Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1953 SHARON W. A. The March meeting of the Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. 'Ed. Mulhall. The meeting opened with hymn, "The Church's One Foundation," follower by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. A. Peddlesden read the Scripture, Matt. 5th chapt, 1 - 10. Minutes read and approved. Koll call answered by 14 members. There were five children present. Business conducted by the President, Mrs. E. Hoare. It being near St. Patrick's Day, the program was mostly Irish. Mrs. Reddick, on the life of St. Patrick; a quartette from the school, Carol Reddick, Betty Cochrane, Beatrice Walker and Olga Was-' kowec, sang two pieces, "Peggy O'-Neil" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Mrs. Armstrong introduced the new Study Book by giving a very interesting talk on the first chapter. Mrs. H. Stickle read a St. Patrick piece; two contests were given. The interesting part of the program was a report given by Mrs. E. Hinman on her visit to her son's home, Dr. Harold Hinman and family, in Puerto Rico. Harold is Dean of the School of Medicine there. He attended high school at Colborne and Brighton. Owing to the large amount of advertising this week, space is not available for this interesting report, but it will appear in next week's issue. CASTLETON March 25th, 1953 Mr. Andrew Kemp, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Papineau, of Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ducie. Mrs. D. Papineau, Colborne, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. G. Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. C. Peacock, Salem, visited Mrs. J. Warner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Matters, Toronto, spent Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. J. C. Bowen. Mr .and Mrs. H. Welton and Kings-ley, Mr. and Mrs. D. Arkles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker, Welcome. The W. A. held a very successful tea, baking sale and bazaar on Saturday. Proceeds were over $50.00. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore and family moved on Friday to Mr. Fred Warner's house. The Easter thank-offering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held Thursday, April 2nd, at Mrs. G. Ellis'. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Messrs. D. Dingwall, Jr., H. Ducie, F. Amor, R. Turk and J. Wilson attended the Sportsman Show. Toronto, on Wednesday. On Saturday, March 28th, at 2.30 p.m., all children over 6 years are invited to the United Church S. S. room, when Mrs. W. G. Underwood, Grafton, will be present to organize a Mission Band. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Clarence Seeny in the death of her mother, at Bloom-field, on Tuesday. SALEM March 25th, 1953 The main news from Salem this week is the word "mumps"! Two-thirds of the school children and several pre-school youngsters, and at least one adult are ill of mumps. As a result there will be no Sunday School at Salem United Church until after Easter. The W. A. meeting, which was planned to take place this week at the Parsonage at Colborne, has also been postponed until a later date, because of illness in the community. The special music by the choir for Lenten and Easter Sundays will be continued during this time. Last Sun-, day, the choir rendered the anthem "Behold, I Stand at the Door." Mrs. Archie Bellamy and Mrs. Jack Smith sang the duet "Calvary." Mrs. Edna Burton presided at the piano, during ,Mrs. Onyon's absence. Mrs. Ed. Ashbridge was hostess to the choir members last Thursday evening. This week practice is scheduled to take place at the Church. Several friends enjoyed an evening of sacred music at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith on Wednesday evening of last week. EDEN W. A. Eden W. A. met on March 18th, at the home of Mrs. Ross Wright. 16 members and 5 visitors were present. The«meeting, in charge of Group 2, was opened by Mrs. Doug. Mutton. Mrs. Walter Chesterfield read the Scripture. Mrs. Eldred Eddy gave a reading, "My Faith," and Mrs. Mutton's topic was based on the subject, "What is the Church?". Mrs. Honey presided for the fol- lowing business. -Plans were made for the Colborne bowling banquet to be held in April. A dinner and quilting will be held on March 26th at the home of Mrs. Keith Stimers. A verbal thank-you was received for a box of fruit. Readings by Mrs. Chesterfield, "St. Patrick's Day," and Mrs. Eddy, "Thanks on St. Patrick's Day," and an Irish Contest by Mrs. Mutton was won by Mrs, Honey and Mrs. Pearson. Buy Easter Seals Help Crippled Children SEED CLEANING HAVE YOUR GRAIN CLEANED AND TREATED EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH. SEED OATS FOR SALE -- SUR-GAIN FEEDS FERTILIZERS and CONCENTRATES Phone 14 Orland Feed Mill ANNOUNCING BUICKS GREATEST CARS IH 5(J GREAT YEARS Here you see pictured the Golden Anniversary Buicks --engineered, styled, powered and bodied to be fully worthy of their paragon role in this fiftieth year of Buick building. A quick listing of simple facts will reveal just cause for celebration. Let's start offwith the new 1953 Buick Custom. It has a newly-designed Fireball Straight-8 Engine. The importantly stepped-up Fireball Straights actually gives the 1953 Custom with Dynaflow even better performance than the 1952 Roadmaster. And this brilliant new performance is achieved with amazing economy and without the need for premiumfuels. •jf It has Fireball Horsepower. Engine horsepower per pound has been increased to 130 on Dynaflow-equipped models and 125 on cars equipped with Synchro-mesh transmission for more brilliant performance. ^ It has a compression ratio of 7.6 to 1. New combustion chamber raises compression to 7.6 to 1 with Dynaflow, shortens flame travel for greater power and fuel efficiency. •jr It has a new *Twin-Turbine Dynaflow Drive. Now adds far swifter, quieter, more efficient getaway tt smoothness at all speed ranges, ■jr It has GM Power Steering .* This year the Buick Custom with Dynaflow Drive offers yon the wondrous handling ease of GM Power Steering. ^-It has a still finer ride. The softest, steadiest, most buoyantly level ride that Buick's advanced engineering has yet produced. *Optional at extra enst. infnu A General Motors Value j "WW^% Buick SUPER 4-Door Riviera Sedan WRIDSNEWEST}/lfPOWERS TheSuper-The Roadmaster Yes, there's wonderful news about the 1953 Buick SUPERS and ROAD-MASTERS, too. For instance, they're powered by a completely new V-8 engine with one of the highest compression ratios in the industry. It develops 188 horsepower for Roadmaster, 170 for the Dynaflow-equipped Super, and it's so compact that a new, more manoeuvrable chassis has been built a-----J und il But no listing of facts and features can do justice to the phenomenal Golden Anniversary Buicks. No words can really tell you the beauty you see, the comfort you feel, the excitement you experience when you make first-hand acquaintance with these big, beautiful, bounteous Buick Customs and Supers and Roadmasters for '53. So come in and see for yourself that these are, in simple truth, Buick's greatest cars in 50 great years! Buick ROADMASTER 4-Door Riviera Sedan King Street w. J. ONYON PONTIAC -- BUICK and G. M. C. TRUCKS Colborne, Ont. DUNDONALD March 25th, 1953 Service next Sunday, 7.30. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Stimers, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chapman visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carter, Colborne, Sunday evening. Mr. Ivan Cumming, Hilton, was a Sunday tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warner and Carol, Colborne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gooderich. Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Farrow, Brighton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey visited Mr. Wess and Miss Phem Weir, of Warkworth, Sunday evening. Sorry- to report Mrs. Harry Dunk is in Cobourg Hospital where she underwent an operation on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cotter, Colborne called on Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Mutton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale. Maple Grove, in honour of Mr. Dale's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taft and family. Brighton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. R. Packard has returned from Ottawa, after two weeks with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oliver. Mrs. Oliver was in the hospital for an operation. They have recently moved to Russell. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chapman were Tuesday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome McDonald, Edville. Miss Nellie Mutton, Shiloh, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mr. Donald Broomfield and Neil. Cobourg, were Saturday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pearson. Misses Marion and Hazel Mutton of Peterboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mutton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald, Colborne, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Chatten. . Group 3 are entertaining at a cro-quinoe party in the hall, March 31st. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale, Maple Grove, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pearson and Dan visited Mrs. M. C. Broomfield, Colborne, last Monday. Lakeview W. I. will meet April 1st at the home of Mrs. Bruce Jackson. Roll Call--pay your dues and join again. Mr. Gordon Honey afompanird by-Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald and Pamela, motored to Toronto on Monday where Pamela, was treated at the Hospital for Sick Children, for concussion caused by a fall. SHILOH March 25th, 1953 s with deep regret that news was received on Monday of this week of the passing of Mrs. W. S. Tucker that morning. Hopes had been high to hear of an improvement in her condition, but she suffered another re-e and did not rally from this setback. To Dr. W. S. Tucker, Mrs. Law-: Mutton and family we wish to extend our deepest sympathy on their sad loss. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdy visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Purdy at Grafton on Sunday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. Darke called on Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McLaughlin of Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rose of Colborne on Sunday afternoon. Misses Edna Mutton and Marjorie Darke visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith of Frankford and were supper guests there. Mr. Lawrence Mutton and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilce were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilce. MAPLE GROVE March 25th, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Don Prentice and family visited relatives in Grafton on Sunday. Mrs. C. Black and Donna visited her sister in Trenton on Thursday last. Several members of Mr. Almond Barrett's family are ill with jaundice and Doris has pneumonia. Chicken pox is also in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Darling and Miss Elaine Darling and friend, of New Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dale's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kirk and Ann, Cobourg, spent Sunday of last week at Mrs. J. White's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy, Dundonald, spent last Monday evening at Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dale's. Mrs. J. Black, Trenton, spent an evening last week at her son's, C. Black and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Samis spent the week-end in the States. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dale attended church service at Eden on Sunday afternoon and were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Dale visited . her daughter, Marion, in Cobourg on Sat-