THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1957 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS H. A. Free. Publisher Published Thursdays at the Office, King Street, Colborne Phone : Office 44 -- Residence 324 Authorized as second-class mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON insurance w. w. d. McGlennon AGENCY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILES FINANCED Representing-- Canada Life Assurance Co. Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual BRUNSWICK BLOCK Phone 20 Colborne Ontario INSURANCE Auto Floaters Burglary Liability Fire Plate Glass, etc. WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 114 Colborne WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) NEW AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONERS REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS DeLAVAL and BEATTY PUMPS and STABLE EQUIPMENT WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne, Ont. \. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence, King Street, Colborne, EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Colborne, Ontario Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS G. HEYKOOP PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Ef'££" Cobourg, Ont. 208B Division St. FR. 2-9513 Baltimore, Ont. Harwood Road REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE ALF MINAKER Phone 76 -- Colborne DEAD STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Collect: Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI, Prop. Lansdowne St. E, Peterborough SLOW DOWN AND LIVE The nation-wide campaign against excessive speed in the U.S., receiving active support, from each state through its Governor and official bodies is regarded as a very long step forward in that Country's safety activities. Wm. M. Greene, chairman of the National Conference of State Safety Co-ordinators, points out that " 'Slow Down and Live' answers a decades-old prayer by every highway safety man worth his salt in the country, a prayer for co-ordination, co-operation and concentration of effort." Referring to a resolution adopted by the 46th annual meeting of the Governor's Conference, he said: "Most of our driver irresponsibility is associated with the headlong rush -- the thoughtless urge to get there first and fastest. On the public highways, this 'in a hurry' attitude manifests itself in excessive speed, speed too fast for conditions, improper passing, following too closely and failing to yield the right of way . . . "Slow down and live is more than a slogan. It is a new code of traffic conduct, to which we must adhere if we are to combine fine highways and fine vehicles for our enjoyment and : advancement." Canadian stocks of frozen fish at the beginning of 1956 amounted to 38,441,000 pounds. FOR SALE COOK STOVE, coal or wood, in good condition, also Warm Morning Coal Heater, practically new. Apply to Mrs. N. Simmons, Simmons Street, Colborne. olOc POULTRY HOUSES with screened yards, in good condition. Mrs. S. J. Cox, phone 70-r-13, Colborne. ol0,17c REFRIGERATOR, 9 cc. ft. Play Day Electric Washer, good condition; Singer Sewing Machine, drop head. Other articles. Phone 298R. o3,10x FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS OR USED construction machinery contact Giffen Truck Equipment Limited, 5461 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ont. a8,22-sl2,26-ol0,24 RIFLE SPECIALS : 30 Calibre Per-sision Swiss, 12-shot lightning fast repeater, detachable magazine, only $16.95. Available as a DeLuxe Sporter, only $22.50. 30-06 Winchester or Remington 6-shot repeating Sporter s only $32.50. Each fully guaran-teen. Get yours now--while supply lasts. We ship C.O.D. promptly. International Firearms Co. Ltd., 1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. S19-4 HELP WANTED, FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER -- to live in, light housekeeping dudes, no washing ironing. Apply Mr. B. E. Brintnell, phone 78J, Brighton. olOc TO RENT HOUSE for the winter months. Apply to Triple V Motel or phone 99W, Colborne. ©10c NEW CLARKE FLOOR SANDERS AND EDGERS,. Francis Sash & Door Factory. Phone 283, Brighton, Ontario. bl5tfc FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT, self-contained, upstairs, heated, not more than two people. Phone 50. o3x WORK WANTED SAND AND GRAVEL Bulldozing. D. & S. Haulage. Phone 16-r-22, Castleton, Ont. sl2,o31 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING, modern equipment. Call Harry Anderson, Brighton. Phone 193, reverse the charge. nl'57x REAL ESTATE Harold C. Pedwell Real Estate Broker $750 down will buy a 6 room insul brick house in Castleton, balance $2600 in low monthly payments, immediate possession. 8 room brick veneer house, 4 rooms down, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, good condition, hot water heating, chicken house, fruit trees, 4^ acres of land. 8 room frame house, plus an adjoining 5 room apt., excellent condition, low taxes, oil heating, heavy duty wiring, 3 garages, garden, can buy ers, was a Tuesday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, Mrs. R. Waite, Hilton, called in the afternono. Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy, George, Jean and Donna, Milton, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton. L.A.C. Harry Mutton, now stationed in. Vancouver, spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. J. J. Mutton. Mr., and Mrs. Keith Stimers accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alf Feather on a motor trip Sunday to Marmora and other points North. Mr. and Mrs. Van Waite, Hilton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. Gordon Honey attended a birth day party Monday afternoon in honour of their granddaughter, Pamela Mac-Donald, Colborne. Mrs| Bob Hadwin and family, Mrs. Jack Montgomery and Mr. Norman Alyea spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Montgomery, Stockdale. $8500 will buy a six room house, in excellent condition, chicken house and colony, 3 acres of land, low taxes, good buy. We have several other houses and farms for sale. E. JEFFREY Colborne Phone 238 Final Notice BY-LAW No. 726 of the Village of Colborne designates the following as Fire Area. Commencing at a point 100 feet west of Toronto Street on Church Street, thence south to a point 200 feet south of King Street, thence east to Victoria Street, thence north along Victoria and Victory Streets to Church Street, and then west along Church Street to the point of beginning. BY-LAW No. 829 of the Village of Colborne, passed the 9th day of September, 1957, provides that within the afore named Fire Area, No person shall burn any paper, cardboard or any other refuse unless within a covered container, the Fire Chief, and between the hours of sun-and 4 p.m. F. W. HARDING, sl2,o3 Reeve. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having any claims against the estate of Morley Elmer Cook, Storekeeper, late of Village of Colborne, who died on or about July 13th, 1957, are hereby required to submit such claims, with full particulars, to the undersigned, on or before November 15th, 1957, after which date distribution will be made having regard only to such claims as shall then have been made and verified. (Miss) Doris Cook, Executrix, o3,10,17c Colborne, Ontario. Spencer Corsetiere Regt. 1931 Mrs. J. E. Richards 3 Mill Street ORONO PHONE 127 DUNDONALD October 8th, 1957 Anniversary Services will be held on Sunday, October 13th, 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Randell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lethibridge, West Hill, and Miss Amy Gresham, Colborne, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrington, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Herrington, Edville, were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chap-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Oliver, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oliver and called on Mr. and Mrs. Winston Packard. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Marjory Mutton, to Mr. Glenn Hodgson, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Mrs. Keith Stimers spent a few days last week with her daughter and •law, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Feather, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Bobby and Philip, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Day, enjoyed a motor trip to Coe Hill and other points to view the beautiful Autumn scenery Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey attended Markham Fair last Friday and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fetch. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mutton left on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dunk, Campbellford. Mrs. Roy Chapman, Ray and Harold, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Godwin, Whitby. Mrs. George Brown and Archie were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goodrich. The family of Mr. and Mrs. George Blyth, Colborne, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, while Mr. and Mrs. Blyth were in St.Catharines. Mrs.Gordon Honey spent Saturday evening with Miss Phem and Mr. Wess Weir, Campbellford. CASTLETON October 8th, 1957 Mrs. Clarence Nelson and Mrs. Arkles visited Mrs. W. Robinson at Vernonville on Friday. [Service at the United Church will be cancelled on Sunday, October 13th, in lieu of Morganston Anniversary. Sunday School as usual. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey are visiting relatives in Virginia, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker and Elaine, Welcome; Mr. and Mrs. S. Carr and Mrs. D| Arkles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Jr. and family, the occasion being Mrs. Arkles' birthday. Mrs. A. Johnson entertained several ladies on Friday evening, when Mrs. O'Dell, Brighton, demonstrated "Wear Ever" products. Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Jr., convener for Citizenship and Education, will be in charge of the program on Thursday evening, 8 p.m., when the Women's Institute meets at the home of the President, Mrs. W. J. Tait. A debate on "Which has the greatest influence, home or school?" will be 'conducted. Roll call, My first school teacher. Exhibit, an old text book or scribbler. Plan to attend ! The Woman's Association meets on Thursday, October 17th, 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. G. Papineau. All ladies are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole and Gregory Philip, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Calberry, were Sunday Visitors at Mr .and Mrs. G. Walker's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shredd, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E Jones on Sunday Mrs. H. I. Allen and Mrs. J McKague were at Wooler on Tuesday when Mrs. Allen was guest speaker at the W.M.S. Thankoffering meeting. MOUNT PLEASANT October 8th, 1957 Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. John McKague attended the Anniversary Services at Eddystone Baptist Church on Sunday evening, September 29th. Miss Shirley Carr and Mr. Ron Cox of Peterborough were weekend visit- Mrs. Howard Samis, Brown's Corn- °f oi^the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carr. This man con give you dependable delivery of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kemp and Carol were supper guests of Mrs. Jas. Kemp, Colborne, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rusk, Jimmy, Leila and Johnnie, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ducie on Sunday. The Mission Band resumed their regular monthly meetings on Saturday, September 28th. The meeting was at the Church with Mrs. H. Wale and Mrs. D. Ducie as leaders. Mr. Leslie Poole of Hastings was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ducie on Wednesday. Miss Linda Poole returned home with him after spending a few days visiting her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Peebles. Mr. and Mrs. Moran Grills and Estella were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mills, Brighton, and attended the Anniversary Services at Brighton Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carr, Miss Shirley Carr, Mr. Ron Cox and Mrs. Geo. Marsh called on Mr. Joe Carr on Sunday afternoon, the occasion being Mr. Oarr's birthday. i Housewives, businessmen, teachers, and students all over the world read and enjoy this international newspaper, published daily in Boston. World; famous for constructive news stories and penetrating editorials. Special feature* for the whole Tht Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my «heck Of > year $16 O « months $8 Q t months 14 O o railwaymen say, i CRAMAHE BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE The Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Sr. on Thursday, September 26th, at 8.30 p.m. ,with a good attendance. President, Mrs. N. Fitchett, opened the meeting with the singing of "What a Friend we have in Jesus". Mrs. Fitchett gave a devotional reading entitled "Service to God". Scripture was read by Mrs. Henry Kemp. Psalm 86, verses 1-13. Mrs. J. B. McKague closed devotional period with prayer. Minutes were read and roll called. Roll call, an item of interest from current issue of "Link and Visitor". Moved by Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Sr. and seconded by Mrs. J. B. McKague, that we send donation of $5.00 to the Southern Cross Radio Fund. Association meeting at Lindsay on October &th was discussed and plans made for some to attend. Birthday box was passed. First verse of hymn 490 was sung. 'Mrs. H. Wale introduced the guest speaker, Rev. E. Williams of Park St. Baptist Church, Peterborough. Rev. Williams told us of his work in Newfoundland where he was sent four years ago to establish the first Baptist Church in the province. His interesting talk was enjoyed by everyone present. Last verse of 490 was sung and Rev. E. Williams closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. Diesels,___ most efficient form of railway motive M1ND AND BODY power, yet developed. They out-perform all others by a convincing mar- gin. Factory shipments of Canadian-made vehicles jumped more than 27 per cent in 1955 over the preceding year. The 1955 shipments totalled 453,623 units. Closing Notice Starting now, we are closing WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS during the slack winter months COLBORNE CREAMERY & LOCKER STORAGE Mental illness and illness of the body have much in common in that neither is a reason for shame or secrecy. Mental illness is no longer regarded as a family scandal but simply as another ailment to which humans are susceptible, an ailment which, according to its severity, may be cured in a short time by proper treatment in a special ward of a general hospital or it may necessitate a longer period of treatment in a mental hospital. As with other serious diseases, it is important to have medical and psychiatric care at the first indications of the illness. Canada's Old Age Security Fund is running in the red to the tune of about $60,000,000 a year. TELL USABOUT YOUR VISITORS Your little items of visitors may seem unimportant to you. So much so. that you hardly deem it worthwhile sending in for publication. Yet how many have noticed that the personal column is one of the first items a reader turns to upon receiving the paper. This is not done simply for curiosity's sake, but because your friends take a genuine pleasure in reading that friends or relatives have been to visit you. So send those little personal items along each week no matter how unimportant they might seem. We enjoy receiving them and your friends enjoy reading them. Travel between Canada and the United States by rail, through bus, boat and plane in the first 11 months of 1955 showed an increase of three per cent over 1954. NEWS, PLEASE! All items of social interest are welcomed in the personal column. Your co-operation in forwarding news items to The Colborne Express office is appreciated. If you have had guests at your home or you have been visiting out-of-town, let us know about it! Call 44. Canada's Lord's Day Act, which Provides for freedom from toil and business on Sundays has been called "the best Sunday law in the world." People who actually grow fruit and vegetables may sell their produce at wayside stands on Sundays, according to a directive of the Attorney General. The Lord's Day Alliance seeks to protect merchants by preventing unwarranted extension of this kind of Sunday business. DOVE'S LUNCH Day and Night Service Phone 131 Colborne Try Our Lunch Room for good food with prompt and courteous service! 24 Stools and Tables A Full Line of Soft Drinks and Smokes SALEM RADIO AND T.V. 24 hr. Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED John Fenaughty PHONE 254-r-23 COLBORNE PLUMBING and HEATING Free Estimates WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Phone 351; res. 289 S. CARR HAIG & BROWN Plumbing and Heating BRIGHTON, ONTARIO APPLIANCES -- PRESSURE SYSTEMS DE LAVAL AGENCY Telephone Brighton: Doug Haig 388 Office 21 Jimmie Brown 82-r-3 as Much for a Penny More! MONDAY THRU SATURDAY OCT. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Stock up and save during this giant sale of Eemedies • Vitamins • Toiletries • Stationery first Aid Supplies • Cards • Dental Care Aids Housekeeping Helps • Other Everyday Needs See our Ads in leading magazines \ for special features! W. C. GRIFFIS, Phm.B. Phone 85w YOUR DRUGGIST Colborne FIRES CAN BE PREVENTED Canada's death toll and property damage from fires is appalling for a country with as high degrees of edu- tion and civilization as Canada. The causes are often directly due to carelessness or neglect; smoking in bed, carelessness with cigarette butts, and neglect in the matter of electrical wiring and faulty equipment, frequently result in flareups in the home. It pays to make periodic surveys of the whole house from attic to basement, to check on possible fire hazards. The Lord's Day Alliance includes on its Boards members of the Anglican, Baptist, Christian Reformed, Evangelical United Brethren, Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, United, United Brethren in Christ churches. The Lord's Day Act of Canada was passed by the Canadian Parliament in 1906 in response to multitudes of letters and petitions requesting a Canadian legal guarantee of Sunday as a day of rest.