day. white basket by Mrs. Harold Doidge ially thanking Rev. F. W. Taylor, as Mrs. Douelas Turnev read the - „ „ By the power of God defended May you have your heart's request, Till your days on earth are ended And you gain the promised rest. '.. Gibson, Dr. Elliott, Mrs. M. I Blight and Mr. J. M. Blacklock. c Mrs. Lorne Darling gave the his- ' meetmg with prayer. Through the joys that mark your his- tory of the W.A. for the past fifty ------- tory, I years and brought to light many And the changes you have known, I things that had taken place ii And through times of doubt and -early years when it was known as the mystery ! Ladies' Aid. When you seemed to walk alone, ' j A memorial service was sheld hon-Love's sacred gleams their light dis- ouring the deceased members by a play, white floral remembrance placed in - i Mrs. Douglas Turney read the ! names. The Rev. Mr. Sisco of Wark j worth offered prayer. I Mrs. Clayton Bradley called the i----------------- ' names of the presidents from date of bers and each present responded. A To you may blessingSj,eome, we pray, organization and short speeches were vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Wm. On this your Golden Wedding Day. j given, by ex-presidents Mrs. John ; Begg. For the help you love to render Morgan, Mrs. B. Fitchett, Mrs. Grant Mrs. Carman Bray introduced^the For vour race so brlvelv run Mips, Mrs. E, Huycke, Mrs. Lorne gUest speaker, Mrs, Sisco, Warkw&th For your hearts so true an*', tender MCComb, Mrs. R. Robson and. Mrs. H. j who gave a very interesting talk on For the flood that you have done- Gewge ^ ^-presidents, Mrs. J.! iflhe W.A. and its work. Mrs. Don Your many friends most gladly say: £• Wilson »n* 1R- Moore; wh° Massey expressed thanks to .Mrs. Sis- God bless your Golden Wedding Day. h*ve Paf€d to their reward and co and to all former members and three who were unable to attend: visitors attending and all taking part The Colborne Express joins with Mrs. J. A. Anderson, Mrs. D. G. Van- jn the celebration, their host of friends to wish them Blaricom and Mrs. Harry Darling, j «,Blest ^ the tie that binds" was . congratulations on the celebration of A musical number was given by j sung and Rev Grifflth closed the j BRIDE-ELECT HONOURED On Friday evening, June 28th, a large number of the friends of Miss Jeanne Arkles gathered at the home of Mrs. Howard Grosjean to honour her with a shower of personal gifts, on her forthcoming marriage to Mr. Kenneth Fleming, Saturday, July 6th. | The rooms were appropriately dec- i orated with streamers in blue and j white. In the archway were hung j multi-coloured balloons. The guest j of honour was invited to take a spe- ; cial chair at the dining room table ! which was laden with gayly and col-ourf ully wrapped parcels. As each [ gift was unwrapped by Jeanne, it was passed around, when all were on display presented an array of beautiful" gifts for her personal use. Jeanne graciously thanked her' friends for so tangibly remembering j her with lovely and useful gifts. A | contest "Scrambled Words" caused j much merriment. Miss Doris Cook gave one of her humorous recitations. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed. ; the Among the many present bride-elect's mother and sister, Mrs. W. L. Arkles and Miss Vera Arkles, also the groom-elect's mother and two sisters, Mrs. Rex Fleming, Mrs. Donald Arkles, Mrs. Stephen Keating all of Cobourg. their Golden Wedding. | Mass M. Hardy at the organ and Miss, meeting with prayer. Evelyn Massey at the piano. _ , ' Mrs. C. McMann read the names i „ was m th« Sund« , School rooms which were decorated j with white and gold and a profusion I of flowers. of the secretaries and each standi ' as their names were called: Mrs. W. Massey, Mrs. C. Mann, Mrs. Grant | Sunday evening, June 30th the Phillips, Mrs. R. Robson, Mrs. Oscar j The four honoured members were service was conducted by the minister Dingman. Mrs. Glenn Carr, Mrs. Ger- | seated together at a small table with Rev. F. W. Taylor at Salem United ald Philp, Mrs. Ray Morden and Mrs. j a bouquet of pink roses. Church. E. Redden. I Mrs. B. Fitchett and Mrs. E. Huvcke At this -service three young people Two who were unable to attend poured tea at a large table which were received into Church member- were Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. ' held a three-tiered anniversary cake ship by profession of faith. They Ray Morden. \ trimmed with gold and was fllanked were Misses Lenna Chatterson, Kath- The Secretsrv Mrs. Farl Redden.' with candles in white and gold color, erine Chatterson and James Brown, read the names of the former mem- Mrs. John Morgan cut the oake. MISS JOAN HART ON TRIP ABROAD Miss Joan Hart and her friend, Miss Pat Drawley left Tuesday for New York on a trip to Europe. They will visit France. Switzerland, Germany. En-Bland, including a visit to the Isle of Skye and Ireland. They will leave Shannon Airport Aug. 25th. ' Joan will return home for a few days before returning to duties at the sew Regent Park School, Toronto. Room 1--Hazel Bausch, Teacher Grade I to Grade II-- Armstrong, Pamela Baitley, Victor Blakely, Suzanne Blyth, Barbara Campbell, John Darker, Mary LouSe Day, Christopher Ferguson, Arlene lies, Brenda Kemp, Gary. Lowery, Sandra Miller, Eric Myles, Susan Mulder, Benny Post, Charles Troop, Lorraine Turpin, Donald Westrope, Nancy Grade I to IA-- Ball, Billie Hoskin, Linda Room 2--Georgrina Harper, Teacher Grade II to Grade HI-- Black, Robert Blake, Francis Blyth, Brenda Chandler, Hugh . 9ickens^ Paul Griffith,' Joanne Hall, Ronald Hill, Robert Hoskin, Douglas Irish, Brenda Johnston, Patricia Martin, Linda May, Rene McDonald, Pamela McDonald, Paul McLaughlin, Lynn McMurray, Wayne Mitchell, Shirley Pattison, Robert Reed, Corinne Shier, Penny Sheldrick, Dianne Smith, Kathleen Sutter, Robert Turpin, James Wagar, Jane Grade III to Grade HIA-- Ball, Bonnie Darker, Earl Harnden, Carolyn Hartford, Larry Haynes, Joey Hendsby, Bruce Jones, Linda Lee, Rosa Lowery, Heather Post, Donald Troop, Brian Room 3--Lorena Irvine, Teacher Grade III to Grade IV-- Armstrong, Johnnie Blyth, Bobbie Campbell, Judy Chandler, David Clmetta, Maria Cimetta, Silvanna Cooke, June Cowie, Jane Davis, Marlene lies, Michael Kenny, Carol (Rec.) Learmonth, FranMe Martin, Carol Mulder, Klaasje Seeley, Sharon Sheldrick, Tommle Williams, Kathleen Grade IV to Grade V-- Chandler, John Fox, Johnnie Haynes, David Hompus, Hans Marcellus, Lloyd Marcellus, Paul Maynes, Trudy McMullen, Teddy (Bee.) Palmateer, David Pattison, Gwen Rusaw, Glenn Warner, Allen Westrope, Wayne Room 4--E.' White, Teacher Grade VI to Grade VII-- Brown, Mary Frost, Sheila Latimer, Mary MacPhee, Joan Redfearn, Paul Saylor, Shirley, Rec. Williams, David Grade V to Grade VI-- Beal, Carol Blake, Elson Blakely, Sandra Brown, Ann Chambers, Jack Davis, John Day, Jon Day, Peter Dove, Craig Ferguson, Ann Grosjean, Guy Haynes, Shirley Henderson, Diane Hill, Jack Hompus, Marion Horton, Robert Island, Billy Jones, Carol, Rec. Kenny, Kathleen McDonald, Gordon Seeley, Gerald Sheldriek. Arlene Spencer, Billy Stickle, Larry Teal, Ann Teal,* Diane COMING EVENTS Trinity Anglican Church--Holy Communion 9.30 a.m., Sunday, July 7th. The Church School will be closed during July and August, will re-open on Sunday, September 1st. Union Church Services -- During the month of July the congregations of Colborne Uhited*Chureh and Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold services in Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at 11 o'clock on Sunday mornings, conducted by Rev. L. M. Smith. The regular meeting of Colborne Branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy Smith, Church Street West, Tuesday, July 9th, at 2.30 p.m. Everyone welcome. IMS. Modern and Old Time Dancing, every Friday and Saturday nite at Kerr's Seabreeze Presqu'lle Pavilion, with Neil Taft and his Canadian Jamboree Gang. Dancing 9 to 12. Admission 75c.__jl4tb ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kirton, Lakeport, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Beverley, to Donald Thomas Troop, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Troop, Colborne. The wedding to take place July 27th at Colborne United Church, at two o'clock in the afternoon. The engagement is announced of Mary Shirley, daughter of Mrs, M. J. MaoNlel and the late Mr. MacNlel of North Sidney, Nova Scotia, to W. John A. Irwin, son of Mrs. G. T. Moore of Colborne. The marriage to tafce place on Saturday, July 20th, at 2.80 p.m. in Colborne United Church, x IN MEMORIAM OKE--In loving memory of a deaf husfband and father, Harry Oke, who passed away July 4th, 1955. Love's greatest gift---Remembrance, --Sadly missed and remembered hy his wife and family. c STIMERS--In loving memory of a dear son and brother, who passed away June 30th. 1954. In that bright eternal city, Where no tears ever dim the eye, In the home of many mansions, We shall meet him bye and bye. --Always in our memory--Mother, Dad, Brothers and Sister. X WAITE--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Reuben Waite, who passed away July 8, 1950. Our kind and loving dear one, We think of you each day, And recall the happy hours, Ere the day you passed away. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Secret tears still flow; What it meant to loose you, No one will ever know. --^Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. S Room 5-- Bennett Root, Teacher Grade VI to Grade VII-- Herman, Anna Learmonth, Peter MacPhee, Robert McLaughlin, Robert McMurray, Joan Anne Black, Richard (Rec.) Davis, Donald (Rec.) Horton, Janice {Rec.) Grade VII to Grade VIII-- . Clarke, Douglas lies, Geoffrey Hall, Douglas (Rec.) Hartford, Lois (Rec.) Keams, Mary Lee, Norma. Montgomery, Beverly (Rec.) Montgomery, Jim (Rec.) Post, Wendy Rimmer, Michael Smith, Douglas Stickle, George Teal, David Thompson, Tigre (Rec.) Westrope, Betty Room G--Wm. G, Irvine, Teacher Grade VII to Grade VIII-- Black, Sandra Chandler, Peter Van Meeuwen, Karen Jones, Roy (Rec.) Grade VHil to Grade IX-- Armstrong, Peter Davis, Peter Hauser, Diane Harton. Glerida Island, Paul Jones, Edward Kearns, Joan (Rec.) Learmonth, William Lee, Barbara Lowery, Marabeth Peebles, Gail Peebles, Richard (Bee.) Ramer, Marlene Rutherford, John Seeley, Barbara Self, Terry Smith, Gayle Summers, Karen Turney, Sandra (Rec.)