Page 2 COLBORNE CHRONICLE. June 18. 1970 CASTLETON .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitchett spent the last weekend with Mrs. Kirk Ventress at Haliburton. Mr. Randy Chatterson and Mr. Peter Moore left Friday for two weeks at Thompson, Manitoba. The W.I. met Wednesday night at the United Church, Mrs. C. Inglis was convenor and Mrs. Sprules of Colborne showed slides and gave an interesting Commentary on her 2-month trip to Expo and many SHILOH Mesdames C.J. Mutton and Lawrence Mutton attended the Brighton Horticultural Show, Saturday. Miss Wendy Mutton, Peterboro, was home for the weekend. Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lovett, Mount Carmel. Mrs. Lawrence Mutton attended a shower in honour of Miss Nancy Puffer at Mrs. Percy Wilson's, Brighton, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie were guests at the marriage of Miss Marilyn Larmer to Mr. George Pattison in Centerville Presbyterian Church, South Monaghan, and later at the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oliver and girls, Maple, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and sons attended the Air Show at Trenton, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and sons were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mutton, Campbellford. other points. This was much appreciated. Mrs. F. Welton and Mrs. F. Warner went to Port Hope and Lindsay, Sunday withMr. and Mrs. Russel Baker to visit Air. and Mrs. Lyle Welton. Mr. and "Mrs. Harold Black, Toronto, were at their cottage for the weekend. Students win for design A student's school notebook is not usually considered an exciting piece of his school equipment - however in Northumberland and Durham Counties something special has been added. Rather than having notebooks with the usual dull cover, students will soon receive notebooks with a colourful art design on them. These designs were selected from a number submitted by students in the schools and the winning designer's name appears on the cover. The winners were, Donna Lovett, C.R. Gummow School, Cobourg; Frazer Lorimer, Vincent Massey School in Bowmanville; and David Quackenbush of Hillcrest School in Campbellford. In addition to having their names appear on each cover, the students received the original prints used by the printing company. Students are responding enthusiastically to this involvement in their educational system. EDEN UCW Grafton families restore gravestones A recent project for several old Grafton families and the Grafton United Church is the r e j u v e n a t i o n and restoration of the grave stones in the old Methodist cemetery in Grafton. The spark for -the plan was provided by Mr. Harold Hare. Whitby, who had been researching the Hare family tree This history and genealogy now published, (ells of 13 pioneers of the Hare family buried at the site. Ivestigating their plots, some stones were found to be unreadable: others were found after a careful inspection under the lawn, having fallen over the years. Harold Hare organizec a fund tor the sandblasting "of t stones. Other families involved are. Lapp Webster. Vaughan .ind, Lav MePhen ;nvn. Sprintell. Me Hon, Javnes and Cooney. The oldest marker bears the name of Richard Hare, 1777-1863. At present, the stones are standing and after sandblasting, are clearly readable. The work has been carried on by the Cemetery Board headed by Douglas Johnston, Grafton. With over $1000 raised, the plan is to erect a chain fence around the perimeter of the grounds with an historic plaque to mark the spot. The Hare and Webster families, so prominent in Grafton at the turn of the century, are now widely scattered as indicated by the origins of subscriptions to the fund as s ho w n : Alberta. Washington. D.C.. ' o r o n t o. 011 a w a . askatchewan. Ohio, itoba and throughout mtai ind is still open ascriptions are aydon Rd.. Whitby, charge of the fund. Eden UCW was held in the hall June 10th with twelve members present. Unit II was in charge of the meeting and Mrs. Lyal Chapman gave Devotions. Meeting opened with 1st verse of 205 followed by Mary Stuart Collect and Lord's Prayer in unison. Hymn 399 Faith of our Fathers was sung. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton read Scripture Mathew 5:1-16. Collection taken and dedicated. Mrs. Chapman's topic was "Let your light be a light". In olden times the watchman would move through city streets crying "Hang out your lights! Hang out your lights". She said this is the task of every Christian as we find in Mathew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven!" She asked, "How are we to let our light shine so as to Glorify God? Kindness can be a light which glorifies God, unless there is kindness and love in all we do, our lights will be dim. All things work together for good to them that love God." Mrs. Chapman closed with prayer. Hymn 410 For a Thousand Tongues to Sing closed Devotions. Mrs. Gerald Waite presided for business. Reports were given and Unit II handed in $50. Mrs. Walter Pearson read "Human male as a failure", and "Just a country boy at heart". Mrs. Cowie conducted a contest "Jumbled vegetables" won by Mrs. Gerald Waite. Lunch was served by Unit 11 and a social time enjoyed. Next meeting July 8th Unit III in charge. Hl-C car wash On Saturday, June 6, Castleton Hi-C held a car wash to raise money for their activities. Starting at 9:00 a.m., they worked hard all day finishing about 5:30 in the afternoon. At a fee of $1.00 per car, the group earned approximately $50.00. To celebrate their successful day, a dance was held that night. Although weary from their day's work, a good turnout enjoyed dancing to the music of the Royal Blue orchestra. OUG HAIG Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning CLAIRE HECLA HEATING SYSTEMS Brighton 475-2823 BULLDOZING Grade work, Excavating, Fence rows. Hourly rate or by Contract Phone for Estimates PINE RIDGE CONSTRUCTION Castleton 344-7416 DOVE'S TAVERN RESTAURANT Entertainment & Dining Colborne FM. & SAT 355-2335 1 D0NT MISS! COLBORNE LEGION MONSTER BEEF BAR-B-Q SAT. JUNE 20 EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTIONS J "all included with your dinner ticket" THE NEW BRIGHTON LEGION PIPE BAND WILL ENTERTAIN DURING DINNER DANCING in the ballroom ^ 5.30 to 8.30 p.m. PY/A^P^ TEEN DANCE your favorite "rock" on records? - %N 9 p.m. to ? - TWO BANDS THE "JACK ARMSTRONG GROUP PLUS Peter Davis Trumpet and Ben Thompson y ~ Trombone - Playing All The Old Standards You Know THE JOHN DAY GROUP With Your Favorite Country and Western Music Come as you are but COME!