THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1957 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS H. A. Free. Publisher Published Thursdays at the Office, King Street, Colborne Phone: Office 44 -- Residence 324 Authorized as second-class mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON INSURANCE W. W, D. McGLENNON AGENCY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILES FINANCED Representing-- Canada Life Assurance Co. Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual BRUNSWICK BLOCK Phone 20 Colborne Ontario INSURANCE Auto Floaters Burglary Liability Fire Plate Glass, etc. WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 114 Colborne FOR SALE THREE POULTRY HOUSES with screened yards, in good condition. Mrs. S. J. Cox, phone 70-r-13, Colborne. o!0,17c PRE-FIT Picture Windows made to order, $34 and up. PRE-FIT Check Rail Windows, $11 and up. DOOR FRAMES with oak siUs, $11. Doors, Plywoods, Tdle and Trim. Francis Sash & Door, Prince Edward Street, Brighton. We Deliver. Phone 283. alleowc A COOK STOVE -- Renfrew Vanity Range, all enamel, in good condition. Apply to Thomas Everden, Colborne R.R. 2, phone 54-r-ll, Colborne. o!7c HOT POINT ANNEX, General Electric, cream enamel, including pipes. $10.00. Phone 298J, Colborne. ol7c CASTLETON Mrs. Nyman has returned to her home at Cornwall after spending the past two weeks caring for her sister, Mrs. J. A. Bennett. Miss Homer spent the holiday week end at Toronto. Mrs. F. Prout accompanied her for a two weeks' visit with relatives. Mrs. Charles Quinn spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell, Vernonvillle, the occasion being Peter's 10th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor and baby, Oakville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, during WORK WANTED SAND AND GRAVEL Bulldozing. D. & S. Haulage. Phone 16-r-22, Castleton, Ont. sl2,o31 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING, modern equipment. Call Harry Anderson, Brighton. ■ Phone 193, reverse the charge. nl'57x REAL ESTATE Harold C. Pedwell Real Estate Broker DUNDONALD October 15th, 195' A special Thanksgiving Service Will be held next Sunday at 9.45. Sunday* School at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waite and Connie, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hadwin and family, Odessa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman. Mrs. Frank Chapman attended the funeral of her cousin, Sgt. Clarence Arnott, Belleville, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark, Greenwood, Mr. Leslie Kellar and Mrs. Roy Wartman, Brighton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Godwin, Carol and Kathy, Whitby, spent the weekend j the past week, t'ith Mrs. Roy Chapman and attended Mr. and Mrs. McBirney, Niagara the Anniversary. j Falls, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Miller, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Allen. id Mrs. Reynolds, Madoc, called on | Miss Joyce Harber, Montreal, spent Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goodrich Thurs- I the weekend with her parents, Mr. day evening. and Mrs. W. Harber. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oliver and j Mr. and Mrs. A. Kemp and Betty Kimberly, Alliston, spent the weekend ! Jane, Toronto, spent the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oliver. end with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kenny and j Mr. and Mrs. D. Thurston and Allan family, Cayauga, spent the weekend ] of Ancaster spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Eddy and with her" father, Mr. J. C. Bowen. Mr. A. Eddy. -:- Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roy Mutton, Bob and : CASTLETON W. I. Allen, Scarborough, spent the week-! end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mut-! The President, Mrs. W. J. Tait, Was ton. : hostess on Thursday evening for the Mrs. Clifford Godwin, Carol and | Women's Institute regular October Kathy, Mrs. Roy Chapman and Harold meeting, with a large attendance. Mrs. were Monday dinner guests of Mr. j Talit presided and convened the meet-and Mrs. Carl Chapman, Colborne. j ing in the usual manner. Delegates Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey spent [were appointed for the Area Convention at Belleville on the 22nd. Mrs. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) NEW AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONERS REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS DeLAVAL and BEATTY PUMPS and STABLE EQUIPMENT WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne, Ont. LEGAL \. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence, King Street, Colborne, EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Colborne, Ontario Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS G. HEYKOOP PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT E Cobourg, Ont. 208B Division St. FR. i Baltimore, Ont. Harwood Road REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE ALF MINAKER Phone 76 -- Colborne DEAD STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Collect: Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI, Prop. Lansdowne St. E, Peterborough Spencer Corsetiere Regt. 1931 Mrs. J. E. Richards 3 Mill Street ORONO PHONE 127 The Lord's Day Alliance includes on its Boards members of the Anglican, Baptist, Christian Reformed, Evangelical United Brethren, Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Salvation Army, United, United Brethren in Christ churches. $750 down will buy a 6 room insul .. brick house in Castleton, balance ! 7£f nf ^ " Joney'-------- $2600 in low monthly payments, im-I Mr- ^ward ™>ney and Mrs. Honey's f- Papintau was appointed assistant mediate possession I uncle' Mn °«org« Randell, Detroit, for Mrs. D. Hilborn, convener of Girls' . . , ' . ! and stopped at Jack Minor's bird sane- : work, room brick veneer house 4 rooms ; tuary on the Way nome Mrs. D. R. DfagwaU Jr. was conven- down, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, Mrs Josh Anderson and Mr ^ I er and opened her program with all good condition hot water heating, | shopland) Brighton were guests of sing»ig "School Days". The Motto, chicken house, fruit trees, 41/2 acres { Mr and Mrs Herbie Trottman Sun_ j "Education is the ability to meet of land. day j situation which confronts one", 8 room frame house, plus an adjoining j Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers spent! $iveR bV Mrs- J- C. McKague. Misses 5 room apt., excellent condition, low , Thursday afternoon and evening with \ Eleanor Sommerville, Helen McComb taxes, oil heating, heavy duty wir- j Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Stimers, Co- j and Leila Rusk sang "An Evening ing, 3 garages, garden, can buy, bourg. I Hymn". A Debate, "Resolved the reasonable. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard spent 1 s°hool has been a greater influence $8500 will buy a six room house, in j the weekend with Sgt. and Mrs. Cecil on the life of the child than has the excellent condition, chicken house i Oliver, Stittsville, and attended the; home", was ably supported and colony, 3 acres of land, low 1 parade at Ottawa, where they saw the ! affirmative side by Mrs. H. I. Allen taxes, good buy. | Queen and Prince Philip. | and Mrs. C. Nelson, the negative side THREE ACRES, with 5-room stone Mr- Howard Finch and son, Camp- °y Mrs. R. Laurason and Mrs_ W. house, 1 miles east of Grafton, on hellford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arch-Highway 2, hardwood floors, insulat- j ie Samons Monday, ed, good condition, owner in poor I Mr- 'ain_d Mrs- Carl Chapman and health, will sell reasonable, small down payment. We have several other houses and farms for sale. E. JEFFREY Colborne Phone 238 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having any claims against the estate of Morley Elmer Cook, Store-keeper, late of Village of Colborne, who died on or about July 13th, 1957, are hereby required to submit such claims, with full particulars, to the undersigned, on or before November 15th, 1957, after which date distribution will be made having regard only to such claims as shall then have been made and verified. (Miss) Doris Cook, Executrix, o3,10,17c Colborne, Ontario. CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Township Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, on Friday, October 4th, 1957, at 7 p.m. Members all present, Reeve Dingwall in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were were read and adopted. Moved by Philp, seconded by Simp- n, That this Council appoint Geo. Gummer and D. M. Peebles to the Planning Board.--Oarried. By-Law No. 1069 Was duly passed, providing for the Nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors and certain School Trustees in the North and South Areas of the Township of Cramahe for the year 1958, appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Cleks, and provide Polling Places. Orders were drawn on the Treasur- ■ as follows: Counties Treas. hosp.................$348.88 G. R. Beavis, postage ................ 8.95 Colborne Express, advertising 1.25 H. E.P.C., Hydro Arrears, A. re Post............................................ 194.62 N. H. Doidge, sal. Assessor .... 341.40 Leslie Rice, bal. sal. Assessor... 264.80 Warkworth Journal, re Proclamation ...................................... 1.40 G. B. Tait, safe............................ 150.00 Alex. Clarke, care of hall ........ 4.00 Rolad acct to amt. of ................2319.10 Council adjourned to meet the First Friday in November at 1.30 p.m. family, Colborne, were Sunday tea guests of Mrs. Roy Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jacques, Toronto, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutton and sons attended a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman, Edville, Sunday evening, in honour of Mr. Chapman's birthday. Those attending the Anniversary on Sunday and later guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton and family, Shiloh, with Mrs. J. J. Mutton and girls -- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and family, Shiloh, with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton -- Mr. and Mrs Jay Swain, Brighton, with Mr. and Fred Irwin -- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McQuoid and Cecil, Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Edville; Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Oliver and Kimber-ley, Alliston, with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers -- Mrs. Don Richardson, Shirley and Errol, Hilton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trenear, Edville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright -- Rev. Newman, Wooler, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman -- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mutton and sons, Scarborough, with Mrs. Roy Chapman -- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mutton and Ross, Shiloh, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Packard. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Oliver, Toronto, spent Saturday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oliver. Mrs. Claude Goodrich called on Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Goodrich, Brighton, Saturday. Mr. Eldred Eddy is at present working on the pipe line and boarding fat Napanee. Mr. Douglas Mclvoy and Brian, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Feather and Brenda, Belleville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers and attended Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Willman and daughter, North Bay, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapman Mrs. Keith Stimers, Mrs. Alf Feather and Brenda, Visited. Mrs. George McDonald, Edville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dickens and family, Colborne, psent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunk. Mr. an Mrs. Don Tackaberry, Warkworth, called on Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman Thursday evening. Chile supplies the United States currently with twice as much iron ore as Canada does. Wentworth. The judges, Mrs. Bam bridge and Mr. Young decided in favour of the Negative side. Miss Eleanor Wilson sang "Count Your Blessings". The roll call, "My First School and Teacher", was answered by all present. The Exhibit was won by Mrs. J. C. McKague--an old text book. Mrs. Dingwall thanked the hostess and all who had helped on the program. After Grace, lunch was served by Mrs. Dingwall, Mrs. F. Warner and Mrs. J. C. McKague. The November meeting will be held lat Mrs. N. Fitchett's, with Mrs. Laurason as cenvener. SHILOH Service at Shiloh United Church will be at 7.30 p.m. next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Swain, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pretsell, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mctton on Saturday, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie and Mr. George Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie visited Mrs. W. Gillespie in Trenton Memorial Hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. J. J. Mutton and girls. Mrs. Robert Darke, Brighton, Was home during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and Ross were Sunday guessts of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Packard. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steenburg visited Mr. and Mrs. John Dunk on Sunday. Mrs. W. Gillespie is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mutton and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday tea guests of Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton. Mrs. G. Samson and Mr. and Mrs. T. James and Kathy, Ajax, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie and Mr. Geo. Mutton during the afternoon. Mrs. Robert Darke, Harry and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mutton and Rosss pent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton and Mr. Gordon Mutton were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Chapman, Edville. Mrs. Bill Emroy, Hastings, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gillespie, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie. rotary club DRAW and LAP CARD BINGO AT COLBORNE TOWN HALL Saturday, October 19th, 1957 at 8.30 p.m. -- 20 GAMES FOR 50c -- Also Special Games -- Cash Prizes Draw for Rotary Prizes during Evening PLUMBINGand HEATING ALTERATIONS --i REPAIRS -- NEW WORK ALL WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN L. V.TeAMISH Phone 80 Colborne DOVE'S LUNCH Day and Night Service Phone 131 Colborne Try Our Lunch Room for good food with prompt and courteous service! 24 Stools and Tables A Full Line of Soft Drinks and Smokes SALEM RADIO AND T.V. 24 hr. Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED John Fenaughty PHONE 254-r-23 COLBORNE PLUMBING and HEATING Free Estimates WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR S. CARR HAIG & BROWN Plumbing and Heating BRIGHTON, ONTARIO APPLIANCES -- PRESSURE SYSTEMS DE LAVAL AGENCY Telephone Brighton: Doug Haig 388 Office 21 Jimmie Brown 82-r-3 as Much for a Penny Morel MONDAY THRU SATURDAY OCT. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Stock up and save during this giant sale of Remedies • Vitamins • Toiletries • Stationery First Aid Supplies • Cards • Dental Care Aids Housekeeping Helps • Other Everyday Needs W. C. GRIFFIS, Phm.B. B5w YOUR DRUGGIST Co