COLBORNE CHRONICLE Successor to The Colborne Express (est. 18 and The Colborne Enterprise (est. 1886) Vol. 10 -- No. 2 Thursday, January 11th, 19?S 7c per copy -- $3.00 Canada -- $4.00 U.S.A. and Abroad COLBORNE COUNCIL INAUGURAL MEETING The first Council meeting of 1968 was held at 11.00 a.m. cn January 2nd. All members were in attendance: Reeve Del-bent McLaughlin, and Councillors Bruce Spencer, Harry Jensen, Eiwood D. Dudley and Ohas. Teal. The Rev. R, W. French opened this inaugural meeting with a short prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer. He congratulated the Reeve and Council on their successful elections and advised them to take full advantage of their religious upbringing to make decisions which will make 1968 one of the best years in Council. He closed with a prayer. Reeve McLaughlin thanked Mr. French on behalf of Council for his kind words of Wisdom and advice. The Reeve and members of Council the ntook their Declarations of Office. Council was shown a commemorative plaque ppresented to the Village of Colborne by the Province Of Ontario for the efforts of this Village in Centennial Year, 1967. ; Discussion on payments to Co'Jborne-Cramahe Centennial Community Centre for artificial ice installation, Which were on a fifty-fifty basis with the Township of Oramahe, in the amount of $6,630.80. This to be included in the accounts statement for the regular meeting the same evening. Also discussion of appointments to the Community Centre Board. Several to be contacted and appointments to be confirmed by evening. It was moved by OouniciEor Spencer and seconded by Councillor Jensen, that this Council addjourn until 7.30 p.m. Carried. Council was then entertained by Mr. George Johns, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Imperial iBank of Commerce, to a dinner. Council reconvened at 7.30 in the Council Chamber, with Reeve McLaughlin in the chair. Members were all present. It Was moved by Councillor Spencer, seconded by Councillor Jensen, that the minutes of the last regular meeting of 1937 be accepted as read.Car-Reeve McLaughlin addressed members on their duties in this 1938 Council. He stated that the fat:t that the rateipayers had faith in their judgment, as shown by their election-, and that members should use that judgment in the many decisions which would come up in the ensuing year. He also felt that work by committees would be a factor in getting necessary work done quickly, and a time-saver in general council meetings. He touched on the subject cf Sanitary Land Fill and felt that the. problem needeS much study in order to arrive at a favorable conclusion. From ppast experience, the Reeve also thought that a Finance Committee would be much help to the Clerk and also keep (continued next page) REEVE McLAUGHLIN'S 90 YEARS ADDRESS AT INAUGURAL MEETING Gentlemen: Season's greetings to you in this our 1968 Council. To the re-elected members, congratulations, and to our new members, hearty congratulations and a specia lwelcome. ■I would like to spend a short time in preview of the year we are starting and briefly mention some of the projects facing us. I would like to see, up pto the limits of our finances: (1) A defeinite streets program laid on, looking to the future; (2) Sidewalks - a similar project; (3) Sewer extension. Many sections of the village are badly i nneed of sewers, and where a majority of people signify that they want this service, they should receive consideration; In our venture last summer, we have shown that extensions can be assumed at a much lower cost than on a regular tender basis; (4) Parks. With proper and intellegtn use of grants available we can improve our parks; •- -<5> -PuVUe Buddings; Community Hall ,etc. I belivev our pinropertv committee should give serious thought to a continuous program of maintenance; fo rexample, main entrance, a possible thought to the Council Chamber when the school moves out, etc. I am suggesting that when we accent a nomination and runfor office, that we have then accepted the responsibilities which go along with the job and we have an obligation to the r?/e™ers. I belive we have been elected because the peo-pl were of the oppinion that we could and would make rled-sioras and do business for them to the best of our aWitv and not be influenced. I would hope that there will be no pre-aranged decisions or lobbying, and that we can arive at a decision after a reasonable discussion. In general. I would like all business handled by committee; i.e., hand the problem to a committee for study, do the necessary detail work, and report back to Council for a decision. Committees--Duties ,e*c. Streets and Sidewalks-- To work with streets foreman to make survey of ail treets and prepare detailed suggestions as to repairs or buil'dme. including estimated costs. This should be done as snon as possible so that definite plans can be made following prime break-up. Property--To be responsible for sCfl public buildings including naik-. In many cases considerable study is necesary to f-m^iir with grant tructure on bu'i'idmss and parks, and this ocmimittee should work with the OlerkWkk to be as familiar as possible with all projects. Our pwnNic buildings should be maintained each year in order to be free from a maior expenditure in anv one year. For evamrole. a maior expenditure was made last v°ar in our hpaWTOs unit. This committee shrMiH be cornnleteilv familiar with the full operation of the Sixteen relatives from Toronto and elsewhere were at Mr. William Berry's heme last Saturday for dinner. The occasion was his 90th birthday. Still quite active despite his years, Mr. Berry says he feels really well. Until quite recently he was a regular attdant in the choir of Trinity Anglican Church. 100 YEARS Mrs. Mary Ann Down of R. R. jl Hilton, will be celebrating her 100th birthday with friends on January 19th and 20th. when "Open House" will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Down, Hilton. Mrs. Down is a native, of Cramahe Township and a regular reader of the Chronicle, HIP FRACTURED IN FALL . While taking his dog for a walk on Tuesday evening, .Mr. Sidmey Sprules had the misfortune to s^ip at the north end of Vietorv Larxi. and fall sustaining *a fratture of the hip. While the ambulance was being called, blankets were used in an eilf^H. to nvrn^a'n warmth, as the night temperature was well below zero, and a sharp wind was blowing. Dr. Pember arrived and arrangements were made for Mr. Sorules' reception at Oobourg General Hospital. Community Centre, the Youth Centre, and Recreation as to Tw>arks. etc.. and, of course, be re=ioonsible for Community Hal. Fire Hall and municipally owned properties. Finance--I believe our Clerk would welcome a committee fo do a detailed inspection of all aeounts previous to passing for Twrneii4-, as well as making themselves familiar with loans, etc.. throu^ih the bank. This shouM re^eve the OVrk of some of the responsibility and make our Council more familiar with the financial set-up. This may be a standing committee or vou may appoint two members for each subsequent meeting. WnTiferv Land FMt Committee --T^rs has developed into a serious p>rolMem and in sipite of considerable effort and work iiast ymr w» still have I vr**t-l°m. fit will be necessary for this committee to give serious thought to .woime system which we hone will bring a lasting conclusion to this problem. ReereaiHrvn and Cemmu.nitv Centre-- These committees are outside of council, but are represented bv oourtcil members in each group. As we are fl-nanda^v rpsm-m-rble in each case, the memlhers should attend all meetings and be as familinr as possible with the woriMn^s of the projects, esioe-ciallv the financial end of fhe coercion, and to see that a reort is presented to council regularly. CRAMAHE COUNCIL INAUGURAL MEETING Cramahe Council met in the Town Ha'l, Oastleton on January 2nd at 11.00 a.m. It was moved by H. S. Oliver and seconded by J. A. McComb that the 1967 Council of the Township of Cramahe do now adjourn sine die. Carried. The Inaugural meeting of the 1968 Township Council was calle dto order and ,after subscribing to the Declaration of Office, took their seats as follows: Jas. F. Cochrane, Reeve; Robert L. Blyth, Deputy Reeve; Harold Bedford, J. A. McComb and Howard Oliver, Councillors. .Reeve Cochrane then called on the Rev. H. E. Parsons to take charge of the Devotional Service. He read a passage of stcripture and closed wit fta suitable prayer asking guidance of the Council in their duties tfarirs "he year 1968. lit was nv 1 by R. L. Blyth and seconded by H. Bedford that a hearty vote of thanks be extended to the Rev. H. Parsons for his insiring message to the Council. Carried. The Council then adjourned until 1.30 p.m. A! 12.15 the Council and officers sat down to a well-prepared fowl dinner in the Hall, served by the ladies Hf Casitleton Community Club, compliments of the Treasurer aid Clerk. Mr. Cochrane extended a vote of thanks to the ladies for the lovely dinner which was appreciated by all. The Council was called to order at 1.30 and continued the regular business. A motion by H. Bedford and R. L. Blyth that a by-law to provide for the appointment and remuneration of certain Township officers for the Township of Cramahe for -the year 1068, be now rea da first time, was carried. It was then moved by H. S. Oliver, seconded by J. A. MC-Cbmb, that Rule 23 be sus-pepr.ded for the balance of the session. Carried. On nation of J. A. MeComb and H. S. Oliver, the By-law was read a second and third time, signed, sealed and numbered 1187. It was moved by R. L. Blyth and seconded by H. Bedford that the Township of Cramahe hereby appoint Dave Dingwall as representative on the Cobourg District General Hospital Board for 1968. Carried. Schdule of Officers: Olerk, G. R. Beavis, at a salary of $1,200.00 per annum-Treasurer, L. Darling, $950 00 per annum; Bali keeper, Alex Clark, $5.00 a sitting; Stock Valuator, ,T. e. Oooney, $5 00 a call; Welfare Officer, D. Dingwall, $500.00 per annum; Auditor, D. M. Peebles, $300.00 per annum. By-law No. 1188 was duly passed autharizing the borrowing of certain sums of money from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to meet the current expenditures of th» Township of Cramahe. Moved by H. Bedford and seconded by H. Oliver, that all accounts to date be paid. Oar- CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD INAUGURAL MEETING Te inaugural meeting of the Cramiahe Township School Area Board was held in Castle ton School on Wednesday, January 3rd, at 8 p.m., with all members present. Mrs. Robt. Sleeves and Mi. L. .Vanwiicklin then took their oaclarations of office. The election of officers took place at this time with the following result: Moved by Mr.-. Steeves and seconded by Mr. L. Vanwicklin that Mr, John Watson be chairman. Caried. Moved by Mr. Carl Montgomery and seconded by Mr. Leslie Piatt that Mrs.Steeves be vice-chairman. Carried. The Rev. H. E. Parsons having een invited to e ppresent, was caWed on to take charge of the devotional period. ThL< he did in a capable manner and expressed appreciation to the Board for the opportunity of meeting with them, and closed his remarks with prayer. Mr. Watson thanked the Rev./ Parsons for coming out and speaking to them. It was moved by Carl Montgomery and seconded by Mrs. Siteeves that Bruce Spencer be engaged as secretary-treasurer for another year at the same salary as before. Carried. Moved by C. Montgomery and seconded by Mrs. Steevees that all meetings be adjourned by 12 o'clock and a rekwded vote be taken. In favour: Mrs. Steeves, Carl Montgomery, Leslie Piatt. John Watson. Mr. L. Vanwicklin abstained from voting. Moved by Leslie Piatt and seconded by Mrs. Steeves that Quinte Plumbing & Heating Ltd', be plaid the first payment i nthe amount of $15,609 -78. Carried. Moved by Carl Montgomery and seconded by Leslie Piatt that the chairman and secretary be authorized to borimv from the Canadian Impeml Bank of Commerce in Colborne from time to time and not exceeding $50,000.00 by way of promissory notes. Carried. It was moved by Mr. L. Vanwiicklin that we adjourn. W.Ot); Orders were then dirawn on the the Treasurer as follow: j Colborne & Oramahe Centennial Committee $6,630.80: Ontario Education Capital Aid Coj ation By-law 1173 $4,200: Bell Telephone, ha1!, 8.98; BSOy Burleigh re dump 15.00; D. >Sr Peebles, salary auditor, 300 (x>; Aflcx Rutherford Jr., re amblv-lance, 120.00: McGiennon Agency, treasurer bond, 10.00; Goc, -Moiklliejd'im. balance re furnace, 281.26; Rev. H. Parsons, honorarium, 10.00: Q A. Keeley, Con. fee6 rural num. 15.00; Ontario Good Road», eon. fee6, 15.00. Council adjourned to meet the first Friday in February at 1.30 p.m.