Page Eight LAY-A-WAY TIME It seems a long way off, but if you start putting things away now you won't have so much to think about when Christmas comes around. Come in and see the many items we have to choose from. Fine Ghana, Clocks, Jewellery, Musical ; Jewel Cases, Watches, Silverware and many other beautiful Gifts. E. M. RIMMER Phone 349 Your Local Jeweller Colborne COME TO Warkworth Fair Friday, September 20, 1957 HORSE RACES Black and White Show ALLEN SHOWS - RIDES - CAR DRAW MONSTER PARADE Platform Entertainment by Nickerson Group Dance at Night DANCE at the Community Centre BRIGHTON Every Saturday Night Starting September 14 Modern and Old Time Dancing from 9 to 12 with NEIL TAFT and His Canadian Jamboree Gang Admission 50c Each Our 18th Semi-Annual SPECIAL 10% and 15% Reduction This Offer Good for Two Weeks Only We offer a reduction only twice yearly off regular STANDARD prices OPEN TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS Closed All Day Wednesday Satisfaction Guaranteed "BEST OF CARE FOR LOVELY HAIR" HOWARD'S "SffiSE? Phone 147W King Street Colborne Bake and Rummage Sale in the CENTRE STORE, COYLE BLOCK King Street, Colborne Saturday, September 14th, 1957 AT 2 P. M. Auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Lakeport "Colborne Stores Contain Goods Sold Elsewbei s No Higher" PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blyth and children were guests last Sunday of her nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, Dundonald. The Catholic Women's League met at the home of Mrs. G. W. Draper, East Colborne, last Thursday night. Mrs. Gerald Welton, Castleton, re^ turned home last Sunday after visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. G. Welton, Marathon, Ont. She called at her daughter's home, Mrs. Bruce Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Townsend, Holloway. Mrs. W. H. Stewart returned to her home last Thursday after spending several weeks at Sidbrook iPrivate Hospital, Cobourg, Ont. Mrs. Harold Hammell, Rochester, N.Y., was a recent guest of her brother,' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Con-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lake, Powasson, called on Lt.-Col. and Mrs. J. F. Wolifraim on Sunday Mrs. C. L. Merriott. Oshawa, is siting her brother, Mr. Ernie Jeffery and Mrs. Jeffery. Rev. F. W. Taylor attended a meet-,g of Conference and Presbytery Conveners of the United Church of Canada, at the Five Oaks Christian Worker?' Centre. Paris. Ont.. from Monday to Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown attended the 50th wedding anniversasry of their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garrison. Wallforidige, Saturday evening. September 7th. Mr. Reg. Roberts. Rochester, n.y., was renewing acquaintances last Saturday in Colborne. Mrs. J. Scott left for England on Thursday nieht last week on the "Iverni" from Montreal, after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. C. Bugg. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Turner and two daughters are holidaying with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner. South Bend Brock, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. George Cracknell. Ottawa, visited Colborne and Lake-port friends last weekend. Mrs. Roy Chapman, Dundonald. was a guest last Tuesday of her daughter Mrs. Orra Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. Orrel Fleming, Smith's Falls, spent a few days this week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Free, on their way home from a trip through Northern On- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Irvine, London, Ont., returned this week from their honeymoon and visited their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kernaghan were guests last weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howell at their summer home, Charleston Lake. Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Elliott and Su-san of Brighton spent last Sunday at the Chas. Teal cottage, Little Lake. Mrs. Frank McGlennon is visiting relatives in Toronto this week. Miss Dixie and Mr. James Brown spent the Sunday evening dinner hour with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Huddleston. Belleville. Mr. George Gray of the Royal Canadian Navy of Halifax. N.S.. has been recently promoted to Commander. Mr. Gray and family are en-route to Victoria, B.C., where he has been transferred as Commander on H. M.C.S. Ontario. Mr. George Gray is rmer school colleague of Mr. Gordon Davis, and the Gray family called a day's visit this week on their trip. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Bleecker, Fox-boro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Teal last Monday night. Mrs. Bleecker is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong have purchased the house in which they have resided and rented from Mrs. W. R. Mills for several years. A few months ago they bought the vacant lot just north of thejr home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood, London, Ont,, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Free. Mr. Robert Lemon, son of Rev. and Mrs. R. E Lemon, spent three days at his home in Brighton last week, having completed his summer course at Ohio State University, Columbus He has now returned to practise with the Varsity football squad. "The Buckeyes," in the Big Ten League. His ! position will be full back. In October he will commence his second year in | the science course. Miss Amy Gresham was a Sunday ! evening guest at the home of Mr. j and Mrs. Gordon Honey. Dundonald. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Teal and Bon-1 nie visited Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Camp- j bell, Havelock. last Sunday. Mr. and | Mrs. Oscar Teal and daughters of! Campbellford, were also guests. | Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Moore of Peterborough were visiting their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Davis for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown attended the graveside service of their cousin. Miss Adora Schryver of Toronto, at Belleville. Wednesday afternoon. September lath. fires can be prevented Canada's death toll and property damage from fires is appalling for a country with as high degrees of education and civilization as Canada. The causes are often directly due to carelessness or neglect: smoking in bed carelessness with cigarette butts, and neglect in the matter of electrical wiring and faulty equipment, frequently result in flareups in the home. It pays to make periodic sur-of the whole house from attic to basement, to cheek on possible fire hazards. CONGRATULATIONS TO COLBORNE BANTAMS The citizens of Colborne should be justly proud of every member of-the Bantam Baseball team. Last Saturday for the second time, they won The Little League Championship. Some do not realize the great effort put forth by these players during the season, nor the material interest shown by those generous townsmen who use their cars for transportation to out of town games. Also those who assisted the paid Recreational Director in coaching the team. These have been faithful, one not missing a single practice. The line-up of players as follows: Paul Island, Wayne Ring, Reg Maskell, George Maskell, Peter Armstrong, 'John Rutherford, Richard Peebles, Miles Summers, Ellis Shel-drick, Audley Sheldrick, Leonard Kenny, George Stickle. Diesels, so railwaymen say, are the most efficient form of railway motive power, yet developed. They out-perform all others by a convincing mar- Factory shipments of Canadian-made vehicles jumped more than 27 per cent in 1955 over the preceding year. The 1955 shipments totalled 453,623 units. SPECIAL! Wheels Balanced $1.00 per wheel, plus weights GEO. WESTROPE Phone 333 Toronto Road Colborne HUB f001 CARNIVAL Values Effective Sept. 12, 13, 14 york choice halves PEACHES 2 "sr 43c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. tin 33c 2 15 oz. tins 29C £* 14 oz. tins 33c TOMATOES 20 oz. tins 35c 2| tins 2ii3C TOMATO SAUCE O 7 oz. tins. 29c ROYAL GUEST IGA PEARS niblets, FANCY v.P. CORN laLUflvte QUALITY MEATS... TABLERITE "ACRONIZED" GRADE "A" FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKENS Z\ to 3 lb. ave. LB. 41c EASY TO BREAD AND FRY FOR A TEMPTING DINNER Pork Tenderloin 95c NO WASTE -- NO LEFTOVERS -- one 12 oz. pkg. 8 Burn's Hot Dog Wieners *u* AND ONE PACKAGE OF |^ § \ ^ 8 Dempster Hot Dog Rolls DVL Bologna I£?cedite i it. pkg. 39c TABLERITE SMALL LINK Pure Pork Sausage 1 ib. Pkg. 59c with Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe Tea Bags Pkg. of 6o75c SHERIFF'S -- ALL FLAVOURS Lushus Powders 4 for 35c WHITE SWAN TOILET Tissues 2 roiis 23c QUAKER Muffets 2 pkgs. 33c INGERSOLL CHEESE -- 5c OFF Spread 8 oz. jar 32c Dental Cream -- with free Ball Pen Pepsodent Giant size 59c ' BONUS BOOSTERS M These 3 items with free $2.50 'Booster' IGA PEANUT Butter 16 oz. jar 35c Pillsbury White, Spice or Choc. Fudge Cake Mix 17 oz. Pkg. 35c Bars Family size 33c This item with free $5.00 "Booster" Johnson's Super Hard Gloss Wax Liquid pint tin 59c 15c OFF WHITE OR BLUE Breeze King size 1.34 SILVERWARE PACK 7c OFF Blue Surf Giant size 76c FROZEN FOODS ... Pictsweet Turkey, Chicken or Beef PIES 3«-»i«79c COHOE Salmon Steak 85c with Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape "JwwijAsAh" FRUIT & VEGETABLES. crispy--fresh solid heads LETTUCE 2 w^d, 25c wake up your appetite--honduras GRAPEFRUIT 5 large size 35c storehouse of nutrition--bradford marsh CARROTS 3 lb. poly bag 15c brisk, high flavour, fancy grade WEALTHY APPLES 3 lb. poly bag 39c full bodied flavour -- niagara Prim** Plume 6 basket i rune i iuiiis attractively priced best for juice -- california valencias SUNKIST ORANGES 5 lb. poly bag 55c with Free $2.50 "Bonus Booster" Tape AND DON'T FORGET - YOU CAN CLAIM FREE BONUS GIFTS <m NO CASH REQUIRED WITH IGA Cash Receipts and " Bonus Booster " Tapes