COLBORNE LEGION ELECTS OFFICERS Newly elected officers of the Colborne Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion are Ray Mutton, treasurer; Roy Colling, first vice-president; John Dunk, pres ident; Jerry Scripture, secretary; and Roy Packard, Sgt-At-Arms. Executive and associate members initiated at a recent meeting are Doreen Tarrington, Shirley Warner, Myrtle McMurray, Arnold Goodrich, Doug Clark, Rollie Dekeyser, Irv. Grawberg, Harold Col- ling, Robert Colling, Derek Eames, Denis Dunk, Walter Carr, George Stickle, Peter Davis, John Bore-ham, Victor Baitley, Gerald Cook and Charles Moffat. ARMSTRONG TRAVEL & INSURANCE 21 Elgin St., Trenton Phone 392-9281 1* Unemployment Insurance Assurar>ce-ch6rnage Canada Canada U.I.C. EMERGENCY PAY SYSTEM Umer.iployment Insurance Canada has started an emergency pay system to look after claimants during the current mail interruption. Claimants should take their report cards to their local U.I.C. office. Do not mail them. U.I.C. benefit cheques will be distributed starting immediately for the residents of the Region of Durham, excepting the township of Thora, at the Oshawa District Office of the U.I.C, LOCATED AT 3/8i/8? Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario. Distribution from the Oshawa District Office will be conducted during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday. The Cobourg Distribution Centre will service the residents of the HALDEMANd" E' HAMILTON' ALNWICK AND on Tuesday and Thursdays, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The Brighton distribution centre will service the residents of the t0i,SwJH?>Jown?.mPS: BRIGHTON, CRAMAHE, PERCY AND SEYMORE on Wednesday and Fridays, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Claimants must provide suitable indentification. For example: Social Insurance card plus dirver's license, passport etc. People who pick up cheques for claimants on sickness and maternity claims must have an authorization letter signed by the claimant and including the social insurance number. For Further information, please phone Oshawa District U.I.C. Office, - 576-2440. THE COLBORNE CITIZEN, APRIL 24, 1974 - PAGE 3 Named adjudicator Clifford McAree of Toronto has been named adjudicator for the 1974 Northumberland Music Festival to be held at Brighton Public School May 6 and 7. Principal of the Forest Hill Branch of the Royal Conservatory of Music, a Bachelor of Music from the University of Toronto, a Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Organists and a holder of the Licentiate Diploma in both piano and organ from the Royal Conservatory, Mr. McAree is also a gold medalist in piano. Besides his teaching dut- Trailer stolen A snowmobile trailer was stolen from the South Cramahe Sales and Service garage on King St., E., Colborne, Sunday. It was a 1971 Turnco, Model 40, 6974, green tilt-type bed trailer worth $150. It was taken from in.front of the lot. Two juveniles have been charged with a theft of approximately $540 in money and goods from the home of Harold Windover, R. R. 4, Trenton. ies, Mr. McAree is in charge of the auditions for the Conservatory Branches and is well known as an examiner from coast to coast. He is organist and choir master of the Eglin- ton United Church, Toronto a past president of the Royal Canadian College of Organists and past president of the Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators Association. Swimming Staff Wanted 1 - Red Cross Swimming Instructor 3 - Assistant Instructors PROGRAMME: 2 courses, July thru August, at K.B. Camp in Castleton in the mornings and Little Lake, five miles from Colborne, in the afternoons. 35 hours per week. APPLY: In writing, stating - Name, age, address, sex, wages per hour, qualifications with dates and references. CLOSING DAE: May 3rd, 1974. TO: Mr. J. W. Ring, Director, Colborne and Cramahe Recreation and Arena Committee, Box 278, Colborne, Ontario. THE OFFICES OF The Colborne Citizen ARE LOCATED IN FRANK H.JONES SIMPSONS -- SEARS OFFICE AT 25 Kins St. E. Colborne Phone 355-2125 Our mailing address is: Box399, Colborne, Ont. IF YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS YOU WOULD LIKE REPORTED IN THE PAPER, PLEASE CALL Trixie Davis, 355-2209 OR DROP YOUR REPORT IN TO OUR OFFICF WE WILL GLADLY PUBLISH REPORTS ON ALL THE LOCAL SPORTING ACTIVITIES, MEETINGS OF SOCIAL AND SERVICE CLUBS, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NOTES, AND ANY OTHER ITEMS THAT WOULD BE OF INTEREST TO THE PEOPLE OF COLBORNE AND AREA, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY UPCOMING EVENTS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE REPORTED IN THE PAGES OF THE CITIZEN. <