"Waltzing In Water" Prevents Drowning Drowning should be extremely rare as a cause of death, says American professor Frederick Lanoue, inventor of wonderful life-saving technique known as •"drownproofing." Through this technique, so simple that even a non-swimmer can master it after a few minutes' practice, hundreds of lives have been saved. The U.S. Navy, recognizing its value, now teaches "drownproof-ing" to all recruits. Briefly, the system is this When out of your depth because ©f some sudden emergency, don't panic and don't struggle; just relax. The specific gravity of a human body flung into fresh water is .97 as against 1.0 specific gravity of the water itself, so you are bound to go under. But just take a deep breath and relax as you sink; You will not go down very far. Then, every five or six seconds, a slight movement with your hands will push your head above the surface. Take another deep breath. Then down you go again. This system, sometimes called "waltzing in water," works. It is far more effective, if you simply aim to keep alive, waiting to be picked up, than any normal method of floating, dog paddling or treading water. Powerful swimmers, having caught cramp, know how invaluable it is. Try it yourself first, then teach your family. You'll be amazed at its effectiveness. In a "drownproofing" demonstration, staged at Georgia Institute of Technology, the profes-- sor took forty-five pupils, some non-swimmers among them. Fifteen had their wrists and ankles bound, fifteen their ankles only, and the other fifteen went free. All then jumped off into the deep end. And as they bobbed up and*down the college's ace swimmers moved like sharks among them, churning up the water and making the surface both choppy and uncomfortable. All these water "guinea pigs," however, continued to submerge and pop up for air quite uncon-eernedly. On an average, every man, non-swimmers included, kept afloat for four hours, forty-three minutes. Thus a cripple, if he'll keep a eool head, and undergoes "drownproofing," can keep afloat for hours. HARD DAY - Next time you have a hard day on the job, think of Pat Judge, above. The St. Agnes soccer player is shown walking off the field after a tough game which his team lost. DECEIVING - Michigan State's Horace Walker (7 5) seems to be giving the O.K. sign for shot readied by George Lee. Quite the contrary. Lee made a two-pointer and sank a free threw when it was ruled that Walker fouled him during play. How Will Bowling Go In Britain? Can bowling succeed where baseball, basketball, lacrosse, ice hockey and other North American importations into Britain have failed? Can bowling really grip and keep a mass public so as to make it a major pastime instead of the minor it has proved with the games I have mentioned? These are questions being posed throughout the clubs today following the news that the Rank Organization is turning some of its cinemas into bowla-toriums. A start is to be made with two in the London area. The plans are that they will be ready next September. Therefore it will be quite a while before we shall begin to have any sort of answer to the questions now being asked. But, unwise though it may be, I am prepared to predict that bowling in Britain will become one of the really big time money spinning amusements and succeed where earlier games have failed. British prejudice, sometimes termed conservatism, has always been against North American games getting really established over here. Take baseball, for example. A great deal of enterprise and money went nto trying to sell sweat and swat over here at the turn of the century. It was thought it would be a good thing at the football grounds with the professionals finding it a profitable summer occupation. There was even a national league with teams operating on the grounds of Preston North End, Aston Villa and Derby County which, even to this day, keeps the name Baseball Park. But the English just wouldn't let baseball get its roots into their cricket steeped traditions. Our grandfathers had it that baseball was nothing more than a variation of bases, or rounders, which their grandfathers used to play. Similar prejudices prevailed about basketball which the girls play as netball, about lacrosse which is a cjeluxe pastime for the schools for young ladies and ice hockey which can never become established because the facilities for playing THE NEWSPAPER STORY - This colorful ceramic tile mural tells the production story of a daily newspaper. The work, 16 feet high by 39 feet long, adorns the new annex of the Zanes-ville Signal and Tjmes Recorder building. It traces the operation from reporter-photographer through editor, linotype operator, stereotype plates, composing room, press operation to newsboy hawking the finished product. here always economically too few. These are generalizations, of course, but it is a fact that not one single American invented game has ever been transplanted into Europe and vigorously thrived. It may be argued that bowling is not a game but an enter--tainment or amusement in the same category as dancing or all-the-fun-of-the-fair. Be that as it may bowling is an exercise, a pleasant recreation and a big money spinner in the U.S.A. The latest figures from the U.S. Department of Commerce show that there are now more than 6.000 bowling alleys throughout the land. Last year no fewer than 623 new ones were established, a fact which decided the Rank organization to launch its plans to back bowling as part of the campaign to meet the threat of television, writes Sidney Skil-ton in the Christian Science Monitor. Director of operations, Ivor Smith, have been telling me about these plans. A survey decided that the two cinemas selected for conversion were "naturals." The one at Golders Green is what used to be an ice rink and is therefore structurally comparatively easy for conversion into a 16-lane bowlatorium while the one at Hayes is situated only a hamburger's toss away from the U.S. Forces base at Ruislip. All the equipment installed at both centers will be American made. It will not, however, be made in America. It will be made in Dublin where an American concern has based itself and is daily expanding its activities all over the European mainland. The $300,000 piece of business with Ranks and more to come if and when the conversion of suitably placed cinemas takes place is a most encouraging start into the English market. Ivor Smith is visiting the United States in the next few weeks to learn the latest know-how in New York and Chicago, to study the highly profitable catering technique ' that has become an essential part of bowla-toriums, and to acquaint himself with how the American Bowling Congress is conducted. My friends over here were amazed when I told them the A.B.C. has a history from as long ago as September 9, 1895. It was founded then as a result of the closely related ninepins, or skittles, being outlawed because of the excessive rowdyism associated with it. It became lawful again simply by making it ten pins which it is today without the rowdyism. There are seriously conducted championships in American bowling, with four classes for men and for women. These are for singles, doubles, team and All-events. I wonder how long it will be before there are such similar championships in Britain and whether I shall be proved right in predicting bowling will succeed where all the other American imports have failed? How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I conceal scuffed places on shoes? A. If the scuffed shoes are rubbed with petroleum jelly before the polish is applied, the scratches will scarcely show. Q. How can I keep paint if the lid of the can has been lost? A. If a lid is not available for the paint can in which a little unused paint has been left, pour some hot paraffin over the paint, and it will not harden. Q. How can I keep house plants healthy? A. Try to keep the dirt loosened and cultivated around the house plants. Place them all in a tub for a shower bath about once a week, and occasionally feed them a little fertilizer. Q. How can I easily measure medicine by drops? A. If it is to be measured by drops from a bottle, try dipping the finger in water and moistening the rim of the bottle in one place. Use this place from which to drop the contents. The drops will come out quite evenly. You Can Depend On >n Dodd's. Get Dodd's at any drugstore. Bsr ti SLEEP TO-NIGHT AM RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS mUMY T0-M0RR0WI SEDICIIT SI00_S4.«5 TABLETS oru8s,o,..o.fyi CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . : . AGENTS WANTED ing Cards (including Religious). GO INTO BUSINESS foi yourself. Sell our exciting housewares, watches and other products not found in stores No competition. Profits up to 500% Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi-vholesalc price sheet. Murray i 3R22 I.awi AUTO, TRUCK PARTS. TIRES A WEAR EVER SPARK PLUG BABY CHICKS shipment dayold and some started Dual purpose pullets and cockerels. Some Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Bargains on dayold heavy breed cockerels. Request pricelist. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service. By mall, $2.00 per month, records kept. W i i t e. Auditax. 230 Herbert Waterloo. On- i. Postpaid Inquire n 3192, Ottawa. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE GUELPH: 100 Acres productive land fronting on a hardtop road; good buildings, with hydro, water on pressure, full price $21,000.00. Other farms of 100 acres and up, priced at $10,000.00 and up. Call Guelph TA. 2-6920 or TA. 2-4650 after hours. Forsythe and Gerrie Real Estate Brokers, 20 Douglas Street, Guelph Ontario. FARM HELP WANTED A married man to work on fruit farm situated on Niagara River Boulevard. Applicant should be experienced in farm work and in handling farm machinery. Reply, stating age, experience, references, also number In family, to P.O. Box 101, St. Catharines, Ont. BRITISH Seagull Marine outboard Motors. Ideal for prices and Cavour, Saint John, N.B. BUILD your own German pendulum wall clock. Instructions $3.50 postpaid. Matthews Enterprises. Cottrell's Cove Nfld. SCOTCH pines, Austrian pines, whit* pine and blue spruce seedUngs. Custom planting. Write Richardson Farm*. Pontypool. MFG. SURPLUS OUTLET Dress, Skirt and Blouse material, plain and printed broad-'-"-for $1.00. Linens 45 inch, broadcloth, 3 yards .„ ™ inch, width 2 yards Plain flannelette, assorted colours, two yards $1.00. Crepe assorted colours, 45 inch 2 yards $1.25. Corduroy assorted colours one yard $1.00. Zippers assorted sizes and colours $1.50 a dozen. Satisfaction or money refunded. No C.O.D.'s Postage prepaid. 185 St. George St. (Corner Latour), St. Jerome, Que- "SCOTCH Pine Xmas Tree Seedlings. Famous French blue strain. Order now. Spring delivery. Lake Slmcoe Planta- e PA. 8-2675." UNBREAKABLE DISHES SAVE $5.0 on 20 piece Tradition dinner gets. Assorted Pastel Colours, 4 each dinner plates, side plates, bowls, cups, saucers. $7.50 full price. Send $1.00 with this ad, balance express collect. Glen S. Woolley & Co., A,1ax. Ontario. GARDEN STOCK HELP WANTED FEMAH . _raduate General Duty ____ and Laboratory Technician for small hospital. Good remuneration. For further particulars write: Superln- WANTED: Women, interested In full, or part time work canvassing for Ladies' Nylon Hosiery. First quality merchandise, good commissions. We also welcome Church and Club groups, selling to their membership and friends. Please contact HIGHLAND HOSIERY LIMITED, Falcon Rd., London Ont. HELP WANTED MALE NURSERYMAN wanted. Apply Pine Nurseries, 475 Upper Middle Rd.. J"e. Phone AT. 9-0941. EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 50*. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. LABORATORY ^TECHNICIANS FOR Chemistry and Bacteriology departments of a Toronto Hospital, with Science Degree or specializing In above, and having hospital experience. These are permanent positions with employee benefits. TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL, Wellesley Division, 160 Welles-ley Street East, Toronto 5. WA. 1-4111. Local 38. _ MECHANICAL PARTS AND REPAIRS FOR TRUCK PARTS IT'S LEVY'S ALL> makes - New, used, .rebuilt "--'in Ha., MEDICAL_ GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOUID TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect MUCUS IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK TABLETS for the nose and throat, dropping of mucus discharge, sensation of a lump In the throat and other disturbances. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Both Department Stores And Tamblyn Stores DRIVE WITH CAREI IF you have a health problem send for free price list of famous remedies. Blackhawk Indian Remedy Company Picton. Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they of Price Sent Post Free on Rece PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 7.865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION Post Card Collectors! Receive 15 Scenic Post Cards of Puerto Rico. Send $1.00. Bea Martin, P.O. Box 10365, Caparra Heights, San Juan. Puerto Rico. Moneyback guarantee! 1.00. Austro Sales Co., 68-29 Cen-e., Glendale 27, New York. THE Original again after years of Records, Family! Back write: Acme I TRISODIUM Phosphate is ideal for cleaning rugs, dishes, floors, painted surfaces, Linoleum. Fully Guaranteed. Sent postpaid 50* gallon. Write: Bob Corliss, Hart, Michigan. NURSES WANTED GENERAL STAFF NURSES AND CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS ARE needed for our new wings, which contain operating room and recovery room suites, obstetrical department surgical and medical wards. Well planned ' Attractive p •sonnel policies. , 40 hour weel Apply: Director piti. : ■sing, Toronto East General Hos- NURSES GENERAL Duty Nurses required immediately for a 500 bed hospital. Basic Salary $245.00 per month. Good Personnel policies. Pension Plan. APPLY Director of Nurses, KITCHENER-WATERLOO HOSPITAL, Kitchener, Ontario. REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital (MODERN 15-BED) LOCATED on the lake in Red Lake mining district and tourist area. New nurses' residence beautifully furnished. SALARY: $275 basic with increment plan. Maintenance, Including uniform laundry, $30 per month. 44-hour week. Holidays: 4-week vacation with pay yearly. Transportation expense will be paid after six months' employment. APPLY STATING AGE AND REFERENCES I. MacNAUGHTON, MATRON COCHENOUR, ONT. OPERATING ROOM NURSE- Immediately POSTGRADUATE PREFERRED APPLY SUPERINTENDENT OP COTTAGE HOSPITAL UXBRIDGE ONTARIO OPPORTUNITIES GOOD Income possible raising Hybrid Red Worms for fish bait and sol] Improvement. Write for booklet, 50*. Unlimited supply worms and eggs available. Bill's Live Bait, Northbrooke P.O.. "MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! We supply you with catalogues, names fill your orders. Big profits. Write- Frec's Enterprises Import and Export, 322 Pinnacle St., Belleville, On- MAKE Money at Home! Small want ad returned 4000 quarters in one' month. $2.00 for this ad, and other necessary Information. O. W. Lemmon, 4148 North S8th Street, Phoenix, Arizona. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL nroat Opportunity i Hairdresslng d Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W.. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL ARABIAN Hypnotism! Mind projection Instantly, at a distance. Complete, easy self-study Course, send " mailed $6.) W.C.I., Engla BCM/HGYL, London ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! SS assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed tn plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors Box 24-TF Regina. Sask. LOOK 20 YEARS YOUNGER AND improve your appearance. Our proved hair renovator will banish grey and white hair, and give your hair natural looking color. Testimonial letters on file attest to its efficacy. $2.50 per bottle. Money order or C.O.D. Villard Perfumes, 1368 Sherbrooke East, dio pastor Perry F Rockwood, Chatham (Dial 630) 3:30 p.m.: Orillia (Dial 1570) 4 p.m. Niagara Falls (Dial 1600) 5 p.m. Write for free book of messages on "Bible Questions Answered" by Pastor Rockwood P.O. Box 1660 Halifax. Canada. GREY HAIR? PREMATURE grey hair is en Look years younger with Kabul liantine. Successfully used years, easily applied. Restores appearance. Does ~'x liantine gets rid ..... This Bril-._-„ hair. Results within two weeks. Complete treatment kit (two bottles) $3.50. Money orders prepaid; C.O.D. collect. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kabul Products Reg'd., OUR April gosling o . lower this hatches through May. June. Circular on request. Erie Goose Farm Dunnville, Ontario. POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK eggs y K-137 Kimberchiks. extra Income because more large eggs. In ----- Tests last year Kimbers averaged 77% large eggs. They live well, have relatively good resistance to Leucosis. Order your Kimberchiks now. Hatobing »11 popular egg, dual-purpose breeds. First generation broilers. Turkeys (roasters and broilers). Canada's future swine -- Blue Spotted hybrids, also Imported English Large Black, Land-race. Accredited Aberdeen-Angus cattle. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. ONTARIO _PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 12 magna prints in album 60* 8 magna prints in album 40* Reprints 5* each KODACOLOR Ansco and Ektachrome 35 r..._. posures mounted in slides $1.25 Color prints from slides 35<f each. Money refunded in full for imprinted nega- ^FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31. GALT. ONT. STAMPS AND COINS CZARIST Russia - 25 different mints only 25 cents with approvals. Excello Stamps Company, P.O. Box 218. Station B. Montreal 2, Que. FREE - 100 Different foreign stamps with order from our packet List. Happy Hours Stamps... 1240 Dundas St. W ik with Innipeg, RED BERLIN Special - SPECIAL Offer - 1,000 Mixe Plus Canadian Silver Dollar 1956, Plus Canadian WANTED t Gold coins, Nlckles, Si i coins. Silver Dollars, idian Cents and small coins or Collections, t Office Box 98, Chat- WANTED Canadian, American and Spanish Coins, Paper Money and Gold. Top Price. Price List 15*. 454 Westmoreland, Toronto, LE. 2-2704.__ WANTED old and recent coins. Canadian, Newfoundland. United States. Best premiums. Send 25* for three 1959 buying* lists. M. Marley, 212 Holborne Ave.. Toronto. _ 50 MALTA different: $1.00 - Approvals} 20 valuable cov^t - Coins- c- SUMMER PROPERTIES SUMMER Properties, For Sale an* Wanted, Write J. & J. F. Anderson. Brokers, 2 Manor Rd. East, Toronto 7. SWINE_ ADVANCED Registry Landrace serviceable boars and bred gilts from dams scoring 92. Gilts sired by, or bred to, Goval Solomon 18th AR1043, highest scoring boar in AR in 1958. Maitland Meadows Landrace Farm, Eastons Cor- LANDRACE - Exceptional offering, top quality breed lines. Select now from our large herd for your foundation stock. Reasonable prices. Write phone or visit John Sikma,, Pickwick Grange Farm, Lakefield, Ontario.___ TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER for Senior Room of S.S. 3 and 4, Orford, Duart, Kent County. Modern school. Duties to commence September 1959. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Howard Sinclair, Sec.-Treas., Duart, Ont.__ TEACHER required rural school. Duties to commence September 1959. Qualified preferred. Apply stating qualifications, salary expected and last Inspector, to Mrs. Ella Godfrey, Hekkla, Ont. _ TEACHER required for S. S. 14, Mala-hide on No. 3 Highway, Elgin County, commencing September 1959. Please state qualifications, experience, and salary expected to W. A. Phelps, Secretary, R. R. 1, Aylmer, Ont. ^ _ TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA is in need of 6 teachers for rural 1-room schools commencing in September. Schools are in Simcoe County around Beeton, 40-50 miles north of Toronto, Salary Schedule Minimum lor Short Term Cert. $2600 Minimum for 1st or 2nd Annual Increment ............................ Allowance for Experience (up to 3 years) yearly .................. 200 Maximum 4000 Please state qualifications, experience, religion and name of last inspector. J. F. Houghton--Newton Robinson, Ont. RLCTSEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD OF WOODSTOCK, ONT. INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR POSI-TIONS VACANT IN SEPTEMBER, 1959. TWO schools in operation, both well-equipped SALARY $2,800 per annum to graduates of Teachers' College. Additional salary according to experience. Ontario Hospital Services Insurance paid. APPLY stating age, marital status, qualifications and references to JAS. E. PAGE SEC.-TREAS. 252 FIFTH AVE. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO R.C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD CITY OF SUDBURY invites applications from Catholic teachers for auxiliary, kindergarten, and regular classes for opening of school in September. Minimum salary, $2,700. Maximum salary $4,200. Auxiliary classes, $200 additional. Kindergarten classes, $100 addl-tionaL Men in charge of sports, $300 additional. New teachers given full credit for each year of teaching experience up to a maximum of five years. Benefit: P.S.I., Cumulative sick leave plan. Salary schedule sent upon request. Apply stating age, qualifications, experience and name of last inspector toi W. A. Forget, Admlnstrator, 1«2 Mackenzie St., LOGS WANTED MAPLE, Elm, and Oak. Write P O. Bo* 441, Peterborough, borough. ISSUE IS - 1959