COLBORNE CHRONICLE Successor to The Colbome Express (est. 1866) and The Colbome. Enterprise (est. 1886) PRINTED and PUBLISHED in COLBORNE, ONTARIO i Vol. 9 -- No. g Thursday, March 2nd, 1967 7c per copy -- $3.00 Canada -- $4.C » McLaughlin Reeve : Moore Clerk-Treasurei Picture taken shortly after he outbreak was reported *st Wednesday afternoon, adieates the speed with whicn ire engulfed Chisholm's grist, nil] in Colbome.Said to have here. Colborne and Brighton firemen concentrated their efforts on- preventing the fire from spreading to the apple storage of Colbright Orchards (foreground). (W. Self photo) MANY ENJOY OLE FASHIONED SLEIGH RIDES A Centennial project of Eden United Church members may well become an annual event following the very successful effort last Sunday. A committee headed by Mr Douglas Mutton of Dundonaiti was appointed to arrange a weekend of old-fashioned sleigh ride, with teams of horses, bells, and lots of hay for the warmth of the riders. The first day, Saturday, brought one of the worst blizzards of this winter, bat people did turn up from as far away as Peterborough and Oshawa. Sunday, in contrast, was a beautiful day, and more than 400 people arrived at Dun-don aid to participate in the event. Five teams of horses all loaned by local farmers were on hand, and were soon loaded at the sida of Eden Church to begin a journey across the fields and through the woods a concession south, and back by another route Because of sever.? drifting the previous day the road had to laid out earlier in the day, some of the original road having to be abandoned owing to the extremely deep drifts. Having completed the round trip passengers headed for Eden Hall'where refresh- Office will remain open until 6 o'clock on Wednesday of each week instead of being closed at 1 o'clock as has been the custom. This will go into effect on Wednesday, March 8th. TWO ROTARY WINNERS Two darws were made at the Rotary Club's meeting on Monday evening in connection with the Club 150 project. First drawn was No. 68, held by Vernon Mats a, Col-le second No. 143, Lei! jel) •nts. on hot-dogs, etc. The ladies in the hall were kept very busy and the hall was full at all times. In a. field adjoining the church, a black pony and with the explosive qualities of dust from grain grinding, the entire structure was soen ablaze from end to end. Ttfe fire was contained for some time within the steel-covered OPEN HOUSE AT LEGION CENTRE Many people availed thern-tht.mselves of the opportunity to look over the recently renovated rooms at Colborne Legion Centre, Friday and Saturday of last week. The two rooms have beautifully panelled walls, indirect lighting, and tiled floors. Curtains were supplied by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Games, including darts, shuffleboard and cards, are provided Official opening of the rooms was performed by Mr. Russell Rowe, M.P.P., his wife, and Vern Bickle, president Of Branch 187, Colborne. More than 400 people were fed a beef dinner at the centre on Saturday evening and many remained for the dancing which followed. LOCAL POST OFFICE WILL REMAIN OPEN ON WEDNESDAY Postmistress Mrs. Shari Sprules has informed the Chronicle that Colborne Post cutter took small children on free trips around a circular track. Driven away at last by his owner, Mr. Carl Montgomery, a very tired pony seemed relieved that it had finished for the day. Many favourable comments were made on the arrangements, the trip, and the smoothness of the whole ot>-eration. Another load sets off for A special meeting of Colborne Council was held on Thursday, February 23rd. Members attending were Rceve G. T. Moore and Councillors McLaughlin, Spencer, Jensen and McPherson. Council proceeded to the home of Mr. L. Gordon, clerk, who has been ill. Mr. Gordon tendered his resignation as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector to the Council. Reeve Moore commented on Mr. Goi-don's long and efficient service (18 years) ana on his intense interest in all civic under- On motion of Counclor McLaughlin and Councillor Spencer: That this resignation be accepted with regret. Carried All members of council expressed their hope of an early recovery for Mr. Gordon. .Council then adjourned to the Town Hall. W. E. Otto addressed the Council re an increase in wages as assessor. He stressed the fact that, as the United Counties would be taking over the assessing in 1968, the cost would be greater to the municipality. With a greater work load entailed in the changeover, he felt an increase, to an annual salary of $1350.00 for the assessor was indicated. After discussion it was moved by Councillor McPherson and seconded by Councillor Spencer that the motion by Councillors McLaughlin and Spencer of February 13th as it affects W. E. Otto only, be rescinded, and that W. E. Otto be paid $1250.00 for 1967 as assessor. Carried. Reeve G. T. Moore tendered his resignation as Reeve to the Council. He was then asked to be temporary Secretary and chair the meeting. It was moved by Councillor McLaughlin and seconded by Councillor Jensen that the resignation of G. T. Moore as Reeve be accepted. The matter of replacing the office of Reeve was thoroughly discussed. It was moved by Councillor Spencer, seconded by Councillor Jensen that Del-bert McLaughlin be the Reeve of Colborne for the remainder of 1967. Carried. G. T. Moore then tendered his application for the position of Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector, to be considered on a six-month probation period. George Moore withdrew from the meeting. The matter of the application was thoroughly discussed. It was pointed out that as the Council on March 13th, and budget must be presented to tax bills, etc., prepared for mid-April, it was felt that to advertise for the position would set back the whole program. Mr. Moore had had time to familiarize himself with the office routine in the past three weeks. It was therefore moved by Councillor Jen sen and seconded by Councillor McPherson that G. T. Moore be engaged e.s Acting Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector for a probation period of six months at a salary of $300.00 per month. Carried. Reeve McLaughlin introduced a by-law to engage G. T. Moore as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector. It was moved by Councillor McPherson, second by Councillor Spencer that the By-law be given first reading. Carried Moved by Councillor Jensen and seconded by Councillor McPherson that the rules governing the passing of By-laws be suspended for this session of Council. Carried. Moved by Councillor Spencer, seconded by Councillor Jensen, that the By-law be given second reading. Carried. Moved by Councillor McPherson, seconded by Councillor Jensen, that the By-law be given third reading, signed sealed and numbered 950 Carried. On motion Council did then adjourn. old-fashioned sleigh ride at Dundonald Sunday afternoon