IBldetfly'homeowners will be . able to take some of the strain Off 'their 'heavy property tax burden this year if their local government takes affcantage tdf Ilejislation iintroduceti here this week. The province\ would finance what, in effect, -would rise finterest-ffree loans for tax deferrment to persons over 65. "The system might give ;some -immediate relief but it doesn't .ttihte '.theiresaT jprdfalem--'"it merely transfers it to the next 'generation since the payments become a lien against prop-feeky. The <©rily meal solution is fear tthe fprwvinee ;to per cent of the total costs of education over a four or five Following the next provincial 'general election, there will 'be '117 menvbers Of the legislature -- nine more than at present. But while there -will'be:a'bigger"group of representatives, wo -wort't 'have a better system <di conducting •public business until important reforms are implemented, I discussed this matter i in a recent "CBC television broadcast sand T think it's wofrh raising here as well. The i legislature iitself is a -majestic old -room "in the Toronto Parliament Siuildings which 'bears A STOREWIDE SALE MAY 1 »o 13 *o celefcrate our 1st Anniversary AT Ellery Drapes & Carpet On CUSTOM MADE DRAPES we still offer FREE MAKING IN ANY PRICE RANGE di i tc 10'^ off on all material* 1 LUj $3.95 and orer 9< x 12' ACRYLIC BLEND RUGS in SPANISH MOSS or OlSSGI AN"*- GOLD R«p;. $95.40 SALE PRICE oMly *7».m also with any BROADLOOM PURCHASE your choice of free UNDERPAD $2.25 sq. yd. value or free WALL-TO-WALL INSTALLATION With any purchase during Sale a FREE DRAW on a BRINTON 1967 CENTENNIAL MAT size 27" x 54" $29.95 Value Ellery Drapes & Carpet 57 MAIN STREET, BRIGHTON Phone 475-1800 all the markings of the British parliamentary history it represents. The difficulty is that many of tthe rules and procedures which were devised in this setting -- in the last century -- are inadequate to deal with the present-day business of the legislature. There must b ea streamlining of the rules to provide for a full and free exchange of ideas from all sides of the house. It's important, too, that individual citizens and groups of citizens -- whether they be farmers, doctors or labour union people -- should have access to some area where they can come and publicly state their own views to us from a position of involvement. We must also ensure that the government and its agencies are fully accountable to the people of the province. Coroners, for instance, should not come under direct political control. And protection agencies such as the Provincial Auditor and the Ontario Securities Commission should be solely responsible to the legislature, not to the government. They must be placed in a position where they can carry out their responsibilities without fear or favor arid in the best interests of the citizens of this province. The so-called "Confederation . Debate" is the event of the week in the legislature and discussion revolves a-round th extent and nature of federal government involvement in the proposed 'Confederation for Tomjii-cw Conference'. I agree with the government that the confer-' ence would make a useful (contribution to understanding the nation's present constitutional problems and in laying the groundwork for federal-provincial harmony in the future. But it is imperative that the federal government be involved not only in the conference itself, but in the planriing of it, so that it does not become a means for a few of the provinces to ally themselves in an attempt to encroach upon Ottawa's powers. bred, grade, etc. The meeting was adjourned and we were servd a delightful lunch. COLBRIGHT CALF CLUB The first meeting of the Col-bright Calf Club took place at the farm of Mr. Gordon Metcalf on Monday, May 1, 1967. Our club leader, Mr. Bob Metcalf, showed us the parts oT a cow and some desirable dairy characteristics. Later, we judged a class of mature Holstein cows in milk and some of the members gave their reasons for placing them as they did. The club leader gave the official placings and his reasons. We went to the house where our summer assistant, Ken Ovington, talked about the breeds of cattle and he defiried terms such as purebred, cross- hard of hearing OTICON HEARING AIDS offers you a 10-day free trial of the smallest hearing aid made. It has i cords or buttons, fits behind the ear out of sight. No obligation or deposit necessary. Write or Phone for FREE Hearing Test and Demonstration at GRIFFIS DRUG STORE COLBORNE. ONT. Fresh Hearing Aid Batteries for All Makes of Hearing Aids Repairs for All Makes of Hearing Aids We loan one while yours is being repaired the Commerce At the Commerce we provide banking service where it is required ... in your own home town or wherever you go in Canada. That is why we have made sure there is an operating Commerce branch at Expo '67 .. . open seven days a week at convenient hours. If you are planning a visit to Expo, see your local Commerce branch first. There you can obtain Expo Passports at a lower cost than if purchased at the gate; Bonus Books which will enable you to ourchase refreshments, transportation and amusement tickets at a Discount, and Travellers' Cheques which are convenient, quickly replaceable and readily cashable. And remember wherever you go in Canaaa, the Commerce is ready to .serve you. CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE