COLBORNE CHRONICLE . Thursday, April 27ih, 1967 Three Colborne Chronicle Established in 1958; Successor to the Colborne Express (Est. 1866) and the Colborne Enterprise (Est. 1886) Published every Thursday at the office of publication King Street, Phone 355-2107, Colborne, Ontario William G. Self -- Editor and Manager Member of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. Subscriptions Payable in Advance In Canada $3.00 In U.S.A. $4.00 (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Dept., Ottawa! DUNDONAIX Mrs. Gordon Honey Service next Sunday 11 a.m. S.S. 9.45 a.m. Choir practice Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chapman and Mr. Orra Harnden attended the McKnight-Frederick wedding in Manor Road United Church and the reception in the Dutch Sisters Inn, Toronto, Saturday. Mr. McKnight is a grandson of Mrs. Roy Chapmn. Miss Glenda Blakely, Maple Grovev, spent the weekend with Debby Trottman. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taft, Brighton. Miss Lorraie Chapman, Colborne, spent the weekend with her cousin, Beth Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carews and family, Kingston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Van Waite. Mrs. Verna Hadwen and family, Toronto, spent tne weekend with Mrs. Jack Montgomery. Miss Donna Wite spent the weekend with Gail Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shopland, Edville. Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman, Sunday Mr. Douglas Chapman, Osh-aw, was Friday overnight guest with his brother Philip. Mr. Keith Stimers visited Mr. and Mrs. Alf Feather, Belleville, on the weekend. Mrs. Feather undedrwnt sur- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson egry on Monday, and Mrs. Fred Pearson were Sunday supper guests of Hr. Ted Pearson, Norham. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mutton, Colborne. Mi Jack Purdy was Wed-;day dinner guest of l&r NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Nomination Meeting Cobourg District Collegiate West Tuesday, May 2nd - 8.15 p.m. SPEAKER: The Hon. Robeit Welch Provincial Secretary to the Ontario Government EVERYONE WELCOME and Mrs. Cecil Dale, Hilton. Mr., and Mrs. Stuart Oliver and family visited Mrs. Dave Lackey, Wicklow, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Waite and Mrs. Ireland spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Locke, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waite and Donna spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Athol Clark, Port Hope. Mr. Philip Chapma was Saturday supper guest of Mrs John Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Monk-ley and family, Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dunk. Mr. and- Mrs. Harry Dunk visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dunk, Campbellford, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Purdy and family, Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dale, Elaine and Christine called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdy Sunday. Mrs. Jack Montgomery and Norman attended the music man in Cobourg. Mr. Royce Simpson, Tillson-burg, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman. The last euchre of the season was held in the hall Saturday evening with ten tables. Ladies' high, Mrs. May Stone; lone hands, Mrs. Ed Kernaghan ;low, Mrs. Jim Montgomery ;mon's high, Tom Armstrong; lone hands, Gordon Smith; low, Charlie Connelly; marked cup, Ernie Seeds. Weekend Specials THURS., FRL, SAT. April 27, 28, 29 SLICED RINDLESS BACON .......... lb. 49c COTTAGE ROLLS, Vz 59c FULLY COOKED PICNIC 49c BURNS LARD..................4 lbs. $1.00 SUPREME BREAD ............. 5 loaves 99c SCOTIA MARGERINE ............ 3 lbs. 87c F^PNT QUARTERS BEEF cut & wrapped lb. 43c HIND QUARTERS cut and wrapped lb. 63c Cotter's Lucky Dollar Store Phone 355-2535 ST. ANDREW'S Y.W.A. The Y.W.A. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colborne met at the home of Mrs. Claude Rose on April 12 with 12 members answering the roll call. The meeting opened with Hymn 381. Jean Troop read Scripture, Acts, chapter 1, verses 1-14. Devotions this month was taken from our new Bible Study Book. Selection being "The beginning of the Presbyterian Church of Canada", with Kathy McGregor, Jean Troop and Marg Learmonth taking part. A poster was -also shown on the Pattern of the Presbyterian Church. Devotions closed with prayer by Marg Learmonth. The minutes were read by Kathy McGregor in the absence of our Secretary. Treas. told of our successful St. Pat- report by Jean Troop. Wo were rick's supper. Our group has been asked to cater to the luncheon on May 3rd for the missionary groups in our area. Discussion was followed on our Rummage Sale. Same to be held on May 26th. Details wil be in a later edition of this The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A contest called the soap sermon was won by Kathy McGregor. Lunch was served by Marg less Helen Rose. Next meeting and Jean, assisted by our hos-lo be held at Kathy McGregor's with Aileen Rutherford and Oreleta Kernaghan on devotion and lunch. COMMUNITY CHARMERS The second meeting of the 4-H Community Charmers was held on April 15th at the home of Mrs. Lyle Chatten. The minutes of the last meeting was read by Sandra Pearson. We discussed our home assignment and then the roll call. Treasurer'es report was then read by Connie Chatten. We discussed the reasons for planting a garden, care of the garden and the home surroundings. Mrs. Chatten told us what biennial, perennial and annual means. next meeting will be COLBORNE PUBLIC SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 1967-68 will bo hold in tho PUBLIC SCHOOL Wednesday, May 3rd, 1967 - 2 to 4 p.m. Children born during 1962 are eligible. Proof of birth date will be required P. L. GILMOUR, Principal. Guardian Specials APRIL 24 APRIL 29 BAN Roll-On Deodorant 1% oz......... 1.29 $2.09 BROMO SELTZER ................................ 1.19 $1.07 BRYLCREEM ............................................ 1 09 93c CEPACOL 14 oz..................................... 1.40 99c COLGATE Dental Cream .................... 1.49 $1-09 LADY PATRICIA Hair Spray ................ 99c 66c MODESS 48's........................................ 1.93 $1.69 METRJECAL Milk Shake Flavours 4/1.43 4/$1.27 ONE-A-DAY Plus Iron 180's ............ 6.98 $5.69 POLIDENT Tablets ................................ 59c 51c VASELINE Petroleum Jelly 16 oz......... 1.25 88c WILKINSON Blades 5's ............................ 75c 59c Wm. C. Griffis, Phm.B. The Rexall Drug Store COLBORNE 355-2825 DOVE'S TAVERN-RESTAURANT COLBORNE -- 355-2335 Recorded Western & Country Music Featuring BOB NOLAN FRIDAY - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. SATURDAY - 8.30 to 11.30 p.m.