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The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 6 Jul 1905, p. 1

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1 THE ENTERPRISE OF EA5T NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXIIL--No. 1. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1905. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year CHRISTIAN CONGRESS. Lord of the endless ages, We find all grace in Thee: Thy work our thought engages; Thy love inspires our plea. Here in Thy presence standing We feel a joy untold To see Thy cause expanding, And all Thy works behold. From lands beyond the ocean, From every clime and zone, The incense of devotion' Ascends unto Tby throne. Thy saints of every nation And eyery tongue and tribe All praise and adoration To thee this day ascribe. For triumphs past we render All praise to Thee onr King: For times of coming splendor We to Thy promise cling. Through systems o'd and hoary Thy truth has cut its way, And beams of coming glory Shine on all lands to-day. And while the calls are pressing, And urgent is the need, For -wisdom strength and blessing. With one accord we plead. May all Thy hosts inherit That gift all gifts above, And strengthened by Thy Spirit Excel in works of love. May all Thy truth he spoken Which sets Thy creatures free: May chains of sin be broken And thoosands led to thee. May He whose wisdom searches And tries each heart and mind Reveal through all the churches His power to save mankind. Ready, Ont T. Watson. SICKLY CHILDREN. More children die during the hot weather months than at any other season ot the year. Their vitality is then at its lowest ebb, and an attack of diarrhoea, cholera infantum or stomach trouble may prove fatal in a few hours. For this reasou no homo in which there are young children should bo without a box of Bj Own Tablets, which pi omr^ a! • -^fc^gapL we, TaUrets are given "fi will prevent these ailments and keep the little one well and strong. Mrs. Joseph T. Pigeon, Bryson, Que., says: "My little one was attacked with colic and diarrhoea, and I found Baby's Own Tablets so satisfactory that I would not now be without them in the house." These Tablets not only cure summer troubles, but all the minor ailments that afflict infants and young children. They • contain no opiate or harmful drug, and may be given with equal safety to the new born baby or well grown child. There are imitations of this medicine and mothers should see that the words "Baby's Owu Tablets" and the four-leaf clover with child's head on each leaf is found on the wrapper around each box. As you value your child's life do not be persuaded to take a substitute for Baby's Own Tablets-- the one medicine that makes children well and keeps them well. Sold by all druggists, or you can get them by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-yille, Ont. DIED. Ltcett--In Little Britain, on Tues-dav, July 4th, 1905, Mrs. Clarence Lycett, aged 77 years. The funeral takes pi ace to-day from the home of Mr. Richard Terry at one o'clock Moonr.--At Neepawa, Man., on Tuesday, June 27th, 1905, Sarah Ethel Moody, beloved wife of Edward T. Moody, and daughter of the late Joel Winn, of Colborne, aged 26 years and 4 months. . What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty I Postpone this looking old. HairVigoij Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. "Ayer's Hair Vigor restored the natural color to my gray hair, and I am greatly pleased. It Is all yon claim for It." _ MBS. 25. j. Vakdioae, MechanicsvUle, n. T. Jl.oo^a bottle. ^ aver co., Dark Hair ERINDALE. Mr. D. Bland had a very successful plowing last week. Miss Jennie and Miss Annie Cooney past through Erindale on Friday last. Miss Eliza Lee from Belleville College is visiting her brother Mr. Ed. Lee. Mrs. W. Thompson was the guest of Mrs. David Bland on Saturday last. Mr. Canary of Vernonville was visiting his daughter Mrs. J. Barry a few days last week. Mrs. P. J. Lee and two daughters, of Belleville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lee. Quite a number from Erindale attended the picnic at Grafton on Wednesday last and reported a good time. CHILD HAD ECZEMA. "My daughter, thirteen years old, suffered from eczema for three years. She was treated by our family physician and used other ointments without benefit. By using Dr. Chase's Ointment she has been completelv cured. This is the only Ointment I feel like recommending."--Mr James H. Patrique, 176 Rockdale Avenue, Sydney, C. B. CARMEL. Our School closed on Friday for the summer holidays. Miss Alma Wait, of Marmora is visiting Miss Letta Waitt and family. writing. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wait of Vernonville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. B. Kellogg Mrs. D. Hall and Mrs. Edward Slowconib of York State is visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gleason. The funeral sermon of the late Jas. Gleason will be held on Sunday, the 9th of July at two o'clock at the home of his father, Mr. Lewis Gleason. SMITHFIEL O. - - 4*» - - Mr. Isaac Smith is improving his house by giving it a coat of paint. Mr. Emery of Cherry Valley, was recently the guest of Miss Opal Miller Mr. Ernest Pott's home was gladdened by the arrival of a little baby boy. Miss Annie Faucett has gone to Neepawa to visit her mother, who is quite ill. Remember the League excursion to Wellington per C. O. R., Saturday, July 15th. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bonter have gone to Twelve O'Clock Point te spend the summer. Mr. Mac Drewry is improving the looks ef his place by building an addition to his house. We are very sorry to lose Mr. F. Snider from our midst. He has been our school teacher for the past nine years, and hae also been a faithful worker in our church. We wish him every success in the new work which he is about to undert ake. CRAMAHE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of Cramahe met in the Council Chamber Castleton, on Friday June 30, 1905, at 10 a. m. Members present, Messrs. Peebles Ryckman, Bellamy and Eddy. The Reeve, Mr. Peebles, was in ■ tho chair. The minutes of last session were read and adopted. Moved by Mr. Eddy, seconded by r. Ryckman; that this council be a committee of the whole to meet at or near Jos. Bellamy's on Saturday, July 8th, 1905 at 2 p. m. and at or near P. Kelly's on same date at 4 p. m. for the purpose of letting jibs if necessary. Carried. Mr. Bellamy gaye notice that at the next regular session of this council he would introduce a by-law to recind by-law No. 569, Moved by Mr. Bellamy, seconded by Mr. Ryckman; that we instruct the clerk to advertise for Sealed Tenders for painting and kalsomining the Town Hall. Tenders to be received on Friday July 28th 1905, Specifications to be seen at Clerk's Office, Castleton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accept-I. Carded. Moved by Mr. Eddy, seconded by Mr. Bellamy; that the clerk be va.-structed to notify D. L. Simmons, to nl on or before the next regular ssion of this council and pay the im of five dollars for timber cut and moved from the public road in the township of Cramahe. Carried. Moved by M*\ Eddy, seconded by Mr. Bellamy; that the Reeve be authorized to borrow the sum of six hundred dollars, for the use of this muni-cipaltty, and the seal of the corpora-! trial of h (led tion be attached to thi Carried. Moved by Mr. Ryckman, by Mr. Eddy; that the Reeve sign or ders on the. treasurer in favor of the following persons for the sums se1 opposite their respec ' Geo. Keyes printing full to Jan. 1st 1905......$160 Oi H. Knight Culvert R. B 10.. 4 2; Buchanan Bros, gravel r. b. 47 4.3> A. Swain gravel r. b. 14,...... 6 0i W ' KIDNEY DISEASE FOR TWENTY YEARS. Mrs. Caswell Reid, OrrviIle,Muskoka Ont., writes:--"For nearly twenty years I was troubled with kidney disease, and have recently been completely cured by using three boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I have tried a great many remedies, but never seemed to get anything to do me so much good until I used these pills." BALTIMORE. Mrs. Gilliland is home. Mr- John Bennett is home for a few weeks. Miss Mabel Ralls returned to Fenel-la last week. Miss Kate Burwash is home from Branksome Hall, Toronto, for the vacation. Miss Rose Wimbles who has been teaching near Castleton, is home for the summer. Miss Cora Eastwood is home from the Conservatory of Music, Boston, for her vacation. Rev. J. Skene has returned but Mrs. Skene and Vera will remain in Mani-towaniug for a few weeks. Mr. Archie Eastwood has returned from Belleville, where he has graduated from the Ontario Business College. Mrs. Grieves-Scott and her daughter Eiss Millie Grieves, are here from the northwest and are guests of Mrs. Scott's brother, Mr. C. Pickering. LILIES OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY. . Uly In a recent int«rview with Mi Ijaajftry, she very wisely said : "The fact that i believe in the superior force of mind over matter does not blind me to the truth that the foundation of every successful life is good health; that the keystone to physical beauty is perfect physical health. "a sick woman cannot be a beautiful woman, nor can she be anything but what we English call a poor-spirited woman. "To a great extent a woman's beauty is measured by her vitality--by her health. '"Work, Sunshine, Exercise, Water and Soap, Plain, Nourishing Food, I,ots of Frgfh Air, and a Happy, Contented Spirit --Sere, as you say, 'honest and true,' is vay working rule for youth, youthful spirits and youthful looks." One great secret of youth and beauty for lbs young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her womanly system and well-being. Every woman, young or old, should know herself 'and her physical make-up. A good way to arrive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book, such for instance as "The People's Common Stinse Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, Ji. D., which can readily be pro<»ured by sending thirty - one cents in one - cent stamps for paper-bound volume, or fifty cents for cloth-bound copy, and addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 11 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can always be relied upon to cure when everything else fails," writes Mrs. Dr. Nielsen, of 4302 Langley Avenue^Chicago.^Ills. "It is^a certain cure for sw*so"m"had nity I used ' Fa- ____ for three months and then 1 was wen. Only those who have passed through such a siege of sickness as I have will understand how much I value Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription." Dr. Pierce offers $500 reward for any case of ieucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, nr Falling of Womb which he cannot All he asks is a fair and reasonable .s of cure. No substitute 1 backache, v resolution, for "Favorite Prescription " offers 3( 11. Lace v. repair road A. Hart suppiies'indi 51 supplies^iudigent. Geo. Purdy tree planting____ E. Lee timber, culvert r. b. 31 Chas. Ghent scraper.......... R. H. McGregor grading and expenses...............; 89 25., David Peebles, re committal 1 Fanny Hart Indigent...... 2 00 A. B Warner repair road and timber for culvert____.... 24 20 Chas. Mutton sheep damages.. 100 00 John Mutton sheep damages.. 4133 John Reycraft work on north division gravel road...... 10 15 J. E. Wolfraim repair scraper 1 00' John Wolfraim, work on cen. div. gravel road.......... 75 25 H. Moore, gravel cen div....... 6 00 Herbert Mutton 810 ft stringers 14 58 D. Matthews culvert tile...... 16 62 A. Cocurane refund r b 4....., J. P. Griffis repair road..... John Kewiu sheep damages____ Chas. Lilly sheep damages... G. A. Gummer gravel....... Hiram Carr gravel........... Wm. Lapp gravel r b 69..... G. A. Gummer sheep damages 11 33 Wm Carr equalizing school sections and attending court revisision............... 10 00 F. H. Davidson building bridge 55 00 Jos. Joyce sheep damages____ 40 66 John Ghent care of hall...... 1 50 L. Eddy part pay on bridge.. 50 00 Wm. Morgan refund r b 59____ 3 00 Carried. Moved by Mr. Bellamy, seconded by Mr. Eddy; that this council do now adjourn to meet the last Friday July. Carried , 32 00 1 40 :otai auu itequ o*u. .'?£-,- AyelL»? Morroff ;in 654, Mina Mfp "OLBORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS JUNE 1905. [f. IV to Sr. IV. Total 900 Req'd 540 Kenneth Conch 729, Mary Kelley '08, Clara Suetsibger 650,. John Nunn Bessie Hull 619, John Carter 604 p Kellev 572. Ill to Jr. IV. Total 900 Req'd*540. PeUrs-64, Dorland Martin [Donald '648, Charlie Head 618, Ancus 609, Gertrude Knapp 606, virace Male 605, Florence Wicks 601, 'Maude Prater 584, Newton Neville 582, Gordon Terry 581, Fred Griffis 47, Ira Card 542, Katharine McLean <6"42. . Ill to Sr. III. Total. 700 Req'd 420 Hattie Martin 620. Roy Burleigh 564, Walter Philp 551, Harry Coyle 548, Myrtle Fdwards 523, Queenie Ramsay 504, Cecil Peterson 503, Frank Gill Maggie Earle 480, -Alta Chatter-472^ Ciarance Carter 428, Ralph Weeks 426, Alice Turney 421. . II to Jr. III. Total 600 Req'd 360 Carl Peterson 472, John Lawrence 443, Kenneth Eddy 409, Lillian Con-""Tj Lynn Dudley 388, May Van-dervoort 385. Fred Dftuglas 384,Helen Snetsinger 376, Floyd Chapin 375, Helen Bncco 368, Willie Button 364. Jr. II to Sr. II. Total 600 Req'd 360. Walter Youngs 543, Marion Robson 507, Norman Alyea 495,Raymond Post 486, Arthur Stickle 485, Fred Tucker 470, Glen Chatterson 450, Marion Mallory 448, Hazel Ives 442, Bruce Douglas 430, Tommy Riley, 428, Percy Weeks 427, Clinton Coyle 426, James Snetsinger 420, Frankie Bricco 399, Nellie Yule 393, Mable Turney 360. Sr, Pt II to Jr. II total 400 req'd 240. Stephen. Martin 343, John Delaney 318 Glen Bishop 300, Harry Carter 295,, Ossie Earle 289. Myrtle Brown 271, Leo Goodrich 269, Melvin Kemp 250, Jr. Pt. II to Sr. Pt. II. Winnie Chatterson 315, Luella McDonald 302, Leo LaFleur 300, Darby Philp 292, Willie Prater 290, Wilbert Dudley 287. Tablet III to Jr. Pt. II. Harold Connors, Florence French. Maggie Haynes, Helen Knapp, Mae-Post, Marguerete Ramsay, Lome Red-■ fearn, Duncan Richardson, Laura I Rorke. Tablet II to Tablet III Pearl Coyle,Bruce Hollenbeack.Mar-jory McGlennon, Harriet Stanton. - Tablet I to Tablet II. 3" Arnold. psg.t.Li»tti . . - ;Vf Button, George Conn»i.„ A W ¥ nr A f rD lift Couch, Allen Covle. "' Willie" Covle. ALL ULALL JK. d . Grace chapin, Lome Cox, Jean Don* ' ,., j las, Bertha French, Joe. Hinds, Jos< g^rphi'tns Kelly, Arthur Manning, <Er ■ Smith. 2 + 2 = 5. No, that's a mistake But You make no mistake In Using Sherwin Williams Paints, Sold By BARFETT BROS. Colborne Hardware Store. Opposite Victoria Park. COAL, WOOD AND LUMBER THE undersigned will keep in stock a full* assortment of Scranton coal. He has also a quantity of wood and lumber on hand* Orders left at the Hotel Bristol* %ftI receive prompt attention. G. M. TEl MENS FURNISHINGS. READY-TO-WEAR Clothing, Suits to Order, In Fact Everything AT BARGAIN PRICES AT E. J. Cox's Old Stand. Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of TireJ Recommend and Sell Dr;A.W.Chase%i^ Medicines W. W*SOTJ*H0N, MR. James Thomas Dewey is Canada's champion steady bicycle rider. He is^^^ a collector for one of the big telegraph coplf^HQ panies in Toronto, .and he rides a wheel a]|'j|£ year round making collections over a w^jf district. Hjs record is 12.000 miles a yejf! Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with DunfdQ reachable Tires> , a single pair oj which have carried I' a him over 7,9J|p miles of good, bad/ y ^ (and i n d i ffe ( ejg t roads. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous |s kipd that may be attached, detached ^Jid repaired when necessary by the two ha/ ' unaided by any form of tool. Every par. ,s guaranteed for a year. j THE DUNLOP TIRE COSIPANV* ' ,s-jt. john Toronto MostMAt

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