*1ea QandetU Open Every Day from Noon until Late Night Lunches, Afternoon Tea, Dinners Canadian and Continental Home Cooked Meals Ms-mile East of Colborne on Highway No. 2 Phone 355-2431 Exhibition of hundreds of Salt & Pepper Shakers QUEEN'S HOTEL COLBORNE Comfortable Rooms Excellent Meals First Class Accommodations at Reasonable Rates Chas. D. Wood, Proprietor AUCTIONEERS CLIFF DENNY AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario DIAL 355-2106 WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) New automatic Washers, Dryers Ironers, Refrigerators, Freezers DeLaval and Beatty Pumps and Stable Equipment Wm. GORDON SMITH Phone 355-2432 Colborne COLBORNE ELECTRIC and MACHINE REPAIR Rebuilt Generators -- Starters Voltage Regulators Motor Rewinding Radiator Repairs Lawn Mower, Repairs Toronto Road COLBORNE Dial 355-2103 Custom Butchering Done at Licensed Slaughterhouse Meat at Competitive Prices G. PETERSEN Phone 59-r-21 Warkworth CONTACT BOTTOMS Equipment & Supply R.R. 5 COBOURG FORD & NEW HOLLAND HAYING EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATIONS PARTS SERVICE The "TOPS" at "BOTTOMS" Mon.-Sat. -- Phone Any Time 372-7533 CUSTOM WOOD WORKING ED. PEAK WOOD PRODUCTS (formerly Francis Sash & Door) Sash & Frames Storm Sash, Doors Kitchen Cabinets Aluminum Windows & other Building Supplies BRIGHTON 475-0570 FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 355-2626 Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION »ay or Night Calls Promptly Attended Phone 38 Grafton SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Up to 1,000 gallons $25.00 GRAFTON SANITATION CO. Grafton 7-r-ll REAL ESTATE LISTING WANTED Farms, Houses, Cottages, Lakefront Lots, Acreages, Rough Lands, Motels, Commercial Property GORDON ATKINS Brighton Phone 475-2244 Toronto: Phone 487-3333 H. KEITH REALTOR LTD. 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto Member of Toronto Real Estate Board INTERNATIONAL Grain Bind-mounted on rubber, very good condition. Phone 344-7836. j29,al2 CONTENTS of apartment including Chesterfield Dryer, Sewing Machine, T.V.,'etc. Brunswick Hotel, Apt. 5. j29al2 FARMALL CUB TRACTOR, single plow, two cultivators, snow plow blade, hydraulic lift. 1951 Consul sedan. Phone 355-2443. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Any two tanks in town $40.00 LOUIS REDDOM Brighton Phone 475-2825 ROLY WHITLEY Real Estate & Mortgage Broker For All Types of Real Estate Listings Solicited Local Representative ALF. MINAKER Phone 355-2202 Colborne FRANK E. BARRY & SON Realtors RESIDENTIAL -- FARMS Mortgages Arranged Telephone 392-9229 60 Middle St., Trenton Local Representative: Mrs. Isobel MacDonald Telephone 475-2461 COLLETTE & LAGROIX REALTORS & MORTGAGORS Trenton Ontario Local Representative: WM. (BILL) LEYLAND Phone 355-2023 R.R. 3, Colborne Ont. TO BUY, SELL, TRADE OR MORTGAGE PROPERTY See Us First! ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE Secretarial - Stenography Bookkeeping & Accounting CLASSES BEGIN SEPT. 7 Enroll Now! ALSO IBM Key Punch Training Classes conducted by Business Machines Training Institute 54 Victoria Avenue Belleville Ontario Phone 962-0870 WANTED News Correspondents in the areas of Grafton and Salem required immediately. Please call at Chronicle Office or phone 355-2107. COMING EVENTS RESERVE THE DATE, October 27th, for a Turkey Supper sponsored by the Ladies Aid of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Lakeport. The annual Decoration Day of Walker Cemetery will be held Sunday, August 15th, at 2.30 Minister: Rev. R. W. French ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George W. Latimer wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Verna M., to Dr. Eugene P. Sholdra, son of Mrs. Jennie Sholdra of St. Catharines and the late Peter Sholdra. Wedding will take place in Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colborne, on October 16th 1965. FOR SALE Take notice that all credi id others having claims against the Estate of Gertrude Beatrice Brown, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, housekeeper, who died on or about the 26th day of October, 1964, are required to send full particulars of same to the undersigned on or before August 15th 1965. AND further take notice that after such date the Estate of the said Gertrude Beatrice Brown will be distributed by the Executors having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED" at Colborne this 19th day of July, 1965. THOMPSON, HOWELL & THOMPSON Box 400, Colborne, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors j22,29,a5 ONE TON OF STOVE COAL and approx. a cord of apple wood stove length. $20 to settle estate. Phone 355-2322.....al5,22 SASH AND FRAMES Screens, Storm Sash, Aluminum Windows and Doors, Cabinets, all custom woodworking. Pittsburg Paint dealer. ED PEAKE WOOD PRODUCTS 112 Prince Edward St. Brighton Ontario 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, all modejrn conveniences, new oil furnace, newly painted, new roof (2 yrs.) double garage, approx. acre of land. George H. McDonald, 328 Dufferin Avenue, Belleville. Phone 968-5865 after m. al5,22,29 WANTED TO RENT CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Annie McDonald wish to expess their thanks to the friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy, and kindness shown, during their recent bereavement. The family of the late Mrs. John Cochrane wish to thank their many friends and ne hours for their kind expressions of sympathy and lovely floral tributes at the time of their recent bereavement. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly assisted and for the words of lympathy and beautiful floral offerings extended us during the death of John M. Kemp. We also wish to thank Drs. Shaw and Ford the nurses and staff at Cobourg District General Hospital, management and staff of Hayden MacDonald Limited and Reverend Gardiner. -The Kemp Family and Margaret Miller. I would like to thank Drs. Pember and Stobie, the nurses and staff of Cobourg General Hospital, for their care and kindness during my stay there. I would also like to thank all those who sent cards flowers, and fruit, and for their many s. Dorothy Walker NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Take notice that all creditors and others having claims against, the Estate of Mabel Jessie Thomas, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County "of Northumberland, spinster, who died on or about the 3rd day of January, 1965, are required to send full particulars of same to the undersigned on or before August 15th, 1965. AND further take notice that after such date the Estate of the said Mabel Jessie Thomas will be distributed by the Executors having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Colborne this 19th day of July, 1965. THOMPSON, HOWELL & THOMPSON Box 400, Colborne, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors j22,29,a5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Anna (Annie) Jeanette McDonald, late of the Township of Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland, who died on or about the 22nd day of July, 1965, are required to send full particulars of sam the undersigned on or before September 8th, 1965. And further take notice that after such date the Estate of the said Anna (Annie) Jeanette McDonald will be distributed by the Executors having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Belleville this 10th day of August, 1965. George H. McDonald, 328 Dufferin Avenue, Belleville, Ontario Executor IN MEMORIAM VANSICKLEN--In loving mem ory of a dear father and granddad, Harry Vansicklen, who passed away August 17th 1963. We only have your memory, dear father, To remember our whole life through, But the swetness will linger for ever As we treasure the image of you. What we would give if we could say Hello, Dad," in the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile To sit with you and chat a while. So you who have a father, Cherish him with care For you'll never know the heartache 'Til you see his vacant chair. --Remembered always and for ever in our hearts: daughter Ruby and son-in-law Allan and family. 30RNE SOCIAL and Mrs. G. A. Kemp of -.ol borne are entertaining COLBORNE SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kemp East Colborne are entertaining their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kemp, of Reseda,, California, and their two sons, Gerald and David. There are two other children, Elisa, who remained in California and Roger, who is currently in the US Air Force and is stationed at Hill AFB in Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kemp formerly resided in Kingston before moving to California and wish to say "hello" to all Colborne residents. Mr. and Mrs. Amrose Jockel and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Latimer. Miss Heather Jockel who has spent the past month'here, returned with them Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and daughter, Lori, of Whitby spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. Irish and Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: J. A. McDonald at Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Davis called on Mr and Mrs. A. R. Davis at Campbellville on Sat- Miss Cheryl Davis and Master Steven Davis of Whitby are spending a few days with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thomson and boys, Ross and Ronald and Mrs. Garnet Caldwell, Ottawa, recently visited Mrs. F. McGlennon. Mrs. Gerald Klein and Mrs. Bernice Shepherd, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank McGlennon. Mrs. W. Maslem is again in Cobourg District General Hospital. Also in hospital are Mrs. A. Dawe and Miss Mossie Palmateer, both of Burnham Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Hines of South Queensway, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe and infant daughter Tamara Louise of Niagara-on-the-Lake spent the Civic Holiday weekend in town, guests of Mrs. B. Smith, Church Street East. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Waller and Paul were guests last Saturday at the McCutcheon-Tay-lor wedding in La Chute United Church, La Chute, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Gorman Syracuse, N.Y., are guests of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rowsome. STOP at WESTROPE'S SUNOCO Brake Service Wheel Balancing Dominion Royal Tires Tune Ups & N.A.L. Towing Service King St. E., COLBORNE Phone 355-2841