THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1959 Page Five COLBOKNE CHRONICLE Printers and Publishers W. T. Harrison, Editor and Manager Authorized as second-class mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa ROOFING and REPAIR JOBS Reasonable Rates WM. HAMMOND Phone 335 -- Colborne FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODI N EQUIPMENT Funeral F me Accommodation at' > Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Cans Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON INSURANCE W. W. D. McGLENNON AGENCY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILES FINANCED Representing-- Western Farmer's Wind Insurance Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual BRUNSWICK BLOCK Phone 20 Colborne Ontario LEGAL a. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence, King Street, Colborne, EDWIN HOWELL Barrister -- Solicitor -- Ei OFFICE CLOSED Re-Opens Next April REAL ESTATE Harold C. Pedwell Real Estate Broker -.50 acres on No. 2 Highway, good ftame house, bank bard, 36' x 60' .sieel. siding, milk house. Close to school, running water. Reasonable E. JEFFREY Colborne Phone 238 TAXI SERVICE THERE IS ONLY ONE "BUD'S TAXI" (G. B. "Bud" Barnes) PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 336 - Phones - 111 I HAVE BUYERS For Fruit Farms Dairy and Stock Farms Market Gardens and Homes What Have You to Offer? SEE SAM COVELL Real Estate Broker Brighton, Ontario Dundonald FOR SALE FINDLAY OVAL COOK STOVE in good condition, $60.00. Quantity white beans $4.00 per bushel. Apply Claude Matthews, R.R. 5, Colborne. WORK WANTED BABY SITTING bv exDerienced wo- man. Phone 194, Colborne. j8x FOUND MAN'S WATCH. Phone 8w, Betty Lat- imer j8x REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE AL MINAKER Phone 76 Colborne REAL EST iTE INSURANT ! -- REAL ESTATE Homes -- Farms Automobile Financing All Classes of General Insurance including Tobacco Farms and Crops LONG BROS. Pat Cunningham, Representative Phone 274W King St., Colborne For Farms and Town Properties consult GEORGE WILLIAM COVERT Real Estate Broker Division St. Colborne Phone 235 Farm Properties a Specialty W. J. Covert Salesman for Castleton Area Phone 38-r-5 QUEEN'S HOTEL COLBORNE COMFORTABLE ROOMS EXCELLENT MEALS First-Class Accommodations At Reasonable Rates GARAGF IN CONNECTION CHAS. D WOOD, Proprietor TAM SERVICE 24 . lour Service All Calls given prompt and Efficient Attention B. A. IRISH Phone 165 Colborne, Ont. DEAD STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Collect: Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI, Prop. Lansdowne St. E, Peterborough WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) NEW AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONERS REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS DeLAVAL and BRATTY PUMPS and STABLE EQUIPMENT WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne, Ont. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS G HEYKOOP PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT yj.A. Cobourg, Ont. 208B Division St. FR. 2-9518 HELP WANTED GOLDEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Spare or Full Time An imediate steady year round income. Reliable man or woman with car or light truck, for delivery and collection contract (no selling). $360.00 cash quired. Write giving your name, dress and phone number. Manager, 2006 Queen St. East Toronto, Ontario. j8x Coming Events Colborne W.I. The January meeting of the Women's Institute wiU be held at the home of Mrs. Mackie on Tuesday January 13th at 12.30. This will be a Pot Luck Lunch. Roll Call "Something for the Tweedsmuir History or a Current Event". Convener, Mrs. Gordon McGregor. j8c Rock 'n* Roll, Modern and Old Time Dancing, with Neil Taft and his Rock-abilies, featuring ll«year-old Billy Manning, electric guitarist. Dancing every Saturday nite 9-12 at Cobourg Arena. Admission 75c. o2frc Cards of Thanks STIMERS--I wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank my friends, neighbours and Eden W.A. for fruit, cards, telephone calls and acts of kindness during my recent illness. Keith Stimers. J8x MUTTON--Mrs. W. W. Mutton wishes to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends, Shiloh W.A. and many others who so kindly remembered her with cards, gifts of fruit and flowers while in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough following an accident. Special thanks to Dr. Pember and driver of the Johnston Ambulance for their Immediate attention. j8c HAYNES--I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for all the acts of kindness and words of sympathy extended to me in my recent sad bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. A special thank you to Mr. Bert McMannus, Dr. Pember and the irses of Cobourg General Hospital. Beatrice Haynes. J8c ECKERT--Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Eck-ert would like to take this opportunity to thank all their relatives, friends and neighbours who sent cards and called on them on the occasion of their 80th Wedding Anniversary. j8c In Memoriam STIMERS--In loving memory of a wonderful "Mother", Mrs. Manly Stimers, who passed away January 7, 1958. Wonderful memories of one so dear, Treasured still with a love sincere, In our hearts she is living yet. We loved her too dearly to forget. I j8c STIMERS--In loving memory of a wife and mother Ethel Stimers, who passed away January 7, 1958. We little knew when we woke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. Somtimes it's hard to understand, That somethings have to be, The wisdom God has planned, Is not our power to see. Ever remembered by Manly, Owen and family. j8x Service next Sunday 11.15. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilce, Carl and Roy, Shiloh, and Mr. Bert Wilce, Oshawa, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waite and Connie were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Elwood Wright, Smithfield. Mrs. Gordon Honey, Mrs. Ken Mc-Gill and Ronnie spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald, Colborne. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton, Wayne and Judy spent Friday with Mrs. W. W. Mutton at the home of Mrs. Margaret Irish, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. George Blyth and family, Colborne, spent New Years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard. Mr. Austin Eddy returned home Saturday after spending Christmas and New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kenny, Cayuga. , Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy and family, Milton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton. Masters Gordon McDonald and Larry Stickle, Colborne, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey. Mrs. Keith Stimers and Mrs. John Cooney were Friday guests of Mrs. Lome McDonald, Edville. Mr. Herb McDonald spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trott-man, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Bobby and Philip spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Herrington, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton and guests Mr. and Mrs. Purdy and family were New Years guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lovett, Carrying Place. Mr. and Mrs. George Peters, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson and family and Mr. Ernest Pearson, Edville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson. Ernest remained for a few days. Master Philip Chapman spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Day, Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dickens and family, Colborne, were New Years din-ler guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunk, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dunk and family were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Loveless Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey, Mrs. Ken McGill and Ronald visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Honey, Port Hope, Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shop-land, Brishton, Saturday. Miss Elaine Morrison returned to her home in Montreal, Sunday, after spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hadwin and family, Mrs. Jack Montgomery and Norman Alyea spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hadwin, Brighton. and Mrs. Roy Packard are spending a few days with Staff Sgt, and Mrs. Cecil Oliver, Stittsville. and Mrs. Lyle Honey and Tommy were New Years guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gresham; Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oliver and Kim, and Miss Doris Leggatt, Alliston, spent few days with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oliver. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Waite and Con^, e, St. Catharines, returned home Friday after spending two weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney were New Years guests of Mrs. A. B. Mul-hall, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman and family, Cobourg, visited Mrs. Roy Chapman, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hadwin and family, Brighton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jack Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton and guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Purdy were Friday supper guests of Mr. Hugh and Miss Nellie Mutton, Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey, Mrs. Ken McGill and Ronald were Saturday supper guests of Mr. Wess and Miss Phem Weir, Campbellford. Fred Hempstead, Cobourg, spent New Years with his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Packard. New Years guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oliver were their family, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oliver and Kim, Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oliver and family, Maple, Mr. Clifford Oliver, King, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bray and family, Niagara Falls, Staff Sgt. Cecil Oliver, Stittsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oliver and family. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gooderich spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney were New Year's Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome McDonald, Edville. Mrs. Alf Feather and Brenda, Belleville, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and'Mrs. Keith Stimers. Miss Bonnie Taft, Brighton, spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McGill, Toronto, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oliver and cons were Monday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grills, Brighton. Mrs. R. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Van Waite, Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorne, Indian River, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Samis, Brown's Corners, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. 45th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett were taken by surprise Wednesday, December 31st, when relatives held a dinner at their home in honour of their 45th Wedding Anniversary, the rooms were decorated with carnations and 'mums, a three-tier cake and candles adorned the table. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Spafford, Belleville. Mr. Spafford was best man at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Lawrence, Oak Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Averill Mutton and sons, Mrs. J. J. Mutton and Marion, Peterboro, Mrs. Neil Taft, Bobby and Bonnie, Brighton, Mr. Garnet Mutton and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, Dundonald. The bride and groom of 45 years were presented with a jurse of money and several other gifts, and Mrs. Dunnett with a corsage of carnations. amazing B-H Color ■el can match and har-e all the colors you hav*. Tin. It's fabulous how it vi'r decorating prob-Don't settle for shades are not right and be o sec the thousands of AYs Hardware Phone 49 Colborne Open pri. Evening till 9 p.m. Phone 254-r-23 Colborne All Work Guaranteed SALEM RADIO & T.V. SERVICE Electrohome Sales - Aerials Reconditioned, Sets JOHN FENAUGHTY DOVE'S LUNCH Day and Night Service Phone 131 Colborne Try Our Lunch Room for good food with prompt and courteous service! 24 Stools and Tables A Full Line of Soft Drinks and Smokes PLUMBINGand HEATING ALTERATIONS -- REPAIRS -- NEW WORK ALL WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN L. V.~BEAMISH Phones: Shop 159W -- Residence 159 J PLUMBING and HEATING FURNACES APPLIANCES -- PRESSURE SYSTEMS DE LAVAL AGENCY DOUG HAIG Phones: Office 21, House 388 BRIGHTON, Ont. PLUMBING and HEATING Free Estimates WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Phone 351; res. 2S9 S. CARR Ontario Hospital Insurance The Ontario Hospital Plan offers protection against cost of ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL STANDARD WARD CARE. IT DOES NOT COVER MEDICAL OR SURGICAL FEES We can now offer a SUPPLEMENTAL PLAN to pay: Surgeon's Fees - up to limit purchased Physician's Fees - for home and office visits (beginning with third visit) Hospital Charges - for private or semi-private accommodation over and above standard ward rates LONG BROS. (Pat Cunningham - Representative) PHONE 274w KING STREET, COLBORNE Ask for the revolutionary new 4 NO-IRON TEX-MADE SHEETS DOMINION MAGICARE NO-IRON SHEETS mux COMPANY LIMITED