Oct. 30, 1974 The Colborne Citizen Page 3 Grafton Public School report Colborne Kinsmen news NEW ADDITION A new addition to the staff this year is Mrs. Lois Hellemond who will be teaching art on a part-time basis to Grades 5-8. There have been many activities in the school during the last few weeks that have made the school an interesting place to be. Freetuition for elderly As costs in most areas continue to rise, the chances of getting something for nothing seem to become fewer and fewer. But for those in the over-fid age bracket. UniOttaw has studies izens are taking advantage of the courses offered during the 1974 v courses are varied but as one who had been away from her OPP VISIT Ontario Provincial Police Safety Officer, Tom MacMillan, has visited all the classes and spoken to the children about safety on the buses. VISITING FIREMEN Another visitor to the school this month has been the fireman. Cec. Henry of the Cobourg Fire Department brought the pumper truck and showed the kindergarten children some of the equipment. Fire Chief Harry Greer spoke to the rest of the children in the school about fire prevention and safety. KLEINBERG TRIP The Grade 6 class of Mrs. Campbell took a trip to Weinberg early this month in connection with their studies. They visited the McMichael Gallery and saw some of the works of the Group of Seven and also work of other famous Canadian artists. Sonic ol the children's thoughts on the 1 though like one, in pa sainted lady. dopted a policy of free tuition for ludents over fit) years of age include the •Diversity of Prince Edward Island, the Man and Trent ColborneW.I. Special on November 4 at 7:30 p.n the Anglican Church SS. You all come in Brighton - Fancy Pies. early in the Town Hall. Woi WarkwortK on Oct. 29. 10 a.m. Bring a box lunch. Annette Voskamp Our guide told us that the gallery belong o Mr. and Mrs. McMichael who lived in he building and are still living above one he gallery. Barbara Bates par istsput the thumb print Paula Jones ike. it Han :ebev{ ; MtYe ALUMINUM WINDOWS ARE GOING UP!! Order Now And Save Before The Price Increase Check These Features when ordering CUSTOM MADE ALUMINUM WINDOWS "Expertly Installed" Changes from storm to screen in seconds Nylon glides for smooth bind free operation Durable fiberglass screening Heavier gauge extruded aluminum in all sections Wool pile weather stripping - Gives maximum insulation value Wm. BIGFORD Aluminum Sales RR 3 BRIGHTON 475-0521 ier Of All Your Exterior Home Improvement Needs This week's winner in the Kinsmen 200 Club Draw was Dean Loveless, ticket No. 156. This was the second $50 draw of a series of twelve. The thirteenth draw will be for $1,000, at which time the last ticket drawn will determine the lucky winner. The drawings will be held each Saturday night at Blythwood Acres, concluding Jan. 11. Again this year the Colborne Kinsmen will be organizing the Santa Claus Parade to be held Nov. 30. They are hoping for an even bigger and better parade than last years. Remember that is just one month away. Any merchant, club and organization planning to participate, soon will be busy getting their plans underway. The Kinsmen hope to make a parade one that both little kids and big kids too, at heart, will enjoy. There will be more on this to come in the near future. November begins ice action With only last minute details to be tended to, preparations to have the Village arena in shape for an upcoming busy winter season are almost completed. Plans call for action to commence just three short days away on Saturday with the Minor Hockev program swinging into action, followed by the Laker Men's Hockev League the next dav, Nov. 3. The OMHA hockey teams plan a start for Nov. 5 while the Skating Club will take to the ice Nov. 6 followed by the East Northumberland Men's League Nov. 7. "With art classes already underway upstairs in the Community Hall as well as the Baton classes, and the Senior Citizen's Club meeting almost daily; it looks like a something for everyone included in the program", said Wayne Ring. Director of Recreation. "The Square Dancing Club, this year under the director of Dorothy and Walter Rutherford, are also engaged in a very active program", Mr. Ring added. Euchres at Trinity Parish Hall Winners Oct. 10: Ladies high V. Kernaghan, Lone hands D. Barnes, Ladies low I. Matthews, Mans high B. Usher, Lone hands F. Isaac and Mans low B. Darke. Winners Oct. 17: Ladies high E. Darke, Lone hands M. Allen, Ladies Low E. Gagne, Mans high J. Tutt, Lone hands G. Fulford and Mans low G. Rock. Winners Oct. 24: Ladies high Beatrice Beaune, Lone hands Alice Bellamy, Ladies low Mrs. Hart, Mans high F. Isaac, Lone hands Leo Peebles and Mans low Bill Haskin. COLBORNE & CRAMAHE ARENA PUBLIC SKATING Sunday, November 3 2:00 to 3:30 pm. Children under 12 --25c Adults 1 2 and over -- 50c- NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Village of COLBORNE in the COUNTY of NORTHUMBERLAND that in compliance with The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, chapter 95, the period for nominations in the said VILLAGE of COLBORNE is the period from THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 until TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 1974, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, (being the period between the twenty-fifth and twenty-first days before polling day) for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office(s) of: 1. REEVE (1), DEPUTY REEVE (1), COUNCILLORS (4), AND PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONERS (2) AT THE CLERK'S OFFICE IN COLBORNE. 2. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES AND SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE AT CLERK'S OFFICE, MURRAY TOWNSHIP. 3. SEPARATE SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE ON BOARD OF EDUCATION AT 40 TEMPERANCE STREET,BOWMANVILLE, of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be opened on the dates stated below for the purposes of taking the poll from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL - FIRST DAY - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, ADVANCE POLL - FIRST DAY: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1974 (being NINE days before polling day) POLLING DAY: MONDAY, DECEMBER 2,1974 Given under my hand this 23rd day of OCTOBER 1974 ALLAN LEARMONTH RETURNING OFFICER