Thursday May 8, 1969 Colborne Chronicle FARMERS UNION The Ontario Farmer's Union has written to Premier John P Robarts, regarding the amended regulations applied by the Departjj^nt of Health concerning the use of pesticides imported from the United States-Reports reaching the office of the Farmers Union indicate that atrazine, for example, is available from the US- only under a difierent brand name, and can be imported but cannot legally be used in Ontario even though the ingredients are the same, and the product is manufactured by the same company The restriction being placed on farm chemicals will undoubtedly create increased costs to farmers, simply because the US- brand cannot be registered at this time-The letter to Mr- Robarts stated: "If it is against the interest of public healti to allow jc of this chemical in Ontario, it is equally as dangerous to allow the consumption of imported food from the U-S-, grown with the use of these chemicals." The Farmers Union expressed its concern with regulations of this nature and requested immediate action as farmers are already in the process of planting crops and require these chemicals Peter Twynstra, Ailsa Craig, 2nd vice president of the OFU said, "The chemical analysis of, for example, the pesticide atrizine, (av"-ad^ble in Canada at a much higher "rice* and A-trex, available in the United S'ates are exactly the same and made by the same company in Africa-............. The new name A-Trex. for Atrizine, has been accepted by the US- Department of Agriculture and will be adopted in Canada in 1970, but the Canadian Department of Agriculture who has approved the chemical analysis, will not allow the pesticide to be imported " -~! the US- because it is now called A-Trex To import it from the US- means a substantial saving to farmers, who are now forced to buy the more expensive same pesticide from an all exclusive importer in Canada- Mr Twynstra said, "there are some shenanigans going on here, probably to use this as a test case td stop future fertilizer from coming into Canada. If farmers are forced to sell at the world market prices why aren't they allowed to buy their input cost at the same world market?" he questioned- Tarriff protection for all or just the'ltfiosen ones? NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Progressive Conservative Association ANNUAL MEETING Thursday, May 15, 1969 WARKWORTH Town Hall at 8.15 p.m. SPEAKER; The Hon. Darcy McKeough 1 Minister of Municipal Affairs EVERYONE WELCOME I _k News Of MINDONALD The Sunday School will conduct Mothers day service, 11- am- Special music by Junior choir- Every one welcome Mr-, Mrs- Harold Purdy and family, Port Hope were Sunday dinner guests with his parents Mr-. Mrs- Jack Purdy. Mr-, Mrs. Clifford Oliver, and family, King City were Sunday supper guests of Mr, Mrs Howard Oliver- Mr, Mrs- Victor Scott and Susan Port Credit, spent the weekend at their cottage-Mr-, Mrs- Walter Pearson were Sunday supper guests of Mr-, Mrs Donald Bennett, Trenton- Mr-, Mrs- Douglas Mutton called at Cobours>'vTn** trict Hosoital several tV>-es to visit Mrs WW. M.*» Hon, Miss Nellie Mutton and Mr. Gerald Quinn. Mr-, Mrs- Kenneth Mutton were Mondav guests of Mr-, Mrs- Neil Taft, TCriqdvton in honour of Mrs M"+*on'<3 birthday-Mrs. Jack Montgomery and Norman and Bob Ha dwen were Sundav supne-,-euests of Mr-, Mrs. Jim Monteomorv. Coi-H^g. pi. Mr , Mrs. Lval Chapman and family were Sunday dinner ernpsts of Mr-, Mrs Howard Chapman Mr, Mrs- Glenn Waite and Connie, St- Catharines ^d Mr. Ed Wells, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr-, Mrs- Gerald Waite- Mrs- Jack Purdy visited Mrs- WW- Mutton and Miss Nellie Mutton in Cobourg Hospital Friday. Mr-, Mrs- Raymon Brown Brighton, Mr-, Mrs- Jim Cummings and family Hilton, Mr-, Mrs. Van Waite attended the Christening and later were dinner guests of Mr-, Mrs. Jenyv Waite Mr, Mrs- CAenr Waite and Connie, St Catherines and Mr- Ed Wells, Toron to, Mr-, Mrs- Jamison, David and Vaughan, Codrin-gton, Mrs- Katherine Ross and Jamie. Belleville. Mr-Mrs- Gerld Waite. Ronnie and Donna, Mr, Mrs. Kenneth Mutton attended, Christening and were di-ier imests of Mr, Mrs Gary Waite Mr. Austin Maher, Coherer, Mr, Mrs. Wavrie Mutton and sons. Salem wore Sundav supper guests of Mr, Mrs D^n<-las Mutton in honour of Mrs-Mutton's birthday. Mr- Mrs. Clifford Godwin, Whitby spent the weekend with Mrs. Rov Chapman and Ray, Mrs- Gerald Waite spent Mondav with them- Mr, Mrs. Glen Waite -->d Cnrirne, Rt- Catherine Mr- Ed Wells, Toronto, Mr, Mrs- Gerald Wrfite Ronnie and Donna spent PROCLAMATION This Is To Proclaim Sat. May 3 to Sat. May 10 CLEAN LIP WEEK IN COLBORNE DELDERT MCLAUGHLIN, Reeve Saturday evening with Mi-Mrs. Kenneth Mutton Two children were Christened Sunday morning by Rev- R-W- French- Jef- ferey Jerry- son of Mr, Mrs- Jerry Waite and Garry Jack Jr. (Garth) son of Mr, Mrs- Garry Waite- TEENAGERS ! TEENAGERS INTERESTED IN TEEN CLUB AND CITIZENS, CHURCH GROUPS, ROTARY, SCOUTS or any organizations wilting to assist in organizing a TEEN TOWN Meet at the Town Hall -- Thurs- May 15th AT 7 pm COLBORNE PACKING CO. FINEST QUALITY -- BEEF PORK & LAMB WHOLESALE and RETAIL Specializing in Home Freezer Orders Custom Killing * Cutting * Wrapping * Quick Freezing : Expertly done at United Counties most Modern Abbatoir Under Government Inspection Plant 185 RR? Colborne *********** phone 355 2724 Highway 2 Halfway between Colb- - G.afton OPEN SUNDAY AFTRENOON This is the time to sell! Buyers waiting (or all type of property! Icreage - Hom^ - Faims PHONE 475 - 2024 Gordon & Helen Atkins