COLBORNE CHRONICLE - Thursday. June 22nd, 1967 Five CASTLETON W.I. On Wednesday evening the Castleton Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Don Ducie with ten members and five visitors present. The president, Mrs. W. Turney, opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Creed. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Gordon Carr. Mrs. S. Peebles gave a report on Public Relations and Mrs. T. Doidge on 4-H work. Mrs. H. Welton and Mrs. D. Dingwall reported on interviewing the Council about flags and flag poles and had the promise there would be flags purchased for the village. Mrs. G. Carr gave a report on the District annual meeting at Colborne and Mrs. Turney gave a report on the ACWWW Conference held at Guelph, which she, Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Peebles attended. Mrs. D. Dingwall was convener of a Centennial program with the theme "Let Us Look to the Past with Gratitude and to the Future with Faith" O Canada was sung and five girls sang he new "Canada" song. Mrs. F. Welton read the ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: Rev. L. M. Ware ST. GEORGE, GRAFTON 9.00 a.m.--Holy Communion ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC Sunday, June 25th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Westall R.R. 5 Colborne 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion TRINITY CHURCH Wednesday-- 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion Thursday-- 7.30 p.m.--Choir Praetice BAPTIST CHURCH Colborne Pastor: Rev. J. Gordon Duncan Organist: Mrs. E. W. Anderson 10.00 a.m.--Worship Service Young People Tuesday at 7.30 Prayer Meeting Thursday at &00 p.m. BRIGHTON-- 11.15 a.m.--Worship Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Minister: Rev. W. W. H. Baird OLD ST. ANDREW'S COLBORNE Organist: Mrs. G. B. Barnes 10.00 a.m.--Church Service «*■». PAUL'S. LAKEPORT Orrcanixt: Mr. Rick Tapley 845 a.m.--Church Service Constitution. Roll call was answered by An Interesting Place in Canada I have visited. "Our Country" was sung by five girls. A talk on the different emblems was given by Mrs. D. Dingwall. A Canadian contest was given by Mrs. Dingwall and won by Mrs. W. J. Tait. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. D. Dingwall and Mrs. F. Warner. SENIOR CITIZENS The Seniors are meeting each Wednesday for an afternoon of fun and relaxation. The week of June 18th has been named Senior Citizen Week and the following Saturday, June 24th, Senior Citizen Day, so as well as the Wednesday get together, we are meeting in our room on our day, from 2 p.m. on for a party and plan on doing something entirely different. A warm welcome will be afforded any Senior Citizen whether a member or not. A few weeks back, we had a sale of home baking, and another Wednesday, a pot luck luncheon which we enjoyed UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. R. W. French. B.A., B.D., S.T.M. COLBORNE UNITED CHURCH Organist and Choir Leader: Mrs. W. G. Irvine 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion and Receiving of New Mem- SALEM UNITED CHURCH Pianist: Mrs. A. E. Ashbridge 2.30 p.m. Decoration Service Speaker: Rev. W. Baird 10.30 a.m.--Sunday School UNITED MISSIONARY Pastor: H. J. Runhart 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School Visit our Adult Bible Class 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School Visit our Adult Bible Class 11.00 a.m.--Family Worship Bring the whole family 7.00 p.m.-- Evening Evangelistic Service Tuesdays at 7.30 p.m.-- Prayer and Bible Study THE GOSPEL OASIS Colborne Minister: D. M. Duncan Every Sunday Evening 7.30 -- Evangelistic Sunday, 10.30 a.m.--Worship Tuesday, 2.00 p.m. -- Cottage Meeting Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. -- Midweek Service "The Church Where Yom Won't be a Stranger Twice" very much. Two weeks ago we were guests of the U.C.W. at their church and enjoyed a Hymn Sing and game, and the social hour over the tea cups, cake and ice cream. They were, thanked most sincerely for We are looking forward to their kindness to the Seniors, the annual district picnic at Cobourg Park in July. OPEN HOUSE Merrywood-on - the - Ri-deau, a summer camp for crippled children will be holding its annual Open House on Sunday, June 25th, between 2.00 and 6.00 p.m. Families from the district are invited to visit this beautiful camp site situated near Port Elmley between Perth and Smith Fa'lls. Merrywood is one of five summer camps owned and operated by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, providing annual health giving vacations for 1,200 girls and boys with physical handicaps. This is a splendid opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of what'Easter Seals can and really do' for the crippled children. THE LEGION DEDICATION CEREMONY The whole school walked up to the Legion Hall on Wednesday, June 14. We sang O' Canada and heard Mr. Baird say a prayer. Mr. Blyth said hello to us and called the speakers in their turn. The senior citizens and the Legion members and Vern Buffey who is a referee were all there. Captain Charles Rutherford showed us his medals and told how he got the Victoria Cross. He captured 4 towns in France. He uncovered the bell at the new cairn. Mr. Irvine told us about bells. He said the biggest ones weigh 16 tons. This bell is from the old school belfry. We sang God Save the Queen and then we went to Victoria Park. The Legion people gave us free food and games like bingo and fish pond. We had lots of fun. We say thank you" for what they have done. The above item Was written and submitted by the Grade 2 Class at Colborne Public School. SALEA/l G. A. Smith The annual Decoration Day Service for Salem Cemetery wil be held in. Salem Church next Sunday afternoon. The time is 2.30 p.m. Rev. W. W. H. Baird of Colborne Presbyterian Church is scheduled as the guest speaker. Music Is under the direction of Mrs. A E. Ashbridge. Choir practice for all who intend to help in the choir for the Decoration Service will be held on Thursday evenng at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Everden visited her mother, Mrs. Myrtle Montgomery, at Sidbrook Hospital on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Peters attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. Pearson, at Warkworth United Church on Monday of last week. Ten ladies from Salem represented Salem U.C.W. at the Eden Church Hall last Wednesday afternoon when Dundonald U.C.W. entertained. Mrs. Jennie Benedict of Union Neighbourhood spent several days last week at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Van Wicklin. Grades 7 and 8 of South Cramahe Public School, along with their teaohers, spent Thursday and Friday of last week at Expo in Montreal. Mrs. Archie Bellamy attended the opening day services of the fourth national convention of the Federated Women's Institute of Canada at Guelph, on Monday of last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stickle of Edville who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary during the past week-end. Several Salem friends attended the "At Home" in their honour, on Sunday, June 18th. Despite the rain last Saturday the Mead-Johnson Picnic was well attended. It was held at Little Lake. Salem U.C.W. catered for this event. The original plan was to serve supper, picnic style, on the grounds. As the rain fell, this plan was quickly changed, and the tables were set up inr|le the Pavilion. The Salem ladf>i received many compliments on the ase with which they served the large crowd. Special thanks to the husbands and teen-agers who helped make this task a little easier. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bellamy spent the past week-end with her parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harris and Lome at Cooksville. • * * * Eight of the members of Salem U.C.W. are responsible for the new look which the church floor received during the past week. Special thanks to the committee in charge *f this project, Mrs. Cecil Bellamy, Mrs. Don Chatterson, Mrs. Sydney' Pearson and Mrs. Wm. Brown, and to their helpers, Mrs. Thos. Everden, Mrs. Harold Chatterson, Mrs. Ed. AshbrWge, Mrs. Ralph Carman, Miss Karen Belamy, Mr. Wm. Everden, Sr., and Mr. R. Carman. Don't forget the last gathering of the Salem U.C.W. before the summer holidays. It will be held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Barnes on Wednesday evening, June 28th. Roll call will be answered by "What does United Church Women really mean to me?" Mrs. Geo. Peters is in charge of the program for this meeting. • • • • ^ . Extensive renovations are taking place at the home of the late Mr. R. J. Armstrong. We are pleased to learn that his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Armstrong, John and Jane, of Colborne, plan to move to Salem sometime during the summer months. An Auction Sale OF USED ARTICLES will be held on the Lawn of the United Church, Coborne on Friday, July 8th, a*- 6.30 p.m. Proceeds for U.C.W. j7 Decoration Day SALEM CEMETERY Sunday, June 25th at 2.30 p.m. TEMPLER FUNERAL HOME KING STREET WEST COLBORNE 355-2829 THOMAS H. EVANK, MANAGER "PERSONALIZED DISTINCTIVE SERVICE" Mok. "ft**