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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 19 Aug 1954, p. 8

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fHE ENTERPRISE OLBORNE, AUG. 19th. 1954. . Walter Rutherford eekend in Pontypool. Mr. 1 fend Mr.- m Post i J. Post i Mr. Sam Seed of Toronto spent a WOMEN'S INSTITUTE few days this week at Hotel Brunswick ENJOY TRIP THROUGH x x x x NORTHUMBERLAND Mr. Reesor Smith of Boston, Mass. Qn jfridav last the ladies of spent a few days this week with his Coiborne 'Women's Institute aunt. Mrs H.E; Reesor with m;ss tean may as hostess; chartered a bus and with a num-enjoyed a motor i Northumberland, I INSURANCE' and Alex Mackie ! and family of Toronto spent the Jer °f guests isiting Rev. weekend with his mother Mrs. A tril) .tli"<lU8n uffalo, NY. Mackie. the : Co( stopping to Fish riatche Mrs. J. Hodges of JPeterboro Mr. and Mrs^F.^L. Palmateer rington where conj ^ the guest of Mrs. Chas. Bugg. and grandson David of Toronto ants took the Part>' * x x x . spent the weekend with Mrs. inspection. Miss Vera Sherwin is spend- Lottie Coyle. Before returning fng two weeks vacation at her x x x x stopped at LittL fcome in Fenella. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Blackwood picnic supper ? x xt* , , spent a few days this week with which all did £ Miss Beverley Lowe who has Mr_ and Mrs. W. R. Baxter at short business s been visiting in Toronto return- Charleston Lake. . gram brought a pd home on Sunday. x x x x outing to a close „ ,x*xx. r ^ 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Campbell -■- Miss Carol Drawning of Tor- o{ sharbot Lake are °-uests of EAST NORTHUMBERLAND jfftto spent the weekend at the Mr and Mrs Chas Teal and DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Home of Mrs. A. Mackie. daughter Bonnie. ' BOARD MEETING x x x x The regular meeting of the May McCutcheon and East Northumberland District Miss Clarke of Toronto spent High School Board was held in the weekend at the home of Mr. Wooler High School on the Miss Vera Arkies is spending and Mrs. H. Kernaghan. evening of August 13th with all Ifiis week visiting her sister Mrs „ „ ,* * * * „ members of the Board present, 'A. R. Hawkey at Ridge way. Auto, Burglary, Fire, Floaters Liability, Plate Glass, Etc. WM. J. TROOP, Jr. Phone 114 Colborne CARD OF THANKS Miss Jessie Bugg is spending jier vacation in Ingersoll Ber sister Mrs. J. Powell. n a tour of j home they i Lake where a as served to pie justice. A sion and pro- COYLE--We wish to thank our lost delightful relatives, friends and neigh-I bors for their many acts of kindness and' expressions of sympathy shown us during the recent illness and death of our beloved father, James Coyle. Harry and Gladys CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Agnes Day and family Rev. Ronald Bonner, B.A. and Chairman Wesley C. Down pre- wish to thank their neighbors Mrs. Bonner :.f London were siding over the meeting. Princi- and friends for their kind expres Miss Vera Arkies and Miss guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert pals, Baxter, Fulton and Ewing sions of sympathy during their Doris Cook spent last week at Morton over the weekend. (were also present. recent sudden bereavement. iVoung's Point near Lakefield. 1 * * * Mr. J. C. McKague presented' ------ x x x x I Miss May Partridge has pe- a proposed list of Shop equip- 14-YR. OLD GIRL HOOKS Mrs. Lillian Frampton of Win turned to her home in Toronto ment for the consideration of the 20-LB. MASKINONGE inipeg spent the weekend -with after spending a few days at the Board. It was moved by R. J.1 -~ Her cousin Mrs. S. M. Skinner. home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ross seconded by N. N. Haggar Roseneath--Virginia Smoke, 14, C * * « : Barnes. ty that this Board approve this Alderville on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Blanche Hobbs and Mrs * * „ list and authorize the purchase while fismng ,wlth, her fa,ther Follis of Picton spent the week i Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rowsome of these materials from the firm from ' an outboard motor-boat end with Mrs. Lottie Coyle. !Mrs- W. H. Rowsome accompan of Cooper and Horton near Hickory island on Rice lake x x x x | ed by Mr. Bill Rowsome of Tim Mr. McKague gave a report The muskie was 43 inches long Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruther-1 nins spent the weekend in Ath- on tne progress made on the an" 16 inches in girth, lord and Mr. and Mrs. Alex ens. Mrs. Rowsome Sr., and Bill npvv building and answered sev- The bait slle used was creek" Rutherford and Miss Joan spent Sunday in Keswick. Miss Lillian Rutherford and Miss Norma Rutherford are Spending a week with Mrs. Jack Walker at Huntsville. X X X X Rev. E. Williams was in Mea-ford over the weekend and conducted the service in the Baptist church there on Sunday. x x x x Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Ellis and children Billy and Conny spent & few clays this week with Mr. fetid Mrs. F. M. Brintnell. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell Of Keswick spent a few days last week at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. M. Campbell. X X X X Mr. G. B. Barnes and daughter Jennifer have reutrned home from a visit with his parents at their cottage at Chemong Lake. anw for a weeks visit. eraI questions pertaining to the chub Silver Flash. Her father, Ir-same. It was agreed that a spe- ven Smoke, assisted V.rg.nta in Mr. and Mrs J. D Upper attended cial meeting of the Board be call pulhng it tne.Centenmal Reminion of the village ed for August 20th at which Fordwicklast week, where Mr Upper time Mr. Roberts, architect be pent his earl" sch ol days. I hey were guests of his aunt, 94 year old Mrs. Hugh Collins, who is the towns oldest lady resident. COBOURG WANTS DUAL HIGHWAY EXTENDED BORN asked to be present. The minutes of the last regular meeting held on July 9 were read and approved on motion by W. O. Graham seconded by A. A. Kemp. Mr. Baxter reported on results of Upper School at Colborne, FLEMING--At Civic Hospital, showing 96% successful. Mr. Peterboro on Saturday, Aug- Fulton indicated in his report on Hope town council brought a ust 14th, 1951 to Mr. and Mrs. Brighton that 95% were succes- squawk from the board of trade Robert Fleming, nee Marg- sful. These outstanding results, ;n that towrl) but m Cobourg aret Rutherford, a daughter, were beleived to establish all) there has been no complaint that time records for these schools, j the dual highway would take tou It was moved by A. T. Griffis rJst trade away from Cobourg. seconded by Sam Netley that Feelino of the merchants in this Board extend a message of general is that the town has Town clerk Jack Ewart Thurs day sent a letter to the minister of highways, conveying the urgent wish of Cobourg council that the four-lane highway be ex tended past Cobourg without delay. 'lar resolution from Port BEACH "Janice Louise SHAND--At Victoria, B.C., hos pital on Friday, July 30, 1954. «„ M, and Mrs. Arthur Shand ^SSSi^'^'^ IZZ^i^Zt pupils for this high school dist- iess a motorist is intent on going rict for the excellent results in through without stopping, he Upper School for the past school w;n turn off the dual highway )rear. and stop in town. Mrs Herbert Bond, Mr. and - The minutes of the Special Furthermore, the only placet© Mrs. Douglas Bond and little I Mrs. J. T. Priest and the Mis- meeting held on July 14 were halt overnight will be at towns L?tn« JT .we<*en* V] ses Jessie and Thelma Priest are read and adopted as read on mo- Gff the four-lane highway, be-jgtors of Mrs. Jessie Bond of visitJ; ;„ Toronto and Strat- tlon hY R- I Ross seconded by cause no other accommodation ■East Colborne. ford ^ w£ek A. T: Griffis. w;n be available. As the Cobourg TU,c= ^vi/ Xrw^.. r rp | * » * A representative from the Val traffic situation now stands, tour lb who hl\ I P- v M : Rev- and Mrs- W. Morrow of ley City Furniture Co. was pre- iata can't find a place to park in Tpr,„ M^t.V"_r*L v! g r VSS Bracebridge are spending a few sent, quoting on equipment 'for order to stop and do business. iSndSir Mr A 7 ? ^ weeks at their cottage. Science rooms. Having obtained grandmother Mrs. A. Mackie re-, _ * . quotations from various firms, turend to loronto on Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow for this furniture it was moved 1 ' M W T and S°nS ^en and Dennis of by N. N. Haggarty, seconded »_.5.fl Tiijl" Auburn are spending two weeks by Sam Netley that we purchase Mrs. A. D. Quit Qlinn, Mrs. Ford Cowie, Mrs. Ian Munroe, Mrs. W. A. Carter are spending a few days this week in Toronto and Stratford. x x x X Mr. and M^rs. _D. Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Allen ' Coyle and Mrs. R. Y. Floyd of Toronto were guests of Mrs. B. Smith at her cottage on Sunday. TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE vacation at Mrs. H. A. Frees cot Science equipment from Valley tage. City Furniture Co. as per quota- x x x x Hon of $4,434.32. Rev. F. Darnell, -Mrs. Darnell Mr. Baxter requested permis-Mnrka nf and famiIy of London are spend- si0n to order curtain material, u-c aii° inF their vacation in Mrs. Mill- about $60 worth of supplies and cottage. two pencil sharpeners. This per- x x x x mission was granted on motion iagara Falls in a Barrel? Div by W. O. Graham seconded by jng into a saucer of water from a R. J. Ross. Mrs. James* Reber and family fifty-foot platform? Nothing so Reports of Transportation have moved to their new home *ame,\s th,s for five hearty Committee's meetings were read in Bancroft. They were accom- Loughbreezites, who, last Tues- and discussed. These were appro panied by Mr and Mrs K Blake day' torn from the reluctancy of ved on motion by W. O. Graham who remained for a ' few days their Parents, braved the gnash- seconded by A. T. Griffis for fol visit. 'mS squalls of Lake Ontario for lowirig amounts: Castleton route x x x x an all day trip to PresquiTle Reg. Turk $3000; Salem and Mr and Mrs Carl Tohnston Point Setting off at 11:00 a.m. Dundonald Route, F. R. Irwin, in two email hna<-c__"the Lough $3000; Lawson Settlement route . . E. McMul- R. K. Brintnell $3000; North and "the Newbold", owned Murray, Wooler to Brighton, ; by W. C. Carter, equipped only G. D. Fox $8000; North Brigh-with a three horse power and a ton. North Cramahe and Shop five horsepower motor repsec- and Home Economics, C. W. tively. and most important, a Morgan $1200 per month until gham has large lunch the five sailors, Tohn opening of new school and then returned from England and has Carter, Nick Carter, Kay Felty. to change to $912 per- month, accepted a position in Cobourg. Rob McMullen and Marissa Rich It was moved by Foster Boul-Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and ardson, escaped slowly around ton, seconded by R. J. Ross that son expect to make their home the bend into "new, unexplored we accept the offer of A. E. Scar in Colborne. territory". After a two hour trip, borough to draw the Smithfield x x x x punctuated by choppy water and Route for the sum of $3300. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharpe, Mr. motor trouble, they arrived at Mr. Booth representing O'Neil and Mrs. W, Langstone, Miss E bluff- Among other interest- Sales, interviewed Board outlin-Langstone and Mrs. Matthews phenomena there,' they found ing products carried by their if Toronto were visitors on Sat- a banded tern with a broken firm. irday at the home of Mr. and wm8"- a long way from its home It was moved by N. N. Hag-■Vlrs. T. A. Wilson. 'n Washington, D.C. Lunch was garty, seconded by Sam Netley x x x x welcomed and after resting the- that Mr. Fulton be authorized Mr at t t tt a.i. • launched the boats and were to engage a secretary on a part tJrnr^ll.^ Needless to time basis. the horS. i7?ie-S]Pr und%at Say these sP°rtinS individuals The meeting did then adjourn rLl T ? 7 d?UffhJteI MrS> arrived safel-v home about 5:00 the n*xt Regular meeting to ^nnt^I, attended the p.m., wet, but wishing.. .that be held in Colborne High school ™eSt rT1CtS at Co1* next week they could ^° tb R°ch on September 10th at 8.00 p.m. orne Baptwt Church. wter! or at fhe caI, of the cha;rma^ and son Robert of Toronto spent , a few days with Mrs. Johnston's freeze •A°7Z*eA& mother, Mrs. E. Quinn. Miss |en' Lynda Johnston returned horn with them. Norman Cunn EXHIBITION AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 11 FARE and oneHALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thurs., August 26 to Saturday, September 11, inclusive; Return limit--September 15 Park Theatre _COBOURC_ --To-Day, FRI., and SATURDAY The most fabulous hero in all Adventure History Based on Daniel Defoes Immortal Classic The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe| In Color by Pathecolour STARRING dan O'HERLIHy on the same program " Saracen Blade " In Color by Technicolour - STARRING - Ricardo Montalban m 67Jc!ay~t1jbs^^ ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Dial M for Murder "I starring Kay IVlilland--Grace Kelly--Robt. Cummings | ALSOON THE SAME PROGRAM " The Bigamist " Starring Joan Fontaine--Ida Lupino--Barry Sullivan Both Features Adult Entertainment _n_.--.r-- n^u^, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY | Walt Disneys "ROB ROY" in Technicolor Richard Todd -- Clynis Johns and WALT DISNEY'S WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF " Plnnochio " In Color by Technicolour Union Cemetery Decoration Day Service Will Be Held Sunday, August 22nd, 1954 at 3 P.M. Quest Speaker FORD COWIE, Sec.-Treas. Dove's Lunch Try Our Lunch Room for good food with prompt and courteous service, Full line of Soft Drinks and Smokes. Day and Night Service, Phone 131 Dove's Colborne, Ontario ICE DELIVERY In Colborne Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. Leave Orders at Davis' Fuel Phone 27W or 27J, Colborne.

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