COLBORNE CHRONICLE Successor to The Colborne Express (est. 1866) ?nd The Colborne Enterprise (est. 1886) PRINTED and PUBLISHED in COLBORNE, ONTARIO Vol. 7 -- No. 44 Thursday, November 11th, 1965 7c per copy -- $3.00 Canada - GEORGE HEES ELECTED mm - Hebrew Christian Church Founder to Speak Here Dr. A. U. Michelson, founder and minister of the First Hebrew Christian Church of Los Angeles, and well known for his nation-wide broadcasts of the HEBREW CHRISTIAN HOUR heard throughout the United States and Canada, will be in the Gospel Oasis Church, Elgin Street North, Colborne, On-latrio, Sunday, November 14th. at 3.00 p.m. Dr. Michelson has made several extensive tours of Palestine and the New State of Israel, -and many countries in Europe. He brings first-hand account of the conditions in that part of the world. He will tell of the development in Palestine and the unique position of the Jews today in relation to the present world crisis. Fomerly a judge and attorney in Germany, Dr. Michelson was reared in Orthodox Jewry, but later embraced Christianity. He will also tell his life's story, a heart-gripping tale of how he went through great spiritual struggle before he accepted the Christian faith. Dr. Michelson is director of th^ world-wide missionary enterprise with representatives in England, Australia, Germany, France, Palestine and elsewhere His dramatic presentation of candid eye-witness accounts of world conditions and Dr. A. U. IVfichelson his f rvent evangelistic eloquence has drawn large numbers to hear him in many parts of the world. The meetings are open to the public and it is suggested that you come early to RECREATION BAND AND BATON AUXILIARY The Colborne Recreation Band and Baton Auxiliary held their meeting on October 28th, 1965. at the Community Hall with seven members present, A. Cutler, M. Latimer, H. Irish, W. Watson, F. Dale, E. Cam-mack and D. Steeves. In an electoral contest that alii acted nationwide attention Mr. George Hees was returned to Parliament for the County of Northumberland. Despite incessant rain on a cold, dismal day, voters in Colborne turned out in force to mark their ballots for the candidate of their choice last Monday. Of a total electoral roll of 877 names, 804 valid ballots were cast, almost 91.7%. Mr. George Hees carried the village by a very slim majority of 12 over Miss Pauline Jewett The results were Hees 360; Jewett 348: Reilly 19. Latest figures for Northumberland County give George H es a majority of 608 votes. N.D.P. candidate Ian Reilley received a total of 686. Miss Jewett declared that ho is not through with polities: "I have the political bug," she said. "I will start campaigning immediately fo rthe next • Mr. Hees stated that he was happy to have won this very Clean contest, and that he had *'ws*ys wanted to represent v>rthumberland. Results by Sub-Divisions on The Recreation Director A. Cutler and B. Hart will look after the Band and Baton engagements. There are quite a few Santa Claus Parades to attend this season. It was decided that each group leader would have a coffee party or any suitable project to raise money. Moved by E. Cammack and seconded by M. Latimer. Hope all the mothers will remember the Bake and Rum-m?ge Sale on Novemher 13th, starting at 10.00 a.m. The next meeting will be on November 24th. Everyone wel- COLBORNE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Advise a general meeting open to all who have ideas or suggestions for Colborne's part in Canada's Centennial year activities, to be held in Colborne Community Hall on Monday, November 15th, at 8 p.m. Chairman George E. Johns announces the executive committee has had several meetings, and that a general committee has now been formed, with members appointed by nearly all the active organizations in the community. Members of the executive committee are Mrs. Malcolm Stobie, Mrs. R. S. Blackwood, Gordon F. Meades, A. Duncan McGlennon and George Moore. Report on Colborne and Cramahe Centennial Community Centre The up to date report submitted by the Committee on the above named Centennial project is as follows: The Councils of the Township of Cramahe and the Corporation of Colborne having agreed n a joint effort to commemorate the Centennial (f Canada, application was made for a Centennial grant whicli was authorized and together with grants donated by both Councils it was possible for the Committee to get the project under way. A further grant has been applied for to the Department of Agriculture, Province of Ontario, and it is understood will b^ available on completion of the building. With the grants of $5,000.00 from the Corporation of Colborne: $2,000. from the Township of Cramahe: $1,000.00 from the Rotary Club of Colborne (with more promised): $500.00 from Branch 187 of the Canadian Legion; $500.00 from E. W. Rowsome; $300.00 from St. Lawrence Cement; $200.00 from Bernard Fox (IGA); $200 from Mr. John Bell and a mint-mum of $100.00 from each member of the Committee including the members nominated to the committee from Council at that time, Messrs. C. Ferguson and George Blyth, a start was made, the cement blocks ordered, and contracts given to Mr. Reg. Bright for the block work and to Mr. E. Warner for the cement footings, These projects have now been completed and paid for, with the work passed as well done on inspection by an engineer prior to the erection of the gable ends and trusses which were contracted for by $237.0 FINAL WEEK TO HELP THE BLIND As the last week of our drive to assist the Blind approaches, we are pleased to announce that the total Colborne contributions this far is $390.96. This amount includes $9.48 in cash in the drop boxes at the bank and Drug Store. Needless to say we are very happy with your response. In the final week we expect many of our faithful supporters, who have overlooked us so far, to help us over the top. Thanks to this week's contributors: Mrs. H. A. Quinn, L. G. Velthuis, Mrs. R. Graham, Mrs. A. W. Chisholm, F. H. Farrell. E. W. Rowsome! Ray Beal, Mrs. J. McGillivray, the Warkworth Lumber Co. Ltd., under the Engineering of Trans Canada Truss Division, Allied Building Supply (Ottawa), Limited. Erection of these trusses has not been completed and we have reached the stage that roofing is now being put on the building. The expenses paid to date are shown herewith as it is felt that the community as a whole should know what has been and is being done, in order that v may impress on everyone the fact that this project is an < ' fort by the community and f the community as somethin concrete to stand a: to the building of c during the celebratl Centennial V Wilson ( $4,441.90: Co. $5,00f.f $2,978.53: 308.49: Colbrigl $339.50: ColborTl $497.78; Cobourg $298.00; 1 McGlennon Agency James Cochrane $178.00; Hardware $77.08; Lyle Chatter! $35.70: R. Hennings $16.25 Donald Post $10.90; Chas. Connelly $15.00. Total $15,616.63. We trust the above report will be of interest to the entire community and would like to point out that if this effort Is to be a success it means assistance from everyone and in the immediate future a canvas will be made asking for help in any way possible. Canvassers will call on you and point out what is being done and we know that you will receive them kindly.and give every assistance possible to make you proud of what you have done for Canada vand your community. J. Burns, Les Rice, H. K. Morrison, J. Coumans, Mrs. V. Hollingworth, Mrs. Mamie Mc-Clean, Mrs. F. J. Haynes, Mrs. A. C. McGlennon, H. L. Smith, Ernest McDonald, Mrs. Black-hall, George Johnston, Mrs. R. M. McManus, Royal Canadian Legion. Rotary. COLBORNE SOCIAL Mr. Bill Metcalf, O.A.C., Guelph, and Mifis Mary Mac-Eacheron, spent the week-end at his home here. YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED Canadian National Institute for the Blind VETERANS REMEMBRANCE DAY DINNER Legion Hall, Colborne - Thursday, November 1 1 th